Which was worst Assad or Saddam.. 5,000 killed or 800,000 killed?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama is all bent out of shape over Syria's Assad killing 5,000 people YET he evidently was NOT at all concerned over Saddam's killing over the years of 800,000 Iraqis and gave Bush a ration of crap over Liberating 28 million people from a dictator a thousand times worse the Assad!

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and in case you Obama supporters forget, 9/11 occurred. People were afraid that Saddam was going to go after the USA and so based on 13 UN resolutions over 12 years AND the 1991 CEASE FIRE that Saddam signed which he broke 1,000s of times AND even Clinton bombed Iraq over 1,000 times..
you still give Bush crap over freeing 28 million, deposing a sadist that killed 800,000 BUT you want Assad to go? A country the USA has NEVER HAD any issues militarily to speak?

What is the difference here?
Libs only support military actions they get to call the shots on.

If a conservative does something, there is some "evil plot" behind it.

Lib politicians after 9/11 mostly supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but once they saw an opening they jumped on the anti-war bandwagon.

Obamination tries to give himself the Medal of Honor over allowing the CIA and military to kill UBL on intel that was collected under the Bush Admin at GITMO.

Biden even said Iraq was Obamination's victory despite the US troops already being pulled out post-victory under Bush.....uh, the "war" was over there before the Democrats invaded the White House.

Now, Obamination is willing to give back Afghanistan to the Taliban because he didn't support the troop levels required to fully kill them off.

Libya was a PC war because "Europe" led the effort and we didn't really get that involved, but our lack of involvement made the situation a disaster that now has terrorists in charge. Strange the media isn't covering this Libya story...oh, that would make them look bad.

Now Obamination is in a corner with Syria. Does he allow Russian made weapons slaugther innocents in the streets when the Arab world is appalled and expecting us to stop it? He wants to shutdown the US military with cuts but is soon realizing he needs the US military to help save face in the world.

Iran is another issue, he is not a fan of Israel but he just can't let Iran nuke Israel or the US later....or can he?
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I haven't seen us invade Syria and lose 5500 Americans
I haven't seen us invade Syria and lose 5500 Americans

Why did we invade France in WWI
Why did we "invade" France in WWII?
Why did we "invade" Korea in 1950s?

Neither one of them invaded the USA nor killed any American!

What was the difference???
NOT one of those countries did ONE bit of damage to any state in the USA!
If left unchecked any ruthless dictator could amass the same stats as Saddam. Imagine the lives and money that could have been saved had we stopped saddam early on.....
That's what these idiots don't get in regards to Iran and other problems.

You either pay for military action now at a lesser death toll and money cost or face more dead and bigger costs against Iran once they nuke Israel or us.

If left unchecked any ruthless dictator could amass the same stats as Saddam. Imagine the lives and money that could have been saved had we stopped saddam early on.....
Did anybody else notice how the "mainstream" U.S. news media seemingly "disappeared" from Iraq AFTER Obama became POTUS?

When Bush was POTUS, the Iraq war/liberation/rebuilding was under a constant news media 24/7 microscope. All we heard about was "innocent" Iraqi civilians being killed, U.S. military people coming home disillusioned, with missing body parts and mental problems, U.S. soldiers committing violent acts and atrocities against the Iraqi people, how Iraq was plunging into "civil war" and there was no hope of establishing a viable government, etc., etc., etc.

The media's "post-Bush" attitude towards Iraq was "Nothing to see here. Just move along." Once "their man" took office, Iraq became a back page afterthought.

The funny thing is that the ENTIRE timeline for the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq was established by President Bush and the Iraqi government. Obama just followed Bush's timetable, but he was quick to take full credit when the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq was complete.

Now Obama has promoted the fallacy that all of us are somehow "safer" because Osama Bin Laden is dead. This alone shows the recklessness and danger that Obama poses to all of us.
I haven't seen us invade Syria and lose 5500 Americans

Why did we invade France in WWI
Why did we "invade" France in WWII?
Why did we "invade" Korea in 1950s?

Neither one of them invaded the USA nor killed any American!

What was the difference???

OK....let's talk Iraq again
That's always fun

Iraq was no threat to anon outside Iraq, Iraq was under control for ten years, Iraq was not involved in 9-11, Iraq did not have WMDs


You do not waste 5500 American lives for no threat
The same thing is going on in Afghanistan, Libya and Egypt.

The media isn't covering the terrorists rising in power in Libya and Egypt thanks to Obamination's actions. He let his State Department take down Egypt and then had the US military play benchwarmer in Libya while Europe made it a bigger mess.

Afghanistan is where he denied troop levels to the Commander in theater, so now we're looking at how to leave since we can't finish the job due to Obamination's "war planning" from the White House based on his ZERO minutes serving in the military.

Did anybody else notice how the "mainstream" U.S. news media seemingly "disappeared" from Iraq AFTER Obama became POTUS?

When Bush was POTUS, the Iraq war/liberation/rebuilding was under a constant news media 24/7 microscope. All we heard about was "innocent" Iraqi civilians being killed, U.S. military people coming home disillusioned, with missing body parts and mental problems, U.S. soldiers committing violent acts and atrocities against the Iraqi people, how Iraq was plunging into "civil war" and there was no hope of establishing a viable government, etc., etc., etc.

The media's "post-Bush" attitude towards Iraq was "Nothing to see here. Just move along." Once "their man" took office, Iraq became a back page afterthought.

The funny thing is that the ENTIRE timeline for the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq was established by President Bush and the Iraqi government. Obama just followed Bush's timetable, but he was quick to take full credit when the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq was complete.

Now Obama has promoted the fallacy that all of us are somehow "safer" because Osama Bin Laden is dead. This alone shows the recklessness and danger that Obama poses to all of us.
If left unchecked any ruthless dictator could amass the same stats as Saddam. Imagine the lives and money that could have been saved had we stopped saddam early on.....

Uh yeah :eusa_eh: Didn't help that the U.S. was supplying him w/ weapons to do that killing :eusa_whistle: :clap2:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTldYbqlJc8]Rumsfeld & Saddam Make Nice - YouTube[/ame]​
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Obama is all bent out of shape over Syria's Assad killing 5,000 people YET he evidently was NOT at all concerned over Saddam's killing over the years of 800,000 Iraqis and gave Bush a ration of crap over Liberating 28 million people from a dictator a thousand times worse the Assad!


When did Obama advocate invading Syria? Recently?

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