Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Ventura77, et al,

I try not to paint with broad brush strokes. Your intention is to call everyone that holds a pro-Israeli view, a liar.

"you and others who routinely post lies and distortions typically ignore this salient consideration...these Zionists literally obliterate your arguments!"
I'm not sure that you understand the underlying point: Palestinians have demonstrated over time that any trust placed in them to follow "Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States" is lacking any temporal confidence. And to suggest that there is an over arching conspiracy to defraud the Arab-Palestinians is a thought process heavily influenced by anxiety, fear, and often delusion and irrationality.

"Zionists who conspired against the majority Arab population"​

The thought process often express here by the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) present delusions that are specifically associated with symptom of psychosis of an almost unique to HoAP; "bizarrely" misrepresentations in content; a consistent urge to project the image that any pro-Israel stance is a fixed false beliefs that involve situations that could potentially occur in real life.

Rocco, you endeavor to make the issue considerably more complex and vague than it actually was: The Zionists who conspired against the majority Arab population of Historic Palestine essentially conceded all of the main points that critics of Israel employ against propaganda-parrots...the scathing irony is that your argument is inexorably with people like Theodore Herzl...Hiam Weitzman...Begin...Dayan...Rabin...Ben Gurion...Jabotinsky...etc. I cannot overestimate this point...you and others who routinely post lies and distortions typically ignore this salient consideration...these Zionists literally obliterate your arguments!
(Bottom Line Up Front)

In nearly every discussion, the HoAP presentation is a form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of Israel,

The HoAP, will attempt to promote and create international pressures that are intended to do irreparable harm to the Jewish State and trigger a collapse; all under the color of law.

The HoAP intend to create barriers that will obstruct the protection and preservation of the Jewish National Home.


There is little question that the State of Israel, after more than three-quarters of a century under the threat of --- or actual use of force (including that proscribed by law) has made mistakes; in procedure, legally, morally and even ethically. I do not think that anyone actually argues that this is not true. But, having said that, there is no question that the HoAP should bear the weight of the prolonged and mutual hostility, and asymmetric violent assaults.

The HoAP and others that lend support to the HoAP, under color of any law or resolution, willfully subjects the Jewish State, Territory, Possession, to the deprivation of any rights (including the "right to self-determination" and territorial integrity), privileges, secured or protected through the defense and preservation of it culture, people and religion --- should be dealt with severely.

The HoAP have been, and continue to be involved with acts of violence, including all acts of terror, provocation, incitement and other types of destructive --- encouraged by the thoughtlessness of others. No nation or people have some special right to incitement others to commit terrorist acts. The Arab Palestinians, especially, have no right to indulge in Jihadism, Fedayeen Action, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence --- no matter the reason or cause.

Most Respectfully,
Wow, :bs1::bs1::bs1: I don't even know where to start with this one.

For sure it is one of your slime the Palestinians posts.
Answer this Tinmore:

According to the Palestinian Arab side Zionist Jews were only the ones who came from Europe.

If that is what the Palestinian Arabs knew about the Zionists which was not acceptable to them as a foreign colonizing group, then why weren't Mizrahi and Sepharadic Jews in Palestine, and in the new Arab countries let be?

Why were all the Mizrahi and Sepharadic Jews in TransJordan attacked, murdered or expelled from TranJordan in 1925?

From Hebron in 1929?

From Palestine between 1936 and 1939?

From Iraq, the Farhoud, in 1941 by the Palestinian Arab leader, Husseini?

From all of Judea, Samaria, including the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem in 1948?

The converted Jews, according to the Arabs, were the European ones.
Why attack, murder or expel all other Jews?
Why go into another country, Iraq, and start riots against non European Jews over there?
Why have Arab Palestinians never differentiated the Jews who came from Europe from the Mizrahi or Sepharadic Jews?

What is your answer to that ?
Do any of your sources say anything about it? One word?
You would have to ask all of those other countries. The Palestinians had nothing to do with that.

As for what happened in Palestine, the Zionist colonial project "poisoned the well" for non Zionist Jews.
Are you telling me that the Arabs could not tell the European Jews, nearly arrived to Palestine, from the Mizrahi and Sepharadic Jews who had also been there for a long time?

How can that be when I am usually reading How European the Zionist Jews from Europe look?
Britain is the one who lumped all Jews together.
When we talk about land and its sovereignty TODAY, we have to look at the Political Map of Israel as it is controlled today,
Notice that there is no border around Gaza or the West Bank.

So the propaganda term of "into Israel" has a strange meaning.
Both Hamas and Israel know exactly where the border is .

Both Hamas and Egypt know where their border is as well.

Well, there is an international border between Gaza and Egypt that was established in 1906.
Link, please.
The southwestern border of Palestine with Egypt dates back to the late 19th century. Originally, this border was drawn up on a de facto basis, as the Ottoman Empire recognized Egypt’s autonomy.27 Formally, however, two border agreements between the Ottoman Empire and Egypt were reached in 1906. The first came in the form of an Exchange of Notes between Britain [which was controlling Egypt since 1882] and Turkey relative to the Maintenance of the Status Quo in the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Constantinople on 14 May.28 The second and more detailed border agreement, was the Agreement between Egypt and Turkey for the fixing of an Administrative Line between the Vilayet [province] of Hejaz and the Governorate [district] of Jerusalem and the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Rafah, on 1 October.29 The separation of Egypt from Turkey (Palestine, in this instance), as of 5 November 1914, was ultimately recognized by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

You have cut and pasted this many times before but are unable to identify why you are cutting and pasting it or why you believe it has any relevance.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Ventura77, et al,

I try not to paint with broad brush strokes. Your intention is to call everyone that holds a pro-Israeli view, a liar.

"you and others who routinely post lies and distortions typically ignore this salient consideration...these Zionists literally obliterate your arguments!"
I'm not sure that you understand the underlying point: Palestinians have demonstrated over time that any trust placed in them to follow "Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States" is lacking any temporal confidence. And to suggest that there is an over arching conspiracy to defraud the Arab-Palestinians is a thought process heavily influenced by anxiety, fear, and often delusion and irrationality.

"Zionists who conspired against the majority Arab population"​

The thought process often express here by the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) present delusions that are specifically associated with symptom of psychosis of an almost unique to HoAP; "bizarrely" misrepresentations in content; a consistent urge to project the image that any pro-Israel stance is a fixed false beliefs that involve situations that could potentially occur in real life.

(Bottom Line Up Front)

In nearly every discussion, the HoAP presentation is a form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of Israel,

The HoAP, will attempt to promote and create international pressures that are intended to do irreparable harm to the Jewish State and trigger a collapse; all under the color of law.

The HoAP intend to create barriers that will obstruct the protection and preservation of the Jewish National Home.


There is little question that the State of Israel, after more than three-quarters of a century under the threat of --- or actual use of force (including that proscribed by law) has made mistakes; in procedure, legally, morally and even ethically. I do not think that anyone actually argues that this is not true. But, having said that, there is no question that the HoAP should bear the weight of the prolonged and mutual hostility, and asymmetric violent assaults.

The HoAP and others that lend support to the HoAP, under color of any law or resolution, willfully subjects the Jewish State, Territory, Possession, to the deprivation of any rights (including the "right to self-determination" and territorial integrity), privileges, secured or protected through the defense and preservation of it culture, people and religion --- should be dealt with severely.

The HoAP have been, and continue to be involved with acts of violence, including all acts of terror, provocation, incitement and other types of destructive --- encouraged by the thoughtlessness of others. No nation or people have some special right to incitement others to commit terrorist acts. The Arab Palestinians, especially, have no right to indulge in Jihadism, Fedayeen Action, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence --- no matter the reason or cause.

Most Respectfully,
Wow, :bs1::bs1::bs1: I don't even know where to start with this one.

For sure it is one of your slime the Palestinians posts.
Answer this Tinmore:

According to the Palestinian Arab side Zionist Jews were only the ones who came from Europe.

If that is what the Palestinian Arabs knew about the Zionists which was not acceptable to them as a foreign colonizing group, then why weren't Mizrahi and Sepharadic Jews in Palestine, and in the new Arab countries let be?

Why were all the Mizrahi and Sepharadic Jews in TransJordan attacked, murdered or expelled from TranJordan in 1925?

From Hebron in 1929?

From Palestine between 1936 and 1939?

From Iraq, the Farhoud, in 1941 by the Palestinian Arab leader, Husseini?

From all of Judea, Samaria, including the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem in 1948?

The converted Jews, according to the Arabs, were the European ones.
Why attack, murder or expel all other Jews?
Why go into another country, Iraq, and start riots against non European Jews over there?
Why have Arab Palestinians never differentiated the Jews who came from Europe from the Mizrahi or Sepharadic Jews?

What is your answer to that ?
Do any of your sources say anything about it? One word?
You would have to ask all of those other countries. The Palestinians had nothing to do with that.

As for what happened in Palestine, the Zionist colonial project "poisoned the well" for non Zionist Jews.
Are you telling me that the Arabs could not tell the European Jews, nearly arrived to Palestine, from the Mizrahi and Sepharadic Jews who had also been there for a long time?

How can that be when I am usually reading How European the Zionist Jews from Europe look?
Britain is the one who lumped all Jews together.
Endless infantile answers. Why is that?

Europeans look like Europeans.
Mizrahi look like Mizrahi.
Sepharadic look like Sepharadic.
No European Jews in Iraq in 1941 when Palestinian leader went to Baghdad and started riots which killed more then 200 Jews.

Are you sure that the British are the ones responsible for it, or just maybe: at that time the Arabs of the region of Palestine knew that the Jews of Europe were indigenous of the land and were simply returning to it, even before the Mandate for Palestine post WWI?
Notice that there is no border around Gaza or the West Bank.

So the propaganda term of "into Israel" has a strange meaning.
Both Hamas and Israel know exactly where the border is .

Both Hamas and Egypt know where their border is as well.

Well, there is an international border between Gaza and Egypt that was established in 1906.
Link, please.
The southwestern border of Palestine with Egypt dates back to the late 19th century. Originally, this border was drawn up on a de facto basis, as the Ottoman Empire recognized Egypt’s autonomy.27 Formally, however, two border agreements between the Ottoman Empire and Egypt were reached in 1906. The first came in the form of an Exchange of Notes between Britain [which was controlling Egypt since 1882] and Turkey relative to the Maintenance of the Status Quo in the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Constantinople on 14 May.28 The second and more detailed border agreement, was the Agreement between Egypt and Turkey for the fixing of an Administrative Line between the Vilayet [province] of Hejaz and the Governorate [district] of Jerusalem and the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Rafah, on 1 October.29 The separation of Egypt from Turkey (Palestine, in this instance), as of 5 November 1914, was ultimately recognized by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

You have cut and pasted this many times before but are unable to identify why you are cutting and pasting it or why you believe it has any relevance.
Because Zionists are stupid and require a lot of repetition.
Wow, :bs1::bs1::bs1: I don't even know where to start with this one.

For sure it is one of your slime the Palestinians posts.
Answer this Tinmore:

According to the Palestinian Arab side Zionist Jews were only the ones who came from Europe.

If that is what the Palestinian Arabs knew about the Zionists which was not acceptable to them as a foreign colonizing group, then why weren't Mizrahi and Sepharadic Jews in Palestine, and in the new Arab countries let be?

Why were all the Mizrahi and Sepharadic Jews in TransJordan attacked, murdered or expelled from TranJordan in 1925?

From Hebron in 1929?

From Palestine between 1936 and 1939?

From Iraq, the Farhoud, in 1941 by the Palestinian Arab leader, Husseini?

From all of Judea, Samaria, including the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem in 1948?

The converted Jews, according to the Arabs, were the European ones.
Why attack, murder or expel all other Jews?
Why go into another country, Iraq, and start riots against non European Jews over there?
Why have Arab Palestinians never differentiated the Jews who came from Europe from the Mizrahi or Sepharadic Jews?

What is your answer to that ?
Do any of your sources say anything about it? One word?
You would have to ask all of those other countries. The Palestinians had nothing to do with that.

As for what happened in Palestine, the Zionist colonial project "poisoned the well" for non Zionist Jews.
Are you telling me that the Arabs could not tell the European Jews, nearly arrived to Palestine, from the Mizrahi and Sepharadic Jews who had also been there for a long time?

How can that be when I am usually reading How European the Zionist Jews from Europe look?
Britain is the one who lumped all Jews together.
Endless infantile answers. Why is that?

Europeans look like Europeans.
Mizrahi look like Mizrahi.
Sepharadic look like Sepharadic.
No European Jews in Iraq in 1941 when Palestinian leader went to Baghdad and started riots which killed more then 200 Jews.

Are you sure that the British are the ones responsible for it, or just maybe: at that time the Arabs of the region of Palestine knew that the Jews of Europe were indigenous of the land and were simply returning to it, even before the Mandate for Palestine post WWI?
Interesting speculation.
Both Hamas and Israel know exactly where the border is .

Both Hamas and Egypt know where their border is as well.

Well, there is an international border between Gaza and Egypt that was established in 1906.
Link, please.
The southwestern border of Palestine with Egypt dates back to the late 19th century. Originally, this border was drawn up on a de facto basis, as the Ottoman Empire recognized Egypt’s autonomy.27 Formally, however, two border agreements between the Ottoman Empire and Egypt were reached in 1906. The first came in the form of an Exchange of Notes between Britain [which was controlling Egypt since 1882] and Turkey relative to the Maintenance of the Status Quo in the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Constantinople on 14 May.28 The second and more detailed border agreement, was the Agreement between Egypt and Turkey for the fixing of an Administrative Line between the Vilayet [province] of Hejaz and the Governorate [district] of Jerusalem and the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Rafah, on 1 October.29 The separation of Egypt from Turkey (Palestine, in this instance), as of 5 November 1914, was ultimately recognized by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

You have cut and pasted this many times before but are unable to identify why you are cutting and pasting it or why you believe it has any relevance.
Because Zionists are stupid and require a lot of repetition.

Indeed, that was as pointless as so much of your cutting and pasting.

Indeed, now that you have had a chance to review your childish outburst, perhaps you could address my earlier comment: you have cut and pasted this many times before but are unable to identify why you are cutting and pasting it or why you believe it has any relevance.
Both Hamas and Israel know exactly where the border is .

Both Hamas and Egypt know where their border is as well.

Well, there is an international border between Gaza and Egypt that was established in 1906.
Link, please.
The southwestern border of Palestine with Egypt dates back to the late 19th century. Originally, this border was drawn up on a de facto basis, as the Ottoman Empire recognized Egypt’s autonomy.27 Formally, however, two border agreements between the Ottoman Empire and Egypt were reached in 1906. The first came in the form of an Exchange of Notes between Britain [which was controlling Egypt since 1882] and Turkey relative to the Maintenance of the Status Quo in the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Constantinople on 14 May.28 The second and more detailed border agreement, was the Agreement between Egypt and Turkey for the fixing of an Administrative Line between the Vilayet [province] of Hejaz and the Governorate [district] of Jerusalem and the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Rafah, on 1 October.29 The separation of Egypt from Turkey (Palestine, in this instance), as of 5 November 1914, was ultimately recognized by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

You have cut and pasted this many times before but are unable to identify why you are cutting and pasting it or why you believe it has any relevance.
Because Zionists are stupid and require a lot of repetition.

Zionists have won 5 Nobel Prizes in science, among the most prodigious

Muslims have won none


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Both Hamas and Israel know exactly where the border is .

Both Hamas and Egypt know where their border is as well.

Well, there is an international border between Gaza and Egypt that was established in 1906.
Link, please.
The southwestern border of Palestine with Egypt dates back to the late 19th century. Originally, this border was drawn up on a de facto basis, as the Ottoman Empire recognized Egypt’s autonomy.27 Formally, however, two border agreements between the Ottoman Empire and Egypt were reached in 1906. The first came in the form of an Exchange of Notes between Britain [which was controlling Egypt since 1882] and Turkey relative to the Maintenance of the Status Quo in the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Constantinople on 14 May.28 The second and more detailed border agreement, was the Agreement between Egypt and Turkey for the fixing of an Administrative Line between the Vilayet [province] of Hejaz and the Governorate [district] of Jerusalem and the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Rafah, on 1 October.29 The separation of Egypt from Turkey (Palestine, in this instance), as of 5 November 1914, was ultimately recognized by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

You have cut and pasted this many times before but are unable to identify why you are cutting and pasting it or why you believe it has any relevance.
Because Zionists are stupid and require a lot of repetition.

Funny: You can’t use a computer without ingenious Zionist technology . Muslims produce nothing

Intel: “What Israel has done for computing & the world is amazing!” Let a billion chips bloom: Intel Israel celebrates 40 years


  • F1C84EAE-CB20-4C5D-8FDF-C19EFB4FCD05.png
    568.7 KB · Views: 55
Both Hamas and Israel know exactly where the border is .

Both Hamas and Egypt know where their border is as well.

Well, there is an international border between Gaza and Egypt that was established in 1906.
Link, please.
The southwestern border of Palestine with Egypt dates back to the late 19th century. Originally, this border was drawn up on a de facto basis, as the Ottoman Empire recognized Egypt’s autonomy.27 Formally, however, two border agreements between the Ottoman Empire and Egypt were reached in 1906. The first came in the form of an Exchange of Notes between Britain [which was controlling Egypt since 1882] and Turkey relative to the Maintenance of the Status Quo in the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Constantinople on 14 May.28 The second and more detailed border agreement, was the Agreement between Egypt and Turkey for the fixing of an Administrative Line between the Vilayet [province] of Hejaz and the Governorate [district] of Jerusalem and the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Rafah, on 1 October.29 The separation of Egypt from Turkey (Palestine, in this instance), as of 5 November 1914, was ultimately recognized by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

You have cut and pasted this many times before but are unable to identify why you are cutting and pasting it or why you believe it has any relevance.
Because Zionists are stupid and require a lot of repetition.

Funny: You couldn’t function without ingenious Zionist innovation. Muslims create nothing

Google Chairman: Israeli tech second only to Silicon Valley Google chief says Israeli tech second only to Silicon Valley


  • 0DF3907C-33C1-41DF-BB7E-0C54AAA65D48.png
    591.6 KB · Views: 53
Well, there is an international border between Gaza and Egypt that was established in 1906.
Link, please.
The southwestern border of Palestine with Egypt dates back to the late 19th century. Originally, this border was drawn up on a de facto basis, as the Ottoman Empire recognized Egypt’s autonomy.27 Formally, however, two border agreements between the Ottoman Empire and Egypt were reached in 1906. The first came in the form of an Exchange of Notes between Britain [which was controlling Egypt since 1882] and Turkey relative to the Maintenance of the Status Quo in the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Constantinople on 14 May.28 The second and more detailed border agreement, was the Agreement between Egypt and Turkey for the fixing of an Administrative Line between the Vilayet [province] of Hejaz and the Governorate [district] of Jerusalem and the Sinai Peninsula, signed in Rafah, on 1 October.29 The separation of Egypt from Turkey (Palestine, in this instance), as of 5 November 1914, was ultimately recognized by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

You have cut and pasted this many times before but are unable to identify why you are cutting and pasting it or why you believe it has any relevance.
Because Zionists are stupid and require a lot of repetition.

Indeed, that was as pointless as so much of your cutting and pasting.

Indeed, now that you have had a chance to review your childish outburst, perhaps you could address my earlier comment: you have cut and pasted this many times before but are unable to identify why you are cutting and pasting it or why you believe it has any relevance.
My post was clear. Too bad it went over your head.
Well, there is an international border between Gaza and Egypt that was established in 1906.

There was an international border between the Ottoman Empire/Turkey and Egypt at that time. There is now an international border between Israel and Egypt. There has never been an international border between "Gaza" and Egypt.



The screaming doesn't do anything to improve your theories , nor does it suddenly turn lies into truths.

Eliak could not have "isolated" Khazar DNA because there is no group of people surviving today who can be definitively linked to the Khazars of a thousand years ago. And the study does not claim nor prove that the "vast majority" of Ashkenazis are descended from Khazars. You are presenting false information.

IF, however, you wish to use DNA as the determining factor for rights -- then it is incumbent upon you to apply that equally to ALL peoples who wish to have rights. And that means we need to start testing the Arab Palestinians to see if they have enough of the "correct" DNA to have rights to the land. If you are going to suggest criteria for rights -- then you need to apply it equally.

No such law or right exists? For self-determination of a people? Really? So, the Arab Palestinians have no such right either. Neither do the Catalans. Nor the First Nations. Nor any other minority. Where does THAT leave us in terms a solution?
Do the Palestinians have the right to all of Palestine?

I don't see that as a bizarre concept.

Its an overly simplistic concept. Are you trying to argue that the entire area MUST NOT be divided. Ever.

That is rather like saying that Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia MUST NOT be divided. Ooops.

And Palestine was divided. Why are the Palestinians not freaking out about Jordan's occupation of "their" land? I mean, dear lord, they took a huge section of Palestine and even changed the name of it! The horror!
Well, there is an international border between Gaza and Egypt that was established in 1906.

There was an international border between the Ottoman Empire/Turkey and Egypt at that time. There is now an international border between Israel and Egypt. There has never been an international border between "Gaza" and Egypt.
It is only an international border because Gaza is part of Palestine. Palestine has an international border with Egypt.
And Palestine was divided. Why are the Palestinians not freaking out about Jordan's occupation of "their" land?
Jordan did not kick them out of their land like Israel did.

Not my point. You deliberately side-stepped my point. Can Palestine be divided? Yes or no? If it can be divided once with the removal of Jordan (and the kicking out of all Jews from that section as well as Gaza, the WB and the Temple Mount) -- then why can't it be divided again?
And Palestine was divided. Why are the Palestinians not freaking out about Jordan's occupation of "their" land?
Jordan did not kick them out of their land like Israel did.
No.....the Hashemites kicked the Jews out of TransJordan as Mohammad had done with them in the 7th century in Arabia.
No Jews are allowed to live in Arabia. That is one thing.
No Jews allowed to live on their own ancient homeland? That is theft.
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