"whoever Wants To Fight Terrorism Must Cooperate With Syria"


Nov 14, 2012

A speaker of the Peopleā€™s Assembly Mohammad, Jihad al-Laham, wonders, why the countries, which are exposed to the terrorism of ISIS and other groups, are not invited in the international coalition against Isis.

Damascus, SANA- Speaker of the Peopleā€™s Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham said that the terrorist war against Syria is becoming fiercer despite the Security Councilā€™s resolution No. 2170 which called on the worldā€™s countries to fight terrorism, particularly the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS) and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organizations.

He affirmed that the U.S. and Western movements to form an alliance outside the framework of the Security Council to fight ISIS do not reflect a true will to confront terrorism.

In a speech during the Peopleā€™s Assembly session on Sunday, al-Laham said that the countries which joined this alliance are the ones that armed, financed, trained, and sent terrorists to Syria, weather these terrorists are affiliated to ISIS or Jabhat al-Nusra, pointing out that the aforementioned countries have rejected to cooperate with Russia, China, Iran, and Syria to fight terrorism.

ā€œAre there any sane persons who could think about fighting terrorism without cooperation with the countries which are exposed to it?ā€ The Speaker wondered.

He also added that whoever truly wants to fight terrorism must learn from Syria and its army and to cooperate with its government according to a long-term plan.

Al-Laham hailed the role of the Syrian Arab Army in confronting terrorism imposed on the country.

He also urged the newly-appointed government to shoulder its responsibility and address the citizensā€™ needs.

Addressing the governmentā€™s members, Al-Laham said ā€œgreat are the hopes pinned on you and us, and so are the challengesā€¦Therefore, we are required to develop ideas and figure out possible solutions amid these difficult circumstances to bridge the gap between the stateā€™s institutions and citizens.ā€

Al-Laham reviewed in his speech the damage caused to the agricultural and industrial sectors which, he said, requires concerted efforts to have them resurrected.
Speaker al-Laham Whoever wants to fight terrorism must cooperate with Syria SYRIA 360
What? Why on Earth would they want to cooperate with Syria, when this whole thing was orchestrated as a pretext to get rid of Assad? :eek-52:

I agree though, if they were serious about ISIS, just as they are working with the Iraqis, they should be working WITH the Syrians, not ignoring them.

Lavrov: West may use ISIS as pretext to bomb Syrian govt forces
Lavrov West may use ISIS as pretext to bomb Syrian govt forces RT News
In Moscowā€™s view, this represents ā€œa double standardā€ and an attempt to justify terrorism.

Up until the Syrian conflict, Russia and the West were unanimous that terrorism cannot be justified ā€œno matter what motive was behind them,ā€ Lavrov said. But in case with Syria the West had a ā€œdifferent, two-faced stance.ā€ It was only when the terrorism threat which originated in Libya crept to Lebanon and then Iraq that Western countries realized it was time to deal with that, Lavrov said.

ā€œHaving admitted it with a huge delay, western partners for some reason think that this threat should be eliminated on the territory of Iraq, while on the territory of Syria it might be left to the consideration of those who conduct the operation,ā€ Lavrov said.

The US agreed its airstrikes against Islamic State militants on Iraqi territory with Baghdad, Lavrov said. However, ā€œit was rumoredā€¦ no such permission was required from the government of Syria because they claim ā€˜Assad should resign and his regime should be overthrownā€™.ā€

Lavrov said that there could be no different interpretation when it comes to the common interests of the West, Russia and other states: ā€œTerrorist threats must be eliminated and terrorists liquidated,ā€ he said.
the "WHOLE THING WAS ORCHESTRATED TO GET RID OF ASSAD"??? what whole thing? 1400 years of the filth of islam?
the "WHOLE THING WAS ORCHESTRATED TO GET RID OF ASSAD"??? what whole thing? 1400 years of the filth of islam?


so it was MUHUMMAD all along? ----because he hated his son-in-law. I am the only daughter of my parents-----they had lots of sons---but one girl---me. My dad looked with anger and hatred in his eyes at any
"boyfriend" that came my way (actually lots of SUSPICION) ----was that the issue between muhummad and ---uhm ali Hussein or----Hussein ali ---or whatevah his name was------he was THAT protective of "fartimah"---or whatevah her name was?

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