Who Needs Planned Parenthood??

Let me support that statement....that convenience alone is the real reason for almost every abortion.
No one has a problem with that fact, nor does it change anything.

I do so appreciate it when you Liberals/Progressives reveal you true nature...
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky
There is no Right to Life. Now you know.

You kinda slipped up there, bro.....admitting that the incipient baby is living.
And abortion destroys a life.

Then why don't you support the law making abortion the crime of murder, and support putting women away for life for having abortions?
Let me support that statement....that convenience alone is the real reason for almost every abortion.
No one has a problem with that fact, nor does it change anything.

I do so appreciate it when you Liberals/Progressives reveal you true nature...
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky
There is no Right to Life. Now you know.

You kinda slipped up there, bro.....admitting that the incipient baby is living.
And abortion destroys a life.
It destroys a fetus, which is a potential person. That happens day in and day out, without any help from us. Clear?

Is what clear?

Just in case you fail to realize that we are discussing the 'execution' of a person, and individual....

9. Die-hard pro-abortionists may try to claim that they really aren't killing a human being.....they may use some sophistry along the lines of 'it's just a bunch of cells!'....or words made up to disguise the facts.....'embryo,' or 'fetus.'

Easy to dispel that nonsense. Watch.

a. "State DNA Collection from Arrestees —DNA arrestee laws authorize the analysis of DNA samples collected from individuals arrested or charged, but not convicted, of certain crimes. Currently 30 states and the federal government have such laws." http://www.ncsl.org/Documents/cj/ArresteeDNALaws.pdf

b. Why collect DNA?

" For many years, fingerprints were the gold standard for linking suspects to a crime scene. Today, the gold standard is DNAevidence because DNA can be collected from virtually anywhere. Even a criminal wearing gloves may unwittingly leave behind trace amounts of biological material. It could be a hair, saliva,blood, semen, skin, sweat, mucus or earwax. All it takes is a few cells to obtain enough DNA information to identify a suspect with near certainty." Collecting DNA Evidence

DNA identifies a person.

When does it become a person?

c. " A child inherits half their DNA from each parent, while each parent passes half their DNA to each child. This is achieved through sexual fertilization, requiring the meeting of the sperm with the egg, and the combining of the DNA from both (since the sperm and egg contain only half the genetic information in the parent). " DNA is passed on from parent to child

QED, at conception we are discussing a human being with unique and identifying DNA

So.....calling the abortion the ending of a "potential" human is like say that a dollar bill is a "potential" asset.

No...it's a sure thing.
'Slaughter of the unborn'.

That's the kind of rhetoric you hear from guys who shoot abortion doctors.

It's called 'the truth.'

Then why do you refuse to endorse abortion as the crime of murder, so we can put women in prison for having abortions?

Is that what you support?

I support the Hyde amendment.

You believe abortion is murder.

Why don't you want to make abortion the crime of murder?

Your positions, taken together, are logically incompatible.
'Slaughter of the unborn'.

That's the kind of rhetoric you hear from guys who shoot abortion doctors.

It's called 'the truth.'

Then why do you refuse to endorse abortion as the crime of murder, so we can put women in prison for having abortions?
Better yet, execute them. It's murder, right kiddos?

It's 1st degree murder if you proclaim the fetus to be a human being of the same status as a born person.

Capital punishment should thus be one of the possibilities, if you think the way people like PC thinks.

What does the law say on funding abortions?

Title X does not allow federal funds to be used for abortions. Medicaid, however, does allow government money to be spent on them — in very restricted cases.

The 1977 Hyde Amendment dictated that federal Medicaid funds could only be used to fund abortions in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother. However, some states have expanded cases in which they will provide funds. Currently, 17 states allow funds to be used for "medically necessary" abortions. In those cases that these states count as medically necessary but that are not permitted by the federal guidelines, states cover the cost alone.

Fact Check: How Does Planned Parenthood Spend That Government Money?

7. Now.....let me support that statement that nobody needs government supported Planned Parenthood.

"Miss Tennessee, 21-year-old Hannah Robison, helped perpetuate the myth that ending federal funding for Planned Parenthood could hurt women’s access to health care.

[She said:]
I don’t think Planned Parenthood funding should be cut off. The $500 million that gets given to Planned Parenthood every single year goes to female care. It goes for scanning for cancer, it goes for mammograms.

And if we don’t give that funding to Planned Parenthood, those women will be out of health care for reproductive causes.

a. First, as the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters noted, Planned Parenthood doesn’t offer mammograms. “Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Liz Clark confirmed … [that] the organization does not provide mammograms at any of its health centers,”reported PolitiFact Georgia in August.

b. Nor is this a recent development. It’s not just beauty pageant contestants who are confused ...: President Barack Obama said in one of the 2012 presidential debates that “millions of women all across the country … rely on Planned Parenthood … for mammograms.”
[Hard to tell when Obama is lying, or simply wrong.]

When FactCheck.org looked into Obama’s claim, it reported that “Planned Parenthood health centers do not offer mammography.”

8. Robison’s claim that “women will be out of health care for reproductive causes” if Planned Parenthood no longer receives taxpayer dollars is also untrue. In fact, as Alliance Defending Freedom has documented, there are 13,540 health care clinics that could help women. (In contrast, Planned Parenthood has 665 clinics.)

If Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding is ended, that money will be redirected to health care clinics that serve women.

Furthermore, 72 percent of voters agree that “taxpayer dollars would be better spent directed to the more than 13,000 health centers and hospitals providing comprehensive women’s health care.”

We can make sure women have access to health care without using taxpayer dollars to fund an organization responsible for around one out of every three abortions in the United States. "
What Miss Tenn. Got Wrong About Planned Parenthood, Women’s Health

There is no good reason to make PP ineligible for government funded women's health services.

Your problem with abortion is your problem, not ours.

What does the law say on funding abortions?

Title X does not allow federal funds to be used for abortions. Medicaid, however, does allow government money to be spent on them — in very restricted cases.

The 1977 Hyde Amendment dictated that federal Medicaid funds could only be used to fund abortions in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother. However, some states have expanded cases in which they will provide funds. Currently, 17 states allow funds to be used for "medically necessary" abortions. In those cases that these states count as medically necessary but that are not permitted by the federal guidelines, states cover the cost alone.

Fact Check: How Does Planned Parenthood Spend That Government Money?

7. Now.....let me support that statement that nobody needs government supported Planned Parenthood.

"Miss Tennessee, 21-year-old Hannah Robison, helped perpetuate the myth that ending federal funding for Planned Parenthood could hurt women’s access to health care.

[She said:]
I don’t think Planned Parenthood funding should be cut off. The $500 million that gets given to Planned Parenthood every single year goes to female care. It goes for scanning for cancer, it goes for mammograms.

And if we don’t give that funding to Planned Parenthood, those women will be out of health care for reproductive causes.

a. First, as the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters noted, Planned Parenthood doesn’t offer mammograms. “Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Liz Clark confirmed … [that] the organization does not provide mammograms at any of its health centers,”reported PolitiFact Georgia in August.

b. Nor is this a recent development. It’s not just beauty pageant contestants who are confused ...: President Barack Obama said in one of the 2012 presidential debates that “millions of women all across the country … rely on Planned Parenthood … for mammograms.”
[Hard to tell when Obama is lying, or simply wrong.]

When FactCheck.org looked into Obama’s claim, it reported that “Planned Parenthood health centers do not offer mammography.”

8. Robison’s claim that “women will be out of health care for reproductive causes” if Planned Parenthood no longer receives taxpayer dollars is also untrue. In fact, as Alliance Defending Freedom has documented, there are 13,540 health care clinics that could help women. (In contrast, Planned Parenthood has 665 clinics.)

If Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding is ended, that money will be redirected to health care clinics that serve women.

Furthermore, 72 percent of voters agree that “taxpayer dollars would be better spent directed to the more than 13,000 health centers and hospitals providing comprehensive women’s health care.”

We can make sure women have access to health care without using taxpayer dollars to fund an organization responsible for around one out of every three abortions in the United States. "
What Miss Tenn. Got Wrong About Planned Parenthood, Women’s Health

There is no good reason to make PP ineligible for government funded women's health services.

Your problem with abortion is your problem, not ours.

Actually, I gave a number of good reasons.

1. Here's another one: Planned Parenthood is no more than a kick-back scheme operated by Democrats

Independent Expenditures: $6,058,338
For Democrats: $1,854,476
Against Democrats: $0
For Republicans: $13,390
Against Republicans: $2,873,201
Planned Parenthood: Summary | OpenSecrets

2. "With all of that money flowing in, it is not surprising that Planned Parenthood spreads a considerable amount of that money to sympathetic politicians. They pay to elect pro-abort candidates to make sure there are as few restrictions on abortion in America as possible.

But now, it has been revealed who one of the main recipients of Planned Parenthood’s “blood money” is. The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Hillary Clinton is the presidential candidate of choice for Planned Parenthood employees, according to campaign financial records released Wednesday.

Planned Parenthood has supported the Democratic party in the past. It poured $18 million into outside spending groups in 2014 and 2012, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Most of its nearly $6 million in direct contributions since 1990 have gone to Democrats. Every Democratic candidate except for Webb has benefitted from this cash influx at the federal level. Sanders and Chafee have received nearly $25,000 combined over the course of their careers."
Guess Who’s Getting Big Bucks from Planned Parenthood?

3. "In the past fifteen years, Planned Parenthood has donated at least $25 million to Democratic lawmakers."
Planned Parenthood and Its Employees Have Donated $25 Million to Democrats Since 2000
10. OK....one more absurd argument from those who live by 'if it feels good, do it.'

Their expectation is the corollary 'if pregnancy follows, government will do away with the consequences.'

The pro-abortion crowd claims that prospective mother has every right to do away with the child since it is part of her body.

Except that it isn't part of her body any more than a child is if she is breastfeeding.

There are a number of clear biological facts, and all sorts of legal precedents, that easily refute the claim that the new human being is simply part of the mother's body.

  1. Start with DNA: An individual's body parts all share the same genetic code. If the unborn child were actually a part of the mother's body, the unborn's cells would have the same genetic code as the cells of the mother. This is not the case. Every cell of the unborn's body is genetically distinct from every cell in the mother's body.

  1. In many cases, the blood type of the unborn child is different than the blood type of the mother. Since one body cannot function with two different blood types, this is clearly not the mother's blood.

  1. In half of all pregnancies, the unborn child is a male, meaning that even the sex of the child is different from the mother.

  1. As Randy Alcorn states in his book Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, "A Chinese zygote implanted in a Swedish woman will always be Chinese, not Swedish, because his identity is based on his genetic code, not on that of the body in which he resides."
  2. It is possible for a fetus to die while the mother lives, and it is possible for the mother to die while the fetus lives. This could not be true if the mother and child were simply one person.

Enough to eviscerate the Leftist baby-killers?

I'd be happy to provide even more evidence that the unborn baby is not part of her body.....and, therefore, she has no right to end its life.
11. When I revealed that the major reason for the execution of the unborn, abortions, is convenience.....not rape, not incest, not the health of the mother....but simple convenience....the mother said...'hmmm....should I have this child.....maybe not....kill it,' two inveterate Progressives/Liberals said the following:

a. NYLiar: "So what."
So what to taking a life.....

b. PaintMyLavatory: "No one has a problem with that fact, nor does it change anything."
Those with a conscience have a problem with it....

I reminded them of how closely their views align with one of their heroes: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

12. I'd be remiss if I didn't advise them that February 9th is the birthday of another with whom the agree....the most prolific serial killer in the history of America, Kermit Gosnell....

a. "He performed thousands of abortions over a 30-year career. Authorities said the medical practice alone netted him about $1.8 million a year, much of it in cash. Authorities found $250,000 hidden in a bedroom when they searched his house. Gosnell also owned a beach home and several rental properties." Doctor Kermit Gosnell found guilty of murdering infants in late-term abortions

b. "Six Degrees of Kermit Gosnell: Links to Planned Parenthood, Obama
...PPFA was not alone in its hands-off approach to Gosnell. Gosnell asked the National Abortion Federation if he could join (soon after Mrs. Mongar died, allegedly from an overdose of Demerol administered by Gosnell’s untrained staff). NAF sent out an evaluator who deemed Gosnell’s clinic “beyond redemption.”

Guess what? Just like Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania, NAF “did not report Gosnell to authorities.”
Six Degrees of Kermit Gosnell: Links to Planned Parenthood, Obama

c." Gosnell proudly displayed jars of severed babies’ feet as trophies.

The Philadelphia District Attorney, R. Seth Williams (who is a Democrat), in a nearly 300 page Grand Jury Report details Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” on 3801 Lancaster in Philadelphia. “My comprehension of the English language can’t adequately describe the barbaric nature of Dr. Gosnell,” D.A. Williams said of the unspeakable conditions of the clinic that was inspected by the pro-abortion National Abortion Federation in recent years but never reported to authorities." Kermit Gosnell and His House of Horrors

What does one say to adult Americans who see nothing wrong with such slaughter of innocent unborn babies?
Based on the occupant of the White House, a man who favors infanticide, they must be reliable Democrat voters.
So an enemy on the battlefield is exactly the same as the innocent unborn?

I can tell that you prefer not to think before posting, and be just as surprised as everyone else when you read it.

Nearly everyone KIA on any battlefield be it the ground, the air or the sea are innocents in most respects, friend and foe alike! If you've never been involved in a life or death conflict at the orders of old men with an agenda, OR been a pregnant woman trapped at the end of the tether of poverty, rape, abuse or some other horrible circumstance, how could you begin to understand how repugnant your carping truly is to normal feeling individuals. You, you fucking hard hearted Bitch, would never see or feel the difference because you're numb to human feelings, you God Damn sniveling snake of a Bitch!

Now I feel better all over more than I do anywhere else!
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13. The more I peruse the situation, I can imagine the 'pro-choice' crowd saying said choice is based on a woman having the choice about a part of her body.....

Here's more proof that the incipient offspring isn't a part of the mother's body any more than it is when she is breast-feeding him or her.

  1. When the embryo implants in the lining of the uterus, it emits chemical substances which weaken the woman's immune system within the uterus so that this tiny "foreign" body is not rejected by the woman's body. Were this tiny embryo simply "part of the woman's body" there would be no need to locally disable the woman's immunities.

  1. It is illegal to execute a pregnant woman on death row because the fetus living inside her is a distinct human being who cannot be executed for the crimes of the mother (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Article 6.5).

  1. When Scott Peterson killed his pregnant wife, Laci, he was convicted on two counts of murder.

  1. Sir Albert Liley (the "Father of Fetology") made this observation in a 1970 speech entitled, "The Termination of Pregnancy or the Extermination of the Fetus?"
Physiologically, we must accept that the conceptus is, in a very large measure, in charge of the pregnancy.... Biologically, at no stage can we subscribe to the view that the fetus is a mere appendage of the mother.

  1. The late Christopher Hitchens, a prominent public intellectual, atheist, and abortion advocate wrote the following in his book, God is Not Great:
As a materialist, I think it has been demonstrated that an embryo is a separate body and entity, and not merely (as some really did used to argue) a growth on or in the female body. There used to be feminists who would say that it was more like an appendix or even—this was seriously maintained—a tumor. That nonsense seems to have stopped… Embryology confirms morality. The words “unborn child,” even when used in a politicized manner, describe a material reality.

Hitchens had other reasons for supporting legal abortion, but he recognized the absurdity of claiming that unborn children are simply part of the mother's body.

No matter how you spin it, women don't have four arms and four legs when they're pregnant. Those extra appendages belong to the tiny human being(s) living inside of them. At no point in pregnancy is the developing embryo or fetus simply a part of the mother's body.
Part of the Mother’s Body?

Other than a total disregard for humanity....there is no way to support the killing of the unborn baby.

Unless one is a savage.
No one has a problem with that fact, nor does it change anything.

I do so appreciate it when you Liberals/Progressives reveal you true nature...
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky
There is no Right to Life. Now you know.

You kinda slipped up there, bro.....admitting that the incipient baby is living.
And abortion destroys a life.
It destroys a fetus, which is a potential person. That happens day in and day out, without any help from us. Clear?

Is what clear?

Just in case you fail to realize that we are discussing the 'execution' of a person, and individual....

9. Die-hard pro-abortionists may try to claim that they really aren't killing a human being.....they may use some sophistry along the lines of 'it's just a bunch of cells!'....or words made up to disguise the facts.....'embryo,' or 'fetus.'

Easy to dispel that nonsense. Watch.

a. "State DNA Collection from Arrestees —DNA arrestee laws authorize the analysis of DNA samples collected from individuals arrested or charged, but not convicted, of certain crimes. Currently 30 states and the federal government have such laws." http://www.ncsl.org/Documents/cj/ArresteeDNALaws.pdf

b. Why collect DNA?

" For many years, fingerprints were the gold standard for linking suspects to a crime scene. Today, the gold standard is DNAevidence because DNA can be collected from virtually anywhere. Even a criminal wearing gloves may unwittingly leave behind trace amounts of biological material. It could be a hair, saliva,blood, semen, skin, sweat, mucus or earwax. All it takes is a few cells to obtain enough DNA information to identify a suspect with near certainty." Collecting DNA Evidence

DNA identifies a person.

When does it become a person?

c. " A child inherits half their DNA from each parent, while each parent passes half their DNA to each child. This is achieved through sexual fertilization, requiring the meeting of the sperm with the egg, and the combining of the DNA from both (since the sperm and egg contain only half the genetic information in the parent). " DNA is passed on from parent to child

QED, at conception we are discussing a human being with unique and identifying DNA

So.....calling the abortion the ending of a "potential" human is like say that a dollar bill is a "potential" asset.

No...it's a sure thing.
Abortion kills a potential person, that's all. In the womb that's all they are, potentials...
11. When I revealed that the major reason for the execution of the unborn, abortions, is convenience.....not rape, not incest, not the health of the mother....but simple convenience....the mother said...'hmmm....should I have this child.....maybe not....kill it,' two inveterate Progressives/Liberals said the following:

a. NYLiar: "So what."
So what to taking a life.....

b. PaintMyLavatory: "No one has a problem with that fact, nor does it change anything."
Those with a conscience have a problem with it....

I reminded them of how closely their views align with one of their heroes: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

12. I'd be remiss if I didn't advise them that February 9th is the birthday of another with whom the agree....the most prolific serial killer in the history of America, Kermit Gosnell....

a. "He performed thousands of abortions over a 30-year career. Authorities said the medical practice alone netted him about $1.8 million a year, much of it in cash. Authorities found $250,000 hidden in a bedroom when they searched his house. Gosnell also owned a beach home and several rental properties." Doctor Kermit Gosnell found guilty of murdering infants in late-term abortions

b. "Six Degrees of Kermit Gosnell: Links to Planned Parenthood, Obama
...PPFA was not alone in its hands-off approach to Gosnell. Gosnell asked the National Abortion Federation if he could join (soon after Mrs. Mongar died, allegedly from an overdose of Demerol administered by Gosnell’s untrained staff). NAF sent out an evaluator who deemed Gosnell’s clinic “beyond redemption.”

Guess what? Just like Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania, NAF “did not report Gosnell to authorities.”
Six Degrees of Kermit Gosnell: Links to Planned Parenthood, Obama

c." Gosnell proudly displayed jars of severed babies’ feet as trophies.

The Philadelphia District Attorney, R. Seth Williams (who is a Democrat), in a nearly 300 page Grand Jury Report details Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” on 3801 Lancaster in Philadelphia. “My comprehension of the English language can’t adequately describe the barbaric nature of Dr. Gosnell,” D.A. Williams said of the unspeakable conditions of the clinic that was inspected by the pro-abortion National Abortion Federation in recent years but never reported to authorities." Kermit Gosnell and His House of Horrors

What does one say to adult Americans who see nothing wrong with such slaughter of innocent unborn babies?
Based on the occupant of the White House, a man who favors infanticide, they must be reliable Democrat voters.

Kermit Gosnell is in prison.

What does the law say on funding abortions?

Title X does not allow federal funds to be used for abortions. Medicaid, however, does allow government money to be spent on them — in very restricted cases.

The 1977 Hyde Amendment dictated that federal Medicaid funds could only be used to fund abortions in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother. However, some states have expanded cases in which they will provide funds. Currently, 17 states allow funds to be used for "medically necessary" abortions. In those cases that these states count as medically necessary but that are not permitted by the federal guidelines, states cover the cost alone.

Fact Check: How Does Planned Parenthood Spend That Government Money?

7. Now.....let me support that statement that nobody needs government supported Planned Parenthood.

"Miss Tennessee, 21-year-old Hannah Robison, helped perpetuate the myth that ending federal funding for Planned Parenthood could hurt women’s access to health care.

[She said:]
I don’t think Planned Parenthood funding should be cut off. The $500 million that gets given to Planned Parenthood every single year goes to female care. It goes for scanning for cancer, it goes for mammograms.

And if we don’t give that funding to Planned Parenthood, those women will be out of health care for reproductive causes.

a. First, as the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters noted, Planned Parenthood doesn’t offer mammograms. “Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Liz Clark confirmed … [that] the organization does not provide mammograms at any of its health centers,”reported PolitiFact Georgia in August.

b. Nor is this a recent development. It’s not just beauty pageant contestants who are confused ...: President Barack Obama said in one of the 2012 presidential debates that “millions of women all across the country … rely on Planned Parenthood … for mammograms.”
[Hard to tell when Obama is lying, or simply wrong.]

When FactCheck.org looked into Obama’s claim, it reported that “Planned Parenthood health centers do not offer mammography.”

8. Robison’s claim that “women will be out of health care for reproductive causes” if Planned Parenthood no longer receives taxpayer dollars is also untrue. In fact, as Alliance Defending Freedom has documented, there are 13,540 health care clinics that could help women. (In contrast, Planned Parenthood has 665 clinics.)

If Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding is ended, that money will be redirected to health care clinics that serve women.

Furthermore, 72 percent of voters agree that “taxpayer dollars would be better spent directed to the more than 13,000 health centers and hospitals providing comprehensive women’s health care.”

We can make sure women have access to health care without using taxpayer dollars to fund an organization responsible for around one out of every three abortions in the United States. "
What Miss Tenn. Got Wrong About Planned Parenthood, Women’s Health

There is no good reason to make PP ineligible for government funded women's health services.

Your problem with abortion is your problem, not ours.

Actually, I gave a number of good reasons.

1. Here's another one: Planned Parenthood is no more than a kick-back scheme operated by Democrats

Independent Expenditures: $6,058,338
For Democrats: $1,854,476
Against Democrats: $0
For Republicans: $13,390
Against Republicans: $2,873,201
Planned Parenthood: Summary | OpenSecrets

2. "With all of that money flowing in, it is not surprising that Planned Parenthood spreads a considerable amount of that money to sympathetic politicians. They pay to elect pro-abort candidates to make sure there are as few restrictions on abortion in America as possible.

But now, it has been revealed who one of the main recipients of Planned Parenthood’s “blood money” is. The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Hillary Clinton is the presidential candidate of choice for Planned Parenthood employees, according to campaign financial records released Wednesday.

Planned Parenthood has supported the Democratic party in the past. It poured $18 million into outside spending groups in 2014 and 2012, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Most of its nearly $6 million in direct contributions since 1990 have gone to Democrats. Every Democratic candidate except for Webb has benefitted from this cash influx at the federal level. Sanders and Chafee have received nearly $25,000 combined over the course of their careers."
Guess Who’s Getting Big Bucks from Planned Parenthood?

3. "In the past fifteen years, Planned Parenthood has donated at least $25 million to Democratic lawmakers."
Planned Parenthood and Its Employees Have Donated $25 Million to Democrats Since 2000

Don't antiabortionists donate money to politicians who are anti-abortion?
10. OK....one more absurd argument from those who live by 'if it feels good, do it.'

Their expectation is the corollary 'if pregnancy follows, government will do away with the consequences.'

The pro-abortion crowd claims that prospective mother has every right to do away with the child since it is part of her body.

Except that it isn't part of her body any more than a child is if she is breastfeeding.

There are a number of clear biological facts, and all sorts of legal precedents, that easily refute the claim that the new human being is simply part of the mother's body.

  1. Start with DNA: An individual's body parts all share the same genetic code. If the unborn child were actually a part of the mother's body, the unborn's cells would have the same genetic code as the cells of the mother. This is not the case. Every cell of the unborn's body is genetically distinct from every cell in the mother's body.

  1. In many cases, the blood type of the unborn child is different than the blood type of the mother. Since one body cannot function with two different blood types, this is clearly not the mother's blood.

  1. In half of all pregnancies, the unborn child is a male, meaning that even the sex of the child is different from the mother.

  1. As Randy Alcorn states in his book Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, "A Chinese zygote implanted in a Swedish woman will always be Chinese, not Swedish, because his identity is based on his genetic code, not on that of the body in which he resides."
  2. It is possible for a fetus to die while the mother lives, and it is possible for the mother to die while the fetus lives. This could not be true if the mother and child were simply one person.

Enough to eviscerate the Leftist baby-killers?

I'd be happy to provide even more evidence that the unborn baby is not part of her body.....and, therefore, she has no right to end its life.

Then tell us why you won't support sending those women to prison for life.
10. OK....one more absurd argument from those who live by 'if it feels good, do it.'

Their expectation is the corollary 'if pregnancy follows, government will do away with the consequences.'

The pro-abortion crowd claims that prospective mother has every right to do away with the child since it is part of her body.

Except that it isn't part of her body any more than a child is if she is breastfeeding.


Then you and the rest of the 1% of Americans who want to put women in prison for having abortions should get on the case.

Get a constitutional amendment going. lol
I do so appreciate it when you Liberals/Progressives reveal you true nature...
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky
There is no Right to Life. Now you know.

You kinda slipped up there, bro.....admitting that the incipient baby is living.
And abortion destroys a life.
It destroys a fetus, which is a potential person. That happens day in and day out, without any help from us. Clear?

Is what clear?

Just in case you fail to realize that we are discussing the 'execution' of a person, and individual....

9. Die-hard pro-abortionists may try to claim that they really aren't killing a human being.....they may use some sophistry along the lines of 'it's just a bunch of cells!'....or words made up to disguise the facts.....'embryo,' or 'fetus.'

Easy to dispel that nonsense. Watch.

a. "State DNA Collection from Arrestees —DNA arrestee laws authorize the analysis of DNA samples collected from individuals arrested or charged, but not convicted, of certain crimes. Currently 30 states and the federal government have such laws." http://www.ncsl.org/Documents/cj/ArresteeDNALaws.pdf

b. Why collect DNA?

" For many years, fingerprints were the gold standard for linking suspects to a crime scene. Today, the gold standard is DNAevidence because DNA can be collected from virtually anywhere. Even a criminal wearing gloves may unwittingly leave behind trace amounts of biological material. It could be a hair, saliva,blood, semen, skin, sweat, mucus or earwax. All it takes is a few cells to obtain enough DNA information to identify a suspect with near certainty." Collecting DNA Evidence

DNA identifies a person.

When does it become a person?

c. " A child inherits half their DNA from each parent, while each parent passes half their DNA to each child. This is achieved through sexual fertilization, requiring the meeting of the sperm with the egg, and the combining of the DNA from both (since the sperm and egg contain only half the genetic information in the parent). " DNA is passed on from parent to child

QED, at conception we are discussing a human being with unique and identifying DNA

So.....calling the abortion the ending of a "potential" human is like say that a dollar bill is a "potential" asset.

No...it's a sure thing.
Abortion kills a potential person, that's all. In the womb that's all they are, potentials...

That's all??????

'Potential' means 'could be.'

So....tell me, what are the other possible outcomes for the unborn?
Koala bear?

Speak up!
10. OK....one more absurd argument from those who live by 'if it feels good, do it.'

Their expectation is the corollary 'if pregnancy follows, government will do away with the consequences.'

The pro-abortion crowd claims that prospective mother has every right to do away with the child since it is part of her body.

Except that it isn't part of her body any more than a child is if she is breastfeeding.


Then you and the rest of the 1% of Americans who want to put women in prison for having abortions should get on the case.

Get a constitutional amendment going. lol

"....who want to put women in prison for having abortions..."

Is that what the Hyde amendment states?

...or are you lying again?
11. When I revealed that the major reason for the execution of the unborn, abortions, is convenience.....not rape, not incest, not the health of the mother....but simple convenience....the mother said...'hmmm....should I have this child.....maybe not....kill it,' two inveterate Progressives/Liberals said the following:

a. NYLiar: "So what."
So what to taking a life.....

b. PaintMyLavatory: "No one has a problem with that fact, nor does it change anything."
Those with a conscience have a problem with it....

I reminded them of how closely their views align with one of their heroes: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

12. I'd be remiss if I didn't advise them that February 9th is the birthday of another with whom the agree....the most prolific serial killer in the history of America, Kermit Gosnell....

a. "He performed thousands of abortions over a 30-year career. Authorities said the medical practice alone netted him about $1.8 million a year, much of it in cash. Authorities found $250,000 hidden in a bedroom when they searched his house. Gosnell also owned a beach home and several rental properties." Doctor Kermit Gosnell found guilty of murdering infants in late-term abortions

b. "Six Degrees of Kermit Gosnell: Links to Planned Parenthood, Obama
...PPFA was not alone in its hands-off approach to Gosnell. Gosnell asked the National Abortion Federation if he could join (soon after Mrs. Mongar died, allegedly from an overdose of Demerol administered by Gosnell’s untrained staff). NAF sent out an evaluator who deemed Gosnell’s clinic “beyond redemption.”

Guess what? Just like Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania, NAF “did not report Gosnell to authorities.”
Six Degrees of Kermit Gosnell: Links to Planned Parenthood, Obama

c." Gosnell proudly displayed jars of severed babies’ feet as trophies.

The Philadelphia District Attorney, R. Seth Williams (who is a Democrat), in a nearly 300 page Grand Jury Report details Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” on 3801 Lancaster in Philadelphia. “My comprehension of the English language can’t adequately describe the barbaric nature of Dr. Gosnell,” D.A. Williams said of the unspeakable conditions of the clinic that was inspected by the pro-abortion National Abortion Federation in recent years but never reported to authorities." Kermit Gosnell and His House of Horrors

What does one say to adult Americans who see nothing wrong with such slaughter of innocent unborn babies?
Based on the occupant of the White House, a man who favors infanticide, they must be reliable Democrat voters.

Kermit Gosnell is in prison.

Good work, Captain Obvious!!!

He did the work you support.....don't forget his birthday!

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