White shopper calls police on a black woman for taking parking spot she assumed was hers

Parking while black

Don’t blacks realize they are supposed to park on the other side of the tracks?
Was the woman waiting on a parking space and the other woman just drove in and took it? If so this has ZERO to do with skin color! This is a question of one person being clueless. That you're making it into a racial issue simply illustrates how you on the left make EVERYTHING into a racial issue these days!
Parking while black

Don’t blacks realize they are supposed to park on the other side of the tracks?

The old white lady was upset because she had been waiting for the spot. She was completely in the wrong being a bitch about it.. and calling the cops. but what does white vs black have to do with this? This is pretty weak
Was the woman waiting on a parking space and the other woman just drove in and took it? If so this has ZERO to do with skin color! This is a question of one person being clueless. That you're making it into a racial issue simply illustrates how you on the left make EVERYTHING into a racial issue these days!
Exactly, it's about who is more likely to have an arrest warrant on their ass.
What does the race of either person have to do with this incident?
White wingers ask that question every time a white person calls the police on a black person.

We know the woman who called the police was white, we know the other was black but we dont know enough of what went down between the two of them. Maybe the white woman was just frustrated if she had been circling through the parking lot for a long time. People have been stupid enough to call the police for things as dumb as not getting the correct happy meal at MC Donalds. Is that racism too? does wanting to look at the facts before you say Racism make someone a right winger? I would like to think so called liberals were not that dumb and close minded. People can act rude and stupid for a lot of reasons

Remember these dolls? now if a white woman ripped a doll out of a black womans hand, would it have been racism? or because the woman was just acting hysterical as she would with anyone else

What does the race of either person have to do with this incident?
None, just like most of the threads started showing a black guy killing a neighbor or a black chic getting into a fight with a waitress in public or....
It's just a "let's use one example of someone doing wrong to extend to the entire race..."

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