Who was the worst - Nazis, Japs or Soviets in WW2

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Will go with conventianal wisdom and say the Nazis.

A close call.

Nobody ever savaged a city or country like the Rape of Nanking like the Japs in 1936.

Also - they never signed the Geneva convention - treated Allied POWs like dirt. Allied POWs by comparison in Stalags were like country clubs. Let Red Cross inspections in etc...................
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Nazis, all the way. Nanking? Please. The reason the Russians raped 200,000 German women when they took Berlin was payback time. They say you could hear the women screaming throughout the night.

The Nazis were a complete HORROR show. I still have nightmares of a video of a German trench filled with THOUSANDS of living Russians, with the Germans laughing as they tossed food scraps into a SEA of reaching hands.

The Nazis were HELL on earth, bar none.
Nazis, all the way. Nanking? Please. The reason the Russians raped 200,000 German women when they took Berlin was payback time. They say you could hear the women screaming throughout the night.

The Nazis were a complete HORROR show. I still have nightmares of a video of a German trench filled with THOUSANDS of living Russians, with the Germans laughing as they tossed food scraps into a SEA of reaching hands.

The Nazis were HELL on earth, bar none.
Russians did the same thing to the Germans...Neither had Geneva Convention agreements with the other.

The war in the east made dog fighting look like synchronized swimming.
The Japanese killed millions of Chinese and performed live eviserations on prisoners. They were pretty damned evil. But the Nazis beat them in my book..but not by much.
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The Japanese killed followers of Chiang Kai Shek who was actually fighting against them, while Mao and his Progressives were sitting on their hands.
America was in touch with German eugenicists throughout most of the war. The German eugenics laws were based on the American.

"The Germans are beating us at our own game."
-Joseph DeJarnette, superintendent of Virginia's Western State Hospital
America was in touch with German eugenicists throughout most of the war. The German eugenics laws were based on the American.

"The Germans are beating us at our own game."
-Joseph DeJarnette, superintendent of Virginia's Western State Hospital

the entire nazi eugenics program was based on the program run in california the decade before
Not quite.

It was not 'a decade before'; it was still ongoing. And it also took place in Virginia (where Carrie Buck was sterilized) and much of the rest of America.

Also in Canada, though I don't know the details of the Canadian programs.
It depends on ethnicity. I had a socialist Latvian friend who loved the Germans but hated the NAZIs and despised Russia no matter who was in charge. Israel magazine (it went defunct in the 70s) had a piece on the subject of NAZI Germany vs. Soviet Russia in terms of persecuting Jews and Russia barely conceded first place to Germany. I also knew a Ukrainian ex-KGB agent who was also about evenly split in regards to Germans and Russians as scumbags. When and if all of the records become available I suspect NAZI Germany come in in fourth place for the 20th century with 11-15 million genocidal murders.
The Japanese killed followers of Chiang Kai Shek who was actually fighting against them, while Mao and his Progressives were sitting on their hands.

That's incorrect. And it might also make people's head spin that Ho Chi Minh where also fighting the Japanese.

Along with that..Stalin's forces shed a great deal of blood fighting the Nazis.

I don't favor commies..but it does no one good to revise history.
All of them!!! The extent of the death toll Stalin inflicted upon mankind will never be fully known. Hitler, we all know about. The hideous butchery the Japanese inflicted was muted somewhat by our dropping the A bomb and the destruction caused and the end of the war. People were tired of the whole thing and wanted to move on. We will never know how many Chinese were slaughtered or enslaved by the Japs.

Therefore I rank all 3 of them as evil and none any better than the other.
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The Japanese killed followers of Chiang Kai Shek who was actually fighting against them, while Mao and his Progressives were sitting on their hands.

That's incorrect. And it might also make people's head spin that Ho Chi Minh where also fighting the Japanese.

Along with that..Stalin's forces shed a great deal of blood fighting the Nazis.

I don't favor commies..but it does no one good to revise history.
More so because it was a common Soviet tactic to run companies of conscripted anti-communists and other political "undesirables", armed with little more than broom handles, out in front of German guns to deplete their ammunition supplies.

At least Kamikazes got to volunteer for the duty.
What a weird conversation! Assessing evil based on a personal measuring stick. Evil is evil. If someone purposely kills or abuses me do I assess the method in which they do so?

"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen

Philip Zimbardo shows how people become monsters ... or heroes | Video on TED.com

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy: Inside a school for suicide bombers | Video on TED.com

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Evil-Ordinary-Genocide-Killing/dp/0195189493/ref=pd_cp_b_2]Amazon.com: Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing (9780195189490): Books: Reviews, Prices & more[/ame]
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