White kids show racial bias at an early age.

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Statistics about blacks being used are usually illiteracy and crime rates. You cant argue that.
Comparing that to this? lol racial interventions at age 5? WTF
November: Children show implicit racial attitudes from a young age | News | University of Bristol

Another study (truth) about whites. I present these truths because people like to use statistics about blacks, so I am going to show studies about whites. Lets see how whites react to these TRUTHS. How will they try to discredit the findings and why don't they exert the effort to try and discredit statistics about blacks?
Did you bother to actually read what they said? Cause it does not say what you imply it says.
November: Children show implicit racial attitudes from a young age | News | University of Bristol

Another study (truth) about whites. I present these truths because people like to use statistics about blacks, so I am going to show studies about whites. Lets see how whites react to these TRUTHS. How will they try to discredit the findings and why don't they exert the effort to try and discredit statistics about blacks?
Did you bother to actually read what they said? Cause it does not say what you imply it says.
Yes I read the article. What the problem is (ending my sentence with an urban proposition)?
November: Children show implicit racial attitudes from a young age | News | University of Bristol

Another study (truth) about whites. I present these truths because people like to use statistics about blacks, so I am going to show studies about whites. Lets see how whites react to these TRUTHS. How will they try to discredit the findings and why don't they exert the effort to try and discredit statistics about blacks?
Did you bother to actually read what they said? Cause it does not say what you imply it says.
Yes I read the article. What the problem is (ending my sentence with an urban preposition)?
The kids did not show any NEGATIVE bias to kids of other colors as is PLAINLY stated in the study.
November: Children show implicit racial attitudes from a young age | News | University of Bristol

Another study (truth) about whites. I present these truths because people like to use statistics about blacks, so I am going to show studies about whites. Lets see how whites react to these TRUTHS. How will they try to discredit the findings and why don't they exert the effort to try and discredit statistics about blacks?
Did you bother to actually read what they said? Cause it does not say what you imply it says.
Yes I read the article. What the problem is (ending my sentence with an urban preposition)?
The kids did not show any NEGATIVE bias to kids of other colors as is PLAINLY stated in the study.
They showed racial bias.....did I say NEGATIVE...or are those YOUR words?
November: Children show implicit racial attitudes from a young age | News | University of Bristol

Another study (truth) about whites. I present these truths because people like to use statistics about blacks, so I am going to show studies about whites. Lets see how whites react to these TRUTHS. How will they try to discredit the findings and why don't they exert the effort to try and discredit statistics about blacks?
Did you bother to actually read what they said? Cause it does not say what you imply it says.

That would be that low IQ coming into play....
November: Children show implicit racial attitudes from a young age | News | University of Bristol

Another study (truth) about whites. I present these truths because people like to use statistics about blacks, so I am going to show studies about whites. Lets see how whites react to these TRUTHS. How will they try to discredit the findings and why don't they exert the effort to try and discredit statistics about blacks?
Did you bother to actually read what they said? Cause it does not say what you imply it says.
Yes I read the article. What the problem is (ending my sentence with an urban preposition)?
The kids did not show any NEGATIVE bias to kids of other colors as is PLAINLY stated in the study.
They showed racial bias
They did not, they showed positive bias to kids like them and NO negative bias toward kids not like them that is called HUMAN NATURE.
November: Children show implicit racial attitudes from a young age | News | University of Bristol

Another study (truth) about whites. I present these truths because people like to use statistics about blacks, so I am going to show studies about whites. Lets see how whites react to these TRUTHS. How will they try to discredit the findings and why don't they exert the effort to try and discredit statistics about blacks?
Did you bother to actually read what they said? Cause it does not say what you imply it says.
Yes I read the article. What the problem is (ending my sentence with an urban preposition)?
The kids did not show any NEGATIVE bias to kids of other colors as is PLAINLY stated in the study.
They showed racial bias
They did not, they showed positive bias to kids like them and NO negative bias toward kids not like them that is called HUMAN NATURE.

If it was simply human nature it would be a distinction without a difference. Kind of like doing a study of how white kids urinate at an early age. Like duhhhhhhh....who does not.
Did you bother to actually read what they said? Cause it does not say what you imply it says.
Yes I read the article. What the problem is (ending my sentence with an urban preposition)?
The kids did not show any NEGATIVE bias to kids of other colors as is PLAINLY stated in the study.
They showed racial bias
They did not, they showed positive bias to kids like them and NO negative bias toward kids not like them that is called HUMAN NATURE.

If it was simply human nature it would be a distinction without a difference. Kind of like doing a study of how white kids urinate at an early age. Like duhhhhhhh....who does not.
For the painfully SLOW and STUPID, in order for it to be racist would require the kids to show NEGATIVE bias dumb ass, they do not.
Keep calling white people racist and soon it will no longer sting...you want to see a racist white America? be careful what you wish for...

Ahhhhhhhh....kind of like when you treat black people like criminals and think of them as thugs and savages....that they become that way? Does it work like that? I guess you all wished for that with black people huh?

While there was no evidence of automatic negativity toward black people, they demonstrated automatic positivity in response to white people.

It also showed that older children, aged nine to 12, weren’t automatically positive toward other white children, which suggests that individual characteristics, such as shared interests, become more important as children get older.
Yes I read the article. What the problem is (ending my sentence with an urban preposition)?
The kids did not show any NEGATIVE bias to kids of other colors as is PLAINLY stated in the study.
They showed racial bias
They did not, they showed positive bias to kids like them and NO negative bias toward kids not like them that is called HUMAN NATURE.

If it was simply human nature it would be a distinction without a difference. Kind of like doing a study of how white kids urinate at an early age. Like duhhhhhhh....who does not.
For the painfully SLOW and STUPID, in order for it to be racist would require the kids to show NEGATIVE bias dumb ass, they do not.
You have a propensity for poor comprehension. Show me where I said these kids were racist. I said what I said...SHOWED RACIAL BIAS.
Ahhhhhhhh....kind of like when you treat black people like criminals and think of them as thugs and savages....that they become that way? Does it work like that? I guess you all wished for that with black people huh?
I don't treat black people any differently than I do white people...I'm a Marine there is no white black or brown in the corps. only green....
Keep calling white people racist and soon it will no longer sting...you want to see a racist white America? be careful what you wish for...

Ahhhhhhhh....kind of like when you treat black people like criminals and think of them as thugs and savages....that they become that way? Does it work like that? I guess you all wished for that with black people huh?

There's a good reason for it.

Ahhhhhhhh....kind of like when you treat black people like criminals and think of them as thugs and savages....that they become that way? Does it work like that? I guess you all wished for that with black people huh?
I don't treat black people any differently than I do white people...I'm a Marine there is no white black or brown in the corps. only green....

Yep...there are plenty of white people I refuse to associate with.
A shitbird is a shitbird....
Ahhhhhhhh....kind of like when you treat black people like criminals and think of them as thugs and savages....that they become that way? Does it work like that? I guess you all wished for that with black people huh?
I don't treat black people any differently than I do white people...I'm a Marine there is no white black or brown in the corps. only green....
Yeah...and I have never robbed or shot sold drugs or committed a violent crime. Thus, I represent BLACK PEOPLE, so what is all this talk about statistics showing blacks as more violent?
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