If Obama Was A Football Coach He'd Be Gone


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama offers nothing but excuses for all of the failures he's had. I figure it like this, if he were a football coach getting the results he's gotten it would get anyone fired.

More people are going on disability than are finding employment
The debt is $6 trillion dollars higher than it was when he took office
Because of his divisive campaign tactics this country is more polarized than it's ever been
He blames his predecessor for everything that goes wrong

Obama made a lot of promises. According to him we should have been in the Super Bowl by now but this guy hasn't even gotten us into the playoffs. Currently we're in the cellar when it comes to recovery.

Why would anyone want to keep a coach that keeps losing?
He's trying to get the American people used to being mediocre. If he was a CEO of a company? He'd be in jail.

He tells us we're mediocre.....while we're actually at the bottom.

Imagine a coach that doesn't use his best players in key points in the game. The guys that score the most TDs are on the bench and Obama says he wants everyone to have the same chance to play..........only he doesn't put anyone in the game. He doesn't put up a defense to stop the other team.

Obama doesn't encourage excellence. He encourages mediocrity. Why would anyone want to put up with a boss that acts like an jerk and a job where you have to sweat all day long for a paycheck that half of it is gone before you even see it. It's easier just to sit on your butt and collect a check from the government. Less stress involved. Let somebody else pay for it.
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That's a good analogy MudWhistle.

Americans also care more about the performance of their favorite Sports Teams than the American Government.

Plenty of people know all sorts of mindless stats about a sports team, but they know almost nothing about how their gov't works and what it's been doing.
He would be coach of the year after dealing with shit the last dirt bag left , you fucking people act as if the American people have amnesia or something & then you trott out Romney it's laughable .
He's trying to get the American people used to being mediocre. If he was a CEO of a company? He'd be in jail.

He tells us we're mediocre.....while we're actually at the bottom.

Imagine a coach that doesn't use his best players in key points in the game. The guys that score the most TDs are on the bench so that everyone else gets a chance to play. And because of this you lose the game.

Obama doesn't encourage excellence. He encourages mediocrity. Why would anyone want to put up with a boss that acts like an jerk and a job where you have to sweat all day long for a paycheck that half of it is gone before you even see it. It's easier just to sit on your butt and collect a check from the government. Less stress involved. Let somebody else pay for it.

Obama's 'best' are those that share his views in ensuring we lose and become like the rest of the world.
He would be coach of the year after dealing with shit the last dirt bag left , you fucking people act as if the American people have amnesia or something & then you trott out Romney it's laughable .

Problem with that is Ronald Reagan was left with a bigger mess by Jimmy Carter and he worked it out and he even had to work with a Democrat congress.

Face it.......the excuses just don't fly. They don't fly in sports and they shouldn't fly in politics.
He would be coach of the year after dealing with shit the last dirt bag left , you fucking people act as if the American people have amnesia or something & then you trott out Romney it's laughable .

Problem with that is Ronald Reagan was left with a bigger mess by Jimmy Carter and he worked it out and he even had to work with a Democrat congress.

Face it.......the excuses just don't fly. They don't fly in sports and they shouldn't fly in politics.

The analogy doesn't fly either. The coach of a football team isn't hamstrung by a coaching staff (aka Congress) determined to see him fail.
He would be coach of the year after dealing with shit the last dirt bag left , you fucking people act as if the American people have amnesia or something & then you trott out Romney it's laughable .

Problem with that is Ronald Reagan was left with a bigger mess by Jimmy Carter and he worked it out and he even had to work with a Democrat congress.

Face it.......the excuses just don't fly. They don't fly in sports and they shouldn't fly in politics.

More bs Ronnie ray gun the great myth .
He would be coach of the year after dealing with shit the last dirt bag left , you fucking people act as if the American people have amnesia or something & then you trott out Romney it's laughable .

Problem with that is Ronald Reagan was left with a bigger mess by Jimmy Carter and he worked it out and he even had to work with a Democrat congress.

Face it.......the excuses just don't fly. They don't fly in sports and they shouldn't fly in politics.

That's right. Reagan had a democrat congress that he had to work with and accomplished much. Clinton had to work with a republican congress. O had huge majorities in both house and senate and could have accomplished great things with the economy. Instead they blew it on failed stimuli, healthcare that no one wants, and scandals.
when you're handed the 1976 Tampa Bucs you can't win in one year.

Governor Romney would have sold the team by now or pulled a Dan Snyder--who came up with the idea of charging admission to watch his team practice.

You're going off of campaign rhetoric and not facts.

We don't know what Romney would do.....unless you want to use the way he turned the Salt Lake City Olympics around as an example.

But we do know what Obama would do. Refuse to work with congress and blame everything he screws up on Bush.
He would be coach of the year after dealing with shit the last dirt bag left , you fucking people act as if the American people have amnesia or something & then you trott out Romney it's laughable .

I will not defend Bush and will agree that the economy was bad when Obama took over. Of course to blame only Bush is to ignore what happened in 2006 with the democrat take over of Congress. The spiral downward starts the next year with the disaster of 2008. All the facts and figures show us that the worst thing that happened to America was the democrat take over.

Any way, that said. Would not one think that with how allegedly bad the economy was it would only make Obama looking good all that easier? If the economy was on fire, as it was when Clinton took over it would be hard to stake claim to its success, although that is what Clinton likes to do. Clinton merely didn't screw it up and he had a Republican Congress who helped.

Reagan, and Bush both came with recessions along with Obama. Reagan and Bush went in the opposite direction of Obama and both of their recessions ended with recovery quite quickly. Obama's has been the longest and weakest in history. Hard to argue that fact and say he was anything like successful.

One thing about Romney that we still don't have with Obama. Romney was successful at being Governor, at organizing the Olympics and in the private sector, Obama did none of that and has not been successful for the last 3 years. So why continue the pain? Romney may not be the best but we sure can't reward Obama for what he has and has not done.
He would be coach of the year after dealing with shit the last dirt bag left , you fucking people act as if the American people have amnesia or something & then you trott out Romney it's laughable .

He took over a 4-12 team and during the last 3 seasons went 3-13, 2-14, then 2-14.

He spent a lot of money on flashy, no talent players like Solyndra and busted through the Salary Cap. He invested all that time with the foreign players Libya and Egypt and what happened? They just went out and signed with other teams (Muslim Brotherhood).

If he get's fired (impeached) now that might send a message to the rest of the team that poor performance won't be tolerated and we might be able to salvage something this year. The way it is now with the Unemployment Numbers rising, it looks like 1-15 is possible next year.

Yay Team!
If the Republicans were a football team, they would be penalized for Unsportsmanlike conduct and delay of game.

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