Which Republican Candidate do you think Paid for the Dossier at first?


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Which one of them do you think started it off? My guess is someone like Rubio or Cruz. Just swarthy enough to make that kind of inside play while I don't think someone like Carson wouldnt even know and Kasich would know but wouldnt go that far.
I wouldnt put it past bush or cruz
Do we know it was a candidate? Or is that just speculation? My first guess was Romney
Which one of them do you think started it off?.
Only one way to find out, let's check with..........

The Partisan Accountability Task Force
Which one of them do you think started it off? My guess is someone like Rubio or Cruz. Just swarthy enough to make that kind of inside play while I don't think someone like Carson wouldnt even know and Kasich would know but wouldnt go that far.

Not Cruz's style. I say it was Mr. Tumor .
What difference does it make?

It seems clear that the initial assignment was to dig up dirt on Trump, regardless of whether the dirt was real or made-up. The candidate would then decide whether to use the "information," and how to disseminate it. It is a tribute to the major Media outlets that none of them would publish it because it was not properly sourced.

The thing to take away from this whole mess is that Trump will never again be subject to these slanders, because his opponents on both sides went "balls to the wall" to dig up crap, they threw it at him, and nobody cared - except for people who would never have voted for him anyway.

If he runs again in 2020, the public is becoming so fatigued with the constant negativism that he will in effect be Teflon-coated.
I wouldnt put it past bush or cruz
Do we know it was a candidate? Or is that just speculation? My first guess was Romney

I think the wording was 'a wealthy Republican donor'. If that's the case, doesn't mean it was a candidate or a Republican, or even someone who donated exclusively to Republicans. My guess would be Michael Bloomberg...or Warren Buffet.
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It seems clear that the initial assignment was to dig up dirt on Trump, regardless of whether the dirt was real or made-up.

I mean, goddam...why do you have to attempt to lie right out of the gate?
Which one of them do you think started it off? My guess is someone like Rubio or Cruz. Just swarthy enough to make that kind of inside play while I don't think someone like Carson wouldnt even know and Kasich would know but wouldnt go that far.

Jeb, he had all the money

Also, the Bush family and Clinton family are close friends.
There was no dossier the Republicans paid for.

There was not an UNUSED and COMPLETED dossier paid for by Republicans, only to be used by the Democrats. it's simply not true.

Let's do this slowly so even Progs can understand.

Ask questions about any of these bullet points from THE WASHINGTON POST

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

- The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a allegations about President Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin.

- Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research.

-After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community. Christopher Steele compiled the dossier on President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia.

-Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC.

-The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS’s research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day.

- After the election, the FBI agreed to pay Steele to continue gathering intelligence about Trump and Russia.

Which one of them do you think started it off? My guess is someone like Rubio or Cruz. Just swarthy enough to make that kind of inside play while I don't think someone like Carson wouldnt even know and Kasich would know but wouldnt go that far.

Who cares? When they got the information, it wasn't the dossier, so they stopped. It didn't turn into what it was UNTIL the DNC got ahold of it, and had Russian help!

Let me educate you---------->exchange of money to a foreign group or entity to ASSIST in a United States election is called.......get ready for it...... COLLUSION, amongst other prosecutable FELONIES-)

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