White republicans sick of Trayvon case


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
Study: Republicans, whites more tired of Trayvon Martin coverage - CNN.com

"Far more Republicans (56%) than Democrats (25%) say there has been too much coverage of Martin's death, according to Pew, which surveyed a "nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults" last Thursday through Sunday about top new stories.

In addition, 43% of whites said the story has garnered too much coverage, compared with just 16% of blacks, Pew said."

More race baiting bullshit.
because they are losing the debate theat that turned into a poltical football
because they are losing the debate theat that turned into a poltical football

Exactly what debate are we losing? Who exactly has turned this into a political football? The Republicans or the Democrats who cant help but run into a microphone to feign sympathy with Trayvon's family?
Study: Republicans, whites more tired of Trayvon Martin coverage - CNN.com

"Far more Republicans (56%) than Democrats (25%) say there has been too much coverage of Martin's death, according to Pew, which surveyed a "nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults" last Thursday through Sunday about top new stories.

In addition, 43% of whites said the story has garnered too much coverage, compared with just 16% of blacks, Pew said."

More race baiting bullshit.

The Job is done. The Incident needed to be reviewed because of how it was Misreported from the start.handled from the start. Local, State, and Federal Eyes are reviewing the Case. As Real News is develops, it will be made available. The Fantasies and Faery Tails, are not of interest.
Any event that attracts the attention of the American public has become the flame for the moths. Whenever the reporters and newscameras are around, the zealots will swarm. Every ideology, race, religion, gender, political party, and hyper-activist does it. They're all pushing to get in front of the camera to talk some tripe about how almost any event is a "wake up call to America" that underscores why America really needs to ... (fill in the blank with YOUR cause).

Maybe it's why so many Americans are so ill-informed. The real issues get drown out by all the hyper-activism. It's too easy to just zero in on which ever hyper-activist is spouting your own preconceived notions and to give up on trying to sort through the real issues and ask the real questions.
Even the state's attorney is outraged by the lies the family is coming up with.
Misty likes to blame the messenger, but it doesnt change the message. Republicans have been crying about this case like it is unfair to them personally. And the attacks on the victim have been very telling, all the kid did was catch a bullet and die.
No surprise, the media is obsessed with making everything about race. Race sells, they'll make a story over how choosing white rice over brown at Chipotle is racist, stay tuned.
Did cnn measure blacks, queers, women, hispanics, asians, native americans, midgets, atheists or the weight challenged populations interest in the story ???
Yeah, then it became a white/black thing, before it was a brown/black thing. NBC edited the 911 call to make it a racial thing. Obama made it a crisis for his election year campaign. Gotta solidify the base for the election cycle.

From what I gather is that the media made a white hispanic issue in which the white black president responded to. Am I off base with my thought process on this matter?
Study: Republicans, whites more tired of Trayvon Martin coverage - CNN.com

"Far more Republicans (56%) than Democrats (25%) say there has been too much coverage of Martin's death, according to Pew, which surveyed a "nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults" last Thursday through Sunday about top new stories.

In addition, 43% of whites said the story has garnered too much coverage, compared with just 16% of blacks, Pew said."

More race baiting bullshit.

I am sick of the racial overtones projected into the case, I am sick of the race hustlers bastardizing the case, I am sick of people automatically without evidence concluding the police must be racist (even though they have no idea of the race of any of the police in the case), I am sick of people calling for Zimmerman's head and jumping to conclusions before anything is known and lastly I am sick and tired of Obama sticking his nose in racial matters inflaming the situation, dividing the country along racial lines, when he should have tried to calm the situation!!!

We are more than justified to be sick of this case!
Misty likes to blame the messenger, but it doesnt change the message. Republicans have been crying about this case like it is unfair to them personally. And the attacks on the victim have been very telling, all the kid did was catch a bullet and die.

I started out defending the Victim, because of the Misreporting. I wanted Justice then, and I want it now. What I don't want is misrepresentation of what happened, and a distortion of the facts, for the sole purpose of riling people up. It is Bullshit, the kind of Bullshit that gets people hurt. If you are going to distort for Political advantage on either side, Fuck Off. If you have something new to add that is relevant, go for it. Are we about the Truth and Justice, no matter where the chips fall, or are we about sensationalizing just to hear our voices of see our Posts on screen? Grow Up.
Misty likes to blame the messenger, but it doesnt change the message. Republicans have been crying about this case like it is unfair to them personally. And the attacks on the victim have been very telling, all the kid did was catch a bullet and die.

Besides the assault.

The kid thought he could be a bad ass. In another few weeks he wont even be much of a memory.
If whites are getting sick of the Travvon case, it might be why the left coast blacks are trying to gin up the little thief Kendrec McDade shooting. Which directly pits blacks against illegal alien mexicans. This should be fun.

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