White lib ladies ...Dinner is served


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
You will shut up and digest your role in racist America please. Reserve now.....
Race To Dinner
Our mission is simple - reveal the naked truth about RACISM in America and YOUR COMPLICITY as white women. This isn’t the stuff of Trump, the KKK and Nazis. That’s easy, it’s obvious and denouncing it requires almost nothing of white folks. What’s hard? Looking at yourself in the mirror and acknowledging that, as a white person in America, you are an active participant in upholding white supremacy. This isn’t personal. This doesn’t make you bad. This is systemic. And this makes you human who is part of that system. As Black and Brown women, we too are humans who are part of the system. Only we are on the other side: we are on the receiving end of white supremacy while you are on the giving end. Until and unless white folks are willing to bear witness to the pain they’ve caused, we will never see change. The system of oppression will remain safely in place until white people - ALL WHITE PEOPLE - are willing to acknowledge their complicity.
You will shut up and digest your role in racist America please. Reserve now.....
Race To Dinner
Our mission is simple - reveal the naked truth about RACISM in America and YOUR COMPLICITY as white women. This isn’t the stuff of Trump, the KKK and Nazis. That’s easy, it’s obvious and denouncing it requires almost nothing of white folks. What’s hard? Looking at yourself in the mirror and acknowledging that, as a white person in America, you are an active participant in upholding white supremacy. This isn’t personal. This doesn’t make you bad. This is systemic. And this makes you human who is part of that system. As Black and Brown women, we too are humans who are part of the system. Only we are on the other side: we are on the receiving end of white supremacy while you are on the giving end. Until and unless white folks are willing to bear witness to the pain they’ve caused, we will never see change. The system of oppression will remain safely in place until white people - ALL WHITE PEOPLE - are willing to acknowledge their complicity.

Allow me to correct your last sentence.

"until all white people are erased from history and then . . . the planet Earth."

Am I getting warmer? Pathetic perpetual victimhood. It's what's your religion. But never fear, I'm sure plenty of white folk out there will gladly martyr themselves for your recursive idiocy.
You will shut up and digest your role in racist America please. Reserve now.....
Race To Dinner
Our mission is simple - reveal the naked truth about RACISM in America and YOUR COMPLICITY as white women. This isn’t the stuff of Trump, the KKK and Nazis. That’s easy, it’s obvious and denouncing it requires almost nothing of white folks. What’s hard? Looking at yourself in the mirror and acknowledging that, as a white person in America, you are an active participant in upholding white supremacy. This isn’t personal. This doesn’t make you bad. This is systemic. And this makes you human who is part of that system. As Black and Brown women, we too are humans who are part of the system. Only we are on the other side: we are on the receiving end of white supremacy while you are on the giving end. Until and unless white folks are willing to bear witness to the pain they’ve caused, we will never see change. The system of oppression will remain safely in place until white people - ALL WHITE PEOPLE - are willing to acknowledge their complicity.
Sorry, I have only helped black people and cannot conceive of causing any pain. Except maybe once.
You will shut up and digest your role in racist America please. Reserve now.....
Race To Dinner
Our mission is simple - reveal the naked truth about RACISM in America and YOUR COMPLICITY as white women. This isn’t the stuff of Trump, the KKK and Nazis. That’s easy, it’s obvious and denouncing it requires almost nothing of white folks. What’s hard? Looking at yourself in the mirror and acknowledging that, as a white person in America, you are an active participant in upholding white supremacy. This isn’t personal. This doesn’t make you bad. This is systemic. And this makes you human who is part of that system. As Black and Brown women, we too are humans who are part of the system. Only we are on the other side: we are on the receiving end of white supremacy while you are on the giving end. Until and unless white folks are willing to bear witness to the pain they’ve caused, we will never see change. The system of oppression will remain safely in place until white people - ALL WHITE PEOPLE - are willing to acknowledge their complicity.

Allow me to correct your last sentence.

"until all white people are erased from history and then . . . the planet Earth."

Am I getting warmer? Pathetic perpetual victimhood. It's what's your religion. But never fear, I'm sure plenty of white folk out there will gladly martyr themselves for your recursive idiocy.
My religion?????? I've been here how long and you think I'm a lib....holy cow...…..
You will shut up and digest your role in racist America please. Reserve now.....
Race To Dinner
Our mission is simple - reveal the naked truth about RACISM in America and YOUR COMPLICITY as white women. This isn’t the stuff of Trump, the KKK and Nazis. That’s easy, it’s obvious and denouncing it requires almost nothing of white folks. What’s hard? Looking at yourself in the mirror and acknowledging that, as a white person in America, you are an active participant in upholding white supremacy. This isn’t personal. This doesn’t make you bad. This is systemic. And this makes you human who is part of that system. As Black and Brown women, we too are humans who are part of the system. Only we are on the other side: we are on the receiving end of white supremacy while you are on the giving end. Until and unless white folks are willing to bear witness to the pain they’ve caused, we will never see change. The system of oppression will remain safely in place until white people - ALL WHITE PEOPLE - are willing to acknowledge their complicity.
Sorry, I have only helped black people and cannot conceive of causing any pain. Except maybe once.
Well that's why you need to go...they will explain to you why that isn't so
I'm white and I'm OK with it.

If other people want to blame me for their problems, there's not much I can do to stop them.
You will shut up and digest your role in racist America please. Reserve now.....
Race To Dinner
Our mission is simple - reveal the naked truth about RACISM in America and YOUR COMPLICITY as white women. This isn’t the stuff of Trump, the KKK and Nazis. That’s easy, it’s obvious and denouncing it requires almost nothing of white folks. What’s hard? Looking at yourself in the mirror and acknowledging that, as a white person in America, you are an active participant in upholding white supremacy. This isn’t personal. This doesn’t make you bad. This is systemic. And this makes you human who is part of that system. As Black and Brown women, we too are humans who are part of the system. Only we are on the other side: we are on the receiving end of white supremacy while you are on the giving end. Until and unless white folks are willing to bear witness to the pain they’ve caused, we will never see change. The system of oppression will remain safely in place until white people - ALL WHITE PEOPLE - are willing to acknowledge their complicity.

Complicity in what ? Never owned a slave, never carried a KKK flag, No Swastikas in my Garage, I have what I have through hard work and Sacrifice. You are on the receiving end of what you consider white supremacy because you never rose above the whining needy self pity you relish. Because it's much easier to call your race of people victims than to admit the faults in black society as a whole. Teen pregnancy, drug abuse, single mother households, welfare dependence, and the highest abortion rate in the country. Solve your Cultural Problems and stop expecting whitey to do it for you , Please. You'll be happier!:dance: and you're probably a Troll so there's that!
You will shut up and digest your role in racist America please. Reserve now.....
Race To Dinner
Our mission is simple - reveal the naked truth about RACISM in America and YOUR COMPLICITY as white women. This isn’t the stuff of Trump, the KKK and Nazis. That’s easy, it’s obvious and denouncing it requires almost nothing of white folks. What’s hard? Looking at yourself in the mirror and acknowledging that, as a white person in America, you are an active participant in upholding white supremacy. This isn’t personal. This doesn’t make you bad. This is systemic. And this makes you human who is part of that system. As Black and Brown women, we too are humans who are part of the system. Only we are on the other side: we are on the receiving end of white supremacy while you are on the giving end. Until and unless white folks are willing to bear witness to the pain they’ve caused, we will never see change. The system of oppression will remain safely in place until white people - ALL WHITE PEOPLE - are willing to acknowledge their complicity.

Complicity in what ? Never owned a slave, never carried a KKK flag, No Swastikas in my Garage, I have what I have through hard work and Sacrifice. You are on the receiving end of what you consider white supremacy because you never rose above the whining needy self pity you relish. Because it's much easier to call your race of people victims than to admit the faults in black society as a whole. Teen pregnancy, drug abuse, single mother households, welfare dependence, and the highest abortion rate in the country. Solve your Cultural Problems and stop expecting whitey to do it for you , Please. You'll be happier!:dance: and you're probably a Troll so there's that!
Did you read any of their blurb....none of that matters you are still complicit and they will show you how.
AOC is not white. And white conservative women are the problem.

Today’s white conservative has crowned themselves arbiters of what constitutes racism. Of course the definition they provide tells us that racism doesn't exist because they don't see the KKK outfits, burning crosses or the whites only signs. Or how Oprah exists so that means all blacks are economically on equal footing as whites. So racism is over according to them. But it's not. And what we have seen as non-whites is how racism changes in practice each and every time laws are passed to try stopping it.

Racism today is practiced in a new way and it's not overt in practice but covert in policy. We now face perhaps an insidious and arrogant type of white backlash. Whites who are “tired of hearing” blacks and other non whites protesting and complaining about white racism. These are whites who have cried since the Civil Rights act was passed, making up a false and fake discrimination against whites they have taken to the supreme court time after time in the hopes of ending equal protection under the law for non-whites. This backlash takes several forms.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black and non-white people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.

Aversive racism is a form of racism pacticed today which is done in subtle and indirect ways. People who are aversive racists claim to be non racist while at the same time expressing negative feelings and beliefs about members of other races. It has also been called colorblind racism. However, since that term confuses some whites because they cannot umderstand why we can say they are colorblind and still be racist, we’ll stick with the term aversive racism. Regardless of it’s “softer” appoach, aversive racism has resulted in significant and harmful consequences that parallel the effects of overt racism.
AOC is not white. And white conservative women are the problem.

Dont misquote the article...….white women period...I invited white lib women to go because of just such an attitude. They need to hear this and repent....AOC could very well be a white Latina
did you go to the website ?
Interesting as all hell
I wonder if i put on a dress and claimed i was a mental patient ...i mean trans something or another
I dunno why i wanna go have dinner with them :04:

I bet ya someone tries to stab me within 10 minutes :113:

like a Baltimore chimpout !!

Saira Rao is a racial justice activist, former congressional candidate, and co-founder of In This Together Media and Healing from Hate. Rao's upcoming memoir, outlining her experience with racism in the new media, BROKEN NEWS, will be published in Spring 2020. You can find her on Twitter @sairasameerarao.
saira rao

Verified account
7h7 hours ago
Is anyone else wondering why Arnav Gupta, an Indian-American man, setting himself on fire in front of the White House isn't bigger news? When a man set himself on fire in Tunisia in 2010, it set off the Tunisian Revolution.


NOW SHES a real winner AND A TEACHER .........shocker
Check out white nonsense roundup to

Jessica Majerus is a teacher by profession, and has been doing racial justice work for 15 years. She is a former volunteer with White Nonsense Roundup and has volunteered with BIWOC led projects like Threads of Solidarity and Direct Assistance Fund. She is delighted to be working with Saira and Regina on the Race to Dinner Project because she believes in the power of white women bearing witness to the pain of white supremacy and using that experience to enact change in themselves, their families, and their larger communities.


i smell cat urine
You will shut up and digest your role in racist America please. Reserve now.....
Race To Dinner
Our mission is simple - reveal the naked truth about RACISM in America and YOUR COMPLICITY as white women. This isn’t the stuff of Trump, the KKK and Nazis. That’s easy, it’s obvious and denouncing it requires almost nothing of white folks. What’s hard? Looking at yourself in the mirror and acknowledging that, as a white person in America, you are an active participant in upholding white supremacy. This isn’t personal. This doesn’t make you bad. This is systemic. And this makes you human who is part of that system. As Black and Brown women, we too are humans who are part of the system. Only we are on the other side: we are on the receiving end of white supremacy while you are on the giving end. Until and unless white folks are willing to bear witness to the pain they’ve caused, we will never see change. The system of oppression will remain safely in place until white people - ALL WHITE PEOPLE - are willing to acknowledge their complicity.
When will these retards stop pretending and just dawn their hoods already?
AOC is not white. And white conservative women are the problem.

Today’s white conservative has crowned themselves arbiters of what constitutes racism.

Given that some blacks think a cotton plant is racist, I would have to say that they are not always objective arbiters of racism either.
You will shut up and digest your role in racist America please. Reserve now.....
Race To Dinner
Our mission is simple - reveal the naked truth about RACISM in America and YOUR COMPLICITY as white women. This isn’t the stuff of Trump, the KKK and Nazis. That’s easy, it’s obvious and denouncing it requires almost nothing of white folks. What’s hard? Looking at yourself in the mirror and acknowledging that, as a white person in America, you are an active participant in upholding white supremacy. This isn’t personal. This doesn’t make you bad. This is systemic. And this makes you human who is part of that system. As Black and Brown women, we too are humans who are part of the system. Only we are on the other side: we are on the receiving end of white supremacy while you are on the giving end. Until and unless white folks are willing to bear witness to the pain they’ve caused, we will never see change. The system of oppression will remain safely in place until white people - ALL WHITE PEOPLE - are willing to acknowledge their complicity.

Oh, I thought this was a penis joke thread. Dang.

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