Who are the Israelis?

Israeli’s murder Palestinian children because the Israeli’s believe that if they kill off the Palestinian children the Palestinian’s family tree will be cut off at the roots.
IDF shooting children

In my personal view, the Israeli’s are nothing more than murdering, lying scum bags who never got potty trained.


I understand that the above photo was taken by Netanyahu’s mother while trying to train Bibi how to poop.

I also heard that Bibi never could learn how to poop in a toilet and still wears a diaper.
Or so I have heard

Israeli Olympic Gold Medalist Linoy Ashram Says She’s Retiring

Israel’s rhythmic gymnastics star Linoy Ashram announced Monday that she has decided to retire.


Ashram, who brought home the gold last year from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics’ rhythmic gymnastics all-around competition, has won nearly 100 medals from various international competitions since her start in 2014.

Speaking tearfully at a news conference, the 22-year-old Olympic gold medalist said,
“Athletes need to know when to retire, and as far as I’m concerned, I achieved my dream."

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Israeli Cultural Revolution - Passion For The Temple | The Imaginative Force | Prophetic Cinema

"Those of vast grasping, their force of imagination is great and very exalted." - Rabbi Kook

At least among us Jews, those who have a grasp of knowledge,
are those of great imagination. And then there's great daring,
in their descriptions, their thoughts.

We can see this among the prophets.
We can also see this among Kabbalists.
The terminology is full of imaginative power.

Which causes superficial people to think all these folks are confused and need psychiatric hospitalization. But they don't need any, they are entirely normal people. With that, they have great imaginative power, breaking many borders.

In the scientific field, until Psychoanalysis none of this was known. The Freudian psychoanalysis revealed great depths within the human subconscious, symbolic thinking. Also later, Jung has many observations of this kind - the collective unconscious...the ocean of souls.

So, "those of vast grasping, their force of imagination is great and very exalted, and it's connected with visions that are more general in reality. And according to their courage, and purity of their spirit, the imaginative power enacts itself through them. To draw exalted imaginations, that the light of the
high truth reveals by them. In such revelations that no logical mind can reach".

What does Rabbi Kook want from us? That we are not to be scared of meeting people
of such imaginative force, that we don't think it's a shortcoming, moreover - it is an advantage.

Possibly Rabbi Kook wants something else, besides not being scared to meet such people, rather Rabbi Kook tells You: "Maybe You, the reader, You are one of these great people, that You don't get scared seeing You have imaginative power that is great - use it for these sacred purposes.".

Yoshi - Ein Maspik Zman (Not Enough Time)

Whatever You give me I'll take
And whatever comes
I'm all Yours

What I'm missing with You
Is a whole life
You and me eternity

Not enough time
Yet it is early
And You are still here

How are we both in the world
How from here, there
As You saw in me
What is yet born
Let me come home
Without thinking for a moment
About all that was lost

Shai Hamber - Natati Oti El Ha'Eir (Gave Myself To The City)

About the nights, the falls
I don't want to talk
About the tears, the dreams
I don't want to talk
I have nothing to search here anymore
I have nothing to lose here anymore

Someone once loved me, but me
Gave myself to the city
Gave myself to the city

About the last breaths
I don't want to talk
In the streets on the toes
How I wanted it to end
I have nothing more to lose here
I have nothing more to pay for

Someone once loved me, but me
Gave myself to the city
Gave myself to the city

Purple and blue
Everything is shaking here
Another body to consume
More poison to gorge
For me everything turns around
And it is pleasant overall
Not thinking in repeat
Not to remember what You wanted

Someone once loved me, but me...
Gave all of myself to the city
About the nights, the falls
I don't want to talk

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Liberation of Creativity Of the Soul | Orot HaKodesh - Prophetic School Of Cinema

New thoughts, it's always frightening. As fear, awe, of the renewal...

Says HaRav (Kook) : "there's an overwhelming of a sort of awe during the the creation of thoughts...an idea rises on the heart, which is a new idea never before existing there, and awe of chaos overwhelms it."

And he remains with the raw idea as it is, he remains, the idea exists,
but he leaves it in a raw form, undeveloped.

"Or, that by suppressing of this awe, he asks for himself only one path in this darkness, and the thought doesn't breach all the walls of its imprisonment. Only one distance does it spread heavily, and he responds and gets overwhelmed by the pressure pf the narrow thought.

"And creativity, because of that is deficient, while the world, that needs these thought innovators remains gloom, hunger and thirst"

Yes, him, that specifically had the opportunity to make this innovation, his fear of his innovation, his decision that this innovation will only cause some small path, merely local specific speech - this cause suffering to the entire world. For the world has been waiting for You, with this new idea, and instead You are afraid of Your new idea.

Clear till here?

Temple Mount Kiddushin | Students For The Temple
Ariel and Dinah marriage ceremony at the Temple Mount |Beyadeynu


The Gmarah says, that when comes Adam and deals in matters of marriage or divorce, then gives the woman either sanctification or a divorce, she's sanctified by this, because she understands - that about this it was said.

And we all want to say "You are sanctified to me according to the law of Mosheh and Yisrael", to sanctify us, to sanctify the nation of Yisrael, to sanctify the homeland, to sanctify the Temple.

Therefore the wording of the blessing...

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Yesterday it happened - First Civil Organization Conference

The first conference of civil emergency preparedness. Various civil organization from around the country gathered to coordinate and learn from each other how to properly prepare for an emergency. What is the place of the citizens, of the joint work, of the preparation in advance.

Round tables on various topics, professionals sat and contributed their knowledge to representatives from all over the country.

This is not the end of the process, this is the beginning>

During previous year attacks, we all recruited without notice to guard the residents of the cities from the Islamist rioters. This year, if required, we come prepared and stronger.

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The Blood Of The Maccabees - This Memorial
Wear The 'Flower Of The Blood Of Maccabees'

In memory of the fallen, and to strengthen our partner associations,
people that work all year around for their families.

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Herzl and Meirav Hajaj - Stop letting terrorists in, no relief

Shir Hajaj's HY"D parents, who was murdered in a car ramming attack
near Armon HaNatziv in 2017, blocked the Qalandiya crossing:

"We couldn't remain silent!
They let terrorists enter here.
They slaughter us and get relief."

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Today, 91 years ago the Etzel was founded

In 1931, members of the Jerusalem branch of the Haganah began to challenge the Irgun's leadership. During this period, the Haganah pursued a policy of restraint in the face of the attacks of the Arabs in the country.

And the events of 1905 were the straw that broke the camel's back - when the Jerusalem branch did not agree with the forgiveness and restraint shown by the Irgun.

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Last 'Intifada' - The Jewish One

Maybe I should open this thread.
A realization been pondering
on for about a year now.
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Keren Peles, Ron Buhnik, Mush Ben-Ari - Shkufim | Osher Ba Vholech

It fills me even without speaking
But if to speak better truth
Only gather all scattered
Release us both go forth
I won't be finished
And You're not stabbed
The thorns will remain beautiful
There're no more secrets we are transparent

The time burns and only You don't exhaust
Even if it burns less there's always fire
For You and me, maybe deserve more
In the meantime let's thank for what is

A boat without a sail devours in wind
And in the horizon no shores seen
For the world already drowned
Only us both, yet transparent

Our nerves are exposed, people see You in me
And everything passes through us, we both
See how much we're transparent


Sometimes You're another person
Sometime You're the king of the world
When everyone looks sometimes You are
Dying to find someone who really sees, sometimes
Sins are sacred, sensitive people can lose their minds
You have already said everything, only the heart is not silent

They hear but don't listen, in truth
Sometimes happiness comes and goes
And towards the sea the rivers are flowing
In life there's need to go in tunnel on path to light

Life is revealed, it's a shaking journey
Here a big ebb and then the tide
Continuing to travel between
The end and the childhood

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