White House Fashion: Hillary Versus Melania


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Compared to Melania, Hillary looks like a 'Crazy Cat Lady' who lives in a trailer ... or someone who has let themselves go - who has been on an eating / drinking binge since losing the election.

Hillary is one ugly woman. Her attitude doesnt help much either.
Melania looks better than our ex first husband michelle, as well.
Melania is the hottest FLOTUS we have had in many decades.
Hillary beat both Trump AND Sanders, dems are idiots not to let her have another shot in 2020
Hillary is one ugly woman. Her attitude doesnt help much either.
Melania looks better than our ex first husband michelle, as well.
Melania is the hottest FLOTUS we have had in many decades.
Leave off Michelle you miserable monkey.

Compared to Melania, Hillary looks like a 'Crazy Cat Lady' who lives in a trailer ... or someone who has let themselves go - who has been on an eating / drinking binge since losing the election.


WTF is Hillary even wearing?!


She should be wearing the Democrat Party Official Uniform:

Hillary beat both Trump AND Sanders, dems are idiots not to let her have another shot in 2020
While that's funny as hell, Hillary did not beat Sanders. Hillary and the DNC rigged the primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, and the DNC still had to screw Bernie and give Hillary the nomination she could not win on her own.

We now know, also, that Hillary should have been forced out of the race and perp-walked into a jail cell for crimes she has been proven to have committed.

The only Presidential race she should have been in is the one for her CELL BLOCK in Federal Prison. .

Compared to Melania, Hillary looks like a 'Crazy Cat Lady' who lives in a trailer ... or someone who has let themselves go - who has been on an eating / drinking binge since losing the election.


WTF is Hillary even wearing?!


She should be wearing the Democrat Party Official Uniform:

I would prefer to see her in ORANGE....




Compared to Melania, Hillary looks like a 'Crazy Cat Lady' who lives in a trailer ... or someone who has let themselves go - who has been on an eating / drinking binge since losing the election.

Clinton is not in the white house married to a billionaire that sell his goods to the US/world consumer...
Clinton is not in the white house married to a billionaire that sell his goods to the US/world consumer...
No, Hillary is a multi-millionaire two-time loser wallowing in self-pity, blaming anyone end everyone for her losing the 2016 election.
Hillary is one ugly woman. Her attitude doesnt help much either.
Melania looks better than our ex first husband michelle, as well.
Melania is the hottest FLOTUS we have had in many decades.
Leave off Michelle you miserable monkey.
Sorry. I assume you liked having a first husband?
Did that make you feel more manly?
Melania has to keep looking good since she never knows when Trump will dump her for another young woman..She is getting wrinkles....

Compared to Melania, Hillary looks like a 'Crazy Cat Lady' who lives in a trailer ... or someone who has let themselves go - who has been on an eating / drinking binge since losing the election.


THERE! Now you've done it! Now I'll have to wash my eyes out with soap! Compared to Melania, Clinton looks like the far Left crazed whackjob she is.
Hillary is one ugly woman. Her attitude doesnt help much either.
Melania looks better than our ex first husband michelle, as well.
Melania is the hottest FLOTUS we have had in many decades.

I'd like to see her draped in the American flag. What a great way to go on international tours meeting foreign dignitaries. Trump should dress in all red, white and blue too. Gee, wouldn't THAT really screw with both the international community AND the MSM press?! :cool: The Left would go BERSERK!
Clinton is not in the white house married to a billionaire that sell his goods to the US/world consumer...
No, Hillary is a multi-millionaire two-time loser wallowing in self-pity, blaming anyone end everyone for her losing the 2016 election.
Yet does not live in the White House and has not for 18 years..
...but she WANTS to ... again.

(She will never live there again - or be allowed to even visit - if she keeps dressing like THAT! :p
Hillary Derangement Syndrome strikes again. Only the truly obsessed would give a damn what Hillary wears.

What are all of you now? A bunch of fashion queens.
Hillary Derangement Syndrome strikes again. Only the truly obsessed would give a damn what Hillary wears.

What are all of you now? A bunch of fashion queens.
Awwww, can't think of any cool labels so you had to plagiarize ('Trump Derangement Syndrome')?!

Just like a damn liberal - want something, not willing to work for it, so they just steal it. :p lol

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