Who were the inhabitants of Palestine before the Zionists?

Britain's role in bringing in illegal Arabs and keeping out Jews, trying to create an artificial Arab majority in Palestine 1920-1948

For many who aren't familiar with the background of the "Palestinian Right to Return" claim here are some facts.

The League of Nations set up the Palestinian Mandate to provide a home for the Jewish people, approximately 12 million people in 1900s.1

In "recognition to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country", land was chosen to accommodate a "Jewish National Homeland". This land included what is now Israel and Jordan. 2

The entire area of both Israel [West Palestine] and Jordan [East Palestine] had a relatively stable population at around 600,000 people for the entire duration of the Ottoman empire.3

It was thought that 12,000,000 Jews would fill up this area (East and West Palestine) while being sensitive to the rights of the 550,000 non-Jews and 50,000 Jews already living there.4,5

In the late 1880s, tremendous amounts of money were invested in purchasing land for new settlements along the coast of Israel. These settlements were in addition to the long time existing Jewish communities of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jericho, Tiberias, Safed, and Gaza.6

Massive numbers of Syrian, Egyptians, Trans-Jordanian and Iraqi migrant Arabs workers set up camps around the Jewish settlements to work in the new orchards to seek a better standard of living. In some places (Rishon LeTzion for example) there were as many as 10 Arab settlers to 1 Jewish settler.7,8

Britain's role in bringing in illegal Arabs and keeping out Jews, trying to create an artificial Arab majority in Palestine 1920-1948
It was this guy...


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Quote: Originally Posted by u2scram
Israel did not exist before 1948. Palestine did. That simple fact alone tells you were justice lies in this matter!

Israel existed twice before 1948 as the First and Second Temples. Open a book, dummy.

Arabs and Muslims and Jews did not recognize Palestine.

Eminent Middle East historian Bernard Lewis..
For Arabs, too, the term Palestine was unacceptable, though for other reasons. For Muslims it was alien and irrelevant but not abhorrent in the same way as it was to Jews.

The main objection for them was that it seemed to assert a separate entity which politically conscious Arabs in Palestine and elsewhere denied. For them there was no such thing as a country called Palestine. The region which the British called Palestine was merely a separated part of a larger whole. For a long time organized and articulate Arab political opinion was virtually unanimous on this point.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Middle-East-Bernard-Lewis/dp/0684832801/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1288103408&sr=8-5]Amazon.com: The Middle East (9780684832807): Bernard Lewis: Books: Reviews, Prices & more[/ame]

"Palestine" is not an Arab word. It's Latin-derived and a Roman invention, "Palaestina".

Palestine does not exist in the Quran.
Palestine does not exist in the Old Testament
Palestine does not exist in the New Testament

Now, you know, dummy.:clap2:
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Israel did not exist before 1948. Palestine did. That simple fact alone tells you were justice lies in this matter!**
Wrong Israel existed for a over a thousand years. Palestine had NEVER existed. The lands where changed to the name Palestina (later Palestine) in 135 AD after the Romans expelled the Jews. The Arab conquest/crusades came in 7th century.

“The population of Palestine, predominantly agricultural, was about 690,000 in 1914, 535,000 Muslims; 70,000 Christians, most of whom were Arabs; and 85,000 Jews." (Encyclopaedia Britannica).**
The population during the 1800s was the most sparse in the history of Israel/Palestine. After largest wave of Muslims started to migrate to the lands around he turn of the century! They started to come in large numbers just as the Jews did. In fact Tel Aviv was founded in 1910 as a Jewish city.

The largest immigration of Arabs to the Territories was during the British reign. The British allowed unrestricted Arab immigration and they came in great numbers. The majority of the so called refugees came during these times. While Jews were forbidden from coming.

There was no substantial Jewish population until after ww2 when Jews were 'imported'. Often wealthy Zionists financed them. Wealthy Zionists who incidentally, decided to remain were they where!**
That is an outright LIE!!! Jews were coming back to Israel during the 1800s! The largest influx to Israel was of Arab Jews during 1948 when 1 million Arab Jews were expelled from the racist Arab countries!
In 1948 when Western powers acting through the UN created the Jewish State of Israel in the heart of the Muslim Middle East, two out of every three human beings within Mandate Palestine were NOT Jews.

One person. One vote = NO Jewish State of Israel.

Hey stupid, the UN voted created the rebirth of Israel via votes by many 3rd world countries. Without the 3rd world countries no positive result.
When, exactly, were the Jews the only people living in Palestine.

Open a history book, dummy. The correct historic geographic name of the land is Canaan and Judea.

"Palestine" applied to Judea, land of the Jews, is a Roman invention. Romans were not Arabs.

Jews lived in Judea.
Hittites lived in Judea
Canaanites lived in Judea
Amorites lived in Judea
Jebusites lived in Judea.

Arabs lived in Arabia.

Now, even you know, dummy:clap2:
Quote: Originally Posted by georgephillip
In 1948 when Western powers acting through the UN created the Jewish State of Israel in the heart of the Muslim Middle East, two out of every three human beings within Mandate Palestine were NOT Jews.

One person. One vote = NO Jewish State of Israel.

The archaeological treasure of the Merneptah Stele indicates Israel existed at least 3200 years, ago.

Not one sovereign Arab country, today, existed prior to World War I. They were all invented by the West out of the ashes of the old Ottoman Empire.

Your history lesson for the day, Uneducated Georgie
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When, exactly, were the Jews the only people living in Palestine.

Open a history book, dummy. The correct historic geographic name of the land is Canaan and Judea.

"Palestine" applied to Judea, land of the Jews, is a Roman invention. Romans were not Arabs.

Jews lived in Judea.
Hittites lived in Judea
Canaanites lived in Judea
Amorites lived in Judea
Jebusites lived in Judea.

Arabs lived in Arabia.

Now, even you know, dummy:clap2:

Holy smokescreen, Batman!

That didn't answer the question.
When, exactly, were the Jews the only people living in Palestine.

Open a history book, dummy. The correct historic geographic name of the land is Canaan and Judea.

"Palestine" applied to Judea, land of the Jews, is a Roman invention. Romans were not Arabs.

Jews lived in Judea.
Hittites lived in Judea
Canaanites lived in Judea
Amorites lived in Judea
Jebusites lived in Judea.

Arabs lived in Arabia.

Now, even you know, dummy:clap2:

Holy smokescreen, Batman!

That didn't answer the question.

Being mentally ill prevents you from understanding the erudite answer.:cuckoo:
Quote: Originally Posted by u2scram
There was no substantial Jewish population until after ww2 when Jews were 'imported'. Often wealthy Zionists financed them. Wealthy Zionists who incidentally, decided to remain were they where!

Nobel Prize Winning Historian Winston Churchill...
"The Jews had Palestine before that indigenous population [the Arabs] came in and inhabited it

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Churchill-Jews-Friendship-Martin-Gilbert/dp/0805078800]Amazon.com: Churchill and the Jews: A Lifelong Friendship (9780805078800): Martin Gilbert: Books: Reviews, Prices & more[/ame]
When, exactly, were the Jews the only people living in Palestine.

There was never a time in HISTORY when the Israel was non-Jew free, even in the current state of Israel, where the JOOOSSSS give the non-Jews all the same rights, including voting rights, that the JJJOOOSSSS get!

However there was a time when Mecca and Medina were Jewish cities! There was a time when there where many non-Muslims throughout the Arabia Pennisula, but now Medina and Mecca and Muslim only cities and the entire Arabian Pennisula, except for Israel and Lebanon (which is rapidly ethically cleansing the once majority Christians out of the country), is 90-100% Muslim (most are pushing the 95-99% mark)!
When, exactly, were the Jews the only people living in Palestine.

There was never a time in HISTORY when the Israel was non-Jew free, even in the current state of Israel, where the JOOOSSSS give the non-Jews all the same rights, including voting rights, that the JJJOOOSSSS get!

However there was a time when Mecca and Medina were Jewish cities! There was a time when there where many non-Muslims throughout the Arabia Pennisula, but now Medina and Mecca and Muslim only cities and the entire Arabian Pennisula, except for Israel and Lebanon (which is rapidly ethically cleansing the once majority Christians out of the country), is 90-100% Muslim (most are pushing the 95-99% mark)!

Thank you. That is my point. The Jews were not the first people there and they have never been the only people there. Few would argue, even the Palestinians, that it is not the Jewish homeland. But, there is no precedence for a Jewish only state.
When, exactly, were the Jews the only people living in Palestine.

There was never a time in HISTORY when the Israel was non-Jew free, even in the current state of Israel, where the JOOOSSSS give the non-Jews all the same rights, including voting rights, that the JJJOOOSSSS get!

However there was a time when Mecca and Medina were Jewish cities! There was a time when there where many non-Muslims throughout the Arabia Pennisula, but now Medina and Mecca and Muslim only cities and the entire Arabian Pennisula, except for Israel and Lebanon (which is rapidly ethically cleansing the once majority Christians out of the country), is 90-100% Muslim (most are pushing the 95-99% mark)!

Thank you. That is my point. The Jews were not the first people there and they have never been the only people there. Few would argue, even the Palestinians, that it is not the Jewish homeland. But, there is no precedence for a Jewish only state.

The Canaanites were the first people in Canaan. Many inter-married with Hebrews. Others, were killed. Canaanites are no longer.

Jews are among the first people in Canaan/Judea and, in fact, are the only people who have survived 4000 years in Canaan/Judea to this day in Israel.

Palestinians are just Arabs, who migrated from Arabia to Judea about 2000 years after Jews arrived. Pallies migrated to Israel through the 20th century, illegally, from throughout the Middle East and north Africa, to sponge off of successful Jews.

Your history lesson for the day.:clap2:
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When, exactly, were the Jews the only people living in Palestine.

There was never a time in HISTORY when the Israel was non-Jew free, even in the current state of Israel, where the JOOOSSSS give the non-Jews all the same rights, including voting rights, that the JJJOOOSSSS get!

However there was a time when Mecca and Medina were Jewish cities! There was a time when there where many non-Muslims throughout the Arabia Pennisula, but now Medina and Mecca and Muslim only cities and the entire Arabian Pennisula, except for Israel and Lebanon (which is rapidly ethically cleansing the once majority Christians out of the country), is 90-100% Muslim (most are pushing the 95-99% mark)!

In fact, Medina was 50% Jewish, until the pedophile false prophet Muhammad and his thugs ethnically cleansed all of Arabia of Jews...and, Christians.

Muhammad's deathbed edict of no Jews and Christians in Arabia, recorded in the Islamic literature, is adhered to today in Arabia.

'Umar b. Abd al-Aziz reported that the last statement made by the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) was: O Lord, perish the Jews and the Christians. They made churches of the graves of their Prophets. Beware, there should be no two faiths in Arabia.
(Muwatta Imam Malik)
When, exactly, were the Jews the only people living in Palestine.

There was never a time in HISTORY when the Israel was non-Jew free, even in the current state of Israel, where the JOOOSSSS give the non-Jews all the same rights, including voting rights, that the JJJOOOSSSS get!

However there was a time when Mecca and Medina were Jewish cities! There was a time when there where many non-Muslims throughout the Arabia Pennisula, but now Medina and Mecca and Muslim only cities and the entire Arabian Pennisula, except for Israel and Lebanon (which is rapidly ethically cleansing the once majority Christians out of the country), is 90-100% Muslim (most are pushing the 95-99% mark)!

Thank you. That is my point. The Jews were not the first people there and they have never been the only people there. Few would argue, even the Palestinians, that it is not the Jewish homeland. But, there is no precedence for a Jewish only state.

20% of Israelis are non-Jewish, psycho. :cuckoo:

Unlike, the 60 Islamic shitholes that are virtually 100% Islamic.
Britain's role in bringing in illegal Arabs and keeping out Jews, trying to create an artificial Arab majority in Palestine 1920-1948

For many who aren't familiar with the background of the "Palestinian Right to Return" claim here are some facts.

The League of Nations set up the Palestinian Mandate to provide a home for the Jewish people, approximately 12 million people in 1900s.1

In "recognition to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country", land was chosen to accommodate a "Jewish National Homeland". This land included what is now Israel and Jordan. 2

The entire area of both Israel [West Palestine] and Jordan [East Palestine] had a relatively stable population at around 600,000 people for the entire duration of the Ottoman empire.3

It was thought that 12,000,000 Jews would fill up this area (East and West Palestine) while being sensitive to the rights of the 550,000 non-Jews and 50,000 Jews already living there.4,5

In the late 1880s, tremendous amounts of money were invested in purchasing land for new settlements along the coast of Israel. These settlements were in addition to the long time existing Jewish communities of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jericho, Tiberias, Safed, and Gaza.6

Massive numbers of Syrian, Egyptians, Trans-Jordanian and Iraqi migrant Arabs workers set up camps around the Jewish settlements to work in the new orchards to seek a better standard of living. In some places (Rishon LeTzion for example) there were as many as 10 Arab settlers to 1 Jewish settler.7,8

Britain's role in bringing in illegal Arabs and keeping out Jews, trying to create an artificial Arab majority in Palestine 1920-1948

When arabs came to palestine and ME, christian and jews (phoenicians) accepted islam by majority and became ARABS...they the real Semites

So Palestinians are the native-citizens since centuries.

European jews are khazars converted to judaism lately in 7th century. They never put their feet in the region!
When arabs came to palestine and ME, christian and jews (phoenicians) accepted islam by majority and became ARABS...they the real Semites


Arabs INVADED Judea, the correct geographic name of the land. Palestine is a Latin-derived word invented by the Romans, not an Arab word.

Palestine does not exist in the Quran, the Old Testament nor the New Testament.

Under Islamic rule, Jews and Christians were stripped of their rights and forced to live subjugated, humiliated lives as dhimmis, prohibited from practicing their religions freely and forced to pay exhorbitant extortionist jizya taxes for protection, like when the Mafia forces businesses to pay "fees" to avoud beind burned down.

Arabs migrated to Canaan/Judea in 636 AD, controlled at the time by the Byzantines, in the Battle of Yarmuk.

Jews had been in Canaan/Judea since at least 1200 BC, nearly 2000 years before Arabs invaded.

Your history lesson for the day, uneducated one.

So Palestinians are the native-citizens since centuries.

European jews are khazars converted to judaism lately in 7th century. They never put their feet in the region![/QUOTE]
See the original British Mandate..Jordan is the "Palestinian" arab country they are 80% so called "Palstinian" Arab. You Jew haters tell me that the Jews can't have that little peice of land, Thier ancient homeland... Give me a break:cuckoo:

So Palestinians are the native-citizens since centuries.

These "ancient" Palestinians? :lol:
PLO Leader Zuheir Mohsen...
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.
Zuheir Mohsen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This Palestine? :lol:
Eminent Middle East historian Bernard Lewis edifies...
For Arabs, too, the term Palestine was unacceptable, though for other reasons. For Muslims it was alien and irrelevant but not abhorrent in the same way as it was to Jews. The main objection for them was that it seemed to assert a separate entity which politically conscious Arabs in Palestine and elsewhere denied. For them there was no such thing as a country called Palestine. The region which the British called Palestine was merely a separated part of a larger whole [Syria]. For a long time organized and articulate Arab political opinion was virtually unanimous on this point.
Zuheir Mohsen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks for the laugh, clown:lol:

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