Who would you select for you financial manager?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
You have two choices...

A man seen as a Messiah by many 4 years ago that resulted in the country's worst deficit, credit downgrades for the first time in US history, let down job seekers in every state of the union and brought more taxes to this country when he promised otherwise...


A man skilled in economics who turned companies around, saved the Olympics and knows about investing in the future?

When it comes to my money it would be on the man who's skilled in economics.

Our money is the taxpayers money and we need the man who has a proven track record of success.
You have two choices...

A man seen as a Messiah by many 4 years ago that resulted in the country's worst deficit, credit downgrades for the first time in US history, let down job seekers in every state of the union and brought more taxes to this country when he promised otherwise...


A man skilled in economics who turned companies around, saved the Olympics and knows about investing in the future?

When it comes to my money it would be on the man who's skilled in economics.

Our money is the taxpayers money and we need the man who has a proven track record of success.

Romney can promise, with a straight face, that he'll balance the budget while cutting taxes and increasing defense spending.

The man doesn't even know math, let alone finance.
You have two choices...

A man seen as a Messiah by many 4 years ago that resulted in the country's worst deficit, credit downgrades for the first time in US history, let down job seekers in every state of the union and brought more taxes to this country when he promised otherwise...


A man skilled in economics who turned companies around, saved the Olympics and knows about investing in the future?

When it comes to my money it would be on the man who's skilled in economics.

Our money is the taxpayers money and we need the man who has a proven track record of success.

Excellent question with only one logical answer.
You have two choices...

A man seen as a Messiah by many 4 years ago that resulted in the country's worst deficit, credit downgrades for the first time in US history, let down job seekers in every state of the union and brought more taxes to this country when he promised otherwise...


A man skilled in economics who turned companies around, saved the Olympics and knows about investing in the future?

When it comes to my money it would be on the man who's skilled in economics.

Our money is the taxpayers money and we need the man who has a proven track record of success.

Mitt Romney gets my vote. And how nice if he found a good place in his Cabinet for Paul Ryan and Herman Cain, both experienced in matters of finance and math. :eusa_clap:
The Failed Governor of Massachusetts?

You call this a failure?

--]Upon entering office, Romney faced a $3 billion deficit

--Official state figures said that fiscal 2005 finished with a $594.4 million surplus.[3][24] [B

--]For fiscal 2006, the surplus was $720.9 million according to official figures[/B].[24]

-- The state's "rainy day fund", more formally known as the Stabilization Fund, was replenished through government consolidation and reform. [B

]--At the close of fiscal year 2006, the fund enjoyed a $2.155 billion balance.[24][/B]

Governorship of Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Failed Governor of Massachusetts?

A failed President?

Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, spent most of his career in the private sector. His Bain Capital firm helped many business firms, including start-ups, created thousands of jobs and wealth for many people, including himself. He earned millions of dollars, but gave at least 15 percent of his earnings to charities. In addition, the money he inherited from his parents was also donated to charities. In 2002, when the Winter Olympic Games were on the brink of collapse, he agreed to serve as its CEO and saved the Olympics. Romney is a great leader, a wonderful family man, a humanitarian and has a terrific record of proven success.

In contrast, the Obama Administration of the last 3 ½ years was nothing less than a disaster. The list of Obama’s failures is too long to mention them here; however, please note the following:

•Wasted billions of dollars in unsuccessful stimulus programs, doubling the deficit to close to $16 trillion; created jobs-killing regulations and hidden taxes. How many people know that his Obamacare, soon to be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, increased the monthly Medicare payment from $96.40 in 2011 to $247.00 in 2014? So much for helping the middle class!

•Prevented more oil drilling and the Keystone XL pipeline; gave billions of taxpayer dollars to his green energy cronies, i.e. bankrupt Solyndra. Obama’s solutions to high gasoline prices: inflate tires, engine tune ups and use algae!

•Instead of being a unifier, Obama advocated class warfare, ignored the Constitution, demonized the business community and blamed everyone, except himself.

•Conducted a foreign policy of apologizing, betraying our friends and allies, i.e. Israel (does not want to recognize Jerusalem, as its capital), refusing to support the Iranian democratic protesters, bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia, leading from behind, etc. How can we trust Obama, when he told Medvedev that he will be more flexible (read compromising) after his re-election. But not everyone is critical of him; Ayatollah Khamneni praised Obama’s “wise foreign policy.”

•Obama’s mentors and associates included: Harvard professor Derrick Bell, Rev. Wright, Minister Farrakhan, all racists and anti-Semites; also, Van Jones, an avowed Communist, incompetent officials, i.e., AG Holder, Energy Secretary Chu, DHS Napolitano, etc.

Imagine what Obama will do in his second term? He believes in a socialist country, where the government controls every aspect of our lives.

Opinion: Romney's record of success vs. Obama's failures - www.phillyburbs.com: Guest Opinions: guest opinion, presidential election, romney's successes, obama's failures,
The Failed Governor of Massachusetts?

A failed President?

Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, spent most of his career in the private sector. His Bain Capital firm helped many business firms, including start-ups, created thousands of jobs and wealth for many people, including himself. He earned millions of dollars, but gave at least 15 percent of his earnings to charities. In addition, the money he inherited from his parents was also donated to charities. In 2002, when the Winter Olympic Games were on the brink of collapse, he agreed to serve as its CEO and saved the Olympics. Romney is a great leader, a wonderful family man, a humanitarian and has a terrific record of proven success.

In contrast, the Obama Administration of the last 3 ½ years was nothing less than a disaster. The list of Obama’s failures is too long to mention them here; however, please note the following:

•Wasted billions of dollars in unsuccessful stimulus programs, doubling the deficit to close to $16 trillion; created jobs-killing regulations and hidden taxes. How many people know that his Obamacare, soon to be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, increased the monthly Medicare payment from $96.40 in 2011 to $247.00 in 2014? So much for helping the middle class!

•Prevented more oil drilling and the Keystone XL pipeline; gave billions of taxpayer dollars to his green energy cronies, i.e. bankrupt Solyndra. Obama’s solutions to high gasoline prices: inflate tires, engine tune ups and use algae!

•Instead of being a unifier, Obama advocated class warfare, ignored the Constitution, demonized the business community and blamed everyone, except himself.

•Conducted a foreign policy of apologizing, betraying our friends and allies, i.e. Israel (does not want to recognize Jerusalem, as its capital), refusing to support the Iranian democratic protesters, bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia, leading from behind, etc. How can we trust Obama, when he told Medvedev that he will be more flexible (read compromising) after his re-election. But not everyone is critical of him; Ayatollah Khamneni praised Obama’s “wise foreign policy.”

•Obama’s mentors and associates included: Harvard professor Derrick Bell, Rev. Wright, Minister Farrakhan, all racists and anti-Semites; also, Van Jones, an avowed Communist, incompetent officials, i.e., AG Holder, Energy Secretary Chu, DHS Napolitano, etc.

Imagine what Obama will do in his second term? He believes in a socialist country, where the government controls every aspect of our lives.

Opinion: Romney's record of success vs. Obama's failures - www.phillyburbs.com: Guest Opinions: guest opinion, presidential election, romney's successes, obama's failures,

Excellent post, Freewill. It's a big nutshell, but you got it in there!
The Failed Governor of Massachusetts?

A failed President?

Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, spent most of his career in the private sector. His Bain Capital firm helped many business firms, including start-ups, created thousands of jobs and wealth for many people, including himself. He earned millions of dollars, but gave at least 15 percent of his earnings to charities. In addition, the money he inherited from his parents was also donated to charities. In 2002, when the Winter Olympic Games were on the brink of collapse, he agreed to serve as its CEO and saved the Olympics. Romney is a great leader, a wonderful family man, a humanitarian and has a terrific record of proven success.

In contrast, the Obama Administration of the last 3 ½ years was nothing less than a disaster. The list of Obama’s failures is too long to mention them here; however, please note the following:

•Wasted billions of dollars in unsuccessful stimulus programs, doubling the deficit to close to $16 trillion; created jobs-killing regulations and hidden taxes. How many people know that his Obamacare, soon to be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, increased the monthly Medicare payment from $96.40 in 2011 to $247.00 in 2014? So much for helping the middle class!

•Prevented more oil drilling and the Keystone XL pipeline; gave billions of taxpayer dollars to his green energy cronies, i.e. bankrupt Solyndra. Obama’s solutions to high gasoline prices: inflate tires, engine tune ups and use algae!

•Instead of being a unifier, Obama advocated class warfare, ignored the Constitution, demonized the business community and blamed everyone, except himself.

•Conducted a foreign policy of apologizing, betraying our friends and allies, i.e. Israel (does not want to recognize Jerusalem, as its capital), refusing to support the Iranian democratic protesters, bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia, leading from behind, etc. How can we trust Obama, when he told Medvedev that he will be more flexible (read compromising) after his re-election. But not everyone is critical of him; Ayatollah Khamneni praised Obama’s “wise foreign policy.”

•Obama’s mentors and associates included: Harvard professor Derrick Bell, Rev. Wright, Minister Farrakhan, all racists and anti-Semites; also, Van Jones, an avowed Communist, incompetent officials, i.e., AG Holder, Energy Secretary Chu, DHS Napolitano, etc.

Imagine what Obama will do in his second term? He believes in a socialist country, where the government controls every aspect of our lives.

Opinion: Romney's record of success vs. Obama's failures - www.phillyburbs.com: Guest Opinions: guest opinion, presidential election, romney's successes, obama's failures,

Mostly lies. Your trolling is already boring.
It's almost a joke but it's true. Obama's choice for Treasury Secretary was a jerk who cheated on his taxes because he claimed he couldn't understand the forms. Barry Hussein never had a real job that wasn't financed by taxpayers or stolen from some endowment fund. Now he expands the IRS into a super police force with the mission of confiscating money and property from people who refuse to comply with the 3,000 page law that few ever read and nobody understands.
Obama campaign is 5 million in the hole in June.
Romney's campaign zero.
I think most would want to vote for the one who is not in hole.
It's almost a joke but it's true. Obama's choice for Treasury Secretary was a jerk who cheated on his taxes because he claimed he couldn't understand the forms. Barry Hussein never had a real job that wasn't financed by taxpayers or stolen from some endowment fund. Now he expands the IRS into a super police force with the mission of confiscating money and property from people who refuse to comply with the 3,000 page law that few ever read and nobody understands.

Sounds pretty evil. Do you have footage of him tying a woman to the train tracks too?
You have two choices...

A man seen as a Messiah by many 4 years ago that resulted in the country's worst deficit, credit downgrades for the first time in US history, let down job seekers in every state of the union and brought more taxes to this country when he promised otherwise...


A man skilled in economics who turned companies around, saved the Olympics and knows about investing in the future?

When it comes to my money it would be on the man who's skilled in economics.

Our money is the taxpayers money and we need the man who has a proven track record of success.

Hilarious. Anyone can save the Olympics with a Republican infusion of hundreds of millions of dollars of tax payers money.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpfeAIRYYHk]Romney - Several hundred million $ from govt. for Olympics - YouTube[/ame]

Republicans are a disgrace for knowing so
little about their leadership.



You have two choices...

A man seen as a Messiah by many 4 years ago that resulted in the country's worst deficit, credit downgrades for the first time in US history, let down job seekers in every state of the union and brought more taxes to this country when he promised otherwise...


A man skilled in economics who turned companies around, saved the Olympics and knows about investing in the future?

When it comes to my money it would be on the man who's skilled in economics.

Our money is the taxpayers money and we need the man who has a proven track record of success.

Hilarious. Anyone can save the Olympics with a Republican infusion of hundreds of millions of dollars of tax payers money.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpfeAIRYYHk]Romney - Several hundred million $ from govt. for Olympics - YouTube[/ame]

Republicans are a disgrace for knowing so
little about their leadership.




By that logic, anyone could save us with the infusion of trillions of dollars of tax payers money.

_____________ is a disgrace for knowing so little about our leadership.



The issue is clear for me.

This election is about the economy. So I ask myself, who best understands how to get the economy going again? Who knows best on what it takes to create jobs?

1.) An extremely successful businessman who created one of the most respected investment firms in the world. A man who started his career advising businesses on how to get better, then started his own business and was astonishingly successful. An investor who had many successes, a few that were spectacular, and a few failures, with some companies creating a lot of jobs and others that laid off people or shipped jobs overseas.

2.) A lawyer, an academic, a politician and community organizer who presided over one of the weakest economies in four generations, though not of his fault, showed himself fairly clueless on what businesses need to create jobs, and who was President when the United States government debt rating was downgraded.

Seems pretty clear to me.
You have two choices...

A man seen as a Messiah by many 4 years ago that resulted in the country's worst deficit, credit downgrades for the first time in US history, let down job seekers in every state of the union and brought more taxes to this country when he promised otherwise...


A man skilled in economics who turned companies around, saved the Olympics and knows about investing in the future?

When it comes to my money it would be on the man who's skilled in economics.

Our money is the taxpayers money and we need the man who has a proven track record of success.

Hilarious. Anyone can save the Olympics with a Republican infusion of hundreds of millions of dollars of tax payers money.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpfeAIRYYHk]Romney - Several hundred million $ from govt. for Olympics - YouTube[/ame]

Republicans are a disgrace for knowing so
little about their leadership.




By that logic, anyone could save us with the infusion of trillions of dollars of tax payers money.

_____________ is a disgrace for knowing so little about our leadership.




We don't have trillions. Republicans spent three trillion in Iraq and redistributed the wealth to the top 1% via the Bush tax cuts. They screwed us good. Admit it. Tell the truth.

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