Who is smarter? Hillary or Trump?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
30 years of FBI and CIA and GOP controlled Senate investigations and GOP House controlled investigations and nothing.
Hillary must be the smartest woman in the world.

Trump: 4 indictments, two guilty pleas. One year.
30 years of FBI and CIA and GOP controlled Senate investigations and GOP House controlled investigations and nothing.
Hillary must be the smartest woman in the world.

Trump: 4 indictments, two guilty pleas. One year.

A). I'm not aware that Trump has been indicted or found guilty of anything. If you want to count heads though, there is a whole sea of people surrounding Hillary (and including her) who have come under deep scrutiny and suspicion.

B). I see Hillary as less a matter of being smarter and more a matter of just having lots of very low friends in very high places.
30 years of FBI and CIA and GOP controlled Senate investigations and GOP House controlled investigations and nothing.
Hillary must be the smartest woman in the world.

Trump: 4 indictments, two guilty pleas. One year.
You drunk again?
Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.
-- William T. Kelley, one of Trump's professors at Wharton

AFAIK, none of Hillary's professors said something similar of her.
Dumb enough to become a BILLIONAIRE.

How rich is that obviously jealous triggered teacher?
News flash: money and how much of it one may or may not possess is not the means by which intellect is measured.
Oh I see... that's why so many DUMBEST PEOPLE are BILLIONAIRES.

You're not very smart yourself, are ya there skippy.
30 years of FBI and CIA and GOP controlled Senate investigations and GOP House controlled investigations and nothing.
Hillary must be the smartest woman in the world.

Trump: 4 indictments, two guilty pleas. One year.
You drunk again?

No, just showing total ignorance again. It's just beyond dumb. :sleeping-smiley-015:
30 years of FBI and CIA and GOP controlled Senate investigations and GOP House controlled investigations and nothing.
Hillary must be the smartest woman in the world.

Trump: 4 indictments, two guilty pleas. One year.
well lets see;

Hillary spewed hate and division, then lost
trump spewed love and hope, then won

Book smart - Hillary, hands down.

Ripping people off, pulling the wool over idiotic supporters' eyes - trump, hands down.
Book smart - Hillary, hands down.

Ripping people off, pulling the wool over idiotic supporters' eyes - trump, hands down.
Is that why Hitlery is on her way to prison, and president Trump is enjoying a very successful presidency?

C'moon... try harder... you haven't looked as STUPID as you sound yet... you can do better.
Well, let's see:

Hillary (the smartest woman in the world) spent $1.2 billion on her presidential campaign, had the FBI spying on her opponent, had journalists campaigning for her, was protected from prosecution for felonies committed while in office, and enjoyed receiving millions of illegal votes in her favor.

Trump spent half as much (about $600 million), had to constantly defend himself from false allegations leveled by Clinton surrogates, debate his opponent PLUS the moderators in every debate including Fox News, was attacked in the media with fake news stories and was predicted to lose in the biggest landslide in history, yet the "dumbest man in the world" (according to the libs on this forum) beat the hell out of the "smartest woman in the world" for the highest office in the world.

Not only did he beat her fat ass, he got the economy booming, enjoys historically low unemployment numbers, signed a historic tax cut into law, increased GDP growth, kicked the shit out of ISIS, slowed illegal immigration, and made Schumer and Pelosi look like complete idiots.

So who's smarter? I don't think it's the loser, who tours the country whining about being a victim of misogyny while she consoles herself with chardonnay until she can't stand up.
Book smart - Hillary, hands down.

Ripping people off, pulling the wool over idiotic supporters' eyes - trump, hands down.
Is that why Hitlery is on her way to prison, and president Trump is enjoying a very successful presidency?

C'moon... try harder... you haven't looked as STUPID as you sound yet... you can do better.
Don't talk too soon, the investigations still have a long way to go.

The Orange Doosh may still do the perp walk, or at least get his fat ass tossed out of our White House.
Book smart - Hillary, hands down.

Ripping people off, pulling the wool over idiotic supporters' eyes - trump, hands down.
Is that why Hitlery is on her way to prison, and president Trump is enjoying a very successful presidency?

C'moon... try harder... you haven't looked as STUPID as you sound yet... you can do better.
Don't talk too soon, the investigations still have a long way to go.

The Orange Doosh may still do the perp walk, or at least get his fat ass tossed out of our White House.
Must be some good acid you took.
Well, let's see:

Hillary (the smartest woman in the world) spent $1.2 billion on her presidential campaign, had the FBI spying on her opponent, had journalists campaigning for her, was protected from prosecution for felonies committed while in office, and enjoyed receiving millions of illegal votes in her favor.

Trump spent half as much (about $600 million), had to constantly defend himself from false allegations leveled by Clinton surrogates, debate his opponent PLUS the moderators in every debate including Fox News, was attacked in the media with fake news stories and was predicted to lose in the biggest landslide in history, yet the "dumbest man in the world" (according to the libs on this forum) beat the hell out of the "smartest woman in the world" for the highest office in the world.

Not only did he beat her fat ass, he got the economy booming, enjoys historically low unemployment numbers, signed a historic tax cut into law, increased GDP growth, kicked the shit out of ISIS, slowed illegal immigration, and made Schumer and Pelosi look like complete idiots.

So who's smarter? I don't think it's the loser, who tours the country whining about being a victim of misogyny while she consoles herself with chardonnay until she can't stand up.
Hillary beat herself by being a horrible candidate. The only candidate worse than the Orange Maggot.

Plus, trump got a lot of unexpected support from low-information voters who were and are dumb enough to believe every lie that comes out of Putin's girl's mouth.

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