White racist lies about South Africa

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
It's this white supremacist bullshit stopped here. Instead it's consistently enabled. We have a thread about back cops supposedly raping white men in South African prisons. It was based on these links:

Boer Genocide: Police-jail rapes of white SA men is a war crime pattern

A site called afrikaner-genocide, a blog.

Black police officers organizing gang rapes of white men in South Africa.

A blog post from a site called conservative headlines, a site that supports the Front Nationale.

French Front National surges after Sarkozy’s move to the left.

and a blog entry from:

This entry was posted on Monday, March 15th, 2010 at 8:58 pm and is filed under South Africa. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

Considering the history of South Africa here are many things to discuss, yet because of the racists, who complained and the people are supposed to be given responsibility to make this a decent forum enabled this, the conversations must be limited only to how blacks are raping whts in south african jails even if here is no actual poof of it occurring.

If you do a search, you find no instance confirming this and only 2 places on the first page where this is mentioned. Conservative headlines and USMB. A blog post and a discussion forum If his happed there would be a court situation but that did not happen. This is an 8 year old post. In these 8 years since this was posted I can't find anything reported of the legal results of these rapes by south african media, So after 8 years whereby we see no evidence of this happening, no government inquiries of the police department, not investigations held, no individual accounts from hose men who were raped, no pressure from the south african media, nothing, but we are suppose to discuss an incident that probably never happened.

But this did.

Caught On Surveillance: White South African Cop Rapes A Black Girl In Custody!

Cape Town – The bail application of a policeman accused of raping a 15-year-old girl at the Montagu police station was postponed in the local magistrate’s court on Wednesday. Warrant Officer Frederick Soldaat’s lawyer asked that the matter be postponed to October 10 as they were still following up on certain aspects of the case. The 47-year-old officer is accused of raping the girl on August 30, after she was taken to the police station to cool down following an altercation with her parents at home. The Independent Police Investigative Directorate is investigating the matter in South Africa.

Uploaded on September 25th, 2016

Caught On Surveillance: White South African Cop Rapes A Black Girl In Custody! - The Grand Report

What we are seeing here are Afrikaner lies pushed by American white supremacists.

HNP will continue to keep Afrikaner nationalism alive
Die Vryburger

October 26, 2017

HNP will continue to keep Afrikaner nationalism alive | South Africa Today

Herstigte Nasionale Party - Wikipedia

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond
Lloyd Gedye 23 Mar 2018 00:00

The spike in advocacy against a so-called “white genocide” in South Africa can be traced to a co-ordinated campaign by right-wing group the Suidlanders to bolster international support for white South Africans.

The group, who describe themselves as “an emergency plan initiative” to prepare a Protestant Christian South African minority for a coming violent revolution, has met various extremist alt-right groups and their influential media contacts in the United States to build up global opposition to the purported persecution of white people in South Africa.

The Suidlanders believe a race war is inevitable and have spent years preparing for it. The group’s membership was first reported to have swelled after the murder of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging leader Eugène Terre’blanche. Then it was the death of former president Nelson Mandela that was meant to trigger the war.

Although this never transpired, now it is the murder of white farmers that the Suidlanders have seized on as a signal of the seeds of a plan to exterminate white people.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

The alt-right players
Billy Roper – The Roper Report

On March 9 2017, right-winger Billy Roper published an opinion piece, “Suidlanders (A South African ShieldWall Network)”, on his website, The Roper Report.

In it he says a “white genocide” is taking place in South Africa and praises the Suidlanders for their civil-war contingency planning — which Americans should be doing.

Brad Griffin, Michael Hill and the League of the South

Griffin is the public relations officer for the League of the South (LOS), a right-wing group based in Killen, Alabama. He is also the news editor of Alt-Right.com.

On March 16 last year, Griffin, under his pseudonym Hunter Wallace, published an article on Occidental Dissent.com headlined “URGENT: Suidlanders reach out to Americans to stop South African white genocide”. “They are in the United States on a speaking tour to raise awareness about the rapidly worsening situation for whites in South Africa,” he wrote.

Griffin writes that he is well versed in the white genocide situation in South Africa and, before being contacted by the Suidlanders, had already called for President Donald Trump to intervene.

On March 25, LOS president Michael Hill wrote an article with the headline “The situation in white South Africa”. According to him, the Suidlanders were in the US to secure funds for diesel and other fuels, medicine, water treatment, shelter, communications equipment, women’s and children’s needs, the needs of the elderly, and every other vital necessity for civilian noncombatants.

Henrik Palmgreen and Red Ice TV

On March 31, Roche appeared on Henrik Palmgren’s Red Ice TV, which often hosts Holocaust deniers. Roche claimed on the show that it’s deadlier to be a white farmer in South Africa than it is to be a police officer.

“It’s a fact that the murder of white farmers in South Africa is double the rate of murder of policemen,” he said.

Jared Taylor and American Renaissance

“South African whites prepare for anarchy” was the headline on Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance podcast on March 15 last year .

Simon Roche, the spokesperson for the Suidlanders, who was interviewed for the podcast, told Taylor that the Suidlanders anticipate a “race-based civil war” and states: “When the bubble bursts, it’s going to be quite a messy affair.”

Roche was also a guest speaker at the 15th American Renaissance conference held in July last year, sharing a platform with people such as Peter Brimelow and Richard Spencer, the founders of the right-wing websites Vdare.com and Alt-Right.com respectively.

Alex Jones and InfoWars

Alex Jones, as far as American conspiracy theorists go, has the “most far-reaching influence” in US history.

Both David Knight, who joined InfoWars in 2012, and Jones have featured the Suidlanders on their shows, Real News with David Knight and The Alex Jones Show.

WorldNet News

WorldNet News, the brainchild of Joseph Farah, published nine articles on the subject of “white genocide” or the Suidlanders between March and August 2017.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

I couldn't create a thread trying to talk to how whites would feel by reversing history because one of those responsible for making this a decent forum claimed I was suggesting a black takeover but this liw about black police raping whites must be discussed or else.
It's this white supremacist bullshit stopped here. Instead it's consistently enabled. We have a thread about back cops supposedly raping white men in South African prisons. It was based on these links:

Boer Genocide: Police-jail rapes of white SA men is a war crime pattern

A site called afrikaner-genocide, a blog.

Black police officers organizing gang rapes of white men in South Africa.

A blog post from a site called conservative headlines, a site that supports the Front Nationale.

French Front National surges after Sarkozy’s move to the left.

and a blog entry from:

This entry was posted on Monday, March 15th, 2010 at 8:58 pm and is filed under South Africa. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

Considering the history of South Africa here are many things to discuss, yet because of the racists, who complained and the people are supposed to be given responsibility to make this a decent forum enabled this, the conversations must be limited only to how blacks are raping whts in south african jails even if here is no actual poof of it occurring.

If you do a search, you find no instance confirming this and only 2 places on the first page where this is mentioned. Conservative headlines and USMB. A blog post and a discussion forum If his happed there would be a court situation but that did not happen. This is an 8 year old post. In these 8 years since this was posted I can't find anything reported of the legal results of these rapes by south african media, So after 8 years whereby we see no evidence of this happening, no government inquiries of the police department, not investigations held, no individual accounts from hose men who were raped, no pressure from the south african media, nothing, but we are suppose to discuss an incident that probably never happened.

But this did.

Caught On Surveillance: White South African Cop Rapes A Black Girl In Custody!

Cape Town – The bail application of a policeman accused of raping a 15-year-old girl at the Montagu police station was postponed in the local magistrate’s court on Wednesday. Warrant Officer Frederick Soldaat’s lawyer asked that the matter be postponed to October 10 as they were still following up on certain aspects of the case. The 47-year-old officer is accused of raping the girl on August 30, after she was taken to the police station to cool down following an altercation with her parents at home. The Independent Police Investigative Directorate is investigating the matter in South Africa.

Uploaded on September 25th, 2016

Caught On Surveillance: White South African Cop Rapes A Black Girl In Custody! - The Grand Report

What we are seeing here are Afrikaner lies pushed by American white supremacists.

HNP will continue to keep Afrikaner nationalism alive
Die Vryburger

October 26, 2017

HNP will continue to keep Afrikaner nationalism alive | South Africa Today

Herstigte Nasionale Party - Wikipedia

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond
Lloyd Gedye 23 Mar 2018 00:00

The spike in advocacy against a so-called “white genocide” in South Africa can be traced to a co-ordinated campaign by right-wing group the Suidlanders to bolster international support for white South Africans.

The group, who describe themselves as “an emergency plan initiative” to prepare a Protestant Christian South African minority for a coming violent revolution, has met various extremist alt-right groups and their influential media contacts in the United States to build up global opposition to the purported persecution of white people in South Africa.

The Suidlanders believe a race war is inevitable and have spent years preparing for it. The group’s membership was first reported to have swelled after the murder of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging leader Eugène Terre’blanche. Then it was the death of former president Nelson Mandela that was meant to trigger the war.

Although this never transpired, now it is the murder of white farmers that the Suidlanders have seized on as a signal of the seeds of a plan to exterminate white people.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

The alt-right players
Billy Roper – The Roper Report

On March 9 2017, right-winger Billy Roper published an opinion piece, “Suidlanders (A South African ShieldWall Network)”, on his website, The Roper Report.

In it he says a “white genocide” is taking place in South Africa and praises the Suidlanders for their civil-war contingency planning — which Americans should be doing.

Brad Griffin, Michael Hill and the League of the South

Griffin is the public relations officer for the League of the South (LOS), a right-wing group based in Killen, Alabama. He is also the news editor of Alt-Right.com.

On March 16 last year, Griffin, under his pseudonym Hunter Wallace, published an article on Occidental Dissent.com headlined “URGENT: Suidlanders reach out to Americans to stop South African white genocide”. “They are in the United States on a speaking tour to raise awareness about the rapidly worsening situation for whites in South Africa,” he wrote.

Griffin writes that he is well versed in the white genocide situation in South Africa and, before being contacted by the Suidlanders, had already called for President Donald Trump to intervene.

On March 25, LOS president Michael Hill wrote an article with the headline “The situation in white South Africa”. According to him, the Suidlanders were in the US to secure funds for diesel and other fuels, medicine, water treatment, shelter, communications equipment, women’s and children’s needs, the needs of the elderly, and every other vital necessity for civilian noncombatants.

Henrik Palmgreen and Red Ice TV

On March 31, Roche appeared on Henrik Palmgren’s Red Ice TV, which often hosts Holocaust deniers. Roche claimed on the show that it’s deadlier to be a white farmer in South Africa than it is to be a police officer.

“It’s a fact that the murder of white farmers in South Africa is double the rate of murder of policemen,” he said.

Jared Taylor and American Renaissance

“South African whites prepare for anarchy” was the headline on Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance podcast on March 15 last year .

Simon Roche, the spokesperson for the Suidlanders, who was interviewed for the podcast, told Taylor that the Suidlanders anticipate a “race-based civil war” and states: “When the bubble bursts, it’s going to be quite a messy affair.”

Roche was also a guest speaker at the 15th American Renaissance conference held in July last year, sharing a platform with people such as Peter Brimelow and Richard Spencer, the founders of the right-wing websites Vdare.com and Alt-Right.com respectively.

Alex Jones and InfoWars

Alex Jones, as far as American conspiracy theorists go, has the “most far-reaching influence” in US history.

Both David Knight, who joined InfoWars in 2012, and Jones have featured the Suidlanders on their shows, Real News with David Knight and The Alex Jones Show.

WorldNet News

WorldNet News, the brainchild of Joseph Farah, published nine articles on the subject of “white genocide” or the Suidlanders between March and August 2017.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

I couldn't create a thread trying to talk to how whites would feel by reversing history because one of those responsible for making this a decent forum claimed I was suggesting a black takeover but this liw about black police raping whites must be discussed or else.

You are just asking for it now are you not? You DERAIL a thread, you IGNORE Mod Warnings in the Red Writing, you are REMOVED from that thread, so you post a NEW thread to post the SAME horsecrap you posted in the OTHER thread you were removed from.

Unlike you who are totally low education level, we can use Google and get actual corroboration on some of these savage happenings by your fellow Feral Blacks.

Note the below articles, NOT affiliated in ANY way with POLITICAL organisations that YOU don't like.

From the OP of the OTHER thread that you have been removed from for disrupting with your crap:

"The following piece was written by Gayton McKenzie, a black gang member in South Africa, and published in a research paper at the University of Pretoria. He describes a young, skinny white male who is being held for Marijuana use. Source.

“Wimpie, a white boy who was dabbling with dagga, is put in our cell. I don’t know how old he really is, perhaps 16 or more, but he looks no older than 14, with skinny arms and short, spiky-crowned, brown hair. He tries to fight, and so they hit him. His resistance stops abruptly when one grabs the back of his head and smashes his face into the steel bars …The 20 men take it in turns to rape him. It goes on for more than eight hours, almost the whole night. The boy does everything he can, in his pathetic, limited range of action, to try to deter them, but he is ignored. He screams, he cries, he begs, he tries to bargain, he prays.”

“It is in the morning, though, that I am forced to see what life has coughed up before me. What’s left of Wimpie is lying in a corridor between the bunks, just in front of my bed. He is still naked, shivering in a pool of his own blood where they have discarded him. I will literally have to step over the small body to go and eat my breakfast.”

The below from The Press Reader section of The Sunday Times of London NOT affiliated with Front National OR ANY Right-Wing website.




Here is the full article the link to:

PressReader.com - Connecting People Through News

The above Gayton McKenzie was the subject of the book "The Choice: The Gayton McKenzie Story" author Charles Cilliers, the above from the OP that you a Black Racist Bigot with minimal education INSISTS is ALL horsecrap and Propaganda posted on a website affiliated with Front National and other Right-Wing websites.




Here is the full article the link to:

Inspiring story of a whistle-blower

Gayton McKenzie has a website, on his website he tells the EXACT same story that he told to Charles Cilliers, the EXACT same story that is IN the OP of this thread, that YOU INSIST is horsecrap and YOU INSIST that because you are a Black Racist Bigot with minimal education.



^^^^ Gayton McKenzie by his subsequent actions HAS redemption, he is rightfully saluted as a hero.

Here is his website the link to:

Motivational Speaker – Gayton McKenzie

Here's another, nothing to do with Gayton McKenzie but ANOTHER Whitey gang-raped by your fellow Feral Black Savages in a South African prison in the Shit Hole Nation that IS South Africa. Note: the below article publication NOT affiliated with Front National:



Here is the full article link to:

Businessman tells of South African prison rape that left him HIV positive | Metro News
I usually get disgusted when people claim blacks are less intelligent that the rest of the "races" in the world...

Then here comes the OP making a strong case for them.

Fortunately most of us know it is simply a bed wetting drone who happens to be at the very bottom of the bell curve and should have been sucked out of the womb and flushed down Kermit Gosnell's toilet.

It's this white supremacist bullshit stopped here. Instead it's consistently enabled. We have a thread about back cops supposedly raping white men in South African prisons. It was based on these links:

Boer Genocide: Police-jail rapes of white SA men is a war crime pattern

A site called afrikaner-genocide, a blog.

Black police officers organizing gang rapes of white men in South Africa.

A blog post from a site called conservative headlines, a site that supports the Front Nationale.

French Front National surges after Sarkozy’s move to the left.

and a blog entry from:

This entry was posted on Monday, March 15th, 2010 at 8:58 pm and is filed under South Africa. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

Considering the history of South Africa here are many things to discuss, yet because of the racists, who complained and the people are supposed to be given responsibility to make this a decent forum enabled this, the conversations must be limited only to how blacks are raping whts in south african jails even if here is no actual poof of it occurring.

If you do a search, you find no instance confirming this and only 2 places on the first page where this is mentioned. Conservative headlines and USMB. A blog post and a discussion forum If his happed there would be a court situation but that did not happen. This is an 8 year old post. In these 8 years since this was posted I can't find anything reported of the legal results of these rapes by south african media, So after 8 years whereby we see no evidence of this happening, no government inquiries of the police department, not investigations held, no individual accounts from hose men who were raped, no pressure from the south african media, nothing, but we are suppose to discuss an incident that probably never happened.

But this did.

Caught On Surveillance: White South African Cop Rapes A Black Girl In Custody!

Cape Town – The bail application of a policeman accused of raping a 15-year-old girl at the Montagu police station was postponed in the local magistrate’s court on Wednesday. Warrant Officer Frederick Soldaat’s lawyer asked that the matter be postponed to October 10 as they were still following up on certain aspects of the case. The 47-year-old officer is accused of raping the girl on August 30, after she was taken to the police station to cool down following an altercation with her parents at home. The Independent Police Investigative Directorate is investigating the matter in South Africa.

Uploaded on September 25th, 2016

Caught On Surveillance: White South African Cop Rapes A Black Girl In Custody! - The Grand Report

What we are seeing here are Afrikaner lies pushed by American white supremacists.

HNP will continue to keep Afrikaner nationalism alive
Die Vryburger

October 26, 2017

HNP will continue to keep Afrikaner nationalism alive | South Africa Today

Herstigte Nasionale Party - Wikipedia

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond
Lloyd Gedye 23 Mar 2018 00:00

The spike in advocacy against a so-called “white genocide” in South Africa can be traced to a co-ordinated campaign by right-wing group the Suidlanders to bolster international support for white South Africans.

The group, who describe themselves as “an emergency plan initiative” to prepare a Protestant Christian South African minority for a coming violent revolution, has met various extremist alt-right groups and their influential media contacts in the United States to build up global opposition to the purported persecution of white people in South Africa.

The Suidlanders believe a race war is inevitable and have spent years preparing for it. The group’s membership was first reported to have swelled after the murder of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging leader Eugène Terre’blanche. Then it was the death of former president Nelson Mandela that was meant to trigger the war.

Although this never transpired, now it is the murder of white farmers that the Suidlanders have seized on as a signal of the seeds of a plan to exterminate white people.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

The alt-right players
Billy Roper – The Roper Report

On March 9 2017, right-winger Billy Roper published an opinion piece, “Suidlanders (A South African ShieldWall Network)”, on his website, The Roper Report.

In it he says a “white genocide” is taking place in South Africa and praises the Suidlanders for their civil-war contingency planning — which Americans should be doing.

Brad Griffin, Michael Hill and the League of the South

Griffin is the public relations officer for the League of the South (LOS), a right-wing group based in Killen, Alabama. He is also the news editor of Alt-Right.com.

On March 16 last year, Griffin, under his pseudonym Hunter Wallace, published an article on Occidental Dissent.com headlined “URGENT: Suidlanders reach out to Americans to stop South African white genocide”. “They are in the United States on a speaking tour to raise awareness about the rapidly worsening situation for whites in South Africa,” he wrote.

Griffin writes that he is well versed in the white genocide situation in South Africa and, before being contacted by the Suidlanders, had already called for President Donald Trump to intervene.

On March 25, LOS president Michael Hill wrote an article with the headline “The situation in white South Africa”. According to him, the Suidlanders were in the US to secure funds for diesel and other fuels, medicine, water treatment, shelter, communications equipment, women’s and children’s needs, the needs of the elderly, and every other vital necessity for civilian noncombatants.

Henrik Palmgreen and Red Ice TV

On March 31, Roche appeared on Henrik Palmgren’s Red Ice TV, which often hosts Holocaust deniers. Roche claimed on the show that it’s deadlier to be a white farmer in South Africa than it is to be a police officer.

“It’s a fact that the murder of white farmers in South Africa is double the rate of murder of policemen,” he said.

Jared Taylor and American Renaissance

“South African whites prepare for anarchy” was the headline on Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance podcast on March 15 last year .

Simon Roche, the spokesperson for the Suidlanders, who was interviewed for the podcast, told Taylor that the Suidlanders anticipate a “race-based civil war” and states: “When the bubble bursts, it’s going to be quite a messy affair.”

Roche was also a guest speaker at the 15th American Renaissance conference held in July last year, sharing a platform with people such as Peter Brimelow and Richard Spencer, the founders of the right-wing websites Vdare.com and Alt-Right.com respectively.

Alex Jones and InfoWars

Alex Jones, as far as American conspiracy theorists go, has the “most far-reaching influence” in US history.

Both David Knight, who joined InfoWars in 2012, and Jones have featured the Suidlanders on their shows, Real News with David Knight and The Alex Jones Show.

WorldNet News

WorldNet News, the brainchild of Joseph Farah, published nine articles on the subject of “white genocide” or the Suidlanders between March and August 2017.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

I couldn't create a thread trying to talk to how whites would feel by reversing history because one of those responsible for making this a decent forum claimed I was suggesting a black takeover but this liw about black police raping whites must be discussed or else.
Can't stand the fact that the savages in Africa cannot do well without whites huh?
It's this white supremacist bullshit stopped here. Instead it's consistently enabled. We have a thread about back cops supposedly raping white men in South African prisons. It was based on these links:

Boer Genocide: Police-jail rapes of white SA men is a war crime pattern

A site called afrikaner-genocide, a blog.

Black police officers organizing gang rapes of white men in South Africa.

A blog post from a site called conservative headlines, a site that supports the Front Nationale.

French Front National surges after Sarkozy’s move to the left.

and a blog entry from:

This entry was posted on Monday, March 15th, 2010 at 8:58 pm and is filed under South Africa. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

Considering the history of South Africa here are many things to discuss, yet because of the racists, who complained and the people are supposed to be given responsibility to make this a decent forum enabled this, the conversations must be limited only to how blacks are raping whts in south african jails even if here is no actual poof of it occurring.

If you do a search, you find no instance confirming this and only 2 places on the first page where this is mentioned. Conservative headlines and USMB. A blog post and a discussion forum If his happed there would be a court situation but that did not happen. This is an 8 year old post. In these 8 years since this was posted I can't find anything reported of the legal results of these rapes by south african media, So after 8 years whereby we see no evidence of this happening, no government inquiries of the police department, not investigations held, no individual accounts from hose men who were raped, no pressure from the south african media, nothing, but we are suppose to discuss an incident that probably never happened.

But this did.

Caught On Surveillance: White South African Cop Rapes A Black Girl In Custody!

Cape Town – The bail application of a policeman accused of raping a 15-year-old girl at the Montagu police station was postponed in the local magistrate’s court on Wednesday. Warrant Officer Frederick Soldaat’s lawyer asked that the matter be postponed to October 10 as they were still following up on certain aspects of the case. The 47-year-old officer is accused of raping the girl on August 30, after she was taken to the police station to cool down following an altercation with her parents at home. The Independent Police Investigative Directorate is investigating the matter in South Africa.

Uploaded on September 25th, 2016

Caught On Surveillance: White South African Cop Rapes A Black Girl In Custody! - The Grand Report

What we are seeing here are Afrikaner lies pushed by American white supremacists.

HNP will continue to keep Afrikaner nationalism alive
Die Vryburger

October 26, 2017

HNP will continue to keep Afrikaner nationalism alive | South Africa Today

Herstigte Nasionale Party - Wikipedia

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond
Lloyd Gedye 23 Mar 2018 00:00

The spike in advocacy against a so-called “white genocide” in South Africa can be traced to a co-ordinated campaign by right-wing group the Suidlanders to bolster international support for white South Africans.

The group, who describe themselves as “an emergency plan initiative” to prepare a Protestant Christian South African minority for a coming violent revolution, has met various extremist alt-right groups and their influential media contacts in the United States to build up global opposition to the purported persecution of white people in South Africa.

The Suidlanders believe a race war is inevitable and have spent years preparing for it. The group’s membership was first reported to have swelled after the murder of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging leader Eugène Terre’blanche. Then it was the death of former president Nelson Mandela that was meant to trigger the war.

Although this never transpired, now it is the murder of white farmers that the Suidlanders have seized on as a signal of the seeds of a plan to exterminate white people.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

The alt-right players
Billy Roper – The Roper Report

On March 9 2017, right-winger Billy Roper published an opinion piece, “Suidlanders (A South African ShieldWall Network)”, on his website, The Roper Report.

In it he says a “white genocide” is taking place in South Africa and praises the Suidlanders for their civil-war contingency planning — which Americans should be doing.

Brad Griffin, Michael Hill and the League of the South

Griffin is the public relations officer for the League of the South (LOS), a right-wing group based in Killen, Alabama. He is also the news editor of Alt-Right.com.

On March 16 last year, Griffin, under his pseudonym Hunter Wallace, published an article on Occidental Dissent.com headlined “URGENT: Suidlanders reach out to Americans to stop South African white genocide”. “They are in the United States on a speaking tour to raise awareness about the rapidly worsening situation for whites in South Africa,” he wrote.

Griffin writes that he is well versed in the white genocide situation in South Africa and, before being contacted by the Suidlanders, had already called for President Donald Trump to intervene.

On March 25, LOS president Michael Hill wrote an article with the headline “The situation in white South Africa”. According to him, the Suidlanders were in the US to secure funds for diesel and other fuels, medicine, water treatment, shelter, communications equipment, women’s and children’s needs, the needs of the elderly, and every other vital necessity for civilian noncombatants.

Henrik Palmgreen and Red Ice TV

On March 31, Roche appeared on Henrik Palmgren’s Red Ice TV, which often hosts Holocaust deniers. Roche claimed on the show that it’s deadlier to be a white farmer in South Africa than it is to be a police officer.

“It’s a fact that the murder of white farmers in South Africa is double the rate of murder of policemen,” he said.

Jared Taylor and American Renaissance

“South African whites prepare for anarchy” was the headline on Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance podcast on March 15 last year .

Simon Roche, the spokesperson for the Suidlanders, who was interviewed for the podcast, told Taylor that the Suidlanders anticipate a “race-based civil war” and states: “When the bubble bursts, it’s going to be quite a messy affair.”

Roche was also a guest speaker at the 15th American Renaissance conference held in July last year, sharing a platform with people such as Peter Brimelow and Richard Spencer, the founders of the right-wing websites Vdare.com and Alt-Right.com respectively.

Alex Jones and InfoWars

Alex Jones, as far as American conspiracy theorists go, has the “most far-reaching influence” in US history.

Both David Knight, who joined InfoWars in 2012, and Jones have featured the Suidlanders on their shows, Real News with David Knight and The Alex Jones Show.

WorldNet News

WorldNet News, the brainchild of Joseph Farah, published nine articles on the subject of “white genocide” or the Suidlanders between March and August 2017.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

I couldn't create a thread trying to talk to how whites would feel by reversing history because one of those responsible for making this a decent forum claimed I was suggesting a black takeover but this liw about black police raping whites must be discussed or else.

You are just asking for it now are you not? You DERAIL a thread, you IGNORE Mod Warnings in the Red Writing, you are REMOVED from that thread, so you post a NEW thread to post the SAME horsecrap you posted in the OTHER thread you were removed from.

Unlike you who are totally low education level, we can use Google and get actual corroboration on some of these savage happenings by your fellow Feral Blacks.

Note the below articles, NOT affiliated in ANY way with POLITICAL organisations that YOU don't like.

From the OP of the OTHER thread that you have been removed from for disrupting with your crap:

"The following piece was written by Gayton McKenzie, a black gang member in South Africa, and published in a research paper at the University of Pretoria. He describes a young, skinny white male who is being held for Marijuana use. Source.

“Wimpie, a white boy who was dabbling with dagga, is put in our cell. I don’t know how old he really is, perhaps 16 or more, but he looks no older than 14, with skinny arms and short, spiky-crowned, brown hair. He tries to fight, and so they hit him. His resistance stops abruptly when one grabs the back of his head and smashes his face into the steel bars …The 20 men take it in turns to rape him. It goes on for more than eight hours, almost the whole night. The boy does everything he can, in his pathetic, limited range of action, to try to deter them, but he is ignored. He screams, he cries, he begs, he tries to bargain, he prays.”

“It is in the morning, though, that I am forced to see what life has coughed up before me. What’s left of Wimpie is lying in a corridor between the bunks, just in front of my bed. He is still naked, shivering in a pool of his own blood where they have discarded him. I will literally have to step over the small body to go and eat my breakfast.”

The below from The Press Reader section of The Sunday Times of London NOT affiliated with Front National OR ANY Right-Wing website.

View attachment 200964
View attachment 200965
View attachment 200966

Here is the full article the link to:

PressReader.com - Connecting People Through News

The above Gayton McKenzie was the subject of the book "The Choice: The Gayton McKenzie Story" author Charles Cilliers, the above from the OP that you a Black Racist Bigot with minimal education INSISTS is ALL horsecrap and Propaganda posted on a website affiliated with Front National and other Right-Wing websites.

View attachment 200967
View attachment 200968

View attachment 200969

Here is the full article the link to:

Inspiring story of a whistle-blower

Gayton McKenzie has a website, on his website he tells the EXACT same story that he told to Charles Cilliers, the EXACT same story that is IN the OP of this thread, that YOU INSIST is horsecrap and YOU INSIST that because you are a Black Racist Bigot with minimal education.

View attachment 200970
View attachment 200971

^^^^ Gayton McKenzie by his subsequent actions HAS redemption, he is rightfully saluted as a hero.

Here is his website the link to:

Motivational Speaker – Gayton McKenzie

Here's another, nothing to do with Gayton McKenzie but ANOTHER Whitey gang-raped by your fellow Feral Black Savages in a South African prison in the Shit Hole Nation that IS South Africa. Note: the below article publication NOT affiliated with Front National:

View attachment 200972
View attachment 200974

Here is the full article link to:

Businessman tells of South African prison rape that left him HIV positive | Metro News
I will say one thing, if that happened to me, I would go back over there and go on a rampage killing as many of those animals as I could.
Well Nevermind All The Small Stuff
What's Happened To Tens Of Thousands Of Boer Farmers Over The Last 25yrs
And Why Is A Once First World Nation -- Built From Scratch Out Of Nothing
Now Require Foreign Aid For It's Very Existence ??

In A Word ?? --- Mandela
Well Nevermind All The Small Stuff
What's Happened To Tens Of Thousands Of Boer Farmers Over The Last 25yrs
And Why Is A Once First World Nation
Now Require Foreign Aid For It's Very Existence ??

In A Word ?? --- Mandela

Not forgetting Winnie Mandela. On FILM supporting Necklacing, tires put over the heads and set on fire. Fucking bitch is burning in Hell now.
Since what I was talking about was supposed to be off topic, I started a thread to discuss those issues. I believe I have the right to do that.

This is a thread about white racist lies about south Africa. In his thread we shall look at the things which have actually created he problems that exist there. This thread topic is not about black police rapes of white men. Your post is off topic.

Would you care to discuss the history of white rapes,.murder, beatings dismemberment, and removal of blacks from their land, laws that made it illegal for backs to own their own native land, Bantustans, pass cards, or how whites still control the South African economy and prosper more now than they did during apartheid and things of that nature? We've going to go beyond your sixth grade IQ Lucy.

So you have your thread where you can post all the white supremacist bullshit you want about backs raping whites in south Africa. Maybe you stay there?
Since what I was talking about was supposed to be off topic, I started a thread to discuss those issues. I believe I have the right to do that.

This is a thread about white racist lies about south Africa. In his thread we shall look at the things which have actually created he problems that exist there. This thread topic is not about black police rapes of white men. Your post is off topic.

Would you care to discuss the history of white rapes,.murder, beatings dismemberment, and removal of blacks from their land, laws that made it illegal for backs to own their own native land, Bantustans, pass cards, or how whites still control the South African economy and prosper more now than they did during apartheid and things of that nature? We've going to go beyond your sixth grade IQ Lucy.

So you have your thread where you can post all the white supremacist bullshit you want about backs raping whites in south Africa. Maybe you stay there?

Spamming this section with your unhinged OPs full of Conspiracy Theories about Whites. Not responding to you after this, you are unhinged and irrational, a person cannot discuss anything in a normal way with someone who is irrational.

I have already illustrated with my post # 2 that your OP is total horsecrap, that what is stated about Blacks gang-raping Whites in South African prisons is ACCURATE, provided links, one of the main cases in the other thread involved Gayton McKenzie, with my links I have illustrated that was ACCURATE, or in your unhinged micro brain do you think The Sunday Times of London and Gayton McKenzie HIMSELF are both affiliated with Front National? Probably you do, GTFO.
Last edited:
Well Nevermind All The Small Stuff
What's Happened To Tens Of Thousands Of Boer Farmers Over The Last 25yrs
And Why Is A Once First World Nation -- Built From Scratch Out Of Nothing
Now Require Foreign Aid For It's Very Existence ??

In A Word ?? --- Mandela

Nothing. What happened to the tens of thousands murdered by Boers so they could have those farms? South Africa was not built out of nothing. A prime example of how whites lie about this. OBTW Whites still control the banks and economy, so then if the country requires foreign aid...….
Winnie Was A Wack-Job Nelson Tried To Distance Himself From

Winnie Didn't Set National Policy
Nelson Did
And Today's SA Is The Ongoing Result Of Nelson's Maoist Criminality

No One Should Have Proudly Paid Him Last Respects
Except Those Of His Ilk

Since what I was talking about was supposed to be off topic, I started a thread to discuss those issues. I believe I have the right to do that.

This is a thread about white racist lies about south Africa. In his thread we shall look at the things which have actually created he problems that exist there. This thread topic is not about black police rapes of white men. Your post is off topic.

Would you care to discuss the history of white rapes,.murder, beatings dismemberment, and removal of blacks from their land, laws that made it illegal for backs to own their own native land, Bantustans, pass cards, or how whites still control the South African economy and prosper more now than they did during apartheid and things of that nature? We've going to go beyond your sixth grade IQ Lucy.

So you have your thread where you can post all the white supremacist bullshit you want about backs raping whites in south Africa. Maybe you stay there?

Spamming this section with your unhinged OPs full of Conspiracy Theories about Whites. Not responding to you after this, you are unhinged and irrational, a person cannot discuss anything in a normal way with someone who is irrational.

I have already illustrated with my post # 2 that your OP is total horsecrap, that what is stated about Blacks gang-raping Whites in South African prisons is ACCURATE, provided links, one of the main cases in the other thread involved Gayton McKenzie, with my links I have illustrated that was ACCURATE, or in your unhinged micro brain do you think The Sunday Times of London and Gayton McKenzie HIMSELF are both affiliated with Front National? Probably you do, GTFO.

You are off topic.
Winnie Was A Wack-Job Nelson Tried To Distance Himself From

Winnie Didn't Set National Policy
Nelson Did
And Today's SA Is The Ongoing Result Of Nelson's Maoist Criminality

No One Should Have Proudly Paid Him Last Respects
Except Those Of His Ilk


Pure lunacy.
Since what I was talking about was supposed to be off topic, I started a thread to discuss those issues. I believe I have the right to do that.

This is a thread about white racist lies about south Africa. In his thread we shall look at the things which have actually created he problems that exist there. This thread topic is not about black police rapes of white men. Your post is off topic.

Would you care to discuss the history of white rapes,.murder, beatings dismemberment, and removal of blacks from their land, laws that made it illegal for backs to own their own native land, Bantustans, pass cards, or how whites still control the South African economy and prosper more now than they did during apartheid and things of that nature? We've going to go beyond your sixth grade IQ Lucy.

So you have your thread where you can post all the white supremacist bullshit you want about backs raping whites in south Africa. Maybe you stay there?

Spamming this section with your unhinged OPs full of Conspiracy Theories about Whites. Not responding to you after this, you are unhinged and irrational, a person cannot discuss anything in a normal way with someone who is irrational.

I have already illustrated with my post # 2 that your OP is total horsecrap, that what is stated about Blacks gang-raping Whites in South African prisons is ACCURATE, provided links, one of the main cases in the other thread involved Gayton McKenzie, with my links I have illustrated that was ACCURATE, or in your unhinged micro brain do you think The Sunday Times of London and Gayton McKenzie HIMSELF are both affiliated with Front National? Probably you do, GTFO.

You are off topic.

No I am On Topic, my post # 2 was DIRECTLY RELATED to the horsecrap you posted in your OP, that IS me being On Topic.

You in the OP:

"We have a thread about back cops supposedly raping white men in South African prisons. It was based on these links:"

Then you post a long list of TOTAL horsecrap links, to which I in my post # 2 post LINKS and Screen Shots to MAINSTREAM NEWS ARTICLES NOT AFFILIATED with all the horsecrap YOU say they are. That is me being On Topic. Accept it or GTFO.
Since what I was talking about was supposed to be off topic, I started a thread to discuss those issues. I believe I have the right to do that.

This is a thread about white racist lies about south Africa. In his thread we shall look at the things which have actually created he problems that exist there. This thread topic is not about black police rapes of white men. Your post is off topic.

Would you care to discuss the history of white rapes,.murder, beatings dismemberment, and removal of blacks from their land, laws that made it illegal for backs to own their own native land, Bantustans, pass cards, or how whites still control the South African economy and prosper more now than they did during apartheid and things of that nature? We've going to go beyond your sixth grade IQ Lucy.

So you have your thread where you can post all the white supremacist bullshit you want about backs raping whites in south Africa. Maybe you stay there?

Spamming this section with your unhinged OPs full of Conspiracy Theories about Whites. Not responding to you after this, you are unhinged and irrational, a person cannot discuss anything in a normal way with someone who is irrational.

I have already illustrated with my post # 2 that your OP is total horsecrap, that what is stated about Blacks gang-raping Whites in South African prisons is ACCURATE, provided links, one of the main cases in the other thread involved Gayton McKenzie, with my links I have illustrated that was ACCURATE, or in your unhinged micro brain do you think The Sunday Times of London and Gayton McKenzie HIMSELF are both affiliated with Front National? Probably you do, GTFO.

You are off topic.

No I am On Topic, my post # 2 was DIRECTLY RELATED to the horsecrap you posted in your OP, that IS me being On Topic.

You in the OP:

"We have a thread about back cops supposedly raping white men in South African prisons. It was based on these links:"

Then you post a long list of TOTAL horsecrap links, to which I in my post # 2 post LINKS and Screen Shots to MAINSTREAM NEWS ARTICLES NOT AFFILIATED with all the horsecrap YOU say they are. That is me being On Topic. Accept it or GTFO.

Are you really on topic?

Remember this part of the OP?

What we are seeing here are Afrikaner lies pushed by American white supremacists.

HNP will continue to keep Afrikaner nationalism alive
Die Vryburger

October 26, 2017

HNP will continue to keep Afrikaner nationalism alive | South Africa Today

Herstigte Nasionale Party - Wikipedia

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond
Lloyd Gedye 23 Mar 2018 00:00

The spike in advocacy against a so-called “white genocide” in South Africa can be traced to a co-ordinated campaign by right-wing group the Suidlanders to bolster international support for white South Africans.

The group, who describe themselves as “an emergency plan initiative” to prepare a Protestant Christian South African minority for a coming violent revolution, has met various extremist alt-right groups and their influential media contacts in the United States to build up global opposition to the purported persecution of white people in South Africa.

The Suidlanders believe a race war is inevitable and have spent years preparing for it. The group’s membership was first reported to have swelled after the murder of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging leader Eugène Terre’blanche. Then it was the death of former president Nelson Mandela that was meant to trigger the war.

Although this never transpired, now it is the murder of white farmers that the Suidlanders have seized on as a signal of the seeds of a plan to exterminate white people.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

The alt-right players
Billy Roper – The Roper Report

On March 9 2017, right-winger Billy Roper published an opinion piece, “Suidlanders (A South African ShieldWall Network)”, on his website, The Roper Report.

In it he says a “white genocide” is taking place in South Africa and praises the Suidlanders for their civil-war contingency planning — which Americans should be doing.

Brad Griffin, Michael Hill and the League of the South

Griffin is the public relations officer for the League of the South (LOS), a right-wing group based in Killen, Alabama. He is also the news editor of Alt-Right.com.

On March 16 last year, Griffin, under his pseudonym Hunter Wallace, published an article on Occidental Dissent.com headlined “URGENT: Suidlanders reach out to Americans to stop South African white genocide”. “They are in the United States on a speaking tour to raise awareness about the rapidly worsening situation for whites in South Africa,” he wrote.

Griffin writes that he is well versed in the white genocide situation in South Africa and, before being contacted by the Suidlanders, had already called for President Donald Trump to intervene.

On March 25, LOS president Michael Hill wrote an article with the headline “The situation in white South Africa”. According to him, the Suidlanders were in the US to secure funds for diesel and other fuels, medicine, water treatment, shelter, communications equipment, women’s and children’s needs, the needs of the elderly, and every other vital necessity for civilian noncombatants.

Henrik Palmgreen and Red Ice TV

On March 31, Roche appeared on Henrik Palmgren’s Red Ice TV, which often hosts Holocaust deniers. Roche claimed on the show that it’s deadlier to be a white farmer in South Africa than it is to be a police officer.

“It’s a fact that the murder of white farmers in South Africa is double the rate of murder of policemen,” he said.

Jared Taylor and American Renaissance

“South African whites prepare for anarchy” was the headline on Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance podcast on March 15 last year .

Simon Roche, the spokesperson for the Suidlanders, who was interviewed for the podcast, told Taylor that the Suidlanders anticipate a “race-based civil war” and states: “When the bubble bursts, it’s going to be quite a messy affair.”

Roche was also a guest speaker at the 15th American Renaissance conference held in July last year, sharing a platform with people such as Peter Brimelow and Richard Spencer, the founders of the right-wing websites Vdare.com and Alt-Right.com respectively.

Alex Jones and InfoWars

Alex Jones, as far as American conspiracy theorists go, has the “most far-reaching influence” in US history.

Both David Knight, who joined InfoWars in 2012, and Jones have featured the Suidlanders on their shows, Real News with David Knight and The Alex Jones Show.

WorldNet News

WorldNet News, the brainchild of Joseph Farah, published nine articles on the subject of “white genocide” or the Suidlanders between March and August 2017.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

^^^^ Off Topic ALREADY in his OWN thread. WTF the above has to do with his OP is ZERO.

This is the title of this thread.

White racist lies about South Africa

And the OP covered more than just the claims of rape. Learn to read.

Yes and my post # 2 illustrates that your thread should be retitled:

Black Racist Lies About Whites Not Getting Raped In Prison In South Africa When They Are.
Since what I was talking about was supposed to be off topic, I started a thread to discuss those issues. I believe I have the right to do that.

This is a thread about white racist lies about south Africa. In his thread we shall look at the things which have actually created he problems that exist there. This thread topic is not about black police rapes of white men. Your post is off topic.

Would you care to discuss the history of white rapes,.murder, beatings dismemberment, and removal of blacks from their land, laws that made it illegal for backs to own their own native land, Bantustans, pass cards, or how whites still control the South African economy and prosper more now than they did during apartheid and things of that nature? We've going to go beyond your sixth grade IQ Lucy.

So you have your thread where you can post all the white supremacist bullshit you want about backs raping whites in south Africa. Maybe you stay there?

Spamming this section with your unhinged OPs full of Conspiracy Theories about Whites. Not responding to you after this, you are unhinged and irrational, a person cannot discuss anything in a normal way with someone who is irrational.

I have already illustrated with my post # 2 that your OP is total horsecrap, that what is stated about Blacks gang-raping Whites in South African prisons is ACCURATE, provided links, one of the main cases in the other thread involved Gayton McKenzie, with my links I have illustrated that was ACCURATE, or in your unhinged micro brain do you think The Sunday Times of London and Gayton McKenzie HIMSELF are both affiliated with Front National? Probably you do, GTFO.

You are off topic.

No I am On Topic, my post # 2 was DIRECTLY RELATED to the horsecrap you posted in your OP, that IS me being On Topic.

You in the OP:

"We have a thread about back cops supposedly raping white men in South African prisons. It was based on these links:"

Then you post a long list of TOTAL horsecrap links, to which I in my post # 2 post LINKS and Screen Shots to MAINSTREAM NEWS ARTICLES NOT AFFILIATED with all the horsecrap YOU say they are. That is me being On Topic. Accept it or GTFO.

Are you really on topic?

Remember this part of the OP?

What we are seeing here are Afrikaner lies pushed by American white supremacists.

HNP will continue to keep Afrikaner nationalism alive
Die Vryburger

October 26, 2017

HNP will continue to keep Afrikaner nationalism alive | South Africa Today

Herstigte Nasionale Party - Wikipedia

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond
Lloyd Gedye 23 Mar 2018 00:00

The spike in advocacy against a so-called “white genocide” in South Africa can be traced to a co-ordinated campaign by right-wing group the Suidlanders to bolster international support for white South Africans.

The group, who describe themselves as “an emergency plan initiative” to prepare a Protestant Christian South African minority for a coming violent revolution, has met various extremist alt-right groups and their influential media contacts in the United States to build up global opposition to the purported persecution of white people in South Africa.

The Suidlanders believe a race war is inevitable and have spent years preparing for it. The group’s membership was first reported to have swelled after the murder of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging leader Eugène Terre’blanche. Then it was the death of former president Nelson Mandela that was meant to trigger the war.

Although this never transpired, now it is the murder of white farmers that the Suidlanders have seized on as a signal of the seeds of a plan to exterminate white people.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

The alt-right players
Billy Roper – The Roper Report

On March 9 2017, right-winger Billy Roper published an opinion piece, “Suidlanders (A South African ShieldWall Network)”, on his website, The Roper Report.

In it he says a “white genocide” is taking place in South Africa and praises the Suidlanders for their civil-war contingency planning — which Americans should be doing.

Brad Griffin, Michael Hill and the League of the South

Griffin is the public relations officer for the League of the South (LOS), a right-wing group based in Killen, Alabama. He is also the news editor of Alt-Right.com.

On March 16 last year, Griffin, under his pseudonym Hunter Wallace, published an article on Occidental Dissent.com headlined “URGENT: Suidlanders reach out to Americans to stop South African white genocide”. “They are in the United States on a speaking tour to raise awareness about the rapidly worsening situation for whites in South Africa,” he wrote.

Griffin writes that he is well versed in the white genocide situation in South Africa and, before being contacted by the Suidlanders, had already called for President Donald Trump to intervene.

On March 25, LOS president Michael Hill wrote an article with the headline “The situation in white South Africa”. According to him, the Suidlanders were in the US to secure funds for diesel and other fuels, medicine, water treatment, shelter, communications equipment, women’s and children’s needs, the needs of the elderly, and every other vital necessity for civilian noncombatants.

Henrik Palmgreen and Red Ice TV

On March 31, Roche appeared on Henrik Palmgren’s Red Ice TV, which often hosts Holocaust deniers. Roche claimed on the show that it’s deadlier to be a white farmer in South Africa than it is to be a police officer.

“It’s a fact that the murder of white farmers in South Africa is double the rate of murder of policemen,” he said.

Jared Taylor and American Renaissance

“South African whites prepare for anarchy” was the headline on Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance podcast on March 15 last year .

Simon Roche, the spokesperson for the Suidlanders, who was interviewed for the podcast, told Taylor that the Suidlanders anticipate a “race-based civil war” and states: “When the bubble bursts, it’s going to be quite a messy affair.”

Roche was also a guest speaker at the 15th American Renaissance conference held in July last year, sharing a platform with people such as Peter Brimelow and Richard Spencer, the founders of the right-wing websites Vdare.com and Alt-Right.com respectively.

Alex Jones and InfoWars

Alex Jones, as far as American conspiracy theorists go, has the “most far-reaching influence” in US history.

Both David Knight, who joined InfoWars in 2012, and Jones have featured the Suidlanders on their shows, Real News with David Knight and The Alex Jones Show.

WorldNet News

WorldNet News, the brainchild of Joseph Farah, published nine articles on the subject of “white genocide” or the Suidlanders between March and August 2017.

White genocide: How the big lie spread to the US and beyond

Spamming your OWN thread now? Reposting in the thread what you ALREADY POSTED that is Spamming and is against Forum Rules.
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