White House and EPA seek to block study on drinking water

Who the hell drinks tap water anyway? Nobody I know of. Tap water is for bathing and washing cars, otherwise why the hell do you think they sell so much bottled water at the stores?

I live out in the country and have a deep well. But there are agricultural fields all over the place and most likely the agricultural chemicals have been permeating the water table for decades. When we do use tap water, it gets filtered.
Clean water is a human right.

Not for the sake of argument, but just where is that documented?
Not all rights are documented. But you know that Billy.
/-----/ Not all rights are documented so Libtards can make up any right they want to advance their agenda.
Its a right in Slovenia.
Slovenia adds water to constitution as fundamental right for all
Why does the concept upset you so much ?
Nothing is really a human right. Not even life. Clean water is just one of those things a civilized society feels doesn't need to be questioned in 2018.

We don't need the EPA...look what the Propur Water Filter does for AJ.


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White House, EPA headed off chemical pollution study

If the government knowingly allows drinking water to be contaminated, it should be held accountable. It can be sued, given the examples of the tobacco industry.

Did you even bother to read the article you posted?

The Contamination is ALREADY acknowledged, as shown from YOUR link:

"The intervention early this year — not previously disclosed — came as HHS' Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry was preparing to publish its assessment of a class of toxic chemicals that has contaminated water supplies near military bases, chemical plants and other sites from New York to Michigan to West Virginia.

The study would show that the chemicals endanger human health at a far lower level than EPA has previously called safe, according to the emails.

“The public, media, and Congressional reaction to these numbers is going to be huge,” one unidentified White House aide said in an email forwarded on Jan. 30 by James Herz, a political appointee who oversees environmental issues at the OMB. The email added: “The impact to EPA and [the Defense Department] is going to be extremely painful. We (DoD and EPA) cannot seem to get ATSDR to realize the potential public relations nightmare this is going to be.”

They are in panic mode, which I think is why they delay the release of the study.

The study should get released since it was paid for by taxpayers, and have concern that needs to be addressed.
White House, EPA headed off chemical pollution study

If the government knowingly allows drinking water to be contaminated, it should be held accountable. It can be sued, given the examples of the tobacco industry.

Did you even bother to read the article you posted?

The Contamination is ALREADY acknowledged, as shown from YOUR link:

"The intervention early this year — not previously disclosed — came as HHS' Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry was preparing to publish its assessment of a class of toxic chemicals that has contaminated water supplies near military bases, chemical plants and other sites from New York to Michigan to West Virginia.

The study would show that the chemicals endanger human health at a far lower level than EPA has previously called safe, according to the emails.

“The public, media, and Congressional reaction to these numbers is going to be huge,” one unidentified White House aide said in an email forwarded on Jan. 30 by James Herz, a political appointee who oversees environmental issues at the OMB. The email added: “The impact to EPA and [the Defense Department] is going to be extremely painful. We (DoD and EPA) cannot seem to get ATSDR to realize the potential public relations nightmare this is going to be.”

They are in panic mode, which I think is why they delay the release of the study.

The study should get released since it was paid for by taxpayers, and have concern that needs to be addressed.
"A government study concluding that the chemicals are more dangerous than previously thought could dramatically increase the cost of cleanups at sites like military bases and chemical manufacturing plants, and force neighboring communities to pour money into treating their drinking water supplies."
White House, EPA headed off chemical pollution study

If the government knowingly allows drinking water to be contaminated, it should be held accountable. It can be sued, given the examples of the tobacco industry.

Did you even bother to read the article you posted?

The Contamination is ALREADY acknowledged, as shown from YOUR link:

"The intervention early this year — not previously disclosed — came as HHS' Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry was preparing to publish its assessment of a class of toxic chemicals that has contaminated water supplies near military bases, chemical plants and other sites from New York to Michigan to West Virginia.

The study would show that the chemicals endanger human health at a far lower level than EPA has previously called safe, according to the emails.

“The public, media, and Congressional reaction to these numbers is going to be huge,” one unidentified White House aide said in an email forwarded on Jan. 30 by James Herz, a political appointee who oversees environmental issues at the OMB. The email added: “The impact to EPA and [the Defense Department] is going to be extremely painful. We (DoD and EPA) cannot seem to get ATSDR to realize the potential public relations nightmare this is going to be.”

They are in panic mode, which I think is why they delay the release of the study.

The study should get released since it was paid for by taxpayers, and have concern that needs to be addressed.
"A government study concluding that the chemicals are more dangerous than previously thought could dramatically increase the cost of cleanups at sites like military bases and chemical manufacturing plants, and force neighboring communities to pour money into treating their drinking water supplies."

Why do you think I stated this?

"They are in panic mode, which I think is why they delay the release of the study."

The EPA originally said the level of toxicity was within safe levels, now it is not according to the unreleased report:

"The study would show that the chemicals endanger human health at a far lower level than EPA has previously called safe, according to the emails."
Quit quoting out of context and read the whole thing. You're just making yourself look like an ass.
Quit quoting out of context and read the whole thing. You're just making yourself look like an ass.

You have yet to address what I really said in post 12.

I have advocated that the study be released.

I have pointed out a possible reason for their panic, which you missed.

I have pointed out that the EPA originally said it was safe, now it is not according to the unpublished study, which you missed.

YOUR statement at post 1, indicated that you didn't read the article, since the EPA according to YOUR link stated in part:

"The study would show that the chemicals endanger human health at a far lower level than EPA has previously called safe, according to the emails."

The contamination is widespread according to YOUR link, but doesn't say if they were complying to the now outdated EPA standard on the chemicals covered in the study or were violating the now out of data EPA standards of the past.

Try not to be so confrontative here.
Gee how come this so called "nationwide water contamination crisis" has had zero news coverage?

I noticed that just 5 minutes ago, after looking for more coverage on this, it appears to be from Politico and little else so far.

I think we should wait for more details before we know what is really going on.
Gee how come this so called "nationwide water contamination crisis" has had zero news coverage?

I noticed that just 5 minutes ago, after looking for more coverage on this, it appears to be from Politico and little else so far.

I think we should wait for more details before we know what is really going on.
Methinks this is a study in search of a problem rather than a problem that warrants a study
Methinks you 'Conservatives' think that polluting whole water sheds by allowing mountaintop mining unfettered rights to pollute those water sheds is a good thing. Here in very liberal Portland, Oregon, it is very safe to drink from the tap, probably better water than is in the bottles in the store.
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