Who Are The Worst Bigots In America Today???

Who Is The Worst Bigots In America Today?

  • White Democrats

  • Black Democrats

  • White Repubicans

  • Black Republicans

  • Muslims

  • Hispanics

  • White College Students

  • Black College Students

  • Conservatives

  • Liberals

Results are only viewable after voting.
How can Republicans keep saying that Obama divided the country by race when Republicans are 90% white and Obama supporters are the rest of the country?
Opinion is not fact. So an opinion based poll has no validity.
But Republicans being nearly all white on one side and the rest of the country on Obama’s side is a fact. That’s not opinion. That’s a fact.
What surprises me is why Republicans think that anyone would support them except white people. They say some Mexicans don’t rape, look what they failed to do in Puerto Rico, look at Jim Crowe laws and civil rights abuses.
I didn't check any on the vote, because I think it's the SJW Social Marxists, the ones always screeching about "tolerance".

They are not listed.
Your poll is pretty funny - not a lot of scientific methodology going on there.

I find it hard to believe that this is the first time you've ever seen an informal poll on the interwebs.
So it really is that hard to tell that I was just razzing him about how he took his biased opinion, infected all of the choices with this same bias and then presented the conclusions as if it represents anything other than the original bias? Do you all think we're blind?

And when you refer to "the left" is there an actual pool of individuals who meet all of the definitions to be classified as such and are any of them Republicans? Because so often it seems like that term is used as a catch-all for anyone you all don't like and want to bash.
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Opinion is not fact. So an opinion based poll has no validity.
But Republicans being nearly all white on one side and the rest of the country on Obama’s side is a fact. That’s not opinion. That’s a fact.

Yes that is a fact. I'm talking about the comments resulting from a poll that is not based on fact.
Opinion is not fact. So an opinion based poll has no validity.
Then why are you giving us your opinion...?

My opinion is not based on that poll. Furthermore I can back up my opinion with actual fact. The worst bigots are not liberals. And real conservatives are not bigots. But you counterfeit "conservatives" are.
Opinion is not fact. So an opinion based poll has no validity.
Then why are you giving us your opinion...?

My opinion is not based on that poll. Furthermore I can back up my opinion with actual fact. The worst bigots are not liberals. And real conservatives are not bigots. But you counterfeit "conservatives" are.
That is only your opinion... Ironic...

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