who is running the Country?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The smirking, inappropriately laughing possibly brain damaged V.P. says that he and president Hussein had no idea of the request for security by the Embassies and, gosh darned, they forgot that Sept. 11 held some significance. Hillary must be hiding out in a hotel in some rich Arab Emirate judging by the long distance calls. Doesn't president ever hold a foreign policy briefing? Some of the fat assed generals in the Pentagon haven't seen him for years. Where the hell is the secretary 'O state and what does she know and when did she know it? Does the media care anymore?
The smirking, inappropriately laughing possibly brain damaged V.P. says that he and president Hussein had no idea of the request for security by the Embassies and, gosh darned, they forgot that Sept. 11 held some significance. Hillary must be hiding out in a hotel in some rich Arab Emirate judging by the long distance calls. Doesn't president ever hold a foreign policy briefing? Some of the fat assed generals in the Pentagon haven't seen him for years. Where the hell is the secretary 'O state and what does she know and when did she know it? Does the media care anymore?

Tragic situation, using it as no more than an election year political tool makes you the biggest tool of them all.
The smirking, inappropriately laughing possibly brain damaged V.P. says that he and president Hussein had no idea of the request for security by the Embassies and, gosh darned, they forgot that Sept. 11 held some significance. Hillary must be hiding out in a hotel in some rich Arab Emirate judging by the long distance calls. Doesn't president ever hold a foreign policy briefing? Some of the fat assed generals in the Pentagon haven't seen him for years. Where the hell is the secretary 'O state and what does she know and when did she know it? Does the media care anymore?

Tragic situation, using it as no more than an election year political tool makes you the biggest tool of them all.

No, fool, the tragedy happened in Libya. The lie happened right here in America, and it is not excused because it is a political year. The fools are running around attempting to find excuses for the lie, and someone else to blame for it.

When you are that far into the Kool-aid, it is time to back up and take a breath of fresh air. This administration lied to you, me, and the rest of America, and you are trying to escape from that fact.
The smirking, inappropriately laughing possibly brain damaged V.P. says that he and president Hussein had no idea of the request for security by the Embassies and, gosh darned, they forgot that Sept. 11 held some significance. Hillary must be hiding out in a hotel in some rich Arab Emirate judging by the long distance calls. Doesn't president ever hold a foreign policy briefing? Some of the fat assed generals in the Pentagon haven't seen him for years. Where the hell is the secretary 'O state and what does she know and when did she know it? Does the media care anymore?

Tragic situation, using it as no more than an election year political tool makes you the biggest tool of them all.

This administration has been screwing the pooch for almost 4 years, this one is no different, thay all count as election year tools. If your boy can't run on his record, that's his problem, maybe he should have made different decisions and been a real leader, neither of which do I think he's capable.
The smirking, inappropriately laughing possibly brain damaged V.P. says that he and president Hussein had no idea of the request for security by the Embassies and, gosh darned, they forgot that Sept. 11 held some significance. Hillary must be hiding out in a hotel in some rich Arab Emirate judging by the long distance calls. Doesn't president ever hold a foreign policy briefing? Some of the fat assed generals in the Pentagon haven't seen him for years. Where the hell is the secretary 'O state and what does she know and when did she know it? Does the media care anymore?

Tragic situation, using it as no more than an election year political tool makes you the biggest tool of them all.

We wouldn't have known about the disconnect or criminal evasion of the truth if it wasn't an election year simply because the VP would never have had to respond to questions of the mis-management of the Libyan situation where four Americans were murdered by terrorists. Now that we are officially aware of the apparent ignorance of the executive branch of government it seems that we have a duty to get to the bottom of it.
who is running the Country?

the tragedy happened in Libya.

if it isn't Libya for Romney and Ryan there's still Iran and the A bomb ... stay tuned, just announced there is also China and monetary manipulation.
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The smirking, inappropriately laughing possibly brain damaged V.P. says that he and president Hussein had no idea of the request for security by the Embassies and, gosh darned, they forgot that Sept. 11 held some significance. Hillary must be hiding out in a hotel in some rich Arab Emirate judging by the long distance calls. Doesn't president ever hold a foreign policy briefing? Some of the fat assed generals in the Pentagon haven't seen him for years. Where the hell is the secretary 'O state and what does she know and when did she know it? Does the media care anymore?

They've never run this country--and it couldn't be more evident that Biden's performance at the debate. Obviously he was sooo out of touch he didn't realize there was a congressional hearing with sworn testimony given by several secretary officials in Bengazi that confirmed each other's testimony that YES they had continually asked for more security.

The smirking, inappropriately laughing possibly brain damaged V.P. says that he and president Hussein had no idea of the request for security by the Embassies and, gosh darned, they forgot that Sept. 11 held some significance. Hillary must be hiding out in a hotel in some rich Arab Emirate judging by the long distance calls. Doesn't president ever hold a foreign policy briefing? Some of the fat assed generals in the Pentagon haven't seen him for years. Where the hell is the secretary 'O state and what does she know and when did she know it? Does the media care anymore?

Tragic situation, using it as no more than an election year political tool makes you the biggest tool of them all.

Well if the administration was truthful instead of peddling a story about a video that only the dumbest people on Earth would believe....we wouldnt be at this point.....
The smirking, inappropriately laughing possibly brain damaged V.P. says that he and president Hussein had no idea of the request for security by the Embassies and, gosh darned, they forgot that Sept. 11 held some significance. Hillary must be hiding out in a hotel in some rich Arab Emirate judging by the long distance calls. Doesn't president ever hold a foreign policy briefing? Some of the fat assed generals in the Pentagon haven't seen him for years. Where the hell is the secretary 'O state and what does she know and when did she know it? Does the media care anymore?

Obama is....From behind.
This administration lied to you, me, and the rest of America, and you are trying to escape from that fact.
Yet when the former Administration lied, which resulted in millions of people losing their lives (4000 of them being American), you said nothing at all.

Millions.....wow you make a great democrat...just pull shit up out of thin air.......we invaded Iraq because they showed a video of jews fucking atheists.....come on everyone knows this!!!!!!!!!!
Millions.....wow you make a great democrat...just pull shit up out of thin air.......we invaded Iraq because they showed a video of jews fucking atheists.....come on everyone knows this!!!!!!!!!!
We invaded Iraq for the same reason a dog licks' its balls.

I'm not a democrat. Guess that means I don't pull shit out of the thin air?
...how many Iraqis have been killed...two major statistical studies, the first conducted by the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and published in the prestigious British medical journal the Lancet, and the other released by the British polling firm Opinion Research Business. Both indicate that over a million Iraqis have now been killed.
So much for your "thin air" bullshit.

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