White people's day.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Independence Day is White people's day. It is also important to note that Native Americans lived in the country and each tribe had its own nation and government prior to the European settlers. Declaration of Independence did not apply to Blacks either. Declaration that "All men created equal" did not apply to Blacks either.

Independence Day is White people's day. It is also important to note that Native Americans lived in the country and each tribe had its own nation and government prior to the European settlers. Declaration of Independence did not apply to Blacks either. Declaration that "All men created equal" did not apply to Blacks either.

We sure as hell enjoyed it to. Swinning and some fried chicken and some cold watermelon. And some firecrackers in cracker town. too bad you're black and don't like those things, feel sorry for you race baiters. I truly do.

Independence Day is White people's day. It is also important to note that Native Americans lived in the country and each tribe had its own nation and government prior to the European settlers. Declaration of Independence did not apply to Blacks either. Declaration that "All men created equal" did not apply to Blacks either.

Europeans were legal immigrants and they improved America. What are you bitching about?

Independence Day is White people's day. It is also important to note that Native Americans lived in the country and each tribe had its own nation and government prior to the European settlers. Declaration of Independence did not apply to Blacks either. Declaration that "All men created equal" did not apply to Blacks either.

When the blacks revolted on the plantation and lynched the whites, was that our
independence day Lilolady.??

Independence Day is White people's day. It is also important to note that Native Americans lived in the country and each tribe had its own nation and government prior to the European settlers. Declaration of Independence did not apply to Blacks either. Declaration that "All men created equal" did not apply to Blacks either.

When the blacks revolted on the plantation and lynched the whites, was that our
independence day Lilolady.??

your independence day will be when you climb out of your tree and get an IQ on the plus side of zero

Independence Day is White people's day. It is also important to note that Native Americans lived in the country and each tribe had its own nation and government prior to the European settlers. Declaration of Independence did not apply to Blacks either. Declaration that "All men created equal" did not apply to Blacks either.

Europeans were legal immigrants and they improved America. What are you bitching about?
How did those so-called legal immigrants improve America ? Oh by bringing crime,racism,greed,murder to America.It sure seems like America needs some more improvements though.:clap2:
Does that mean Columbus Day is really "Cracker-ass-retards-who-don't-understand-science-but-they-post-shitrants-at-environment-threads-fucking DAY?"

Independence Day is White people's day. It is also important to note that Native Americans lived in the country and each tribe had its own nation and government prior to the European settlers. Declaration of Independence did not apply to Blacks either. Declaration that "All men created equal" did not apply to Blacks either.

The blacks on the plantation did all the work , while the cracker ass whites did nothing but sit on the porch. I am glad that during the civil war many blacks Lynched those white
devil demons, butchered them up for all those evil deeds done to black people by white
asshole slalve holders.Do you hear me Lilolady.! No Threats! Edited.

Independence Day is White people's day. It is also important to note that Native Americans lived in the country and each tribe had its own nation and government prior to the European settlers. Declaration of Independence did not apply to Blacks either. Declaration that "All men created equal" did not apply to Blacks either.

The blacks on the plantation did all the work , while the cracker ass whites did nothing but sit on the porch. I am glad that during the civil war many blacks Lynched those white
devil demons, butchered them up for all those evil deeds done to black people by white
asshole slalve holders.Do you hear me Lilolady.!
Home B awaitin' yooo, fitty toooo.
They should have left you in peace in paradise.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grnrx7JeDhg]The Starving Chlidren of Africa - YouTube[/ame]
Yes, that must be those same poor blacks that were on government assistance that also shot off hundreds of dollars of fireworks celebrating whitey day, July 4th even though this state bans all fireworks because of the fire hazard. Yep, then they hold water fights even though there is a ban on wasting water because of the drought. I fail to begin to understand these people. Because it seems THEY are their own worst enemies and they can not get past realistic limitations on their behavior. What is IT I don't understand? Poor blacks seem to live in a fantasy world of their own biding. Heaven forbid anyone white notice such things. Please.
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It is nice to know that this type of cracked extremist right wing thinking is dying out.
Yes, that must be those same poor blacks that were on government assistance that also shot off hundreds of dollars of fireworks celebrating whitey day, July 4th even though this state bans all fireworks because of the fire hazard. Yep, then they hold water fights even though there is a ban on wasting water because of the drought. I fail to begin to understand these people. Because it seems THEY are their own worst enemies and they can not get past realistic limitations on their behavior. What is IT I don't understand? Poor blacks seem to live in a fantasy world of their own biding. Heaven forbid anyone white notice such things. Please.

They are just *******.

Independence Day is White people's day. It is also important to note that Native Americans lived in the country and each tribe had its own nation and government prior to the European settlers. Declaration of Independence did not apply to Blacks either. Declaration that "All men created equal" did not apply to Blacks either.

The blacks on the plantation did all the work , while the cracker ass whites did nothing but sit on the porch. I am glad that during the civil war many blacks Lynched those white
devil demons, butchered them up for all those evil deeds done to black people by white
asshole slalve holders.Do you hear me Lilolady.

Switch to decaf, Malcolm.
Yes, that must be those same poor blacks that were on government assistance that also shot off hundreds of dollars of fireworks celebrating whitey day, July 4th even though this state bans all fireworks because of the fire hazard. Yep, then they hold water fights even though there is a ban on wasting water because of the drought. I fail to begin to understand these people. Because it seems THEY are their own worst enemies and they can not get past realistic limitations on their behavior. What is IT I don't understand? Poor blacks seem to live in a fantasy world of their own biding. Heaven forbid anyone white notice such things. Please.

They are just *******.

No one is perfect. Except me, of course.

Independence Day is White people's day. It is also important to note that Native Americans lived in the country and each tribe had its own nation and government prior to the European settlers. Declaration of Independence did not apply to Blacks either. Declaration that "All men created equal" did not apply to Blacks either.

Europeans were legal immigrants and they improved America. What are you bitching about?

There is no doubt that LEGAL immigrants improved this country. Illegal immigrants, on the other hand, is another story,
Now that illegals won't be trying as hard, the real estate is over-inflated, still.

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