Which Candidate Will Be A Bigger Warmonger ?


VIP Member
Feb 26, 2014
Which Candidate Will Be A Bigger Warmonger ?
I shudder when I recall Hillary's flippant callous remarks about Benghazi. Trump thinks it will take a massive ground force to defeat ISIS. Ted Cruz wants carpet bombing.
Hold On America...War Is Coming !
What exactly do you mean by "warmonger?" I hear this term used quite often lately and it's as if you think there are people who sit around getting their rocks off sending boys off to fight wars. If there are people that deranged, they don't need to be in public office, period!

There are times when it becomes necessary for us to use our military. We have to protect our national interests and we have to defend our allies who we have agreed to defend as a matter of formal treaty. No president is going to up and start a war for no reason... or because he's bored and a warmonger! First off, Congress would not provide funding... so how's the war gonna happen?

Now, before "warmonger" became a popularized term among the pinhead masses, we used the terms "dove" and "hawk" to indicate if a politician was more inclined to use military as opposed to using unlimited diplomacy. Every war that we've ever fought was deliberated carefully before we entered it. Diplomatic efforts were futile and war was the final option. The "doves" tend to think diplomatic efforts are never futile and we should never give up hope on diplomacy... "hawks" believe in taking military action when diplomacy fails.
Trump has been very clear he has no intention of "playing" CIC,,,,,too many problems at home
War isn't always bad. Even among the left wing idiots (pardon the redundancy) war is perfectly fine and just as long as a Democrat wants it.

But partisan conciderations aside, wars are often necessary. Our declaration of war with Germany and Japan for example.

Now, the "war" on ISIS would be another example but so far it is little more than words.

It is more than likely that war will come to our doorstep soon. The real question is which leader would be better prepared for it. That leader certainly is
not the corrupt and incompetant Hillary Clinton.

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