Whistleblower complaint live on TV from Congress


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
The acting DNI director is between a rock and a hard place.

On one hand, he wanted to follow the law and the other hand he didnā€™t want to violate executive privilege. Heā€™s a military veteran with a stellar career. I feel sorry for him that he got involved in the Trump administration and now has besmirched his career the way so many others have.
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At the heart of his questioning is that he took a complaint that included the president and the department of justice to the president and the department of justice.

When the actual law said he had to turn it over to Congress and he didnā€™t.

And the reason he didnā€™t is because he was afraid he was violating executive privilege. So as a military man who sees the president as the commander-in-chief violating executive privilege took precedent over congressional law.

And thatā€™s why heā€™s between a rock and a hard place.
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Oops! He just bitch slapped Devon Nunez.

Nunez trying to blame the intelligence community and be acting DNI head said a dozen other people listened in on these calls.
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They should get over how long it took to make it to Congress because this guy is between a rock and a hard place. He had a complaint that included the head of the department of justice and the president and he was concerned of violating executive privilege for the commander in chief. They should get over that part of it.
Quit blaming the messenger.
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This guy is trying to follow the law. Quit attacking him and letā€™s get to the meat of the problem.

They have the information now. What are they going to do with it. Was it altered. They need to ask the important questions before they lose the audience.
The acting DNI director is between a rock and a hard place.

On one hand, he wanted to follow the law and the other hand he didnā€™t want to violate executive privilege. Heā€™s a military veteran with a stellar career. I feel sorry for him that he got involved in the Trump administration and now has besmirched his career the way so many others have.
It's clear Nunes's lips are still firmly attached to tRump's ass.

And Maguire is squirming.
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The fact is, if there was any information shared, it would have come from Ukrainian intelligence more than likely. They have a vested interest in having someone like Hillary in office, not Trump. I'm surprised Trump would even have had a discussion longer than 5 minutes with their President.
Why would the U.S government in the White House be using contractors? That doesn't sound very secure...
The acting DNI director is between a rock and a hard place.
On one hand, he wanted to follow the law and the other hand he didnā€™t want to violate executive privilege. Heā€™s a military veteran with a stellar career. I feel sorry for him that he got involved in the Trump administration and now has besmirched his career the way so many others have.

And yet, Trump marches on, the Democrats wet themselves and this too shall pass like all the rest.
Republican representative Turner from Ohio just called Adam Schiff a liar.
Apparently thereā€™s like dozen people involved in this. All their names will be given by the whistle blower. All of them will be interviewed. Does anyone think this story is going to change?
Money shot in the complaint:

I was not a witness to most of the events described... However, I found my colleagues' accounts of these events to be credible..."

In other words, yet another Prog Nothingburger.
What I find most astounding, is how, once again, it's the conservative (Trump) who is transparent, be it allowing a free investigation by Mueller, release of call transcripts and the like, while the "progressives" never are.

If I'm a whistleblower, unless I am intending to remain a mole, or, I am full of shyte, I would come out and confront what I know without shame.

Moreso, it's hearsay. Wtf.
Money shot in the complaint:

I was not a witness to most of the events described... However, I found my colleagues' accounts of these events to be credible..."

In other words, yet another Prog Nothingburger.
The entire complaint is anonymous source after anonymous source. Not a word of this would be admitted in a trial.
Why would the U.S government in the White House be using contractors? That doesn't sound very secure...
I thought Republicans liked all US business to be done by private contractors.

Not that of National Security.

Let me be more succinct, I bet at least one of them was a contractor. How much do you want to bet, if it leaks, at least one of them was a contractor.
The DNI chief is dragging the libtards through the mud with facts... Lyin Schiff LIED in his opening statement and added words to the quote in the presidents conversation..... HOLY CRAP SCHIFF DEFAMED AND SLANDERED THE PRESIDENT IN OPEN SESSION.... Fucker using his position to lie!

The whistle blower wasn't one and has no protections for its dissemination of Top Secret information.
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The fact is, if there was any information shared, it would have come from Ukrainian intelligence more than likely. They have a vested interest in having someone like Hillary in office, not Trump. I'm surprised Trump would even have had a discussion longer than 5 minutes with their President.

I see a laughing face, but it's true. You think Canadian spooks aren't listening in when your president calls our PM? You think this won't be shared if requested?

There are many work arounds to intel. Some valid, some questionable. Regardless, as I wouldn't trust China or Russia, I wouldn't trust Ukraine intel. In the end, it's tough to trust any nations intel, though, I suppose, our spooks have the same weariness of trusting other spooks (Canada for instance, has just found another mole for China or Russia, they won't say. He happens to speak Mandarin...).
Money shot in the complaint:

I was not a witness to most of the events described... However, I found my colleagues' accounts of these events to be credible..."

In other words, yet another Prog Nothingburger.
The entire complaint is anonymous source after anonymous source. Not a word of this would be admitted in a trial.
The FBI is looking into the leaker and when they get him or her they need to prosecute them, make an example of them.

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