Who Gives More to Charity? Liberals or Conservatives

Well Care, I thought some would read that provision as I did in that it gives congress the authority to fund an Army for a period of two years, but that the power to fund an Army is in the hands of congress. It does however authorize an Army and the clause your refer to is a funding issue, thus the reason why congress reauthorizes the budget for the DoD each year.

And good afternoon to you too :)

Yup, what that line means is that military appropriations need to be revisited every 2 years at the latest. The idea being that if the Executive was employing the military in a means inconsistent with the will of the people (represented through Congress) Congress would have the “power of the purse”. I think this clause came about due to the British parliament’s ability to appropriate for 8 years (I think) at the time so that even if parliament opposed the king’s actions it could not enforce its will on the King.

Now of course it’s the MOD and parliament (through the PM) that initiate military action so the point in Britain is moot.
I would be curious to know what the stats would look like if contributions to the worship industry that didn't go toward helping the less fortunate were removed from the calculations.


Why would that make a difference? Is one motivation better than another?
Resurrecting this thread because rdean seems to think there is no study. This is the first thread I found, there were more recent ones though.
Liberals are very selfish people. Sad, but true. Conservatives give more from less, as well as time, so that theory out too.

Nice try though.
This is weird, because I've done a lot of volunteering... both here and S. America, and I've never volunteered with a "conservative" person. All the people I've worked with were really progressive.
It's really easy make such a claim. And the statistics are? Oh, that's right, they are "magically created".

If more liberals donate money for college scholarships, does that count as "charity"? What if they mentor students?

The truth is, it's not Democrats saying, "If you feed 'em, they'll breed".
No, the Democrats are saying let's kill 25 million black babies through abortion............

Charity from liberals, quite a sales pitch.
No, the Democrats are saying let's kill 25 million black babies through abortion............

Charity from liberals, quite a sales pitch.

Don't even pretend that those on the right care about black babies.

Why would we need to pretend?
What makes you think that conservative means racist and sadist?

Personally, I think it is sad that you are such as racist that you made such a blamket statement.

I am not offended in the least...I simply pity your thought process...and pity you in life. It must be tough to live with such hatred.
The right has never been in power in this nation. Never. And yes, we care about all people. Democrats were the folks who opposed the abolition of slavery, not us. You can twist it if it helps you, but the truth is we are the folks that walk the talk, and help our fellow man. Look at you rdean, you keep supporting this failed government against our people. Are you showing us your charitable ways? Are the poor less poor under Obama? Why are blacks suffering worse unemployment than any other sector? Why are the middle class declining? The liberals are clearly in power. Are we seeing Obama's charity?

I would say that those that brag about being the "better" giver are favored least by God. :eek:

be careful....
You can spin it like people are bragging, but the truth is we are the folks left to help mankind against the liberal failures. Every time there's a liberal mess, the conservatives are called to right the ship and clean up the mess. It's what we do.
You can spin it like people are bragging, but the truth is we are the folks left to help mankind against the liberal failures. Every time there's a liberal mess, the conservatives are called to right the ship and clean up the mess. It's what we do.

are you proclaiming the right wing conservatives are perfect, they never fall short, and have had no failures that have been left to be cleaned up by liberals? (the last 8 years of spending like a drunken sailor by the last president and last few congresses, the medicare pill bill, etc)

I can assure you, that both conservatives and liberals have had more than their fare share of failures.

and you are bragging, no spinning there....as though your crud doesn't stink, while everyone elses does...is just a narrow minded, partisan, pipe dream imho.

We got a lot of ''falling short'' out there and it ain't even close to being 'one sided'.

You can spin it like people are bragging, but the truth is we are the folks left to help mankind against the liberal failures. Every time there's a liberal mess, the conservatives are called to right the ship and clean up the mess. It's what we do.

are you proclaiming the right wing conservatives are perfect, they never fall short, and have had no failures that have been left to be cleaned up by liberals? (the last 8 years of spending like a drunken sailor by the last president and last few congresses, the medicare pill bill, etc)

I can assure you, that both conservatives and liberals have had more than their fare share of failures.

and you are bragging, no spinning there....as though your crud doesn't stink, while everyone elses does...is just a narrow minded, partisan, pipe dream imho.

We got a lot of ''falling short'' out there and it ain't even close to being 'one sided'.


Liberals claim to be all about helping the poor...yet it's conservatives that give more of what they earn and more of their time to helping others.

Pointing out hypocrisy is not bragging.
Luissa27 Wrote:

While I agree with your final point - I don't think much good can come of mocking a political party or holding up another over something like this...I might be more prone to believe YOU believed your own point if you hadn't started by adding to the pissing contest by mentioning rich liberals who give lots of money to charities and implying that people who give to their church really don't count.

Not to mention the fact that this article ISN'T ADDRESSING church donations...but rather donations made TO CHARITY!

The bottom line is simple...Conservatives, and more accurately church-goers...give more to CHARITY and spend more of their TIME giving to others.

This shouldn't be a shock or an insult...the Bible instructs its followers to do just that...more devout Christians tend to be conservative...so therefore it isn't a surprise that more conservatives give more to charity.

Its amusing to see how upset people get with threads like this when their side isn't the one being complimented. The Left loves the threads about which political party is more highly educated or which party makes more money...but boy do we get sensitive when a study points out that Democrats aren't as charitable with their money as Republicans.
Do you have solid proof of what you say! I am sure each side can do a study where it shows they give more and volunteer more!
And this crap about liberals not going to church and not being christian is getting old!

Last year Americans gave $300 billion to charity. To put this into perspective, that is almost twice what we spent on consumer electronics equipment—equipment including cell phones, iPods and DVD players. Americans gave three times as much to charity last year as we spent on gambling and ten times as much as we spent on professional sports. America is by far the most charitable country in the world. There is no other country that comes close.

Three reasons why America is the most charitable country on earth.

a. First, we are the most religious people of any leading modern economy. The single most important determinant of charitable giving is active religious faith and observance. Americans who attend church or synagogue or another form of worship once a week give three times as much to charity as a percentage of their income as do those who rarely attend religious services. One-third of all charitable giving in America—$100 billion a year—goes to religion. They also give more to secular charities than do those who never or rarely attend religious services.

b. A second reason America is so charitable is because we respect the freedom and the ability of individuals, and associations of individuals, to make a difference. . Americans don’t wait for government or the local nobleman to solve our problems; we find solutions ourselves

c. The third reason for our extraordinary charity is that philanthropy is such an important part of our nation’s business culture. Wealth creation and philanthropy have always gone together in America. They are reflections of the creativity and can-do spirit of a free society.

i. From Benjamin Franklin, who founded the first volunteer fire department, to Andrew Carnegie, who brought public libraries to communities across America, to Bill Gates, who is seeking to eradicate malaria, great business entrepreneurs have sought to be great philanthropists.

ii. the Dust Bowl was one of the largest migrations and human tragedies in our history. But thanks to the pioneering plant research and outreach to farmers by the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation—founded by an oilman in Ardmore, Oklahoma—agriculture is thriving in Oklahoma today, and we don’t have dust bowls any more in the Great Plains.

iii. When Tom Siebel sold software giant Siebel Systems to Oracle, he decided to apply his business and marketing skills to another cause—fighting the devastation of Crystal Meth. He created and financed the Montana Meth Project, and as a result teen Meth abuse in Montana has fallen by 63 percent in three years.

iv. The late Don Fisher and his widow Doris were the philanthropic architects of the Knowledge is Power Program, which is a network of 80 schools across the country where low-income children excel. They were also the earliest large-scale supporters of Teach for America. Using the same principles that enabled them to build the Gap retail chain, the Fishers have built extraordinary philanthropic brands.
I give what I give. Its what I want to afford. Nobody helped me when I was down and out so now I get to repay the favor.

You have to do what you have to do to survive. Simple as that. If you give to charity, good for you. I could give two sh*ts.

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