Who actually wants the south to rise again?

Do you support the south "rising again" to form the Confederacy?

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Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
It's time to take an official USMB headcount on this issue. So here's exactly what I'm asking:

Do you wish the Confederate States of America had won the Civil War?

Do you hope that the south secedes and once again reestablishes the Confederate States of America?

What I am not asking:

Your position on slavery.

Your position on Abraham Lincoln or his policies.

Your position on secession.

So I'm basically asking whether you have some kind of attachment to the government that called itself the Confederate States of America, and whether you would like to see it reestablished.
Most people who take part in these discussions are aware of my positions regarding the Civil War, secession, and Abraham Lincoln.

To answer this question in particular, however, I have to say no. I am not a supporter of the government that called itself the Confederate States of America, and have no interest in it being reformed. If it did, for whatever reason, I would wish them luck but nothing more. If they had won the Civil War and remained a separate country to this day I would harbor no romantic notions about them, and, all else being equal, would remain in Ohio within the United States of America.
Who actually wants the south to rise again?

Only those who abhor the Constitution want the South once again to rise
Of course not. We'd end up with another useless "civil" war by a federal government tyrant.
I have always supported self determination. Whether it be the former states of the Soviet Union, the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, Quebec, Tibet, Vermont, Texas, or the states that seceded and united under the Confederate States rubric.
I have always supported self determination. Whether it be the former states of the Soviet Union, the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, Quebec, Tibet, Vermont, Texas, or the states that seceded and united under the Confederate States rubric.

The question, however, is whether you want the Confederacy to exist, not whether you support its right to exist.
I voted yes but it has nothing to do with black folks or something as stupid as slavery. We're all slaves to the U.S. government.
I have always supported self determination. Whether it be the former states of the Soviet Union, the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, Quebec, Tibet, Vermont, Texas, or the states that seceded and united under the Confederate States rubric.

The question, however, is whether you want the Confederacy to exist, not whether you support its right to exist.
Only to the extent that if that is what the people of those states chose.
The place is going to go the route of Yugoslavia at some point. Seems inevitable. Do you want to live under that disgusting U.S. flag of oppression that has slaughtered millions over the last 65 or so years or do you want you children do you want to save your son's and daughters from a military fool's errand?

I say daughters because it's only a matter of time before some feminist bitch launches a campaign to get women in the selective service.

The U.S is a sick joke that is in it's death throes but most of the morons that inhabit this place are oblivious. May God DAMN the United States.
I have always supported self determination. Whether it be the former states of the Soviet Union, the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, Quebec, Tibet, Vermont, Texas, or the states that seceded and united under the Confederate States rubric.

The question, however, is whether you want the Confederacy to exist, not whether you support its right to exist.
Only to the extent that if that is what the people of those states chose.

So you have no personal attachment to the Confederacy in other words. That's my position as well.
The place is going to go the route of Yugoslavia at some point. Seems inevitable. Do you want to live under that disgusting U.S. flag of oppression that has slaughtered millions over the last 65 or so years or do you want you children do you want to save your son's and daughters from a military fool's errand?

I say daughters because it's only a matter of time before some feminist bitch launches a campaign to get women in the selective service.

The U.S is a sick joke that is in it's death throes but most of the morons that inhabit this place are oblivious. May God DAMN the United States.

Would the Confederacy be any better though? I don't see that it would.
The question, however, is whether you want the Confederacy to exist, not whether you support its right to exist.
Only to the extent that if that is what the people of those states chose.

So you have no personal attachment to the Confederacy in other words. That's my position as well.

No modern personal attachment. All my ancestors who were of military age served in Confederate units. I honor their struggle against overwhelming odds, and the inherent right of all men for political independence.
Had that government survived, it is unlikely that it would be any less violently coercive than the current one here or anywhere else.
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The place is going to go the route of Yugoslavia at some point. Seems inevitable. Do you want to live under that disgusting U.S. flag of oppression that has slaughtered millions over the last 65 or so years or do you want you children do you want to save your son's and daughters from a military fool's errand?

I say daughters because it's only a matter of time before some feminist bitch launches a campaign to get women in the selective service.

The U.S is a sick joke that is in it's death throes but most of the morons that inhabit this place are oblivious. May God DAMN the United States.

Most people prolly are oblivious to the fact of who the politicians REALLY work for. Hint: it aint the people.

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