Who do you think is letting politics get in the way of economic progress?

Who do you think is letting politics get in the way of economic progress?

  • The Democratic-controlled Senate

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Obama

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • The Republican-controlled House

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • All of Congress

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Obama and all of Congress

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • Obama/Senate

    Votes: 6 30.0%

  • Total voters


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
My honest vote is all of congress. I think Republicans are blocking anything Obama proposes for the sake of dethroning him in 2012. Democrats, on the other hand, are inhibiting anything the House comes up because they are trying to save face from the embarrassing mid-term election results.

Obama, I think, is the only branch of government that is making a genuine effort to fix the economy. I think this not because I am democrat, but because it wouldn't make any sense politically for him not to try. His re-election largely depends on a stable economy.
Lets not forget the corporate influence. Big corps are making good money just the way things are.
And they all do want cheaper labor rates.
Lets not forget who controls congress.
Lets not forget the corporate influence. Big corps are making good money just the way things are.
And they all do want cheaper labor rates.
Lets not forget who controls congress.

Congress can do whatever it wants, but if Reid won't even bring it up for debate, how's that the fault of congress?
Don't misunderstand, I do think congress is messed up, but the senate isn't any better, and the guy at the top is worse than the lot of them.
Lets not forget the corporate influence. Big corps are making good money just the way things are.
And they all do want cheaper labor rates.
Lets not forget who controls congress.

Congress can do whatever it wants, but if Reid won't even bring it up for debate, how's that the fault of congress?
Don't misunderstand, I do think congress is messed up, but the senate isn't any better, and the guy at the top is worse than the lot of them.

Sorry, but I have to do it:

As the OP correctly states, Congress consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What exactly has Reid refused to bring up for debate?

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, it seems.
The dems had the one and only trifecta I have ever heard of.

The WH, and both houses of Congress that they dominated by so much that the reps couldn't even filibuster.

What did they work on?
The economy? No
the mythical job creation? No
The debt? OH HELL NO! They raised it.

so what did they work on?
Obamacare. Millions upon Billions of bribes still had to be passed out to get enough dem votes.

and you bitches cry that it was the reps?

fuck you, you lying bunch of fucking cry babies.
What exactly has Reid refused to bring up for debate?

And you want to be taken seriously :lol:
Why do so many libtards think the DNC was incapable of over whelming the RNC between big 0 swearing in and the 2010 elections?

Are republicans so right that even the dems knew deep in their hearts that it was wrong to waste so much time and money?

well, until the bribes came rolling in.
Why do so many libtards think the DNC was incapable of over whelming the RNC between big 0 swearing in and the 2010 elections?

Are republicans so right that even the dems knew deep in their hearts that it was wrong to waste so much time and money?

well, until the bribes came rolling in.


I'm thinking that they were hindered by an incredibly toxic economy.

I think Obama knew that he had one opportunity to get something significant done on health care reform......something needed if we were ever to address the cripling costs associated with it in this country. He took that opportunity.

While not a politically wise decision, it resulted in reforms that will cut costs over time and provide health care security to millions of hard-working Americans. Despite the fact that most of the reforms are ideas supported by GOP lawmakers in the past, they fought it with a misinformation campaign of epic proportions.

That battle cost Obama all of his political capital. It is all very clear if one takes the time to consider the facts.
Why do so many libtards think the DNC was incapable of over whelming the RNC between big 0 swearing in and the 2010 elections?

Are republicans so right that even the dems knew deep in their hearts that it was wrong to waste so much time and money?

well, until the bribes came rolling in.


I'm thinking that they were hindered by an incredibly toxic economy.

I think Obama knew that he had one opportunity to get something significant done on health care reform......something needed if we were ever to address the cripling costs associated with it in this country. He took that opportunity.

While not a politically wise decision, it resulted in reforms that will cut costs over time and provide health care security to millions of hard-working Americans. Despite the fact that most of the reforms are ideas supported by GOP lawmakers in the past, they fought it with a misinformation campaign of epic proportions.

That battle cost Obama all of his political capital. It is all very clear if one takes the time to consider the facts.

It does not cut costs over time.

Youre full of baloney.
Lets not forget the corporate influence. Big corps are making good money just the way things are.
And they all do want cheaper labor rates.
Lets not forget who controls congress.

Congress can do whatever it wants, but if Reid won't even bring it up for debate, how's that the fault of congress?
Don't misunderstand, I do think congress is messed up, but the senate isn't any better, and the guy at the top is worse than the lot of them.

Sorry, but I have to do it:

As the OP correctly states, Congress consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What exactly has Reid refused to bring up for debate?

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, it seems.

Sorry yes, I should have substituted "Congress" for " The House".

Just a couple bills Senate has take no action on yet, that have been sent by the HOUSE, are HR 1070, 1965,2930, 2940,1230,1229, 1231,2021,1938, and there are more if you need them. Yes you will have to put HR in front of all those numbers in case you are confused about that too.
My honest vote is all of congress. I think Republicans are blocking anything Obama proposes for the sake of dethroning him in 2012. Democrats, on the other hand, are inhibiting anything the House comes up because they are trying to save face from the embarrassing mid-term election results.

Obama, I think, is the only branch of government that is making a genuine effort to fix the economy. I think this not because I am democrat, but because it wouldn't make any sense politically for him not to try. His re-election largely depends on a stable economy.

Obama has done nothing of the sort.

Obama's solutions are the ones that have already been proven not to work- more taxes, more free trade, more government spending. The things that got us into this mess to start with.
The House needs to declare Cut Cap and Balance the law of the land and move forward without Reid and Obama
Why do so many libtards think the DNC was incapable of over whelming the RNC between big 0 swearing in and the 2010 elections?

Are republicans so right that even the dems knew deep in their hearts that it was wrong to waste so much time and money?

well, until the bribes came rolling in.


I'm thinking that they were hindered by an incredibly toxic economy.

I think Obama knew that he had one opportunity to get something significant done on health care reform......something needed if we were ever to address the cripling costs associated with it in this country. He took that opportunity.

While not a politically wise decision, it resulted in reforms that will cut costs over time and provide health care security to millions of hard-working Americans. Despite the fact that most of the reforms are ideas supported by GOP lawmakers in the past, they fought it with a misinformation campaign of epic proportions.

That battle cost Obama all of his political capital. It is all very clear if one takes the time to consider the facts.

It does not cut costs over time.

Youre full of baloney.

It does. You have believed lies about it. That is your problem. I could put the information here AGAIN.....but it is futile. You will not accept the facts. Again....your problem.

I'm thinking that they were hindered by an incredibly toxic economy.

I think Obama knew that he had one opportunity to get something significant done on health care reform......something needed if we were ever to address the cripling costs associated with it in this country. He took that opportunity.

While not a politically wise decision, it resulted in reforms that will cut costs over time and provide health care security to millions of hard-working Americans. Despite the fact that most of the reforms are ideas supported by GOP lawmakers in the past, they fought it with a misinformation campaign of epic proportions.

That battle cost Obama all of his political capital. It is all very clear if one takes the time to consider the facts.

It does not cut costs over time.

Youre full of baloney.

It does. You have believed lies about it. That is your problem. I could put the information here AGAIN.....but it is futile. You will not accept the facts. Again....your problem.

Costs have already increased and Obama has already halted implementation because of costs.

So you must think savings comes from a few % reduction that comes after a 100% increase.

Where exactly are we going to save?

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