Which Republican Candidate Are You Supporting....


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
...for President 2012, and why?

So far, I'm supporting Nun O. D. Above
for President.

Make your case.

Who's your top pick so far and why should I support him/her.
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No one wants to go on the record?

I don't blame ya. I wish we had a candidate we could be excited about.
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Still waiting. The lack of excitement in this field is killing me.

Palin is not the answer, but with the others that are in the field right now, she's the only one that will generate enthusiasm. (In my estimation, it might be enough to win the primary with this field, but not enough to win the general). The media has done a pretty decent job driving her negatives so high, a general win would be highly unlikely.

Romney. Santorum. A snore fest double header. Cain, I'm just not seeing it. I heard the former Gov of NM announce. I like a lot of what he had to say. He'd be a great senator for some state. But, he's no pres. Pawlenty -- cabinet secretary. Newt's finished now. Not that he was ever a contender.

Perry???? I don't know enough about the guy to say anything intelligent. I'd look at him for lack of anything else to look at.

One thing is for sure though, we better elect a Republican this time or the Republic is finished.
...for President 2012, and why?

I am not supporting any candidate from either mainstream party. If Chuck Baldwin runs again on the Constitution Party ticket I will probably vote for him. Otherwise I will most likely be writing my own name on the ballot in November of 2012.
I support Ron Paul, primarily for his position on the Federal Reserve, IRS, and Entitlements(The reason I don't mention foreign policy is because without the Federal Reserve or IRS the Federal Government couldn't afford an interventionist foreign policy).

I could see myself voting for Sarah Palin in the General Election, or pretending I support her, to be a contrarian asshole and to spite "progressives". But I will probably just abstain or vote Libertarian as long as Barr is not the nominee again.
No one wants to go on the record?

I don't blame ya. I wish we had a candidate we could be excited about.

There is not any Candidate I am excited about, However I am not ashamed to say at this point I would vote for just about any Republican Over Obama. I believe Obama's Policies are extremely damaging to this country. Period. At this point a grape fruit would excite me. Anyone who is not a tax and spend, Big Government Liberal would be a serious improvement.

Of course I said that same thing when Bush was leaving office and Obama ran. I said even though I don't like some of what Obama is saying, it would be hard for him not to improve on Bushes performance. Well low and Behold I was wrong then lol.
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This is why Obama will win the re-election, and why he got elected in the first place. Conservatives are too extreme in their views, and too idealistic. By voicing their idealistic views they scare alot of independant moderates to the other side. Conservatives have a great foriegn policy, their fiscal policy is scetchy because of GWB policies, but it is their social policies that sink the party.

Every time I go to vote for a Republican I start thinking of the Terry Schivo fiasco, and then I think of their abortion and gay rights views and just recoil. For people who want government to butt out of our lives they sure like to have a say on how you die, what you do with your body, and who is deserving of personal freedom and who is not. This places them squarely into the hypocrite column. The fact that Republicans had carte blanche during GWB presidency and didn't address their constituants desires on these topics shows that they will say whatever it takes to get elected, and then do whatever they want to do.

What have they done to prove that they will not give us another GWB? Listening to the people who are seeking the nomination, shows me they haven't changed at all and still don't get it.

Both the Republicans and Democrats will take my money. Republicans will use it for advancing the upper class, and the Democrats will use it for the lower class. Me, I get shit.
This is why Obama will win the re-election, and why he got elected in the first place. Conservatives are too extreme in their views, and too idealistic. By voicing their idealistic views they scare alot of independant moderates to the other side. Conservatives have a great foriegn policy, their fiscal policy is scetchy because of GWB policies, but it is their social policies that sink the party.

Every time I go to vote for a Republican I start thinking of the Terry Schivo fiasco, and then I think of their abortion and gay rights views and just recoil. For people who want government to butt out of our lives they sure like to have a say on how you die, what you do with your body, and who is deserving of personal freedom and who is not. This places them squarely into the hypocrite column. The fact that Republicans had carte blanche during GWB presidency and didn't address their constituants desires on these topics shows that they will say whatever it takes to get elected, and then do whatever they want to do.

What have they done to prove that they will not give us another GWB? Listening to the people who are seeking the nomination, shows me they haven't changed at all and still don't get it.

Both the Republicans and Democrats will take my money. Republicans will use it for advancing the upper class, and the Democrats will use it for the lower class. Me, I get shit.

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Ron Paul and I'm not going to bother saying why, everyone knows why people like RP. Can Paul get elected seems to be the question... well, look at the feild and you tell me. RP has as much of a chance as any, he is more popular than most and has a huge following that is growing faster than can be measured.

The best thing RP has this election is time.
I'm liking Cain more and more. But I'm still checking them all out..still PLENTY of time. It must be killing the Lamestream media that not many HAVE declared so they get their DIRT DIGGING going for the Democrat party..Just look how desperate the Washingtoncompost and NYslimes are asking readers to help them go through the Palin e-mails...:eusa_whistle:
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...for President 2012, and why?

So far, I'm supporting Nun O. D. Above
for President.

Make your case.

Who's your top pick so far and why should I support him/her.

I don't have a pick so far, and am waiting to see who throws their hat's into the ring and then listen to their ambitions and how they hope to accomplish them.
spectrum, most true Conservatives don't look at elections as the proper means to change society anyway. We prefer bullets over ballots.
...for President 2012, and why?

So far, I'm supporting Nun O. D. Above
for President.

Make your case.

Who's your top pick so far and why should I support him/her.

Bachman and Palin. I want to see them debate each other...lol Oh the laffs and laffs that would provide.
I say we dems should pull a Rush and do an operation Chaos and back palin. This would guarantee Obama a win.
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