While you were asleep in the garden


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Evil crept its way into your hearts, minds and souls while y'all lived for your own precepts and pleasures; whilst ignoring, justifying and letting lies go unchallenged.

Back in 1983 I was a young divorced mother of two little ones. I was still very naive about the world and the corruption that surrounds us. I had recently started a contract business back then when I met another young mother with two small children. She also ran her own business. A restaurant to be exact and she was good at it. She was smart, beautiful and full of life but she was married to a real asshole. Plus she was a child of a concubine of one of the former honchos of the local cult religions'. In her mind she was 'less than' being born such a child.

One day my friend came into the shop and she had dark sunglasses on. I could see in the areas not covered that she had two black eyes. I asked her what her dreams were but she could not get past that being born as a concubine's child. I told her none of all that matter as she was an American, over 18 and born with liberty. To me it was as simple as that and she should tell these people who were holding her back to go f' themselves. Take her inheritance she had coming, pack what she and her children needed, get on a bus and get as far away as possible from these creeps that desired to use, abuse her and leave everything else behind her (including that prevalent attitude that was infecting her mind). If she would not do it for herself at least do it for her girls.

I had not known for many years until yesterday what happened to her. Rod saw a sketch of a serial killer in Canada and exclaims how that looks exactly like an older and fatter ******. Just a minute I said and went online to see if anything came up on him. Sure enough there was and then I was learning what happen to my friend and her children.

She did get away from the being a concubine trap part but she didn't get away from the children's father. She started to but then faltered evidently. Fast forward from 83' to 96' and a court case reads like the scene nightmares are made of. The children's father violently rapes the teens; charges are filed and ultimately he gets life in prison. Apparently from what I read online he is still locked up.

(Long story shorten for this post so not all details put in)
^^People who lie, cheat and attempt to justify corruption for whatever reason are given over to it. The populous who has woefully ignored it all suffers the consequences.
I don't sleep in the garden. If the deer didn't step on me, the coons or possums would probably eat me.
Evil crept its way into your hearts, minds and souls while y'all lived for your own precepts and pleasures; whilst ignoring, justifying and letting lies go unchallenged.

do you not claim to be a christian ...

She did get away from the being a concubine trap part but she didn't get away from the children's father.

are you saying she was murdered by her husband - the point of the op is a little illusive, certainly your advice was well reasoned.
Evil crept its way into your hearts, minds and souls while y'all lived for your own precepts and pleasures; whilst ignoring, justifying and letting lies go unchallenged.

do you not claim to be a christian ...

She did get away from the being a concubine trap part but she didn't get away from the children's father.

are you saying she was murdered by her husband - the point of the op is a little illusive, certainly your advice was well reasoned.

Yes I am a Christian. There is nothing that says any Christian is suppose to ignore, justify or just let a lie go unchallenged. If we did that knowingly we would be complicit.

I said what was mentioned about the family in the court records online from 1996.

There is a recent news report of a serial killer loose and being looked for in Canada and a sketch of the person they are looking for. The state we lived in back then bordered Canada.
There is a recent news report of a serial killer loose and being looked for in Canada and a sketch of the person they are looking for. The state we lived in back then bordered Canada.

that is in the news - it's not clear what that has to do with your friend in the OP ...

She did get away from the being a concubine trap part but she didn't get away from the children's father. She started to but then faltered evidently. Fast forward from 83' to 96' and a court case reads like the scene nightmares are made of. The children's father violently rapes the teens; charges are filed and ultimately he gets life in prison. Apparently from what I read online he is still locked up.
Listening to this video I am reminded of how blessed I am to have avoided and been steered clear of the drug scene. The video also leaves me wondering somewhat why so many people stayed silent or ignored what was transpiring in our government. Too many people have been willing to call them selves righteous because they were covered with grace yet they have willingly ignored or stayed in league with evil ones.

At the later end of my childhood we lived in a little mountain community in Southern California. It was a bit magical with the clear water streams, water falls higher up in the mountains if you took the time to hike to them and some very close nit friendships. The deer would come down from the hills and mountain behind the house and graze in the front yard. My brother even found a small gold nugget at the base of a little stream that ran in the rainy season on the mountain at the back of the house. The part there that really bothered me there was some of the people that sold and passed around drugs. It didn't take very many years for the little community would to be given over to it all. A normal person could no longer afford to buy a house or cottage there but drug dealers sure could. My children and I moved to another state thankfully before it got unsustainable there and before they were old enough to be involved in all that type mess that is prevalent there in Southern California.


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