Which President(s) Of The Last 50 Years Have Done The Most Damage To The Country…?

Which president(s) are the worst in terms of inflicting long-term damage on the USA..

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I am sure Athena never ate commie, UncensoredFascist. :lol:

Each day your trollness shines through.

:lol: I ate dog in Korea, snake, tool, grasshoppers in the Philippines.

You are from North Carolina and a Militia Mutt survivalist, so I bet you ate possum and raccoon and squirrel. :lol:

You know North Carolina has a few McDonald's, don't you????

Matter of fact eating raccoons, squirrel, and possum went out with the Beverly Hillbillies.

People ate that crap because that's all they had up until the 70s.

But you must think everyone in the South is still picking the bangee and fucking someone's pretty mouth.
:lol: I ate dog in Korea, snake, tool, grasshoppers in the Philippines.

You are from North Carolina and a Militia Mutt survivalist, so I bet you ate possum and raccoon and squirrel. :lol:

You know North Carolina has a few McDonald's, don't you????

Matter of fact eating raccoons, squirrel, and possum went out with the Beverly Hillbillies.

People ate that crap because that's all they had up until the 70s.

But you must think everyone in the South is still picking the bangee and fucking someone's pretty mouth.

Jokey thinks he's got a pretty mouth.:lol:
:lol: I ate dog in Korea, snake, tool, grasshoppers in the Philippines.

You are from North Carolina and a Militia Mutt survivalist, so I bet you ate possum and raccoon and squirrel. :lol:

You know North Carolina has a few McDonald's, don't you????

Matter of fact eating raccoons, squirrel, and possum went out with the Beverly Hillbillies.

People ate that crap because that's all they had up until the 70s.

But you must think everyone in the South is still picking the bangee and fucking someone's pretty mouth.

You are being silly as usual. I live in the South, moonbeam, I know what is eaten out in the woods. I know folks who eat that stuff every week. Try to catch up.
How can you blame the 9/11 deaths on Bush II. Are you one of these conspiracy nuts?

No, but I remember Bush ignored al Qaeda both before AND after the attack. HIS concern was war in Iraq.

If anybody should be blamed for ignoring the Al Qaeda threat it should be Clinton. He was supremely ineffective, even after the East Africa bombings.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3BIKOqoHlU&feature=related]Condi Squirms at 9-11 Hearings - YouTube[/ame]

President Obama.

It's obvious. Apologize for success.

Undermine our defense/intel capabilities.

First credit downgrade in U.S. history.

MASSIVE increase in the fucking deficit and debt.

Any more of that assclown and we could go down for the count. He's as serious as a fucking heart attack. He's GOTTA go.

The 9/11, Iraq, and Katrina dead can be ignored by you also I see. One thing most cannot deny; Obama has NOT overseen thousands of US deaths due to his personal grudges.

On Katrina:

Between 2001 and 2005, the US Army Corps of Engineers requests $496 million to strengthen the 300-mile levee system protecting the low-elevation greater New Orleans area from the waters of the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain. The Bush administration responds to these requests by proposing a $166 million budget. Congress approves a $250 million budget. [REUTERS, 9/1/2005; LOS ANGELES TIMES, 9/4/2005]

9/11 ignored? No no. I assign full blame where it belongs. To al qaeda.

YOU seem to imagine that the President in Office at the time of their attack "must be" responsible for the attack. I reject that nonsense as the absurd proposition it clearly is.

And what ABOUT Katrina? A major massive natural disaster which the fucking local and STATE authorities FAILED miserably to address even when the storm was KNOWN to be about to hit. FEMA did screw the pooch, too. And you can blame Brownie and W. Have a blast. But I don't give that much weight since I continue to maintain that PRIMARY responsibility lies with the Mayor or New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana.

Besides, I don't think it would make much sense to discuss things that happened BEFORE President Obama was in Office as my part of my grounds for assigning him the "worst" President slot.

Oh, by the way, your post is packed tight with illogic. I also reject your implicit claim that President Bush sent any of our fighting forces to their deaths for "personal grudges."

This is a thorny dilemma for you.

Do you post how you "really" feel thereby admitting that Bush was a colossal failure? OR, do you continue playing the role of Bush apologist you pretend to be, thereby arguing against what you actually believe in the real world?

Are you that stupid? The city of New Orleans used the money for levees on other projects? Do you undertand that?

You mean like the way stimulus money that was supposed to finance job projects was used instead by Republican governors to pay off state debt?

And then turned around and said that the stimulus didn't create jobs and was a failure?

Like that?

And here will have little cyndie with some sort of deflection going on. What I don't know.

This is about New Orleans taking money that was meant for the levees and using it else where, and blaming Bush for not doing enough.

You mean like this?

This is awesome. :lol:

The Last Word - Paul Ryan rewrites Paul Ryan - YouTube

How does he think he was going to get away with this? Has he never heard of tape recorders?


Holy shit obama

List of Obama's Lies | Barack Obama Lies

What kind of hypocritical, dishonest piece of shit are you, anyway?
From the era:

The impact of Bush linking 9/11 and Iraq / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

Clinton WAS active due to the killing of Americans in East Africa, Bush to ignored warnings of an attack in the US.

Clinton Aides Plan to Tell Panel Of Warning Bush Team on Qaeda - New York Times

One official scheduled to testify, Richard A. Clarke, who was President Bill Clinton's counterterrorism coordinator, said in an interview that the warning about the Qaeda threat could not have been made more bluntly to the incoming Bush officials in intelligence briefings that he led.

''It was very explicit,'' Mr. Clarke said of the warning given to the Bush administration officials. ''Rice was briefed, and Hadley was briefed, and Zelikow sat in.'' Mr. Clarke served as Mr. Bush's counterterrorism chief in the early months of the administration, but after Sept. 11 was given a more limited portfolio as the president's cyberterrorism adviser.

The sworn testimony from the high-ranking Clinton administration officials -- including Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Defense Secretary William S. Cohen and Samuel R. Berger, Mr. Clinton's national security adviser -- is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday.

They are expected to testify along with Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, who will answer for the Bush administration, as well as George J. Tenet, director of central intelligence in both administrations.

While Clinton officials have offered similar accounts in the past, a new public review of how they warned Mr. Bush's aides about the need to deal quickly with the Qaeda threat could prove awkward to the White House, especially in the midst of a presidential campaign. But given the witnesses' prominence in the Clinton administration, supporters of Mr. Bush may see political motives in the testimony of some of them.

Bush ignored the threat; please cite ONE WORD he said about al Qaeda prior to 9/11/01.

9/11 was not planned on 9/10. It was planned during the Clinton presidency. Clarke in his testimony did everything to cover his own failures and those of the Clinton administration who failed repeatedly to take effective action against Al Qaeda.

And Bush did WHAT for eight months? The Administration was briefed time & again. Bush did NOTHING:

Bush Was Warned bin Laden Wanted to Hijack Planes - NYTimes.com

This is a complete red herring. What did Clinton do to prevent the East African Embassy bombings? What did Clinton do to prevent the attack on the USS Cole? The difference between Clinton and George W. Bush is that Clinton didn't do anything effective to root out Al Qaeda and Bush did.
How can you blame the 9/11 deaths on Bush II. Are you one of these conspiracy nuts?

No, but I remember Bush ignored al Qaeda both before AND after the attack. HIS concern was war in Iraq.
Peach, often you're right, but on this issue, I believe you missed at least several important details leading to the US and over 40 Coalition countries decision to enter and reverse Saddam Hussein's egregious 24-year history of perpetrating war on its neighbors and its own people with Saddam adding the invective of telling his Arab buddies he was almost ready to flatten Israel with his secret nuclear ambitions while showing The UN inspectors Saddam's selection of nuclear sites, which of course, contained no nukes and his barring of them from sites international intelligence agencies suggested, gleaned from their broad knowledge base. Al Qaeda was in Iraq, and Saddam furnished them luxury trips from the lost fields of Afghanistan when he landed many jumbo jets at the Kabul airport to haul as many of them back to Iraq as he could the eve of their conceding Afghanistan to Coalition forces. In Iraq, the wounded were cared for, and all of them regrouped at undisclosed locations in Iraq to retrain to defeat the Coalition forces at a later time.

I also recommend that you read or reread if the case might be Madeline Albright's State Department notes if you can find a copy. There used to be a copy at MSNBC, but it was withdrawn several months prior to the 2004 presidential race in order to place the full onus on President Bush, not on the notes his state department inherited from the Clinton Administration that fully recommended and called for the takeout of Iraq's bloody regime because of the nuclear thread and because Saddam was creating war with his neighbors on a constant basis. The obfuscation of these notes, however, failed to take out President Bush, as people remembered that the World Trade Center suffered an attack in 1993 in which little was done to go after those in foreign countries who financed it. Saddam openly wrote checks of $25000 to families whose homicide bomber took out Israelis, and checks of $50000 if Americans were included in the carnage. I read of these things from several sources at the time they were happening. It was going on while Clinton was President through 2003 when Iraq was put to the test. At this point you may regard this post as hearsay. I'm just saying State Department memos that were stuffed into Sandy Berger's shoes and walked out of the Library of Congress were also executed to remove the onus from the Clinton administration and place it on the Bush administration far from removes the truth. Mr. Berger thought he was pulling a fast one, but he was apprehended from the first time he waltzed into the National Archives to steal evidence that would assure the American people Bush acted on a consistent basis with the preceding administration. He did.

It's dirty to steal from the National Archives. Mr. Berger got quite a hefty fine as his little wrist-slap, but not to worry. Guess who Hillary Clinton's campaign manager came to be.

pssst: Her Campaign Manager's name is Sandy Berger, convicted of attempting to steal documents from the National archive.

Conducting illegal acts against the people of the United States and its true history is a poor way of getting what George Soros wants for the Universe.

Saddam was hosting alQaeda in Iraq to make himself the ruler of a unified Middle East. That would have been absolute and unequivocal hell to pay.

I'm so sick of crimes perpetrated against the Bush Administration by the Clinton Administration and now by Obama, I could throw up on every thread where the hoax is still being proffered by people who don't know by failure to keep up with current events and chalking up everything their side did as righteous, even when it includes theft, corruption, prospering Nancy Pelosi's relatives with a U.S. Treasury money tree, letting cop killers like Obama pals Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn go free forever.


Brian V. McDonnell, murdered February, 1970, by a Weatherman bomb linked to Bernadette Dohrn and Bill Ayers
Pine Ridge Bomb Factory

Bill Ayers: "Sometimes in a revolution innocent people get killed."

Boobs like these two now man professorships in universities brainwashing young college students to revolt. That's why we have organizations like OWS demanding pantywaist concessions and being patted on the head in public speeches like the approving one of President Barack Obama last year when OWS started their troublemaking spree in cities across America.

Good post.
No, but I remember Bush ignored al Qaeda both before AND after the attack. HIS concern was war in Iraq.
Peach, often you're right, but on this issue, I believe you missed at least several important details leading to the US and over 40 Coalition countries decision to enter and reverse Saddam Hussein's egregious 24-year history of perpetrating war on its neighbors and its own people with Saddam adding the invective of telling his Arab buddies he was almost ready to flatten Israel with his secret nuclear ambitions while showing The UN inspectors Saddam's selection of nuclear sites, which of course, contained no nukes and his barring of them from sites international intelligence agencies suggested, gleaned from their broad knowledge base. Al Qaeda was in Iraq, and Saddam furnished them luxury trips from the lost fields of Afghanistan when he landed many jumbo jets at the Kabul airport to haul as many of them back to Iraq as he could the eve of their conceding Afghanistan to Coalition forces. In Iraq, the wounded were cared for, and all of them regrouped at undisclosed locations in Iraq to retrain to defeat the Coalition forces at a later time.

I also recommend that you read or reread if the case might be Madeline Albright's State Department notes if you can find a copy. There used to be a copy at MSNBC, but it was withdrawn several months prior to the 2004 presidential race in order to place the full onus on President Bush, not on the notes his state department inherited from the Clinton Administration that fully recommended and called for the takeout of Iraq's bloody regime because of the nuclear thread and because Saddam was creating war with his neighbors on a constant basis. The obfuscation of these notes, however, failed to take out President Bush, as people remembered that the World Trade Center suffered an attack in 1993 in which little was done to go after those in foreign countries who financed it. Saddam openly wrote checks of $25000 to families whose homicide bomber took out Israelis, and checks of $50000 if Americans were included in the carnage. I read of these things from several sources at the time they were happening. It was going on while Clinton was President through 2003 when Iraq was put to the test. At this point you may regard this post as hearsay. I'm just saying State Department memos that were stuffed into Sandy Berger's shoes and walked out of the Library of Congress were also executed to remove the onus from the Clinton administration and place it on the Bush administration far from removes the truth. Mr. Berger thought he was pulling a fast one, but he was apprehended from the first time he waltzed into the National Archives to steal evidence that would assure the American people Bush acted on a consistent basis with the preceding administration. He did.

It's dirty to steal from the National Archives. Mr. Berger got quite a hefty fine as his little wrist-slap, but not to worry. Guess who Hillary Clinton's campaign manager came to be.

pssst: Her Campaign Manager's name is Sandy Berger, convicted of attempting to steal documents from the National archive.

Conducting illegal acts against the people of the United States and its true history is a poor way of getting what George Soros wants for the Universe.

Saddam was hosting alQaeda in Iraq to make himself the ruler of a unified Middle East. That would have been absolute and unequivocal hell to pay.

I'm so sick of crimes perpetrated against the Bush Administration by the Clinton Administration and now by Obama, I could throw up on every thread where the hoax is still being proffered by people who don't know by failure to keep up with current events and chalking up everything their side did as righteous, even when it includes theft, corruption, prospering Nancy Pelosi's relatives with a U.S. Treasury money tree, letting cop killers like Obama pals Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn go free forever.


Brian V. McDonnell, murdered February, 1970, by a Weatherman bomb linked to Bernadette Dohrn and Bill Ayers
Pine Ridge Bomb Factory

Bill Ayers: "Sometimes in a revolution innocent people get killed."

Boobs like these two now man professorships in universities brainwashing young college students to revolt. That's why we have organizations like OWS demanding pantywaist concessions and being patted on the head in public speeches like the approving one of President Barack Obama last year when OWS started their troublemaking spree in cities across America.

Good post.

No it is not. It is misleading and simply wrong. Because 9,900 students sat in a class taught by Angela Davis at one time or another at UCLA, they are all communists.

You guys are pea-brained fascistic one-party monolithic thinkers. Disgraceful.
Peach, often you're right, but on this issue, I believe you missed at least several important details leading to the US and over 40 Coalition countries decision to enter and reverse Saddam Hussein's egregious 24-year history of perpetrating war on its neighbors and its own people with Saddam adding the invective of telling his Arab buddies he was almost ready to flatten Israel with his secret nuclear ambitions while showing The UN inspectors Saddam's selection of nuclear sites, which of course, contained no nukes and his barring of them from sites international intelligence agencies suggested, gleaned from their broad knowledge base. Al Qaeda was in Iraq, and Saddam furnished them luxury trips from the lost fields of Afghanistan when he landed many jumbo jets at the Kabul airport to haul as many of them back to Iraq as he could the eve of their conceding Afghanistan to Coalition forces. In Iraq, the wounded were cared for, and all of them regrouped at undisclosed locations in Iraq to retrain to defeat the Coalition forces at a later time.

I also recommend that you read or reread if the case might be Madeline Albright's State Department notes if you can find a copy. There used to be a copy at MSNBC, but it was withdrawn several months prior to the 2004 presidential race in order to place the full onus on President Bush, not on the notes his state department inherited from the Clinton Administration that fully recommended and called for the takeout of Iraq's bloody regime because of the nuclear thread and because Saddam was creating war with his neighbors on a constant basis. The obfuscation of these notes, however, failed to take out President Bush, as people remembered that the World Trade Center suffered an attack in 1993 in which little was done to go after those in foreign countries who financed it. Saddam openly wrote checks of $25000 to families whose homicide bomber took out Israelis, and checks of $50000 if Americans were included in the carnage. I read of these things from several sources at the time they were happening. It was going on while Clinton was President through 2003 when Iraq was put to the test. At this point you may regard this post as hearsay. I'm just saying State Department memos that were stuffed into Sandy Berger's shoes and walked out of the Library of Congress were also executed to remove the onus from the Clinton administration and place it on the Bush administration far from removes the truth. Mr. Berger thought he was pulling a fast one, but he was apprehended from the first time he waltzed into the National Archives to steal evidence that would assure the American people Bush acted on a consistent basis with the preceding administration. He did.

It's dirty to steal from the National Archives. Mr. Berger got quite a hefty fine as his little wrist-slap, but not to worry. Guess who Hillary Clinton's campaign manager came to be.

pssst: Her Campaign Manager's name is Sandy Berger, convicted of attempting to steal documents from the National archive.

Conducting illegal acts against the people of the United States and its true history is a poor way of getting what George Soros wants for the Universe.

Saddam was hosting alQaeda in Iraq to make himself the ruler of a unified Middle East. That would have been absolute and unequivocal hell to pay.

I'm so sick of crimes perpetrated against the Bush Administration by the Clinton Administration and now by Obama, I could throw up on every thread where the hoax is still being proffered by people who don't know by failure to keep up with current events and chalking up everything their side did as righteous, even when it includes theft, corruption, prospering Nancy Pelosi's relatives with a U.S. Treasury money tree, letting cop killers like Obama pals Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn go free forever.


Brian V. McDonnell, murdered February, 1970, by a Weatherman bomb linked to Bernadette Dohrn and Bill Ayers
Pine Ridge Bomb Factory

Bill Ayers: "Sometimes in a revolution innocent people get killed."

Boobs like these two now man professorships in universities brainwashing young college students to revolt. That's why we have organizations like OWS demanding pantywaist concessions and being patted on the head in public speeches like the approving one of President Barack Obama last year when OWS started their troublemaking spree in cities across America.

Good post.

No it is not. It is misleading and simply wrong. Because 9,900 students sat in a class taught by Angela Davis at one time or another at UCLA, they are all communists.

You guys are pea-brained fascistic one-party monolithic thinkers. Disgraceful.

You're not even making any sense.

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