Where's Your Stafford Act Money????


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
In a video from 2007 that would have refuted the proposition that Obama would be the first post-racial president it shows Obama blatantly race-baiting an almost exclusively black audience. He's seen telling the audience that New Orleans was getting screwed by the government when in fact New Orleans has gotten $108 billion dollars to repair itself and the other states he mentioned only a fraction of that. VIDEO: Obama speech praises Wright, attacks feds on Katrina | The Daily Caller

The video at that Daily Caller won't load so here is a you tube version.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Efi0bg97T5s]Obama 2007: '911 Victims Treated Better Than Victims of Hurricane Katrina' - YouTube[/ame]

This is not news to me but I think it may be news to some. It shows Obama claiming that because popular opinion said so, that New Orleans was getting screwed because New Orleans was black. It doesn't take into account all of the blacks that died during 9/11 or any of the blacks that were left homeless after hurricane Andrew. It's a classic case of race-baiting and I'm sure it would have sunk Obama's bid for president if it had come to light before the 2008 election.


“The people down in New Orleans they don’t care about as much!” Obama shouts in the video, which was shot in June of 2007 at Hampton University in Virginia. By contrast, survivors of Sept. 11 and Hurricane Andrew received generous amounts of aid, Obama explains. The reason? Unlike residents of majority-black New Orleans, the federal government considers those victims “part of the American family.”

The racially charged and at times angry speech undermines Obama’s carefully-crafted image as a leader eager to build bridges between ethnic groups. For nearly 40 minutes, using an accent he almost never adopts in public, Obama describes a racist, zero-sum society, in which the white majority profits by exploiting black America. The mostly black audience shouts in agreement. The effect is closer to an Al Sharpton rally than a conventional campaign event.
He's absolutely right.

The victims of 911 were treated better than any victims of natural disaster (or wars) in US history.

I do NOT think that's because most of those victims in NO were Black, though.

I think its because most of the victims of the 911 event worked for the MASTERS OF CAPITAL at the WTO.

Doubt me?

Well, how well were the civilian casualties of Pearl Harbor treated?

Did they get great big fat checks for their sorrows?

Hell no! they did not.
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He's absolutely right.

The victims of 911 were treated better than any vitims of natural disaster in US history.

I do NOT think that's because most of those victims in NO were Bla

New Orleans was being treated like every other disaster till they started showing videos of blacks wading through muddy water. Then the media saw an opportunity and jumped on it.

All of the sudden an area that has a very diverse racial makeup became exclusively black and opportunistic race-baiters like Obama jumped on it.

Billions of taxpayer dollars was pumped into New Orleans. People were getting government debit cards and paying for cosmetic surgery with them. The amounts just don't compare.
The point is Obama first made his bones by being another Al Sharpton and then proceeded to con everyone into thinking he was different.

As Joe Biden said; "He's clean and articulate".

He's also a racist.
He's absolutely right.

The victims of 911 were treated better than any victims of natural disaster (or wars) in US history.

I do NOT think that's because most of those victims in NO were Black, though.

I think its because most of the victims of the 911 event worked for the MASTERS OF CAPITAL at the WTO.

Doubt me?

Well, how well were the civilian casualties of Pearl Harbor treated?

Did they get great big fat checks for their sorrows?

Hell no! they did not.

Nor were they entitled to any aid. The Stafford Act was enacted in 1988, it was developed out of the Disaster and Relief Act of 1974. What was the provision that would have given aid to the victims of Pearl Harbor in 1944?
He's absolutely right.

The victims of 911 were treated better than any vitims of natural disaster in US history.

I do NOT think that's because most of those victims in NO were Bla

New Orleans was being treated like every other disaster till they started showing videos of blacks wading through muddy water. Then the media saw an opportunity and jumped on it.

All of the sudden an area that has a very diverse racial makeup became exclusively black and opportunistic race-baiters like Obama jumped on it.

Billions of taxpayer dollars was pumped into New Orleans. People were getting government debit cards and paying for cosmetic surgery with them. The amounts just don't compare.

I worked as a volunteer during the aftermath of Katrina. For weeks, I filled out paperwork issued debit cards and authorizations for medication refills. Then after a long days work for NO PAY I'd come home turn on the tv see people like Kanye West saying shit about Bush doesn't care about black people. It went on and on and on about how whites were evil and oppressive blah blah blah. that's when I threw in the towel. wtf?
He's absolutely right.

The victims of 911 were treated better than any vitims of natural disaster in US history.

I do NOT think that's because most of those victims in NO were Bla

New Orleans was being treated like every other disaster till they started showing videos of blacks wading through muddy water. Then the media saw an opportunity and jumped on it.

All of the sudden an area that has a very diverse racial makeup became exclusively black and opportunistic race-baiters like Obama jumped on it.

Billions of taxpayer dollars was pumped into New Orleans. People were getting government debit cards and paying for cosmetic surgery with them. The amounts just don't compare.

I worked as a volunteer during the aftermath of Katrina. For weeks, I filled out paperwork issued debit cards and authorizations for medication refills. Then after a long days work for NO PAY I'd come home turn on the tv see people like Kanye West saying shit about Bush doesn't care about black people. It went on and on and on about how whites were evil and oppressive blah blah blah. that's when I threw in the towel. wtf?

I worked as a volunteer during the aftermath of Katrina. I refuse to help people (not a single dime) but I did volunteer cleaning up abandoned pets for adoption. I never threw in the towel. HAD I done anything to help people, I surely would have thrown in the towel over the congressional hearings on how white people blew up the levees.
New Orleans was being treated like every other disaster till they started showing videos of blacks wading through muddy water. Then the media saw an opportunity and jumped on it.

All of the sudden an area that has a very diverse racial makeup became exclusively black and opportunistic race-baiters like Obama jumped on it.

Billions of taxpayer dollars was pumped into New Orleans. People were getting government debit cards and paying for cosmetic surgery with them. The amounts just don't compare.

I worked as a volunteer during the aftermath of Katrina. For weeks, I filled out paperwork issued debit cards and authorizations for medication refills. Then after a long days work for NO PAY I'd come home turn on the tv see people like Kanye West saying shit about Bush doesn't care about black people. It went on and on and on about how whites were evil and oppressive blah blah blah. that's when I threw in the towel. wtf?

I worked as a volunteer during the aftermath of Katrina. I refuse to help people (not a single dime) but I did volunteer cleaning up abandoned pets for adoption. I never threw in the towel. HAD I done anything to help people, I surely would have thrown in the towel over the congressional hearings on how white people blew up the levees.

I remember that. Good on you for helping the animals.
He's absolutely right.

The victims of 911 were treated better than any vitims of natural disaster in US history.

I do NOT think that's because most of those victims in NO were Bla

New Orleans was being treated like every other disaster till they started showing videos of blacks wading through muddy water. Then the media saw an opportunity and jumped on it.

All of the sudden an area that has a very diverse racial makeup became exclusively black and opportunistic race-baiters like Obama jumped on it.

Billions of taxpayer dollars was pumped into New Orleans. People were getting government debit cards and paying for cosmetic surgery with them. The amounts just don't compare.

Absolutely.... nary a mention of the fact that nearly all of Lakeview, New Orleans (about 90% white) was totally wiped out or that where I live, Metairie (again, predominately white), saw several feet of water.
What happened in Mississippi? Georgia? Alabama? There were seven states that suffered severe damage from Katrina but all we hear about is how bad the black people in New Orleans had it. Listening to democrats, the people in Mississippi had lollipops falling from a clear blue sky.

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