Which Would You Prefer?


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
We are faced with a choice, folks. Please tell us which you would prefer:

1: Give solar energy and wind energy companies the same federal subsidies that oil, natural gas and coal companies get.

2: Eliminate all subsidies for energy companies.
We are faced with a choice, folks. Please tell us which you would prefer:

1: Give solar energy and wind energy companies the same federal subsidies that oil, natural gas and coal companies get.

2: Eliminate all subsidies for energy companies.

no amout of subsidy will make any of the "green" technologies as efficient as carbon-based fuels

nice straw man though
what you really want is an endless stream of trillions of other people's money; borrowed from China; or printed out of thin air; to dump into your pipe dreams; no matter what happens; and give to obama's or Dems corporate cronies; that will disappear like Solyndra with no recoupment of the lost money................AND NO JOBS
We are faced with a choice, folks. Please tell us which you would prefer:

1: Give solar energy and wind energy companies the same federal subsidies that oil, natural gas and coal companies get.

2: Eliminate all subsidies for energy companies.

no amout of subsidy will make any of the "green" technologies as efficient as carbon-based fuels

nice straw man though
what you really want is an endless stream of trillions of other people's money; borrowed from China; or printed out of thin air; to dump into your pipe dreams; no matter what happens; and give to obama's or Dems corporate cronies; that will disappear like Solyndra with no recoupment of the lost money................AND NO JOBS

Pretty stupid comment. Congrats.
We are faced with a choice, folks. Please tell us which you would prefer:

1: Give solar energy and wind energy companies the same federal subsidies that oil, natural gas and coal companies get.

2: Eliminate all subsidies for energy companies.

I mean seriously, it takes a whole lot of stupid to post something like this.

There is no question that our oil, gas and coal industries receive subsidies.

It is clear that you don't want to respond to the question. I wonder why?
There is no question that our oil, gas and coal industries receive subsidies.

It is clear that you don't want to respond to the question. I wonder why?

I've seen those claims of "subsidies" and they count crap like LIHEAP (electricity welfare program) which is a POVERTY program, not a hand-out to the oil companies at all.. Because OIL plays very little role in home heating or electricity.

They also include the ENTIRE US FED Highway system as a "subsidy" to oil. But they all fail to show any subsidies for the sale of UNITS of oil similiar to what wind and solar recieve. There are no 3rd party subsidies for buying a refinery. Like there is for wind solar installations.

Any ACTUAL subsidies for research, development, and exploration for oil are no different than the tax advantages for a social media company.

So --- that's why the thread fails. UNLESS --- you have better sources decribing any per barrel subsidy that an American Oil company is receiving..
In general --- NOTHING THAT ALREADY EXISTS in the marketplace should be subsidized. Only the stuff that is truely new and strategically important. and then those subsidies should be for the ENTIRE MARKET SECTOR -- not selected political favorites..
The thread poses a simple question. None have answered. That is because it is inconvenient for "conservatives" to admit that they are OK with our government subsidizing one type of energy industry but not another.

The fucked up part is that...in the end.....none of you even care where your power comes from. The opposition to green energy is PURELY POLITICAL in nature. You are compelled to fall in line and support the fossil fuel industry. You've been duped.

Oil a and gas are not subsidized? Who the fuck do you think you are?
Oil and natural gas receive no federal subsidies.


Is that right? Care to substantiate that?
Actually, that would be up to you. Yours is the claim that government hands out subsidies to oil and natural gas.

Me, I prefer that no one gets subsidized, not the farmers, not the unions, not the pregnant women, not the flaccid men. No one, for anything.
Is that right? Care to substantiate that?

You laid the claim. Pony up.

Sorry - YOU made the claim that oil and gas receive no subsidies.

And you might as well just wear a T-Shirt that says "I have no clue what I'm talking about."
No, you are wrong. The claim is that oil and gas get subsidies. They do NOT. IT is up to you to provide the list of monies that government gives to oil and gas in order to help them.
The thread poses a simple question. None have answered. That is because it is inconvenient for "conservatives" to admit that they are OK with our government subsidizing one type of energy industry but not another.

The fucked up part is that...in the end.....none of you even care where your power comes from. The opposition to green energy is PURELY POLITICAL in nature. You are compelled to fall in line and support the fossil fuel industry. You've been duped.

Oil a and gas are not subsidized? Who the fuck do you think you are?
Who the fuck do I think I am? Someone who thinks that simply making a claim does not make it true. Provide the list of subsidies given to Oil and Gas......
noun: subsidy; plural noun: subsidies

  1. 1.
    a sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive.
    "a farm subsidy"

  2. 2.
    a parliamentary grant to the sovereign for state needs.

It falls in this category of things.
The thread poses a simple question. None have answered. That is because it is inconvenient for "conservatives" to admit that they are OK with our government subsidizing one type of energy industry but not another.

As soon as you provide evidence to that effect -- you might get a bite..

The fucked up part is that...in the end.....none of you even care where your power comes from. The opposition to green energy is PURELY POLITICAL in nature. You are compelled to fall in line and support the fossil fuel industry. You've been duped.

You got that part completely Bass-Ackwards.. The FRAUD is in the massive disinformation campaign to convince folks that there ARE ALTERNATIVES to where their electricity currently comes from.. Wind/Solar are SUPPLEMENTS, never were ALTERNATIVES. And they FAIL miserably to substitute for reliable, scheduled power delivery 24/7/365 which is what is DEMANDED in an advanced society..

You got NOTHING as alternatives, just a lot of bitching and whining and wasted cash..
Care to start again???

Solar is a valuable PEAKER for daytime demand but will never 15% or so of that EXCESS daytime demand. And THEN -- only economical is very limited areas of geography. Wind is a non-starter that can't even be contracted for on a reliable schedule. Here for 20 minutes, Gone for an hour. What else ya got???

As far as what folks THINK -- Folks are stupid when it comes to where their electricity comes from.. In fact, they are SOOOO stupid, they compare OIL to electricity generation. When one has virtually NOTHING to do with the other.. Does it LoneLaugher ????????????????
So.....I am caught off guard with this denial regarding subsidies......so I go to the Heritage Foundation to see what they have to say about oil subsidies.

BINGO! You fuckers are following the party line. I am shocked.

You don't consider tax concessions to be subsidies.......because........well........because!

Dishonest fuckers.

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