Obama: With Friends Like This.....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Dana Milbank is a columnist for the Washington Post who does a frustratingly good job of writing attack articles about Republicans and conservatives.

Not always.

You've gotta see this one...

1. "The preezy of the United Steezy is making me queasy

2. I’m not troubled by President Obama’s slow jam with Jimmy Fallon, who dubbed the commander in chief “preezy” during Obama’s appearance on late-night TV. No, preezy is making me queasy because his nonstop campaigning is looking, well, sleazy

3. According to statistics compiled for a book to be published this summer, the president has already set a record for total first-term fundraisers — 191...

4. ... in terms of events that benefit his reelection bid, Obama’s total (inflated in part by relaxed fundraising rules) exceeds the combined total of George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter.

5. The election is still six months away, but it’s increasingly difficult to distinguish Obama’s political events and speeches from the official ones.

6. ...he spoke to a group of trade-union leaders at the Washington Hilton. The event, the morning after he and Clinton made a joint fundraising appearance, was ostensibly an “official” speech to the AFL-CIO’s building trades section. But it was a campaign rally...

7. Rules separating the official and the political are flimsy, and even when a president’s campaign reimburses the Treasury, it’s for a tiny fraction of the cost, which includes $179,750 per hour to operate Air Force One.

8. As with his blessing of a super PAC after condemning such groups, ...Also, his fundraising total has been inflated by a rule change that allows him to hold events that jointly benefit him and the Democratic Party (although his total number of fundraising appearances still eclipses that of each recent predecessor).

9. Shouldn’t presidential leadership be about setting an example?... he is erasing the already blurred lines between campaigning and governing.

10. Obama said of the Republicans. “Not everything should be subject to politics.”
He should follow his own advice."
President Obama, campaigner in chief - The Washington Post

Can I summarize this piece, written by an inveterate Liberal Democrat?

'Obama has been a lazy hypocrite who avoids doing the job we're paying him to do!!!"

Dana Milbank! My new fav columnist.

November: the choice is clear....to everyone.

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