White supremacist Charlottesville killer found guilty of murder

please stop playing dumb, just so you can justify a killing.

I don't want him to be killed with the death penalty, if the Fed prosecutes for hate crimes, for killing Heather and permanently injuring others, but he certainly deserves to be in jail, for a very long time.

So antifa just materialized behind his car out of thin air? How about the kid hitting his car before he drove toward the crowd? I've provided visual proof of what happened before he went into the crowd. What if "Heather" was named "Gertrude"...would she have been so easy to portray as a martyr? Antifa is who got the woman killed just as sure as if they'd been driving the Dodge and you know it. Hopefully they'll get what's coming to them one bright, beautiful day. BTW, every Molly and Kate and all the rest who are murdered by illegals rest on your chest for not demanding the Wall be built every chance you get.
”So antifa just materialized behind his car out of thin air? How about the kid hitting his car before he drove toward the crowd? I've provided visual proof of what happened before he went into the crowd.”

Now you’re flat out lying. :eusa_naughty: the folks behind is car have never been identified as Antifa and even worse for you, they appeared there after he plowed into that crowd, not before.
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was he trying to stop fields from ramming in to all those people? was he really scary enough for fields to kill and injure all those people by taking a swing at field's car? in the video of that picture scene you posted, it did not even appear that this guy's swing, even hit Field's car....

seriously Will, no matter the situation Fields chose to put himself in, by turning on to that street, he should not have rammed in to all those people... those people he harmed and killed, were not the ones or one person he was afraid would cause him harm, IF your story or Field's story of it, was true.... he should have backed up the street, thrown his car into reverse... even hitting the guy you claim was trying to harm him, would have been better, and more believable of an excuse... instead of revving his car, going head on, in to the crowd.

The kid hitting the back of his car just got to him faster than the others...skinny little fucker outran the couch potatoes....What the pic proves is that the mob was after him from behind. Since I know how to drive, we agree.... I'd have slammed it in reverse and run over the fuckers chasing me. It's not easy driving a car in reverse, in a situation like that...maybe he figured he wasn't skilled enough to do it. But that doesn't let the crowd in front of him off the hook.....they saw him being chased and could have made a hole for him to get away but they didn't did they?
What made the one guy think that Fields was a white Nationalist and not a person on their side? Was he already zooming down the street, just feet away from the crowd? there was no other people going after Field's car, until AFTER he rammed the crowd.... nice try in your make believe game.... :rolleyes:
Exactly. There was no reason for a protester to swing at that car unless they felt the car was intentionally heading for the crowd.
What made the one guy think that Fields was a white Nationalist and not a person on their side? Was he already zooming down the street, just feet away from the crowd? there was no other people going after Field's car, until AFTER he rammed the crowd.... nice try in your make believe game.... :rolleyes:

I posted a pic that proves he was being chased....does that kid look like he had the stones to whack a nice car with a club if he didn't have backup....a lot of backup? I couldn't find a pic to show his car from the crowd side...Google at it again? So, we've established somebody was hitting his car from behind with a weapon....what if he'd gotten out to chase him....how many would have jumped him....twenty?, thirty? Let's say the crowd didn't know why he was being chased ? So tell me counselor....was he blowing his horn or revving the engine for them to get out of his way or not?
You’re lying again. No one was chasing Fields. The person who swung at him with their flag was not running after him; he swung at the car after it passed him, racing towards the crowd.
What made the one guy think that Fields was a white Nationalist and not a person on their side? Was he already zooming down the street, just feet away from the crowd? there was no other people going after Field's car, until AFTER he rammed the crowd.... nice try in your make believe game.... :rolleyes:

I posted a pic that proves he was being chased....does that kid look like he had the stones to whack a nice car with a club if he didn't have backup....a lot of backup? I couldn't find a pic to show his car from the crowd side...Google at it again? So, we've established somebody was hitting his car from behind with a weapon....what if he'd gotten out to chase him....how many would have jumped him....twenty?, thirty? Let's say the crowd didn't know why he was being chased ? So tell me counselor....was he blowing his horn or revving the engine for them to get out of his way or not?
There’s sound in the video. Had Fields been blowing his horn, you would have heard it. Clearly, Fields did not want to blow his horn because he didn’t want to give advance notice to pedestrians to get out of the way. He hit that crowd with the intent of mowing down whoever was in front of him, with the intent of driving straight through the intersection and then getting away. The only thing that stopped him, which he couldn’t see because the crowd in front of him obscured his view, was the car he plowed into, preventing an easy escape. So he put his car in reverse as quickly as possible and backed out.
Oops....here's another one that got by Google....Compare the pics.....see Antifa closing in on him after he stopped the car? Were they in front of him or were they the ones chasing him in the first place?


Further, was there a burn-out when he hit the gas? If he didn't lay down some rubber, (and the ass end of the car looked parallel to the front end when he entered the crowd) where's the proof he had intent to murder? Why didn't the crowd divide and let him through? They had him trapped, they knew they had him trapped and the antifa cowards were chasing him from behind.....Of course the DA over-charged for political reasons...was there a change of venue given the coverage of the event?
You idiot, people are pounding on his car because they were pissed that he just tried to run them over.

There is something seriously wrong with you.

Seriously ?

What is wrong with you..it's a public street no one cares About you ..

He has a right to drive his car .

Oops....here's another one that got by Google....Compare the pics.....see Antifa closing in on him after he stopped the car? Were they in front of him or were they the ones chasing him in the first place?


Further, was there a burn-out when he hit the gas? If he didn't lay down some rubber, (and the ass end of the car looked parallel to the front end when he entered the crowd) where's the proof he had intent to murder? Why didn't the crowd divide and let him through? They had him trapped, they knew they had him trapped and the antifa cowards were chasing him from behind.....Of course the DA over-charged for political reasons...was there a change of venue given the coverage of the event?
You idiot, people are pounding on his car because they were pissed that he just tried to run them over.

There is something seriously wrong with you.

Seriously ?

What is wrong with you..it's a public street no one cares About you ..

He has a right to drive his car .


No one has a right to drive into pedestrians. You’re truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:
WillPower, post: 21355547
. was he blowing his horn or revving the engine for them to get out of his way or not?

He was not. The court had decided that your NAZI deliberately and willfully attacked pedestrians with his car in order to main and kill them in the First Degree.

That’s the rot you are defending.

Hillary was right - you are deplorable.

Where's the link to the video?....can't produce it then you're a liar... You're satisfied to call your betters "nazis"....weak as hell, boy. I thought you communist suckers were smarter than us genuine Americans.....you don't represent too well.
the guy that your photo taking a swing at Field's car was in the video provided to you...

and just as I thought, he took a swipe at Field's car BECAUSE Fields was racing down the street towards the crowd and girl he murdered.

NOW go home and sulk.... you my dear, are wrong on everything you said and got from the supremacist and nationalist propaganda sites defending this jerk that you visit.
was he trying to stop fields from ramming in to all those people? was he really scary enough for fields to kill and injure all those people by taking a swing at field's car? in the video of that picture scene you posted, it did not even appear that this guy's swing, even hit Field's car....

seriously Will, no matter the situation Fields chose to put himself in, by turning on to that street, he should not have rammed in to all those people... those people he harmed and killed, were not the ones or one person he was afraid would cause him harm, IF your story or Field's story of it, was true.... he should have backed up the street, thrown his car into reverse... even hitting the guy you claim was trying to harm him, would have been better, and more believable of an excuse... instead of revving his car, going head on, in to the crowd.

The kid hitting the back of his car just got to him faster than the others...skinny little fucker outran the couch potatoes....What the pic proves is that the mob was after him from behind. Since I know how to drive, we agree.... I'd have slammed it in reverse and run over the fuckers chasing me. It's not easy driving a car in reverse, in a situation like that...maybe he figured he wasn't skilled enough to do it. But that doesn't let the crowd in front of him off the hook.....they saw him being chased and could have made a hole for him to get away but they didn't did they?
What made the one guy think that Fields was a white Nationalist and not a person on their side? Was he already zooming down the street, just feet away from the crowd? there was no other people going after Field's car, until AFTER he rammed the crowd.... nice try in your make believe game.... :rolleyes:
Exactly. There was no reason for a protester to swing at that car unless they felt the car was intentionally heading for the crowd.
you can see the same guy in Will's pic in the video taking a swipe, and it was because Field's car was screeching towards the crowd.... no one was chasing Fields.... it really was intentional.... the video posted makes that clear... :eek:
WillPower, post: 21355547
. was he blowing his horn or revving the engine for them to get out of his way or not?

He was not. The court had decided that your NAZI deliberately and willfully attacked pedestrians with his car in order to main and kill them in the First Degree.

That’s the rot you are defending.

Hillary was right - you are deplorable.

Where's the link to the video?....can't produce it then you're a liar... You're satisfied to call your betters "nazis"....weak as hell, boy. I thought you communist suckers were smarter than us genuine Americans.....you don't represent too well.
the guy that your photo taking a swing at Field's car was in the video provided to you...

and just as I thought, he took a swipe at Field's car BECAUSE Fields was racing down the street towards the crowd and girl he murdered.

NOW go home and sulk.... you my dear, are wrong on everything you said and got from the supremacist and nationalist propaganda sites defending this jerk that you visit.

Exactly, but fauns point of view idiots can stop traffic when ever they like and bully people for every assnine thing they want..

It doesn't work that way..
WillPower, post: 21355547
. was he blowing his horn or revving the engine for them to get out of his way or not?

He was not. The court had decided that your NAZI deliberately and willfully attacked pedestrians with his car in order to main and kill them in the First Degree.

That’s the rot you are defending.

Hillary was right - you are deplorable.

Where's the link to the video?....can't produce it then you're a liar... You're satisfied to call your betters "nazis"....weak as hell, boy. I thought you communist suckers were smarter than us genuine Americans.....you don't represent too well.
the guy that your photo taking a swing at Field's car was in the video provided to you...

and just as I thought, he took a swipe at Field's car BECAUSE Fields was racing down the street towards the crowd and girl he murdered.

NOW go home and sulk.... you my dear, are wrong on everything you said and got from the supremacist and nationalist propaganda sites defending this jerk that you visit.

Exactly, but fauns point of view idiots can stop traffic when ever they like and bully people for every assnine thing they want..

It doesn't work that way..
Fields chose to drive down that street. When he turned onto it, seeing the crowd two blocks away, he could have backed out and gone down another street if his intent wasn’t to run into a crowd of people.
WillPower, post: 21355547
. was he blowing his horn or revving the engine for them to get out of his way or not?

He was not. The court had decided that your NAZI deliberately and willfully attacked pedestrians with his car in order to main and kill them in the First Degree.

That’s the rot you are defending.

Hillary was right - you are deplorable.

Where's the link to the video?....can't produce it then you're a liar... You're satisfied to call your betters "nazis"....weak as hell, boy. I thought you communist suckers were smarter than us genuine Americans.....you don't represent too well.
the guy that your photo taking a swing at Field's car was in the video provided to you...

and just as I thought, he took a swipe at Field's car BECAUSE Fields was racing down the street towards the crowd and girl he murdered.

NOW go home and sulk.... you my dear, are wrong on everything you said and got from the supremacist and nationalist propaganda sites defending this jerk that you visit.

Exactly, but fauns point of view idiots can stop traffic when ever they like and bully people for every assnine thing they want..

It doesn't work that way..
Fields chose to drive down that street. When he turned onto it, seeing the crowd two blocks away, he could have backed out and gone down another street if his intent wasn’t to run into a crowd of people.

You have a map of Charlottesville?

A person has a right to drive his car to Walmart..

To Walgreens..

To McDonald's

To church

To a hospital

To a police station

To anywhere they want to go
WillPower, post: 21355547 He was not. The court had decided that your NAZI deliberately and willfully attacked pedestrians with his car in order to main and kill them in the First Degree.

That’s the rot you are defending.

Hillary was right - you are deplorable.

Where's the link to the video?....can't produce it then you're a liar... You're satisfied to call your betters "nazis"....weak as hell, boy. I thought you communist suckers were smarter than us genuine Americans.....you don't represent too well.
the guy that your photo taking a swing at Field's car was in the video provided to you...

and just as I thought, he took a swipe at Field's car BECAUSE Fields was racing down the street towards the crowd and girl he murdered.

NOW go home and sulk.... you my dear, are wrong on everything you said and got from the supremacist and nationalist propaganda sites defending this jerk that you visit.

Exactly, but fauns point of view idiots can stop traffic when ever they like and bully people for every assnine thing they want..

It doesn't work that way..
Fields chose to drive down that street. When he turned onto it, seeing the crowd two blocks away, he could have backed out and gone down another street if his intent wasn’t to run into a crowd of people.

You have a map of Charlottesville?

A person has a right to drive his car to Walmart..

To Walgreens..

To McDonald's

To church

To a hospital

To a police station

To anywhere they want to go
Fields wasn’t driving to any of those places. He driving into a crowd of people. No one has the right to drive into pedestrians. You have a serious malfunction.
WillPower, post: 21355977
Shouldn't be too hard for you to link me to one of those videos then, right?

Have you figured out yet how stupid it was of you to ask for a link that proves that no one was chasing your Nazi’s car up to the point where that one pedestrian with a flag took a swipe at it as it passed?

All but Nazi sympathizers knew this reality over a year ago:

NotfooledbyW, post: 17923436
The 20 year old Nazi was headed into the crowd forcing people out of his way when the rear of his car was struck.

You need to read the rest of that year old thread. You might get some facts right if you do.
The alt-right is hilariously lame. Sad they kill people.
They’re just crazy. :cuckoo: They’re actually defending Fields even after he was proven guilty in a court of law according to his peers.
No one should defend fields, as no one should defend any terrorist.
They hafta, Wheelie. It sez so in the Constitution. I'm sorry for his victim's dear family.
Of course the driver was wrong and certainly nobody wants people intentionally running over other people. But the verdict doesn't negate the leftist media's false narrative on the incident: The crowd of protesters were not "innocent people", they were a mob rioting in the streets who were only there for a confrontation, and that's exactly what they got.

The deceased was part of a violent lawless mob, a violent communist lawless mob, no less. She was instrumental in creating the conditions that lead to her own demise.

What can I say, except that shit happens when a violent lawless mob attacks people, like they did at Charlotteville. Sometimes collateral damage is going to happen.

None of that excuses what he did

I wasn't trying to excuse what he did, the shithead deserves what he got. On the downside, the verdict will just encourage the protesters to commit violent acts as they tend to do. Nobody is going to hold them accountable.
Ar you rationalizing again?

A common habit among Trumpoans and racists
The alt-right is hilariously lame. Sad they kill people.
They’re just crazy. :cuckoo: They’re actually defending Fields even after he was proven guilty in a court of law according to his peers.
No one should defend fields, as no one should defend any terrorist.
They hafta, Wheelie. It sez so in the Constitution. I'm sorry for his victim's dear family.
His is the adjective referring to the hitter. I don't think Mr. Fields could be mistaken as a her.

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