Black White, interracial marriage hype.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
There has been some very misleading statistics released by the media recently stating that there is some big increase in blacks marrying whites, or whites marrying blacks.
1 in 12 marriages, which is a very small percentage, when you compare the fact that
97% percent of blacks marry other blacks.

15 black couples were married in my church over the last year.
This is a all black church.
So there seems to be a interracial media hype going on here.
There has been some very misleading statistics released by the media recently stating that there is some big increase in blacks marrying whites, or whites marrying blacks.
1 in 12 marriages, which is a very small percentage, when you compare the fact that
97% percent of blacks marry other blacks.

15 black couples were married in my church over the last year.
This is a all black church.
So there seems to be a interracial media hype going on here.

There has been some very misleading statistics released by the media recently stating that there is some big increase in blacks marrying whites, or whites marrying blacks.
1 in 12 marriages, which is a very small percentage, when you compare the fact that
97% percent of blacks marry other blacks.

15 black couples were married in my church over the last year.
This is a all black church.
So there seems to be a interracial media hype going on here.

Everyone knows that Whites don't marry Blacks...

Blacks, on the other hand, do marry Whites...
there has been some very misleading statistics released by the media recently stating that there is some big increase in blacks marrying whites, or whites marrying blacks.
1 in 12 marriages, which is a very small percentage, when you compare the fact that
97% percent of blacks marry other blacks.

15 black couples were married in my church over the last year.
this is a all black church.
so there seems to be a interracial media hype going on here.

Blacks still marry other blacks. 98.5% !!
Its all white media hype , this interracial marriage bullshit.!!
There has been some very misleading statistics released by the media recently stating that there is some big increase in blacks marrying whites, or whites marrying blacks.
1 in 12 marriages, which is a very small percentage, when you compare the fact that
97% percent of blacks marry other blacks.

15 black couples were married in my church over the last year.
This is a all black church.
So there seems to be a interracial media hype going on here.

you should look at the bottom of the page.

You should join and find yourself a skinny, pale white crakka bitch
Interracial marriages are for shit. They always strike me as dreggy -- dreggy whites and dreggy blacks marry each other, adopt each other's shit culture, breed out genetic crap and generally combine the worst of the trailer park with the worst of the ghetto for some truly horrifying carnival displays.
Generally suck:

Dr. Laura Endangers White Girls

BLACK-MALE/WHITE-FEMALE marriages pose the highest risk for offspring, for these reasons:

SPOUSE ABUSE (black males physically abuse their mates at off-the-chart rates, as compared with men of other races);

RACIAL SLURS (are frequently used by fighting, mixed-race parents);

LOSS OF FAMILY CONTACTS (immediate and extended family members on both sides may shun the mixed-race couple to some degree, cutting off children from vital support);

EXPOSURE TO CRIMINALITY (black men's rates of crime make children's exposure to felons and criminality a near-certainty);

EXPOSURE TO DRUGS (black men's rate of use of recreational drugs is the highest among all the races, increasing the probability that children would be exposed to it);

EXPOSURE TO VD (black men's rate of infidelity ensures higher rates of exposure to HIV and other venereal diseases):

NEAR-INEVITABLE DIVORCE (black males' rates of infidelity and spouse abuse make such marriages a near-certain failure);

SOCIETAL SHUNNING (a majority population in each race are opposed to mixed-race marriages, which discrimination necessarily impacts the children).
Every marriage (or relationship) between a black male and a white female I've ever seen had the features of 1) almost immediate cheating by the black husband 2) abandonment of the offspring and 3) a precipitous social decline of the white female, who finds herself (rightly) SHUNNED by the rest of the white family, so she "throws in" with the black culture, getting fat, wearing "gangsta" clothes, talking like a black, doing drugs, etc.

Fucking disgusting.

People who encourage it, should be fucking shot.

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