Which cities should the illegal aliens be resettled in?

Mexico city. Because NOBODY in the continental US should be saddled with these punk ass losers Illegals . Even the Sanctuary cities (nobody got to vote to allow this). Because somewhere buried deep in those cities, are Americans. So have pity and let's rethink this.
My choices are Democrat cities and inclaves.
Cape Cod
San Francisco
Beverly Hills

How about a city located anywhere else other than one in America.

Let me think this through . Abortion, otherwise known as infanticide, is fine and dandy. Displacing poor lower or middle class American workers are fine and dandy. Sanctuary cities for Illegal immigrants wasn't on any ballots, BTW. Nope. I have to wonder who is saying this? Not the rich upper class, oh no, they feel your pain. No, they hide in their billion dollar sanctuaries high away on mount Holierthanthou. Way over the rainbow. I have this feeling that this SJW progressive stuff came from groups manipulating Us Americans? And they are doing a bang up job...Kudos, who ever you are.
Send them all to California, since they all love the illegals they might as well hav them all
--------------------------------- looks like WeakAzzed 'cbp' getting ready to change diapers on make peanut butter sandwiches .
My choices are Democrat cities and inclaves.
Cape Cod
San Francisco
Beverly Hills

How about a city located anywhere else other than one in America.

---------------------------------- probably accurate as it looks like weak azzed 'cbp' getting ready to change invaders diapers or make them some peanut butter sandwiches .
Why is it the Blue SJW states (California looking at you) have this huge Unemployed homeless statistic and at the same time give sanctuary to illegal aliens from Guesswhatzitstan without the fiat of the people? And not talking about the funny little cars. You can vote on increasing the mill levy on say, taxing water runoff giving bus drivers raises or whatever. But allowing say, giving dem illegal alienz sanctuary? Fugetabout it! That is something way to important for us plebes to have a say in. Know what I mean?
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I live in a sanctuary city. I never asked for it. And as far as I can tell, nobody asked us Americans what we WANTED. Sanctuary cities remind me of the states rights issue before the civil war. Except now, the slaves and been turned into "migrants" and exploiting them is now some sort of saving grace. States rights to disobey federal immigration laws is EXACTLY like the confederates right to own slaves, it's just been redefined by the left as something else. I don't want these bastards here. Stop this legalization of exploitation of illegals, it's not a states right issue. Particularly when NOBODY got to vote on legalizing these chumps. Please don't penalize us even more.
the original question implies SURRENDER which i fully expect after seeing 'CBP' working for taxpayer money talk about the HUMANITARIAN Crisis at the border . Anyway , the invaders should be bundled up and dropped off on the southern side of the border . Boy , its my opinion that you guys and your offsping are screwed JMcqueen .
Cape Cod is not a city.


For now, merely a commune.
I heard Canada is looking for people to fill empty spaces...

What are you saying? Should all the U.S. citizens afraid of immigrants living in those cities pack up and move to Canada, leaving their houses to the immigrants?
Please tell me how did they buy homes if they are illegal, did the gov buy them for them.
------------------------ i suppose that they got loans !!
They should be sent to an island .....off the main continent

Really I mean it!

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