Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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No arab muslims prior to the late 7C which is when their world conquest started, before then they were just illiterate nomadic goat herders and thieves.

You are ignorant in any history, even in the Jewish history.

Prior to the rise of Islam many Arabs were Christians or Jews.


"The Himyarite kings appear to have abandoned polytheism and converted to Judaism around the year 380, some 15–20 years after the conversion of the Ethiopian kingdom of Aksum to Christianity (360-5), though no changes occurred in its script or calendar or language (unlike Aksum).[4] This date marks the end of an era in which numerous inscriptions record the names and deeds of Kings, and dedicate buildings to local (e.g. Wagal and Simyada) and major (e.g. Almaqah) Gods; from around the 380s, temples were abandoned, and dedications to the old gods ceased, instead being given to Rahmanan, "the Lord of Heaven" or "Lord of Heaven and Earth".[5] The political context for this conversion was the position of Arabia between the competing empires of Christian Byzantium and Zoroastrian Persia. Neutrality, and good trade relations with both empires, was essential to the prosperity of the Arabian trade routes. Scholars speculate that the choice of Judaism may have been an attempt at maintaining neutrality,[6] or as a device to establish a symbolic difference from the Christian kingdom of Aksum.


One of the first Jewish kings, Tub'a Abu Kariba As'ad (r. 390-420), reportedly converted following a military expedition into northern Arabia in an effort to eliminate Byzantine influence. The Byzantine emperors had long eyed the Arabian Peninsula as a region in which to extend their influence, thereby to control the lucrative spice trade and the route to India. Without actually staging a conquest of the region, the Byzantines hoped to establish a protectorate over the pagan Arabs by converting them to Christianity. The cross would then bear commercial advantages as it did in Ethiopia. The Byzantines had made some progress in northern Arabia but had met with little success in Ḥimyar.[6]


The sages' appeal is said to have persuaded Abu-Kariba; he called off his attack and also embraced Judaism along with his entire army. At his insistence, the two Jewish savants accompanied the Ḥimyarite king back to his capital, where he demanded that all his people convert to Judaism. Initially, there was great resistance, but after an ordeal had justified the king's demand and confirmed the truth of the Jewish faith, many Himyarites embraced Judaism. Such conversions, by ordeal, were not uncommon in Arabia.

Some historians argue that the conversions occurred, not due to political motivations, but because Judaism, by its philosophical, simplistic and austere nature, was attractive to the nature of the Semitic people.[7]

Himyarite Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No arab muslims prior to the late 7C which is when their world conquest started, before then they were just illiterate nomadic goat herders and thieves.

You are ignorant in any history, even in the Jewish history.

Prior to the rise of Islam many Arabs were Christians or Jews.


"The Himyarite kings appear to have abandoned polytheism and converted to Judaism around the year 380, some 15–20 years after the conversion of the Ethiopian kingdom of Aksum to Christianity (360-5), though no changes occurred in its script or calendar or language (unlike Aksum).[4] This date marks the end of an era in which numerous inscriptions record the names and deeds of Kings, and dedicate buildings to local (e.g. Wagal and Simyada) and major (e.g. Almaqah) Gods; from around the 380s, temples were abandoned, and dedications to the old gods ceased, instead being given to Rahmanan, "the Lord of Heaven" or "Lord of Heaven and Earth".[5] The political context for this conversion was the position of Arabia between the competing empires of Christian Byzantium and Zoroastrian Persia. Neutrality, and good trade relations with both empires, was essential to the prosperity of the Arabian trade routes. Scholars speculate that the choice of Judaism may have been an attempt at maintaining neutrality,[6] or as a device to establish a symbolic difference from the Christian kingdom of Aksum.


One of the first Jewish kings, Tub'a Abu Kariba As'ad (r. 390-420), reportedly converted following a military expedition into northern Arabia in an effort to eliminate Byzantine influence. The Byzantine emperors had long eyed the Arabian Peninsula as a region in which to extend their influence, thereby to control the lucrative spice trade and the route to India. Without actually staging a conquest of the region, the Byzantines hoped to establish a protectorate over the pagan Arabs by converting them to Christianity. The cross would then bear commercial advantages as it did in Ethiopia. The Byzantines had made some progress in northern Arabia but had met with little success in Ḥimyar.[6]


The sages' appeal is said to have persuaded Abu-Kariba; he called off his attack and also embraced Judaism along with his entire army. At his insistence, the two Jewish savants accompanied the Ḥimyarite king back to his capital, where he demanded that all his people convert to Judaism. Initially, there was great resistance, but after an ordeal had justified the king's demand and confirmed the truth of the Jewish faith, many Himyarites embraced Judaism. Such conversions, by ordeal, were not uncommon in Arabia.

Some historians argue that the conversions occurred, not due to political motivations, but because Judaism, by its philosophical, simplistic and austere nature, was attractive to the nature of the Semitic people.[7]

Himyarite Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Prior to islam arabs were idol worshipping pagans who had gods and goddesses for everything. In fact allah was a minor moon god who looked after the crescent moon, which is why the arabs have a crescent moon on their flags and on top of their mosques. Christianity as we know it did not come about until the end of the Roman Empire and the Roman leaders used it to control the people.

Your understanding about history is lacking and comes mainly from islamonazi propaganda pieces written on wiki, and not from accredited history books
And your wiki source is an islamonazi propagandist.


The "kosher" Wikipedia, censored by Jewish censors, is "islamonazi" propaganda.

You have made my day?


Yes as the majority of entries have been altered by islamonazi cucer terrorists. It is so easy to see who alters wiki articles, and when Monte admitted that he was doing it he realised he had given the game away.
And your wiki source is an islamonazi propagandist.

What are Zionist doing with the huge amount of the money, paid by American taxpayers?

Buying American goods to keep American workers in employment of course. Didn't you know that trade agreements between nations have clauses banning the unfair practises of subsidising the industries that are the remit of the trade agreements.

You do know that 28% of nothing is still nothing and that is how much the P.A. collect in taxes.

And haven't they recently disbanded their security force because they are trying to force Israel into giving in.

I think the PLO made a recommendation to that effect about a month ago or so but I haven't heard that it actually happened.
Where ARE all those Palestinians, the proclaimed one million of them who lived in Israel before they were ‘displaced’? Nowhere.

Nowhere, because they never existed. And where are all the mosques for those “over 1 million Palestinians” who are suppose to have lived there already in the early 1800’s like “Palestinians” claim? If they had been 1 million at the turn of the Century, or even in 1920 after they began immigrating to fight the British, with their rapid population growth Palestine would consist of over 40 million people today and not 4 million. That alone proves the jihad lies. Their population is small because they are new invaders and occupiers who arrived late with an aim to commit jihad. They never lost land that was never theirs to begin with!

The British army permitted merely a few Ottomans to remain due to religious observations, the rest was Jewish. In reality according to eyewitness reports the barren British Mandate had a very small number of people living on it. Félix Bonfils (1831-1885) was a French photographer and writer who was active in the Middle East. Four years after his arrival he reported 15,000 prints of Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Greece, and 9,000 stereoscopic-views. He traveled to the region several times and we hear of no mass population of Palestinians, which contradicts everything the Palestinians lie about to the world.

His pictures did not manage to capture any photographs of a single so-called ‘Palestinian’ who are suppose to have lost land to Jewish occupation, if we believe Arab propaganda. All he found was a few bedouines passing through and some remnants of the Ottoman Turks. Guess why? Because the “Palestinian” people as we know them today never existed.

The original philistines which the Arab jihadi’s named themselves after were a small group of lawless bandits who occupied the region near Gaza by force and died out before the birth of Christ. Islam was created over 600 years after the death of Christ and is the world’s youngest religion.

9,000 Photographs from 1800's British Mandate of Palestine - with no trace of 'Palestinians'

You do know that 28% of nothing is still nothing and that is how much the P.A. collect in taxes.

And haven't they recently disbanded their security force because they are trying to force Israel into giving in.

I think the PLO made a recommendation to that effect about a month ago or so but I haven't heard that it actually happened.

More like 3 month's ago and partially implemented it as they could not afford the costs of the security forces and the terrorists pensions.

You do know that 28% of nothing is still nothing and that is how much the P.A. collect in taxes.

And haven't they recently disbanded their security force because they are trying to force Israel into giving in.

I think the PLO made a recommendation to that effect about a month ago or so but I haven't heard that it actually happened.

More like 3 month's ago and partially implemented it as they could not afford the costs of the security forces and the terrorists pensions.


You do know that 28% of nothing is still nothing and that is how much the P.A. collect in taxes.

And haven't they recently disbanded their security force because they are trying to force Israel into giving in.

I think the PLO made a recommendation to that effect about a month ago or so but I haven't heard that it actually happened.

More like 3 month's ago and partially implemented it as they could not afford the costs of the security forces and the terrorists pensions.


Like you're interested?

Typical troll tactic.:lame2:
Where ARE all those Palestinians, the proclaimed one million of them who lived in Israel before they were ‘displaced’? Nowhere.

Nowhere, because they never existed. And where are all the mosques for those “over 1 million Palestinians” who are suppose to have lived there already in the early 1800’s like “Palestinians” claim? If they had been 1 million at the turn of the Century, or even in 1920 after they began immigrating to fight the British, with their rapid population growth Palestine would consist of over 40 million people today and not 4 million. That alone proves the jihad lies. Their population is small because they are new invaders and occupiers who arrived late with an aim to commit jihad. They never lost land that was never theirs to begin with!

The British army permitted merely a few Ottomans to remain due to religious observations, the rest was Jewish. In reality according to eyewitness reports the barren British Mandate had a very small number of people living on it. Félix Bonfils (1831-1885) was a French photographer and writer who was active in the Middle East. Four years after his arrival he reported 15,000 prints of Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Greece, and 9,000 stereoscopic-views. He traveled to the region several times and we hear of no mass population of Palestinians, which contradicts everything the Palestinians lie about to the world.

His pictures did not manage to capture any photographs of a single so-called ‘Palestinian’ who are suppose to have lost land to Jewish occupation, if we believe Arab propaganda. All he found was a few bedouines passing through and some remnants of the Ottoman Turks. Guess why? Because the “Palestinian” people as we know them today never existed.

The original philistines which the Arab jihadi’s named themselves after were a small group of lawless bandits who occupied the region near Gaza by force and died out before the birth of Christ. Islam was created over 600 years after the death of Christ and is the world’s youngest religion.

9,000 Photographs from 1800's British Mandate of Palestine - with no trace of 'Palestinians'

Yes right, that is why so many fled to Lebanon and Jordan or were pushed by Zionist into Gaza. That is also why Britain called it "mandatory Palestine" . Who were those people?
Where ARE all those Palestinians, the proclaimed one million of them who lived in Israel before they were ‘displaced’? Nowhere.

Nowhere, because they never existed. And where are all the mosques for those “over 1 million Palestinians” who are suppose to have lived there already in the early 1800’s like “Palestinians” claim? If they had been 1 million at the turn of the Century, or even in 1920 after they began immigrating to fight the British, with their rapid population growth Palestine would consist of over 40 million people today and not 4 million. That alone proves the jihad lies. Their population is small because they are new invaders and occupiers who arrived late with an aim to commit jihad. They never lost land that was never theirs to begin with!

The British army permitted merely a few Ottomans to remain due to religious observations, the rest was Jewish. In reality according to eyewitness reports the barren British Mandate had a very small number of people living on it. Félix Bonfils (1831-1885) was a French photographer and writer who was active in the Middle East. Four years after his arrival he reported 15,000 prints of Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Greece, and 9,000 stereoscopic-views. He traveled to the region several times and we hear of no mass population of Palestinians, which contradicts everything the Palestinians lie about to the world.

His pictures did not manage to capture any photographs of a single so-called ‘Palestinian’ who are suppose to have lost land to Jewish occupation, if we believe Arab propaganda. All he found was a few bedouines passing through and some remnants of the Ottoman Turks. Guess why? Because the “Palestinian” people as we know them today never existed.

The original philistines which the Arab jihadi’s named themselves after were a small group of lawless bandits who occupied the region near Gaza by force and died out before the birth of Christ. Islam was created over 600 years after the death of Christ and is the world’s youngest religion.

9,000 Photographs from 1800's British Mandate of Palestine - with no trace of 'Palestinians'

Yes right, that is why so many fled to Lebanon and Jordan or were pushed by Zionist into Gaza. That is also why Britain called it "mandatory Palestine" . Who were those people?

Palestinian Jews.

You do know that 28% of nothing is still nothing and that is how much the P.A. collect in taxes.

And haven't they recently disbanded their security force because they are trying to force Israel into giving in.

I think the PLO made a recommendation to that effect about a month ago or so but I haven't heard that it actually happened.

More like 3 month's ago and partially implemented it as they could not afford the costs of the security forces and the terrorists pensions.


Like these

Seems it was last year and not in the last month or so

Abbas Threatens 'Palestinian People Will Explode'

President Abbas threatens to halt PA security cooperation with Israel
Where ARE all those Palestinians, the proclaimed one million of them who lived in Israel before they were ‘displaced’? Nowhere.

Nowhere, because they never existed. And where are all the mosques for those “over 1 million Palestinians” who are suppose to have lived there already in the early 1800’s like “Palestinians” claim? If they had been 1 million at the turn of the Century, or even in 1920 after they began immigrating to fight the British, with their rapid population growth Palestine would consist of over 40 million people today and not 4 million. That alone proves the jihad lies. Their population is small because they are new invaders and occupiers who arrived late with an aim to commit jihad. They never lost land that was never theirs to begin with!

The British army permitted merely a few Ottomans to remain due to religious observations, the rest was Jewish. In reality according to eyewitness reports the barren British Mandate had a very small number of people living on it. Félix Bonfils (1831-1885) was a French photographer and writer who was active in the Middle East. Four years after his arrival he reported 15,000 prints of Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Greece, and 9,000 stereoscopic-views. He traveled to the region several times and we hear of no mass population of Palestinians, which contradicts everything the Palestinians lie about to the world.

His pictures did not manage to capture any photographs of a single so-called ‘Palestinian’ who are suppose to have lost land to Jewish occupation, if we believe Arab propaganda. All he found was a few bedouines passing through and some remnants of the Ottoman Turks. Guess why? Because the “Palestinian” people as we know them today never existed.

The original philistines which the Arab jihadi’s named themselves after were a small group of lawless bandits who occupied the region near Gaza by force and died out before the birth of Christ. Islam was created over 600 years after the death of Christ and is the world’s youngest religion.

9,000 Photographs from 1800's British Mandate of Palestine - with no trace of 'Palestinians'

Yes right, that is why so many fled to Lebanon and Jordan or were pushed by Zionist into Gaza. That is also why Britain called it "mandatory Palestine" . Who were those people?

Palestinian Jews.

So the Zionist are killing Jews, got ya. I think the big quest. who are the Zionist and all the ? jews moving to Israel. The Pres. of Israel is secular, but he is anti reform Jews and pro orthodox jews because even he says we need the jewish laws to be a jewish country. Its crazy, since most Israelis are secular or agnostic, and yet they want to call it a jewish state. Oh if only they knew like he does that Jew is not a race.
Where ARE all those Palestinians, the proclaimed one million of them who lived in Israel before they were ‘displaced’? Nowhere.

Nowhere, because they never existed. And where are all the mosques for those “over 1 million Palestinians” who are suppose to have lived there already in the early 1800’s like “Palestinians” claim? If they had been 1 million at the turn of the Century, or even in 1920 after they began immigrating to fight the British, with their rapid population growth Palestine would consist of over 40 million people today and not 4 million. That alone proves the jihad lies. Their population is small because they are new invaders and occupiers who arrived late with an aim to commit jihad. They never lost land that was never theirs to begin with!

The British army permitted merely a few Ottomans to remain due to religious observations, the rest was Jewish. In reality according to eyewitness reports the barren British Mandate had a very small number of people living on it. Félix Bonfils (1831-1885) was a French photographer and writer who was active in the Middle East. Four years after his arrival he reported 15,000 prints of Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Greece, and 9,000 stereoscopic-views. He traveled to the region several times and we hear of no mass population of Palestinians, which contradicts everything the Palestinians lie about to the world.

His pictures did not manage to capture any photographs of a single so-called ‘Palestinian’ who are suppose to have lost land to Jewish occupation, if we believe Arab propaganda. All he found was a few bedouines passing through and some remnants of the Ottoman Turks. Guess why? Because the “Palestinian” people as we know them today never existed.

The original philistines which the Arab jihadi’s named themselves after were a small group of lawless bandits who occupied the region near Gaza by force and died out before the birth of Christ. Islam was created over 600 years after the death of Christ and is the world’s youngest religion.

9,000 Photographs from 1800's British Mandate of Palestine - with no trace of 'Palestinians'

Yes right, that is why so many fled to Lebanon and Jordan or were pushed by Zionist into Gaza. That is also why Britain called it "mandatory Palestine" . Who were those people?

Britain did not call it anything as that was the LoN that called it mandatory Palestine.

Mostly illegal immigrants and wandering vagabonds
Where ARE all those Palestinians, the proclaimed one million of them who lived in Israel before they were ‘displaced’? Nowhere.

Nowhere, because they never existed. And where are all the mosques for those “over 1 million Palestinians” who are suppose to have lived there already in the early 1800’s like “Palestinians” claim? If they had been 1 million at the turn of the Century, or even in 1920 after they began immigrating to fight the British, with their rapid population growth Palestine would consist of over 40 million people today and not 4 million. That alone proves the jihad lies. Their population is small because they are new invaders and occupiers who arrived late with an aim to commit jihad. They never lost land that was never theirs to begin with!

The British army permitted merely a few Ottomans to remain due to religious observations, the rest was Jewish. In reality according to eyewitness reports the barren British Mandate had a very small number of people living on it. Félix Bonfils (1831-1885) was a French photographer and writer who was active in the Middle East. Four years after his arrival he reported 15,000 prints of Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Greece, and 9,000 stereoscopic-views. He traveled to the region several times and we hear of no mass population of Palestinians, which contradicts everything the Palestinians lie about to the world.

His pictures did not manage to capture any photographs of a single so-called ‘Palestinian’ who are suppose to have lost land to Jewish occupation, if we believe Arab propaganda. All he found was a few bedouines passing through and some remnants of the Ottoman Turks. Guess why? Because the “Palestinian” people as we know them today never existed.

The original philistines which the Arab jihadi’s named themselves after were a small group of lawless bandits who occupied the region near Gaza by force and died out before the birth of Christ. Islam was created over 600 years after the death of Christ and is the world’s youngest religion.

9,000 Photographs from 1800's British Mandate of Palestine - with no trace of 'Palestinians'

Yes right, that is why so many fled to Lebanon and Jordan or were pushed by Zionist into Gaza. That is also why Britain called it "mandatory Palestine" . Who were those people?

Palestinian Jews.

So the Zionist are killing Jews, got ya. I think the big quest. who are the Zionist and all the ? jews moving to Israel. The Pres. of Israel is secular, but he is anti reform Jews and pro orthodox jews because even he says we need the jewish laws to be a jewish country. Its crazy, since most Israelis are secular or agnostic, and yet they want to call it a jewish state. Oh if only they knew like he does that Jew is not a race.

You forget that the U.N. called it the Jewish state and that entered into international law. I wonder how many other International laws you ignore because they are in Israel's favour ?
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