White House Drops IRS Scandal Bombshell


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
More Obama aides knew of IRS audit; Obama not told | Political Headlines | Comcast

The apparent decision to keep the president in the dark underscores the White House's cautious legal approach to controversies and reflects a desire by top advisers to distance Obama from troubles threatening his administration.

Obama spokesman Jay Carney defended keeping the president out of the loop on the Internal Revenue Service audit, saying Obama was comfortable with the fact that "some matters are not appropriate to convey to him, and this is one of them."

Like Obama is not knee deep in this shit..........:clap2::clap2:
So his aides did the right thing, and still the inmates have a mass fainting spell.

lol, this is great entertainment.

Your right,you thinking they did the right thing is a hoot!

Obama should let everyone of them that knew go,that's how right they were.
Interesting in how there are somethings he feels are inappropriate to hear about. So give the boys the marching orders, look the other way, turn them loose, then wash your hands and say I just didn't know? Dam its a good thing he's a Democrat or the left would be dancing in the street. So its OK for his aides to withhold information? Abuse of power is abuse of power regardless of how your twisted and warped sense of right and wrong is. Such hypocrisy. So hows that glass of vile and deceit taste?
this has to be the most idiotic pres at any level.
Sins of omission are just as serious as sins of commission.

Makes you wonder, if they keep these things from the POTUS, who's driving this boat?

Reminds me of the crewman not waking the Captain on the ship until after they hit the iceberg. Don't worry about that ice pack, everything will be OK?
From what repubs think, the president runs a tight central government.

How do you know what Republicans think? You've probably never met one.

Does anyone recall the phrase "plausible deniability" from the Nixon years? It was the same defense: Nixon's aides cooked up the Watergate break in but didnt tell Nixon about it until they needed his help to squelch the thing.
The Obama White House is repeating the Nixon White House. An enemies list. Investigating reporters personally. Grabbing confidential material in the name of "national security." Pretty soon we will see "executive privilege" invoked to avoid turning over embarassin/incrimination documents. Then we can look forward to the missing 18 minutes and "Deep Throat."
This is why I laugh at the "President of Harvard Law Review" accomplishment. He never went to class, he never wrote an article, he just showed up for the class picture
So our choices are, he was to stupid and ignorant to know what his Government was doing and it is a daily occurrence Or he knew and did not tell.

I am not sure which is worse..

this has to be the most idiotic pres at any level.
Sins of omission are just as serious as sins of commission.

Makes you wonder, if they keep these things from the POTUS, who's driving this boat?

Reminds me of the crewman not waking the Captain on the ship until after they hit the iceberg. Don't worry about that ice pack, everything will be OK?


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