The world is getting greener.


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Heresy! Impossible! CO2 is destroying the world as we know it!

Not according to this article.

As carbon dioxide levels have risen, the planet’s green vegetation has increased by 14 per cent.

So far, the benefits of global greening have been greater than expected, while the costs of global warming have been smaller than expected and the price of reducing carbon dioxide emissions has been higher than expected. That price is falling more heavily on poor than on rich people. The evidence suggests that this imbalance will persist for most of this century, perhaps longer. It is time for a rethink.

Much more @ The world is getting greener. Why does no one want to know? | The Spectator
Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #315 @ Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #315

Number of the Week: 11.9 million barrels per day (b/d), 220% higher The Energy Information Administration’s Short-Term Energy Outlook reported: “EIA projects that U.S. crude oil production will average 10.7 million b/d in 2018, up from 9.4 million b/d in 2017, and will average11.9 million b/d in 2019, 0.4 million b/d higher than forecast in the April STEO.”

In 2009, the U.S. Crude Oil Production averaged 5.5 million b/d. The 2019 estimate is 220% higher than 2009. In 1977, Haapala was under a government contract to evaluate the models used to predict the world would run out of oil and the US out of natural gas around 2000. He reported that the models were incapable of making such predictions, and why. Global climate models have similar problems. His report disappeared in the bureaucratic science of the time.

We are fortunate that independent oil and gas producers did not believe government models and predictions.

Heresy! Impossible! CO2 is destroying the world as we know it!

Not according to this article.

As carbon dioxide levels have risen, the planet’s green vegetation has increased by 14 per cent.

So far, the benefits of global greening have been greater than expected, while the costs of global warming have been smaller than expected and the price of reducing carbon dioxide emissions has been higher than expected. That price is falling more heavily on poor than on rich people. The evidence suggests that this imbalance will persist for most of this century, perhaps longer. It is time for a rethink.

Much more @ The world is getting greener. Why does no one want to know? | The Spectator
Completely predictable.

BUT the whole point OF Greening is to stop the Rise of CO2.
and we aint even Close to doing that

We are probably extracting a million years of naturally sequestered carbon every year now.

Yes, we'll have a greener planet, with no more low-lying cities, (NY, Miami, SF, Shanghai, London, etc x100) but quicker growing Zucchini.


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The irony?

All the forest fires the climate crusaders blame on global warming are actually making the planet greener.

Now really.... how fucking funny is that? :113::113::cul2:

They are very wrong about Forest Fires anyway since the data exposes their lies:

The irony?

All the forest fires the climate crusaders blame on global warming are actually making the planet greener.

Now really.... how fucking funny is that? :113::113::cul2:

They are very wrong about Forest Fires anyway since the data exposes their lies:

View attachment 193544
The Putrid Sons of Petrocrats. Paper or Plastic

The forest fires erupt in areas where the Greenies; laws won't let forest-product companies log. Spoiled brats have too much power in a republic. The Right is totally responsible for empowering the Left.
Just wait until that huge bubble of methane is released from the frozen tundra and the Earth smells like a pig fart.
Trees, trees, every where I look there are trees!

We're all gonna die!
The irony?

All the forest fires the climate crusaders blame on global warming are actually making the planet greener.

Now really.... how fucking funny is that? :113::113::cul2:

They are very wrong about Forest Fires anyway since the data exposes their lies:

View attachment 193544

It will probably not come as a surprise to many, but the number of acres burned in the United States in 2017 came close to breaking a record. The numbers are preliminary and could change over the next few weeks as the data is finalized but the acres burned in the 50 states, 9,781,062, was the second highest since reliable records have been kept. That is 49 percent higher than the average over the last 10 years. Even as the trend line for the acres burned has increased dramatically since 1990 the total number of fires has generally been slowly decreasing. In 2017, 66,131 fires were reported, which was 4 percent lower than the 10-year average.
statistics Archives - Wildfire Today

Hmm............ bet 2017 was right off the chart.
The irony?

All the forest fires the climate crusaders blame on global warming are actually making the planet greener.

Now really.... how fucking funny is that? :113::113::cul2:

They are very wrong about Forest Fires anyway since the data exposes their lies:

View attachment 193544

It will probably not come as a surprise to many, but the number of acres burned in the United States in 2017 came close to breaking a record. The numbers are preliminary and could change over the next few weeks as the data is finalized but the acres burned in the 50 states, 9,781,062, was the second highest since reliable records have been kept. That is 49 percent higher than the average over the last 10 years. Even as the trend line for the acres burned has increased dramatically since 1990 the total number of fires has generally been slowly decreasing. In 2017, 66,131 fires were reported, which was 4 percent lower than the 10-year average.
statistics Archives - Wildfire Today

Hmm............ bet 2017 was right off the chart.


The chart I posted show that it burned over 52 MILLION acres in 1930, while your 2017 total was only about 10 Million acres.

Which number is higher? 52 Million or 10 Million

My chart started in 1916, yours in 1990.

You are so far off on this.
I rather suspect that fire fighting technology in 2017 is just a LITTLE bit better than what was available in 1930.
The irony?

All the forest fires the climate crusaders blame on global warming are actually making the planet greener.

Now really.... how fucking funny is that? :113::113::cul2:

They are very wrong about Forest Fires anyway since the data exposes their lies:

View attachment 193544

It will probably not come as a surprise to many, but the number of acres burned in the United States in 2017 came close to breaking a record. The numbers are preliminary and could change over the next few weeks as the data is finalized but the acres burned in the 50 states, 9,781,062, was the second highest since reliable records have been kept. That is 49 percent higher than the average over the last 10 years. Even as the trend line for the acres burned has increased dramatically since 1990 the total number of fires has generally been slowly decreasing. In 2017, 66,131 fires were reported, which was 4 percent lower than the 10-year average.
statistics Archives - Wildfire Today

Hmm............ bet 2017 was right off the chart.

Geez....2nd highest compared to what?:113::2up::2up:

Notice how the progressive uses semantic fakery to make a general implication. The reality is, the "2nd highest" is only marginally higher than the 7th highest or 10th highest. The way it's painted, you'd think half of the American forests burned down.


Every year tens of thousands of acres burn in America have been since the beginning of time. Don't fall for the faking of the fakers :gay::gay::cul2:
The irony?

All the forest fires the climate crusaders blame on global warming are actually making the planet greener.

Now really.... how fucking funny is that? :113::113::cul2:

They are very wrong about Forest Fires anyway since the data exposes their lies:

View attachment 193544

It will probably not come as a surprise to many, but the number of acres burned in the United States in 2017 came close to breaking a record. The numbers are preliminary and could change over the next few weeks as the data is finalized but the acres burned in the 50 states, 9,781,062, was the second highest since reliable records have been kept. That is 49 percent higher than the average over the last 10 years. Even as the trend line for the acres burned has increased dramatically since 1990 the total number of fires has generally been slowly decreasing. In 2017, 66,131 fires were reported, which was 4 percent lower than the 10-year average.
statistics Archives - Wildfire Today

Hmm............ bet 2017 was right off the chart.


The chart I posted show that it burned over 52 MILLION acres in 1930, while your 2017 total was only about 10 Million acres.

Which number is higher? 52 Million or 10 Million

My chart started in 1916, yours in 1990.

You are so far off on this.
I rather suspect that fire fighting technology in 2017 is just a LITTLE bit better than what was available in 1930.

Oh okay..... to the tune of 40 million acres.

Past the crack pipe s0n!:113:

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