White Americans are nearly as blind to their racism as ever before

Well written personal account of history and what it is today

'A long time ago, after a church service on a bright Sunday morning in the small town where I grew up, I heard one of the deacons tell another that he didn't believe colored people really wanted civil rights and integration. “If God had meant white people and black people to mix he would have made them one color,” he said. He made this claim in spite of the civil rights demonstrations that were going on in our home state of North Carolina and across the country, in spite of nonviolent and violent protests.'

White Americans are nearly as blind to their racism as ever before
I once read a thread on this board about the high black crime rate questioning the black lives matters movement and pointing out the blatant hysteria of "white racism" that enables the vicious cycle of black violence and racism. It got pulled as "race baiting". But this thread and others like it will go on and on, like the Eveready bunny. Funny how that works.
I think what we're seeing is really quite simple.

In the 1960's, when racism, especially in the south was institutionalized...it was easy for liberals to point out how horrible it was.

Now, that it's not as institutionally prevalent, but exists in the hearts of racists....it can find cover much faster.

Rush Limbaugh is the master at that. He uses a double entendre, and when someone calls him on the racism he's say he meant the other thing
While you assholes have been focusing on the "racism" from Rush Limbaugh actual BLACK racists have been slowly gaining power right under your nose.

DHS Employee Black Supremacist preparing for Race War |
Race war...take that shit back to Stormfront, or your trailer park, where it belongs.

Those of us that have teeth can see all through that crap
You obviously don't have a brain.

Because the "smart" people are afraid of blacks accumulating power.

The smart people who understand their own egalitarian principles would absolutely be afraid of racist black people gaining power and systemically oppressing whites and other non-blacks, yes.

Black supremacists love idiots like you.
I knew you were an idiot but now you sound like a whiny deranged idiot. :laugh:

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