who for vice president


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
i'm curious what you guys think about vice president. if Trump and Hillary are the nominees.

kasich, would deliver ohio, rubio florida. thay say the VP doesn't really influence the general, but i'm curious what you guys think anyway.

would hillary pick bernie ? vice versa ? there is talk about pochantas, but she's even wackier than sanders.


elizabeth warren (artist rendering, not an actual photo)
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We should focus on the VP if those are the noms. They are both old.
In order for Elizabeth Warren to welcome a VP from corrupt cankles, she would have to throw away all her integrity.. Well I guess her voting NO on auditing the FED kinda did that... Nevermind
Surely to gawd trump wouldn't nominate an establishment member?
Hillary/Julian Castro
Sanders/Elizabeth Warren
Trump/Vladimir Putin
Rubio/John Kasich
Cruz/Nobody would want to run with him
Hillary's in the famed death spiral.:laugh:

You can forget about Castro or Gutierrez.
Kasich, period, we already have Florida for the most part.

As far as the Democrats, if it is Hillary, someone with credibility who is perceived trustworthy.

If it is Bernie, since he is already perceived as very trustworthy, he will probably choose a pitbull to say things he won't!
Bush / Graham is the one that comes to mind. (not my guys)

I wish I would know who their running mates would be, it would tell a lot about them. If Trump picks that mouth from Alaska, he would not get my vote.
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I have not voted in over a decade, I always think the system is corrupt and rigged.

But if this ends up being the ticket, I will be in line before the polls open.


We should focus on the VP if those are the noms. They are both old.
In order for Elizabeth Warren to welcome a VP from corrupt cankles, she would have to throw away all her integrity.. Well I guess her voting NO on auditing the FED kinda did that... Nevermind
Surely to gawd trump wouldn't nominate an establishment member?

Both Hillary and Warren, now, from New England area.
If Hillary is the nom, south, mid west, or west coast vp.

same with Sanders,

Chicago or points west for Trump
We should focus on the VP if those are the noms. They are both old.
In order for Elizabeth Warren to welcome a VP from corrupt cankles, she would have to throw away all her integrity.. Well I guess her voting NO on auditing the FED kinda did that... Nevermind
Surely to gawd trump wouldn't nominate an establishment member?
maybe nikki haley, i think marco makes the most sense to me at this point. kasich, ohio. who would professor sanders pick ? wasserman, ?? that would be two firsts both being from new york and jewish, which is cool, i wish they weren't such lunatics.

hey, have you been to sturgess or laconia or daytona for bike weeks ??
i'm curious what you guys think about vice president. if Trump and Hillary are the nominees.

kasich, would deliver ohio, rubio florida. thay say the VP doesn't really influence the general, but i'm curious what you guys think anyway.

would hillary pick bernie ? vice versa ? there is talk about pochantas, but she's even wackier than sanders.


elizabeth warren (artist rendering, not an actual photo)
Former Louisiana House Representative David Duke.
Hillary / Castro (Fidel, not Julian)
Sanders / Governor Moonbeam or Sacagawea
Kasich / Rubiobot
Cruz / Kasich
Rubiobot / Kasich
Trump / ????
the riddler from bat man. jesus i forgot about moonbeam, he would be as effective as a delta smelt.
Sanders needs someone who can pronounce muslim.
you mean mooslum, do we have any, i don't think we do in vermont. bernie won't win, he glosses things over, he's on that bullshit climate change thing. i thought he was a lot smarter than that.

the debate is over, the science is in.... unbelievable. how stupid can people be ??

every election is another chance to learn how to say nuclear, fix the bastardization, i've never been able to figure that one out.
Kasich, period, we already have Florida for the most part.

As far as the Democrats, if it is Hillary, someone with credibility who is perceived trustworthy.

If it is Bernie, since he is already perceived as very trustworthy, he will probably choose a pitbull to say things he won't!

There are a lot of problems with Kasich for Trump. He really hasn't shown he can campaign well nationally -- parking his ass in NH for months doesn't really show much. I think Florida will be VERY contested BTW and it is far more important than Ohio. The knock on Trump that he has to worry about is that hes not a conservative. Adding Kasich will inflame the real conservatives who despise Kasich. Even Trump has to consider if having 2 white men on the ticket makes sense, which it might not. Cruz or Rubio would be much better than Kasich for all these reasons.

If not them then its hard to say -- some say Nikki Haley. Susana Martinez neither of whom may be ready.

For Hilary if Rubio is on the ticket she may be forced to go for Castro. It would be very interesting if Rubio is VP and debated Castro -- Rubio could answer some questions in Spanish to illustrate that castro doesn't even speak Spanish. There is a lot of speculation she will go with Tim Caine although I don't see the appeal of him at all. If she really ends up in a dog fight, which I doubt could her hand be forced to Sanders? hard to say
Kasich, period, we already have Florida for the most part.

As far as the Democrats, if it is Hillary, someone with credibility who is perceived trustworthy.

If it is Bernie, since he is already perceived as very trustworthy, he will probably choose a pitbull to say things he won't!

There are a lot of problems with Kasich for Trump. He really hasn't shown he can campaign well nationally -- parking his ass in NH for months doesn't really show much. I think Florida will be VERY contested BTW and it is far more important than Ohio. The knock on Trump that he has to worry about is that hes not a conservative. Adding Kasich will inflame the real conservatives who despise Kasich. Even Trump has to consider if having 2 white men on the ticket makes sense, which it might not. Cruz or Rubio would be much better than Kasich for all these reasons.

If not them then its hard to say -- some say Nikki Haley. Susana Martinez neither of whom may be ready.

For Hilary if Rubio is on the ticket she may be forced to go for Castro. It would be very interesting if Rubio is VP and debated Castro -- Rubio could answer some questions in Spanish to illustrate that castro doesn't even speak Spanish. There is a lot of speculation she will go with Tim Caine although I don't see the appeal of him at all. If she really ends up in a dog fight, which I doubt could her hand be forced to Sanders? hard to say

interesting, i just sort of noticed julian castro today.
kasich is an odd duck. what about bernie as vp . don't forget hillary did the "shame on you barack obama" thing. just because she called bernie a smear, doesn't mean he can't be vp or the next whackadoo secretary of state.

it's academic because the democrat party is a joke, i mean they really got nothin this time.

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