White male ,modern day Hitler, Ratko Miladic captured in former Yugoslavia.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I have seen some white racists on this thread talking about Blacks this , and blacks that,
but I hear on the news that a White male serial Killer, mass murderer, Rathko Miladic,
of the Serbian Army has been arrested in Serbia, the former Yugoslavia.

This man has been implicated in the massacre, and murder, of over 35 to 60 thousand ethnic
muslims in the Serbia, and the town of Srebernica in the former Yugoslavia.

Now this man Rathko is a serial killer, and modern Hitler, guilty of Genocide.!
He made the horrible mistake of being a white gentile who defended his people against Muslims.

Had he been Jewish, he'd be feted by Barack Obama.

I am a Christian, also, what this man did was criminal. It was a crime against humanity.
I have seen some white racists on this thread talking about Blacks this , and blacks that,
but I hear on the news that a White male serial Killer, mass murderer, Rathko Miladic,
of the Serbian Army has been arrested in Serbia, the former Yugoslavia.

This man has been implicated in the massacre, and murder, of over 35 to 60 thousand ethnic
muslims in the Serbia, and the town of Srebernica in the former Yugoslavia.

Now this man Rathko is a serial killer, and modern Hitler, guilty of Genocide.!

35 - 60,000 dead? Peanuts compared to the black on black genocide in Rwanda. Now that was some "blacks this, and blacks that" for you with estimates in the 500,000 to a million-plus killed.
I have seen some white racists on this thread talking about Blacks this , and blacks that,
but I hear on the news that a White male serial Killer, mass murderer, Rathko Miladic,
of the Serbian Army has been arrested in Serbia, the former Yugoslavia.

This man has been implicated in the massacre, and murder, of over 35 to 60 thousand ethnic
muslims in the Serbia, and the town of Srebernica in the former Yugoslavia.

Now this man Rathko is a serial killer, and modern Hitler, guilty of Genocide.!

Yes he is.

What does the fact that he's White and also Male have to do with it?
I have seen some white racists on this thread talking about Blacks this , and blacks that,
but I hear on the news that a White male serial Killer, mass murderer, Rathko Miladic,
of the Serbian Army has been arrested in Serbia, the former Yugoslavia.

This man has been implicated in the massacre, and murder, of over 35 to 60 thousand ethnic
muslims in the Serbia, and the town of Srebernica in the former Yugoslavia.

Now this man Rathko is a serial killer, and modern Hitler, guilty of Genocide.!

Yes he is.

What does the fact that he's White and also Male have to do with it?

Plenty, as I say.

Ariel Sharon is 100 times the war criminal this guy is, but there are not international warrants out for him that anyone's going serve.

One regime's "war criminal" is another's hero. If Washington had lost the revolution, he would have been hanged, period.

I hate the injection of civil legal concepts into the field of war.
Are we still trying to justify Bill Clinton's authorization of the bombing of Yugoslavia with the hanging of a 70 year old communist? If Ratko Miladic was a modern day hitler what does it make communist Fidel Castro?
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I have seen some white racists on this thread talking about Blacks this , and blacks that,
but I hear on the news that a White male serial Killer, mass murderer, Rathko Miladic,
of the Serbian Army has been arrested in Serbia, the former Yugoslavia.

This man has been implicated in the massacre, and murder, of over 35 to 60 thousand ethnic
muslims in the Serbia, and the town of Srebernica in the former Yugoslavia.

Now this man Rathko is a serial killer, and modern Hitler, guilty of Genocide.!

How about Rwanda, Ida Amin and a few others? I am sorry dumb ass but whites are not the only mass murderers.
I have seen some white racists on this thread talking about Blacks this , and blacks that,
but I hear on the news that a White male serial Killer, mass murderer, Rathko Miladic,
of the Serbian Army has been arrested in Serbia, the former Yugoslavia.

This man has been implicated in the massacre, and murder, of over 35 to 60 thousand ethnic
muslims in the Serbia, and the town of Srebernica in the former Yugoslavia.

Now this man Rathko is a serial killer, and modern Hitler, guilty of Genocide.!

Oh fuck off... I can produce the names of 100's of black serial killers. Hell, one is from a few towns over - his name was Alton Colman.

Of course we have Africa where crazy assholes are running around butchering innocent people with machetes, eating their bodies and mounding their heads on wooden spikes..
I have seen some white racists on this thread talking about Blacks this , and blacks that,
but I hear on the news that a White male serial Killer, mass murderer, Rathko Miladic,
of the Serbian Army has been arrested in Serbia, the former Yugoslavia.

This man has been implicated in the massacre, and murder, of over 35 to 60 thousand ethnic
muslims in the Serbia, and the town of Srebernica in the former Yugoslavia.

Now this man Rathko is a serial killer, and modern Hitler, guilty of Genocide.!

There are plenty of people just like him in Africa doing the same thing you fucking jack ass.

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