Who was the worst traitor in U.S. history?

Abraham Lincoln had some of his political opponents deported to Canada, others put in prison without trials, and others fled ahead of his gestapo style U.S. Marshals.
Abraham Lincoln Unconstitutionally invaded the Sovereign State Of Virginia in the East and Mississippi in the West.
Abraham Lincoln Unconstitutionally occupied Jacksonville Florida, Key West Florida, Pensacola Florida, and Ft. Desoto Florida.
Abraham Lincoln blockaded all Major Sea Ports south of Chesapeake Bay against International Law.
Abraham Lincoln was elected by less than a majority of the voters in his first Presidential election.

The Democrat Party was split dividing the Democrat vote and that's what gave him the election.
Why confuse the issue with historical fact?

Branding Abraham Lincoln a traitor? You go too far. I understand he did expand the power of the Federal government greatly to preserve our great nation. One wonders what turn world history would have taken had he not been successful.

Hard to believe that some nobody on the internet can call a great American a traitor, but that is free speech.

Although Lincoln did not start the war, the re-supplying of Fort Sumner maneuvered the South into firing the first shot. If the South really wanted to have their own country they would have not fired on Fort Sumter and picked a different capital than Richmond.

Lincoln is a traitor.

Oh look, a guy on the internet called a traitor a traitor.

Great American....my ass!

Very compelling argument.
Abraham Lincoln had some of his political opponents deported to Canada, others put in prison without trials, and others fled ahead of his gestapo style U.S. Marshals.
Abraham Lincoln Unconstitutionally invaded the Sovereign State Of Virginia in the East and Mississippi in the West.
Abraham Lincoln Unconstitutionally occupied Jacksonville Florida, Key West Florida, Pensacola Florida, and Ft. Desoto Florida.
Abraham Lincoln blockaded all Major Sea Ports south of Chesapeake Bay against International Law.

Don't you just love pop culture revisionist history.
Branding Abraham Lincoln a traitor? You go too far. I understand he did expand the power of the Federal government greatly to preserve our great nation. One wonders what turn world history would have taken had he not been successful.

Hard to believe that some nobody on the internet can call a great American a traitor, but that is free speech.

Although Lincoln did not start the war, the re-supplying of Fort Sumner maneuvered the South into firing the first shot. If the South really wanted to have their own country they would have not fired on Fort Sumter and picked a different capital than Richmond.

Lincoln is a traitor.

Oh look, a guy on the internet called a traitor a traitor.

Great American....my ass!

Since Lincoln is one of our most honored presidents yours is not a prevalent opinion. In fact it is wacko.

You have proven yourself to be uninformed.

Please read:
Walter Williams
Thomas DiLorenzo
Murray Rothbard
Ron Paul
Donald Livingston
Ludwig von Mises
Clyde Wilson
and so many others who know the truth...

If these names are unfamiliar to you, it only proves you are terribly uninformed. Get informed.

I thought as you did, as I was also brainwashed by the Statist p-school establishment. But, unlike the ignorant Lincoln cultist, who refuses to accept the truth, I did.

If Lincoln had the a-bomb and dropped it on the South, the Lincoln cultist would believe it a good thing.
I will never see a president that saved the country from destruction by slaving assholes as being a traitor....I am a republican. I dont ever see democrats like the confederates as correct. How many Americans died because democrat slavers threw a fucking fit over a man being elected? To all of you worshiping these democrats... Fuck you.
Yes, I ignore them completely because their so called arguments have no basis in historical fact.

Only because you believe that the hate sites which do your thinking for you are the basis of history.

Like most leftists, you are ignorant and uneducated.

The difference here is that, unlike you, I don't need to refer to a website, I know history. There's a quaint old custom that was once used to acquire actual knowledge, we used to read what were known as books. The amazing thing is that you can't find 1% of that information on the internet. If your still confused try typing "books" into your search.
Branding Abraham Lincoln a traitor? You go too far. I understand he did expand the power of the Federal government greatly to preserve our great nation. One wonders what turn world history would have taken had he not been successful.

Hard to believe that some nobody on the internet can call a great American a traitor, but that is free speech.

Although Lincoln did not start the war, the re-supplying of Fort Sumner maneuvered the South into firing the first shot. If the South really wanted to have their own country they would have not fired on Fort Sumter and picked a different capital than Richmond.

Lincoln is a traitor.

Oh look, a guy on the internet called a traitor a traitor.

Great American....my ass!

Very compelling argument.

I have argued my position in many other threads with reference to the many great scholars who have exposed Lincoln.

Problem is the Lincoln cultist only sees ending slavery as Lincoln's rightful goal...funny...he never wanted to end slavery and to his dying day intended to deport all African Americans.

Slavery was ended throughout the western world without violence prior to the War of Northern Aggression. It was even terminated in many northern states without violence.

Lincoln CHOSE VIOLENCE and not to end slavery, but to impose statist tyranny.

The Founders are STILL spinning in their graves over what Dishonest Abe did, but they must also be disgusted by the millions of Americans who venerate an appalling tyrant.
Lincoln is a traitor.

Oh look, a guy on the internet called a traitor a traitor.

Great American....my ass!

Very compelling argument.

I have argued my position in many other threads with reference to the many great scholars who have exposed Lincoln.

Problem is the Lincoln cultist only sees ending slavery as Lincoln's rightful goal...funny...he never wanted to end slavery and to his dying day intended to deport all African Americans.

Slavery was ended throughout the western world without violence prior to the War of Northern Aggression. It was even terminated in many northern states without violence.

Lincoln CHOSE VIOLENCE and not to end slavery, but to impose statist tyranny.

The Founders are STILL spinning in their graves over what Dishonest Abe did, but they must also be disgusted by the millions of Americans who venerate an appalling tyrant.

There are no legitimate scholars who would substantiate your superficial characterizations of history.
Very compelling argument.

I have argued my position in many other threads with reference to the many great scholars who have exposed Lincoln.

Problem is the Lincoln cultist only sees ending slavery as Lincoln's rightful goal...funny...he never wanted to end slavery and to his dying day intended to deport all African Americans.

Slavery was ended throughout the western world without violence prior to the War of Northern Aggression. It was even terminated in many northern states without violence.

Lincoln CHOSE VIOLENCE and not to end slavery, but to impose statist tyranny.

The Founders are STILL spinning in their graves over what Dishonest Abe did, but they must also be disgusted by the millions of Americans who venerate an appalling tyrant.

There are no legitimate scholars who would substantiate your superficial characterizations of history.

Your post only proves that you to be a complete idiot.
I have argued my position in many other threads with reference to the many great scholars who have exposed Lincoln.

Problem is the Lincoln cultist only sees ending slavery as Lincoln's rightful goal...funny...he never wanted to end slavery and to his dying day intended to deport all African Americans.

Slavery was ended throughout the western world without violence prior to the War of Northern Aggression. It was even terminated in many northern states without violence.

Lincoln CHOSE VIOLENCE and not to end slavery, but to impose statist tyranny.

The Founders are STILL spinning in their graves over what Dishonest Abe did, but they must also be disgusted by the millions of Americans who venerate an appalling tyrant.

There are no legitimate scholars who would substantiate your superficial characterizations of history.

Your post only proves that you to be a complete idiot.

Your so called arguments seem to be the unfortunate results of an internet based education.
The difference here is that, unlike you, I don't need to refer to a website, I know history.

Mindlessly reciting hate points from ThinkProgess is not "knowing history."

I've seen no evidence that you "know" anything at all. You are a partisan hack, to be sure, but that is not knowledge, nor based on knowledge.

There's a quaint old custom that was once used to acquire actual knowledge, we used to read what were known as books. The amazing thing is that you can't find 1% of that information on the internet. If your still confused try typing "books" into your search.


So, you have read "A Peoples History of the United States" and fantasize that you are "informed?"

Sorry, you're still just an ignorant and uneducated troll. But whatchagunnado? :dunno:
Lincoln is a traitor.

Oh look, a guy on the internet called a traitor a traitor.

Great American....my ass!

Since Lincoln is one of our most honored presidents yours is not a prevalent opinion. In fact it is wacko.

I have a question;

If George W. Bush were found to have suspended habeas corpus, would you call him a traitor?

If George W. Bush were found to have arrested and imprisoned reporters who wrote articles critical of him, would you call him a traitor?

If George W. Bush were found to have placed military troops in front of the Supreme Court to block justices from convining, would you call him a traitor?

If George W. Bush were found to have barricaded the capitol to keep congress out of session, would you call him a traitor?

If George W. Bush were found to have used naval ships to deliberately shell and kill civilians in New York City, would you call him a traitor?

Because Abraham Lincoln did ALL of these things.

That is more than one question......careful on those websites you read, anyone can post anything and you will swallow it up as absolute truth if it fits your own beliefs.

Lincoln's presidency covered the most tumultuous period in American history. He had to act decisively to navigate a course to save our nation. In doing so he expanded powers greatly. However the label traitor would not fit even if you feel he acted unwarrantedly. The label to argue was whether or not he was a tyrant. I would disagree, but at least this is an arguable point.

Traitor is just plain wacko.
The difference here is that, unlike you, I don't need to refer to a website, I know history.

Mindlessly reciting hate points from ThinkProgess is not "knowing history."

I've seen no evidence that you "know" anything at all. You are a partisan hack, to be sure, but that is not knowledge, nor based on knowledge.

There's a quaint old custom that was once used to acquire actual knowledge, we used to read what were known as books. The amazing thing is that you can't find 1% of that information on the internet. If your still confused try typing "books" into your search.


So, you have read "A Peoples History of the United States" and fantasize that you are "informed?"

Sorry, you're still just an ignorant and uneducated troll. But whatchagunnado? :dunno:

It might be easier for you to read some history if your knees weren't constantly jerking so hard.
It might be easier for you to read some history if your knees weren't constantly jerking so hard.

I listed some of the actions by Lincoln that, if they were engaged by George W. Bush, would absolutely have the hive-mind programming you to say BOOOOOOSSSSHHHH was a traitor.

So the first question, do you question if any or all of these elements are indeed fact? (I can wait while you log on to ThinkProgress to ask your masters.)

If you were unaware of these, does this indicate that you are well educated and informed?

From my perspective, your posts reveal you to be ignorant and uneducated.

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