Who Supports The Republican Party?


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
Those who are well off and the ones who are foolish enough to believe they will be well off.

Oh!! I left out the bible thumpers and male chauvinists...end of story
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Those who are well off and the ones who are foolish enough to believe they will be well off.......end of story.

So as a natural born pussy, you have given up.

That is a character flaw not an economic flaw.

You just need to learn to lower your expections and vote for a democrat. :eusa_shhh:
Who supports the Republican party? Republicans?

And in addition, many Liberals, that I personally know. They are very disappointed in the person for whom they voted in `08. They can see he isn't who they thought he was and hasn't delivered on his message of "hope and change."
Hoping to be successful is now looked down upon. What a very sad state Obama has driven us too

Ain't that something? Working hard with the hope that it will pay off if you exercise good judgement and discipline is now considered "foolish" but the obummer supporter. It's no wonder they need someone else to negotiate their destiny for them.
Those who are well off and the ones who are foolish enough to believe they will be well off.

Oh!! I left out the bible thumpers and male chauvinists...end of story

I used to support the Republican Party. I've voted for one Democratic candidate for president in my life. (I'm in my 50s).

So your characterization is way off. I supported the GOP because I believe in fiscal responsibility ... that social programs are great as long as you don't have to go into debt to pay for them. The GOP used to believe the same thing. But now they've surrendered the party to a spluttering rabble of illiterate, apoplectic hate mongers.

I'm patiently waiting for them to return to sanity before I consider supporting them once again.

btw - your smearing attack in your orginal post reminds me that there are plenty of those who are just as bad supporting the Democratic Party. So I'll remain indpendent, refuse to listen to all the hyper-partisan noise, and pick my candidates on a case-by-case basis.

Those who are well off and the ones who are foolish enough to believe they will be well off.

Oh!! I left out the bible thumpers and male chauvinists...end of story

Acting like a child again I see.

The reason some on this board name call the left is becuase they refuse to understand the liberal ideology.

Whereas I disagree with the liberal ideology from a governing standpoint, I most certainly understand and respect why they think that way.

You obviously have never tried to understand the conservative ideology.

And to bash it anyway makes you a pathetic individual.
"You Cant do it!!!! You are to stupid!!! Or too Black!!! Or to much a woman!!!! Or to poor!!!!" This is what the democrat party means to the country
Those who are well off and the ones who are foolish enough to believe they will be well off.

Oh!! I left out the bible thumpers and male chauvinists...end of story

I used to support the Republican Party. I've voted for one Democratic candidate for president in my life. (I'm in my 50s).

So your characterization is way off. I supported the GOP because I believe in fiscal responsibility ... that social programs are great as long as you don't have to go into debt to pay for them. The GOP used to believe the same thing. But now they've surrendered the party to a spluttering rabble of illiterate, apoplectic hate mongers.

I'm patiently waiting for them to return to sanity before I consider supporting them once again.

btw - your smearing attack in your orginal post reminds me that there are plenty of those who are just as bad supporting the Democratic Party. So I'll remain indpendent, refuse to listen to all the hyper-partisan noise, and pick my candidates on a case-by-case basis.


but anyone who believes in fiscal responsibility can, in no way, want to see Obama re-elected.
So will you not vote? Or will you do what I am doing...vote for the closest to my ideology.
Those who are well off and the ones who are foolish enough to believe they will be well off.

Oh!! I left out the bible thumpers and male chauvinists...end of story

I used to support the Republican Party. I've voted for one Democratic candidate for president in my life. (I'm in my 50s).

So your characterization is way off. I supported the GOP because I believe in fiscal responsibility ... that social programs are great as long as you don't have to go into debt to pay for them. The GOP used to believe the same thing. But now they've surrendered the party to a spluttering rabble of illiterate, apoplectic hate mongers.

I'm patiently waiting for them to return to sanity before I consider supporting them once again.

btw - your smearing attack in your orginal post reminds me that there are plenty of those who are just as bad supporting the Democratic Party. So I'll remain indpendent, refuse to listen to all the hyper-partisan noise, and pick my candidates on a case-by-case basis.


but anyone who believes in fiscal responsibility can, in no way, want to see Obama re-elected.
So will you not vote? Or will you do what I am doing...vote for the closest to my ideology.

I also do my own research and don't swallow the fictional characters that are created to run against. I realize it takes more energy than most are willing to expend on their vote - but that's just me.
Your local registrar will be happy to provide you the names and addresses of all registered republicans in your area.
I used to support the Republican Party. I've voted for one Democratic candidate for president in my life. (I'm in my 50s).

So your characterization is way off. I supported the GOP because I believe in fiscal responsibility ... that social programs are great as long as you don't have to go into debt to pay for them. The GOP used to believe the same thing. But now they've surrendered the party to a spluttering rabble of illiterate, apoplectic hate mongers.

I'm patiently waiting for them to return to sanity before I consider supporting them once again.

btw - your smearing attack in your orginal post reminds me that there are plenty of those who are just as bad supporting the Democratic Party. So I'll remain indpendent, refuse to listen to all the hyper-partisan noise, and pick my candidates on a case-by-case basis.


but anyone who believes in fiscal responsibility can, in no way, want to see Obama re-elected.
So will you not vote? Or will you do what I am doing...vote for the closest to my ideology.

I also do my own research and don't swallow the fictional characters that are created to run against. I realize it takes more energy than most are willing to expend on their vote - but that's just me.


you are quite aware, then, that what we have running is a faux conservative against a faux moderate..

But the faux conservastive who is really a moderate is a better choice from a bi partisan standpoint than a faux moderate who is really a far left liberal.
but anyone who believes in fiscal responsibility can, in no way, want to see Obama re-elected.
So will you not vote? Or will you do what I am doing...vote for the closest to my ideology.

I also do my own research and don't swallow the fictional characters that are created to run against. I realize it takes more energy than most are willing to expend on their vote - but that's just me.


you are quite aware, then, that what we have running is a faux conservative against a faux moderate..

But the faux conservastive who is really a moderate is a better choice from a bi partisan standpoint than a faux moderate who is really a far left liberal.

Make up your own mind - that's great. I just encourage to not swallow the fictional charatcter that the far right is working so hard to create. As for Romney being a moderate??? If I could only hang my hat on that. He shifts with the wind and I haven't seen anything to nail down where the heck he really stands on anything.

Two poor choices. I'm leaning Obama because I know what to expect and what I've seen so far isn't great but it isn't horrible either. I'm willing to listen to Romney convince me that he's got something much better in store for us ... But I haven't heard it in the first 12 months of his campaign ... maybe he can do it in the last 2.
I also do my own research and don't swallow the fictional characters that are created to run against. I realize it takes more energy than most are willing to expend on their vote - but that's just me.


you are quite aware, then, that what we have running is a faux conservative against a faux moderate..

But the faux conservastive who is really a moderate is a better choice from a bi partisan standpoint than a faux moderate who is really a far left liberal.

Make up your own mind - that's great. I just encourage to not swallow the fictional charatcter that the far right is working so hard to create. As for Romney being a moderate??? If I could only hang my hat on that. He shifts with the wind and I haven't seen anything to nail down where the heck he really stands on anything.

Two poor choices. I'm leaning Obama because I know what to expect and what I've seen so far isn't great but it isn't horrible either. I'm willing to listen to Romney convince me that he's got something much better in store for us ... But I haven't heard it in the first 12 months of his campaign ... maybe he can do it in the last 2.

Whereas I am lucky enough to have been able to retire this past January, I was a business planner/human resources solutionist.

The last three years of my career were met with exactly what the right has been saying. President Obamas policies and initiatives have created such an uncertainty in the eyes of the business owners, they are afraid to pull the trigger.

Sure...I understand the need to help the poor; the disabled; the elderly...I understand the concern over the environment (although I have yet to be convinced that global warming is an issue)....

But there ius a time and a palce for everything.

In a nutshell....

When there was talk of inventing a personal use vehicle that uses a combustible engine, it would have been a disaster for the government to insist that all domestic horse breeding come to a halt and horses had to be bought overseas.

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