White House Won't Fire Mueller


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I am fully opposed to this. Mueller in on a witch hunt and it's time to bring him up short. But, here is what the article @ WH Attorney Says Trump Has No Plans to Fire Mueller - Here's What's Being Considered Instead says:

The Mueller probe is likely far from over, but there are also growing calls for a second special counsel to investigate allegations of abuse in the FBI and Department of Justice.

Sessions is considering the possibility.

The good news for you that very often we are told one thing by the White House and then Trump does the opposite, so you can always hold out hope for that

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Trump, a political outsider was elected president. This pissed off the DC swamp to no end, they are livid. The attacks on Trump is the DC swamp sending a message to future outsiders who dare run for president, expect the Trump treatment e.g. you better not even think about running.
Desperate Democrats keep dusting off the rumor that Trump is going to Fire Mueller and throwing it back out there about every other week now. Doing so, while obviously justified now, would only throw gas on the fire snowflakes are dancing around. Doing so would be like a whiff of oxygen to an ember dying out.

Democrats have held dozens of committee and Counsel meetings, spent hundreds of hours, have gone over thousands of pages of documents, and have wasted millions of dollars going on 2 years now, all because they can not - will not - accept the result of the 2016 Presidential election.

Forget that Hillary violated the law and had literally thousands of criminal counts against her that could have, should have been filed against her. Forget that she jeopardized national security after having taken millions from the KGB Bank...

Forget that she technically, according to the law, committed Espionage, 'Criminal Negligence', Obstructed Justice, refused to comply with a federal subpoena, illegally had possession of / handled / shared / stored / destroyed TOP SECRET Compartmentalized information that Obama himself declared was so classified that none of it could be released in any format or it would critically damage this country, and that she committed literally thousands of criminal counts of violations of the Federal Records Act and the Freedom of information Act...

Forget that Obama, Mueller, Comey, Strzok, Holder, and Lynch protected her from being indicted, that the FBI - Comey - openly declared she had broken the law...but that she was 'too stupid to know she was doing it' (as if that was an acceptable legal defense), that Comey and Lynch collaborated to ensure her exoneration letter was written before interviews were conducted as part of her investigation, that Strzok changed the wording of the FBI's final investigation report by removing the exact words 'Criminal Negligent' that would have definitely resulted in charges against her...forget that she should have been - and would have been - indicted and either awaiting trial from behind bars or IN prison on election day instead of on the ballot had it not been for Obama and his band of 'Secret Society' members...

Forget that Hillary stepped in and literally BOUGHT the DNC after Barry left it double-digit millions in debt, making it part of her own Presidential campaign. Forget that she illegally used donations intended for other candidates in other races on her own campaign (which is why donations to the DNC are so horrifically low now - because donors refuse to donate to the Hillary Clinton Slush fund and are now donating to individual candidates of their choice)...

Forget that Hillary...and Obama and Comey...committed sedition / treason by paying a foreign spy working with the Russians - through a company working for the Russians - for an unverified document filled with Russian Propaganda which Hillary then used illegally (after paying $12 million for it) in a US election and which Comey and McCabe used illegally to obtain invalid FISA warrants to spy on the GOP Presidential Candidate during the Presidential election (taking 'Watergate' to a whole new Mega-level)...

Forget that Hillary Clinton could not win her own Party's nomination, that a member of the Socialist Party and a Democrat pretty much in NAME ONLY, was kicking her ass, that she was being REJECTED...AGAIN...and that, according to the DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile herself, Hillary and her newly purchased DNC stacked the deck against Sanders and his supporters, that they rigged primaries, cheated in debates, committed election fraud during primaries, and made sure she would be GIVEN / she would STEAL the nomination...that almost all the polls at the time showed anyone BUT her could beat Trump yet Democrats still pushed the propaganda she would win in a 'landslide'....and the only ones who bought it were Hillary, the liberal media, and snowflakes....

Hillary SU@KED as a Candidate. Violations of election rules and breaking laws aside, she ran a horrible campaign. She spent many times over what Trump did - the liberal media did her no favors by following Trump around like a puppy and reporting anything and everything he did or said - MILLIONS in free publicity. She had no message, no platform except for 'Obama Term #3', her scandals were finally catching up to her, being exposed as cheating to get the nomination hurt her, and her arrogance finished her off. Buying the propaganda / idea that she would win in a 'landslide' she arrogantly decided to skip states she believed she would win without ever showing up - those states ended up potentially costing her the election. The people in those states felt snubbed, she lost them, and if she had visited / won those states she would be President. 'It's My Turn and it is INEVITABLE' killed her.

She LOST...AGAIN. She was REJECTED....AGAIN...and the amazing thing is that all the snowflakes who KNOW all of this above are STILL unable to see that she was the worst of 2 candidates (actually 1 - candidate: 1 won his party's nomination while the other did not and should have been in jail instead of on the ballot). They still can not come to grips with the fact that she was the worst candidate to ever run in a Presidential election....and they continue to be driven by pure HATE.

...and their only hope was this seditious / treasonous plot by the Obama administration, heavily involving the FBI - 'Insurance Policy' - to 'take down' the President of the United States, stripping the American people of their democratically elected President, changing the outcome of the election simply because they hated Trump and wanted Hillary to win. even that plot has 'boomeranged', and the co-conspirators are the ones who have been exposed and taken hits.

Comey - Fired.

McCabe - Fired.

Strzok - demoted and hidden away in the bowels of the FBI.

Obama's part - exposed.

Hillary's further crimes - exposed.

The 'Secret Society and their meetings - exposed.

The 'Insurance Policy' - exposed

FISA Warrant abuse - exposed.

...and Mueller has absolutely NOTHING, which is why his Counsel continues to refuse the House Intel Committee's request to turn over documents / evidence they have collected (or NOT collected).

So all of their 'eggs' reside in 2 baskets:

1. The prayer that Trump accepts Mueller's request for a 1-on-1 Q&A / Interrogation, successfully stumping Trump and catching him in a 'Scooter Libby' situation. Even if such a moment does not happen I would not trust Mueller NOT to come out of it declaring there was one and indicting the President anyway....it would not be the 1st time he and Weisman did such a thing....and EVERYTHING for both Mueller's and the Democrats' reputations and future after this long witch hunt depends on walking away with an indictment...followed by an Impeachment...of Trump.

If I were a betting man, knowing Trump's ego and how no one can tell him what to do / control him, I would put money on THIS as being the only chance Trump-hating Libs have left. Trump is an extremely smart man / businessman...but Mueller and Weisman are extremely smart, conniving, scheming, experienced legal hit men with a history of bullying, out-maneuvering, and out-witting their prey...and if all else fails manufacturing evidence or withholding it to send innocent people to jail...and they have nothing to lose.

2. The almost painful and desperate hope that Trump tires of this hate-driven empty crusade against him and fires Mueller. While it would be justified at this point, liberals would swear blood oaths that such an action would be 'Obstruction' and call for indictment / Impeachment.

....NOT going to happen.
Trump, a political outsider was elected president.

A few key descriptors were missed in your statement, because he is also a deplorable piece of shit liar.

And thats why Trump will go down. Can't fool everyone, all the time as Honest Abe used to say.

As far as Trump not firing Mueller? He will fire him the very moment he thinks a fired Mueler will do less damage than not fired Mueller. Trump has zero reservations about obstructing investigation and WE KNOW he already ordered Mueller fired once before, but his lawyer refused to execute and offered his resignation instead.
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I am fully opposed to this. Mueller in on a witch hunt and it's time to bring him up short. But, here is what the article @ WH Attorney Says Trump Has No Plans to Fire Mueller - Here's What's Being Considered Instead says:

The Mueller probe is likely far from over, but there are also growing calls for a second special counsel to investigate allegations of abuse in the FBI and Department of Justice.

Sessions is considering the possibility.

The good news for you that very often we are told one thing by the White House and then Trump does the opposite, so you can always hold out hope for that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You miss Obama because he never did that, huh?


LOL. Funny how these posts where you don't alibi democrats you speak of just don't seem to be found. I'd notice if I came across one from you
A few key descriptors were missed in your statement, because he is also a deplorable piece of shit liar. And thats why Trump will go down. Can't fool everyone, all the time as Honest Abe used to say.

If being a 'deplorable POS liar' was all it took for someone to 'go down' Hillary would have been in prison decades ago....right after being named after Sir Edmund Hillary, dodging sniper fire during a 'shaking hands/kissing babies' tour, bullying / insulting / intimidating / silencing Bill's victims, and abandoning Americans to die at the hands of Al Qaeda terrorists she and Barry financed, supplied, armed, trained, and took the US to war Un-Constitutionally to help take over their own country.
Trump, a political outsider was elected president.

A few key descriptors were missed in your statement, because he is also a deplorable piece of shit liar.

And thats why Trump will go down. Can't fool everyone, all the time as Honest Abe used to say.

As far as Trump not firing Mueller? He will fire him the very moment he thinks a fired Mueler will do less damage than not fired Mueller. Trump has zero reservations about obstructing investigation and WE KNOW he already ordered Mueller fired once before, but his lawyer refused to execute and offered his resignation instead.

I am fully opposed to this. Mueller in on a witch hunt and it's time to bring him up short. But, here is what the article @ WH Attorney Says Trump Has No Plans to Fire Mueller - Here's What's Being Considered Instead says:

The Mueller probe is likely far from over, but there are also growing calls for a second special counsel to investigate allegations of abuse in the FBI and Department of Justice.

Sessions is considering the possibility.

The good news for you that very often we are told one thing by the White House and then Trump does the opposite, so you can always hold out hope for that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You miss Obama because he never did that, huh?


LOL. Funny how these posts where you don't alibi democrats you speak of just don't seem to be found. I'd notice if I came across one from you

Obama is no longer the POTUS, do try and move on.

Your party now controls the Congress and the White House, thus they are the focus of the discussions.

Does not take a brain scientist to understand that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I am fully opposed to this. Mueller in on a witch hunt and it's time to bring him up short. But, here is what the article @ WH Attorney Says Trump Has No Plans to Fire Mueller - Here's What's Being Considered Instead says:

The Mueller probe is likely far from over, but there are also growing calls for a second special counsel to investigate allegations of abuse in the FBI and Department of Justice.

Sessions is considering the possibility.

The good news for you that very often we are told one thing by the White House and then Trump does the opposite, so you can always hold out hope for that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You miss Obama because he never did that, huh?


LOL. Funny how these posts where you don't alibi democrats you speak of just don't seem to be found. I'd notice if I came across one from you

Obama is no longer the POTUS, do try and move on.

Your party now controls the Congress and the White House, thus they are the focus of the discussions.

Does not take a brain scientist to understand that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Exactly. Obama is no longer POTUS and you flip flop your positions. That is my point. Your standard is whatever is good for the Democrat party's interest. That isn't an Obama era issue, that is a now issue
I am fully opposed to this. Mueller in on a witch hunt and it's time to bring him up short. But, here is what the article @ WH Attorney Says Trump Has No Plans to Fire Mueller - Here's What's Being Considered Instead says:

The Mueller probe is likely far from over, but there are also growing calls for a second special counsel to investigate allegations of abuse in the FBI and Department of Justice.

Sessions is considering the possibility.

The good news for you that very often we are told one thing by the White House and then Trump does the opposite, so you can always hold out hope for that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You miss Obama because he never did that, huh?


LOL. Funny how these posts where you don't alibi democrats you speak of just don't seem to be found. I'd notice if I came across one from you

Obama is no longer the POTUS, do try and move on.

Your party now controls the Congress and the White House, thus they are the focus of the discussions.

Does not take a brain scientist to understand that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Exactly. Obama is no longer POTUS and you flip flop your positions. That is my point. Your standard is whatever is good for the Democrat party's interest. That isn't an Obama era issue, that is a now issue

Yet when I post about Trump your only response is to bring up Obama’s. That is page one from the Trump ass kissers manual. Divert attention from your savior whenever necessary.

You make a wonderful zealot. I am sure your GOP handlers are very proud of you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I am fully opposed to this. Mueller in on a witch hunt and it's time to bring him up short. But, here is what the article @ WH Attorney Says Trump Has No Plans to Fire Mueller - Here's What's Being Considered Instead says:

The Mueller probe is likely far from over, but there are also growing calls for a second special counsel to investigate allegations of abuse in the FBI and Department of Justice.

Sessions is considering the possibility.

The good news for you that very often we are told one thing by the White House and then Trump does the opposite, so you can always hold out hope for that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You miss Obama because he never did that, huh?


LOL. Funny how these posts where you don't alibi democrats you speak of just don't seem to be found. I'd notice if I came across one from you

Obama is no longer the POTUS, do try and move on.

Your party now controls the Congress and the White House, thus they are the focus of the discussions.

Does not take a brain scientist to understand that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Exactly. Obama is no longer POTUS and you flip flop your positions. That is my point. Your standard is whatever is good for the Democrat party's interest. That isn't an Obama era issue, that is a now issue

Yet when I post about Trump your only response is to bring up Obama’s. That is page one from the Trump ass kissers manual. Divert attention from your savior whenever necessary.

You make a wonderful zealot. I am sure your GOP handlers are very proud of you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

First of all, that's a strawman. I've only brought up Obama a few times to you. And second, I bring up Obama when you're practicing a double standard. That means what you just posted isn't actually a standard to you, it's just a partisan Democrat political attack. It's a very clear point. You don't like it because I'm right, you want to lick Democrat balls and get away with it
The good news for you that very often we are told one thing by the White House and then Trump does the opposite, so you can always hold out hope for that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You miss Obama because he never did that, huh?


LOL. Funny how these posts where you don't alibi democrats you speak of just don't seem to be found. I'd notice if I came across one from you

Obama is no longer the POTUS, do try and move on.

Your party now controls the Congress and the White House, thus they are the focus of the discussions.

Does not take a brain scientist to understand that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Exactly. Obama is no longer POTUS and you flip flop your positions. That is my point. Your standard is whatever is good for the Democrat party's interest. That isn't an Obama era issue, that is a now issue

Yet when I post about Trump your only response is to bring up Obama’s. That is page one from the Trump ass kissers manual. Divert attention from your savior whenever necessary.

You make a wonderful zealot. I am sure your GOP handlers are very proud of you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

First of all, that's a strawman. I've only brought up Obama a few times to you. And second, I bring up Obama when you're practicing a double standard. That means what you just posted isn't actually a standard to you, it's just a partisan Democrat political attack. It's a very clear point. You don't like it because I'm right, you want to lick Democrat balls and get away with it

More diversions. If you would like to discuss the topic of the thread I would be happy to. But I will no longer engage you on your sexual fantasies.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I am fully opposed to this. Mueller in on a witch hunt and it's time to bring him up short. But, here is what the article @ WH Attorney Says Trump Has No Plans to Fire Mueller - Here's What's Being Considered Instead says:

The Mueller probe is likely far from over, but there are also growing calls for a second special counsel to investigate allegations of abuse in the FBI and Department of Justice.

Sessions is considering the possibility.

The good news for you that very often we are told one thing by the White House and then Trump does the opposite, so you can always hold out hope for that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You miss Obama because he never did that, huh?


LOL. Funny how these posts where you don't alibi democrats you speak of just don't seem to be found. I'd notice if I came across one from you

Obama is no longer the POTUS, do try and move on.

Your party now controls the Congress and the White House, thus they are the focus of the discussions.

Does not take a brain scientist to understand that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Exactly. Obama is no longer POTUS and you flip flop your positions. That is my point. Your standard is whatever is good for the Democrat party's interest. That isn't an Obama era issue, that is a now issue

Yet when I post about Trump your only response is to bring up Obama’s. That is page one from the Trump ass kissers manual. Divert attention from your savior whenever necessary.

You make a wonderful zealot. I am sure your GOP handlers are very proud of you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

pointing out your hypocrisy is fair debate. Sorry if that concept is beyond your comprehension.
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You miss Obama because he never did that, huh?


LOL. Funny how these posts where you don't alibi democrats you speak of just don't seem to be found. I'd notice if I came across one from you

Obama is no longer the POTUS, do try and move on.

Your party now controls the Congress and the White House, thus they are the focus of the discussions.

Does not take a brain scientist to understand that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Exactly. Obama is no longer POTUS and you flip flop your positions. That is my point. Your standard is whatever is good for the Democrat party's interest. That isn't an Obama era issue, that is a now issue

Yet when I post about Trump your only response is to bring up Obama’s. That is page one from the Trump ass kissers manual. Divert attention from your savior whenever necessary.

You make a wonderful zealot. I am sure your GOP handlers are very proud of you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

First of all, that's a strawman. I've only brought up Obama a few times to you. And second, I bring up Obama when you're practicing a double standard. That means what you just posted isn't actually a standard to you, it's just a partisan Democrat political attack. It's a very clear point. You don't like it because I'm right, you want to lick Democrat balls and get away with it

More diversions. If you would like to discuss the topic of the thread I would be happy to. But I will no longer engage you on your sexual fantasies.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Kaz won that round, admit it. Show that you are a real person and not a robot
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
You miss Obama because he never did that, huh?


LOL. Funny how these posts where you don't alibi democrats you speak of just don't seem to be found. I'd notice if I came across one from you

Obama is no longer the POTUS, do try and move on.

Your party now controls the Congress and the White House, thus they are the focus of the discussions.

Does not take a brain scientist to understand that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Exactly. Obama is no longer POTUS and you flip flop your positions. That is my point. Your standard is whatever is good for the Democrat party's interest. That isn't an Obama era issue, that is a now issue

Yet when I post about Trump your only response is to bring up Obama’s. That is page one from the Trump ass kissers manual. Divert attention from your savior whenever necessary.

You make a wonderful zealot. I am sure your GOP handlers are very proud of you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

First of all, that's a strawman. I've only brought up Obama a few times to you. And second, I bring up Obama when you're practicing a double standard. That means what you just posted isn't actually a standard to you, it's just a partisan Democrat political attack. It's a very clear point. You don't like it because I'm right, you want to lick Democrat balls and get away with it

More diversions. If you would like to discuss the topic of the thread I would be happy to. But I will no longer engage you on your sexual fantasies.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Obama versus Trump is a sexual fantasy discussion to you?


When you develop real standards that you apply to both parties and your beloved Democrats aren't exempt, let me know. Flagrant hypocrisy is a terrible argument
Obama is no longer the POTUS, do try and move on.

Your party now controls the Congress and the White House, thus they are the focus of the discussions.

Does not take a brain scientist to understand that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Exactly. Obama is no longer POTUS and you flip flop your positions. That is my point. Your standard is whatever is good for the Democrat party's interest. That isn't an Obama era issue, that is a now issue

Yet when I post about Trump your only response is to bring up Obama’s. That is page one from the Trump ass kissers manual. Divert attention from your savior whenever necessary.

You make a wonderful zealot. I am sure your GOP handlers are very proud of you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

First of all, that's a strawman. I've only brought up Obama a few times to you. And second, I bring up Obama when you're practicing a double standard. That means what you just posted isn't actually a standard to you, it's just a partisan Democrat political attack. It's a very clear point. You don't like it because I'm right, you want to lick Democrat balls and get away with it

More diversions. If you would like to discuss the topic of the thread I would be happy to. But I will no longer engage you on your sexual fantasies.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Obama versus Trump is a sexual fantasy discussion to you?


When you develop real standards that you apply to both parties and your beloved Democrats aren't exempt, let me know. Flagrant hypocrisy is a terrible argument

ever notice how the dems and libs run from a thread after being defeated with facts and logical thought? Their entire ideology is based on emotion and fantasy.
Obama is no longer the POTUS, do try and move on.

Your party now controls the Congress and the White House, thus they are the focus of the discussions.

Does not take a brain scientist to understand that

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Exactly. Obama is no longer POTUS and you flip flop your positions. That is my point. Your standard is whatever is good for the Democrat party's interest. That isn't an Obama era issue, that is a now issue

Yet when I post about Trump your only response is to bring up Obama’s. That is page one from the Trump ass kissers manual. Divert attention from your savior whenever necessary.

You make a wonderful zealot. I am sure your GOP handlers are very proud of you

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

First of all, that's a strawman. I've only brought up Obama a few times to you. And second, I bring up Obama when you're practicing a double standard. That means what you just posted isn't actually a standard to you, it's just a partisan Democrat political attack. It's a very clear point. You don't like it because I'm right, you want to lick Democrat balls and get away with it

More diversions. If you would like to discuss the topic of the thread I would be happy to. But I will no longer engage you on your sexual fantasies.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Kaz won that round, admit it. Show that you are a real person and not a robot

How cute, Kaz has a fellow Trump ass kisser coming to defend his honor. You guys are as loyal to each other as you are to Trump.

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