Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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nice reporting.But he mixed too and is not his birth right to that land,their are still original people left in that land .caucasians have`nt killed them all yet atleast not yet.
Do you think that everyone in the Middle East is Black like you? In fact, most appear to be of the Caucasian race, just a little darker than Europeans because they are closer to the Equator.. Perhaps you should stick to pushing your clothing line Melanin Apparel which was your avatar the other day. The members of the Boko Harfam will really go for those clothes.

Of course there are those here who overlook something like this.

Not that it matters,Yes all like me, they were all black before the introduction to white people,and they slept with them the ones you see today are those,same thing in china,you want see the originals.

You are too obsessed over race. You can believe all you want to, but if you look at the people closer to the Equator, they are very dark and as you move further away you see they keep on getting lighter because they don't need a dark skin as protection against the sun. Why do you think the Ethiopians are not as dark as those in the Congo, or why the people in Northern Africa, for example Morocco, look quite Caucasian? Now instead of being concerned with what race the Arabs are, why don't you design more T-Shirts. Perhaps a big department store will take on your collection and you will have famous people like Kanye West buying dozens of them, or maybe some of the viewers will fall in love with your line and do some on-line shopping.

I understand you,i do ,But Moroccoian are as black very dark,so were the true Arabs.And it doesn`t matter if stay in the pole or equator if you dark you will be dark 100 or more at the poles and nevr loose melanin.Maybe you need to research alil better.

Actually you will as it is one of the laws of nature, and it is noticeable after just a short time of 3 to 5 generations. You don't need the carcinogenic pigments for protection so you lose them over time.

you will need melanin to be 100% percent either man or woman.i won`t get into all that people really would get confused.Have to keep it simple to try and get the very simple a piece of knowledge.
Who are the Palestinians?

Lara Kiswani

the are in with the real or true Palestinians.no doubt.The ones in your video are mixed.And it is not their land.

Those are Ethiopean Jews who were part of the diaspora 2000 years ago, of course they will be dark skinned after acclimatisation through mutation. As in a child born with blue eye's because both parents have blue eye's.

lol no,no Africans are the first all others come from them,and caucasians were made by the Africans.
All what you`ve posted

Not good enough as that shows nothing, give examples of racism ?
You really can`t or don`t see it?:confused:

No because I come from a nation with very strict racism laws, so we learnt not to be racist in word or deed. Everything I have said is based on the truth meaning it cant be racist, unless you are a muslim then any criticism of islam or the muslims is racism
Well im not muslim.see just the fact that you cannot see racism because you are racist 1,it benefits you 2.And it does benefit the caucasians.

Yes I am racist, and with good cause due to the evidence available showing that certain races are inherently incapable of certain tasks.
i agree totally "certain" lol i won`t use that,I`ll use it real caucasians races are inherently incapable of certain tasks,this is impossible for so-called white [people to do].
Look I Understand You Better Than You Think.Denial is in your dna make too even you know this,but like i said i`m done conversation grow up come back.

You understand nothing as it is your DNA and brainwashing talking.

The khazars are a LIE and never existed, if they had then the history books would be full of them. Not a whisper or a mention until the mid 20C when Israel won the war in 1967 and reclaimed their stolen lands. So the Russians gave the arab muslims two books and told them to use them against Israel. A pity the Internet came along and blew them both out of the water.

It is you in denial because your belief's have been burst apart and you have nothing left
lol,there land is still stole bbut the perpetrators,that are still there.Those would be khzarians that is not there land.There will be Peace when the Real Jews Have There Land Back.You just can`t seem to grasp this conceptual fact.

LINK to the evidence of these khazars that have never existed outside of islamonazi fantasies. The real Jews are claiming back their lands now, and they come from all over this planet. They are not sub Saharan muslims pretending to be Jews that have invaded Israel, nor are they N.K. Jews who think they are the ruling class and should be kicked out of Israel.

You cant grasp that there was never a place called khazaria and that the 6 million Jews in Israel originated from 4 Turkish women
Okay we`re not going back over the same thing.I showed you the real Jew and they ARE NOT WHITE,THEY ARE DARK SKIN EVEN JET BLACK.Quit being stupid.

So explain the Jews that never left Palestine and kept their blood pure, resulting in fair skinned and fair haired people. You are employing racism once again to prove that the only real Jews are African negro's. The last 2000 years has been long enough for the people to acclimatise to their surroundings through genetic mutations. Any race can be any colour as shown by the afro Americans that are getting lighter skinned all the time.

Now find one reference to Khazaria in any valid historical record prior to 1950 to prove your claims. When you do it will be the first one ever provided by anti Jew factions all over the world. All we have had is hanging heads and mumblings of " cos I say so "
All what you`ve posted

Not good enough as that shows nothing, give examples of racism ?
You really can`t or don`t see it?:confused:

No because I come from a nation with very strict racism laws, so we learnt not to be racist in word or deed. Everything I have said is based on the truth meaning it cant be racist, unless you are a muslim then any criticism of islam or the muslims is racism
Well im not muslim.see just the fact that you cannot see racism because you are racist 1,it benefits you 2.And it does benefit the caucasians.

Yes I am racist, and with good cause due to the evidence available showing that certain races are inherently incapable of certain tasks.
ancient black people of europe | Black Spark, White Fire: Did African Explorers Civilize Ancient Europe


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Less simplified this true jews us are in our true land,Israel is still capture by those invaders that suckered all people except a few,That whole land being run over by intruders Fake jew-ish scum in Israel,just as here america invaders captured this land it is not nor can be caucasians land.

Nor can it be Negro's land, or Mongolian land. It is Judea that is inhabited by the Jews and no usurpers can claim that it is African land. Look at the map and see how far north Israel is compared to the horn of Africa, and work out skin tones for that latitude right round the world
Black Arabians


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Wow,Wrong,See caucasians should just do caucasians only,You do not about our history and you won`t until we teach it.So at this rate you will never know and we know this ,You just don`t.

Not good enough as that shows nothing, give examples of racism ?
You really can`t or don`t see it?:confused:

No because I come from a nation with very strict racism laws, so we learnt not to be racist in word or deed. Everything I have said is based on the truth meaning it cant be racist, unless you are a muslim then any criticism of islam or the muslims is racism
Well im not muslim.see just the fact that you cannot see racism because you are racist 1,it benefits you 2.And it does benefit the caucasians.

Yes I am racist, and with good cause due to the evidence available showing that certain races are inherently incapable of certain tasks.
ancient black people of europe | Black Spark, White Fire: Did African Explorers Civilize Ancient Europe

If they did they left none behind them
Artist Emily Jacir Brings the Palestinian Experience to the Venice Biennale

At the Venice Biennale, the oldest and most prestigious international biennial art exhibition in the world, we speak with one of the most celebrated Palestinian artists, Emily Jacir. In 2007, she won the Golden Lion here at the Venice Biennale for her work "Material for a Film," a large-scale installation based on the life of Palestinian writer Wael Zuaiter, who was assassinated near his home in Rome, Italy, by Israeli Mossad agents in 1972. For years Jacir has created groundbreaking art to capture the Palestinian experience and other issues. In 2001, she presented a piece titled "Memorial to 418 Palestinian Villages Destroyed, Depopulated, and Occupied by Israel in 1948," consisting of a large refugee tent on which the names of 418 Palestinians villages were embroidered. She later did a project called "ex libris" that commemorated the approximately 30,000 books from Palestinian homes, libraries and institutions that were looted by Israeli authorities in 1948.

Wrong gt1085....look if you are going to Post on here at least have some semblance of honesty......if you find these piquant situations too difficult to handle,you do put yourself in the situation of being a Bore.Which you are...YAWN
Wrong gt1085....look if you are going to Post on here at least have some semblance of honesty......if you find these piquant situations too difficult to handle,you do put yourself in the situation of being a Bore.Which you are...YAWN
Thanks but a chimp does`nt now how to study history and go by HEARSAY Kind Like You.
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