Obese news anchor whines on-air about bullying (criticism) over her size


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This is the new liberal tactic. Anyone who criticizes another is guilty of bullying!!!

Wisconsin TV Journalist Jennifer Livingston Fights Weight Criticism - UsMagazine.com

OCTOBER 3, 2012 AT 10:20AM

Jennifer Livingston has gone from reporting the news to becoming the news.

The WKBT News 8 anchor received a letter from disgruntled viewer Kenneth W. Krause, which Livingston read aloud on TV October 2. "It's unusual that I see your morning show, but I did so for a very short time today," Livingston quoted Krause as saying. "I was surprised indeed to witness that your physical condition hasn't improved for many years. Surely you don't consider yourself a suitable example for this community's young people, girls in particular."

Krause continued, "Obesity is one of the worst choices a person can make and one of the most dangerous habits to maintain. I leave you this note hoping that you'll reconsider your responsibility as a local public personality to present and promote a healthy lifestyle."

Wisconsin-based Livingston then addressed Krause directly, telling viewers, "The truth is, I am overweight. You could call me fat, even obese, on a doctor's chart. But, to the person who wrote me that letter, do you think I don't know that? That your cruel words are pointing out something I don't see?"

"You don't know me. You are not a friend of mine," Livingston continued. "You are not a part of my family and you have admitted that you don't watch this show, so you know nothing about me but what you see on the outside. And I am much more than a number on a scale."
The fatter Americans are the better. The Social Security problem will be fixed if most people die before they can collect. Shorter life spans mean lower ObamaCare costs too.

So eat that bag of donuts! Eat that entire chocolate cake! The country is depending on you!
The left has not quite gotten to legislating good health, but they are working on it.
The guy sent her a private email that did not IMO attack her as she alleged. He simply stated the facts about obesity. Then, she and her husband chose to go public with it and then she attacks him for being a bully!

And she's supposed to be a journalist? Where'd she go to school, the U of W at the peoples' republic of Madison?
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The guy sent her a private email that did not IMO attack her as she alleged. He simply stated the facts about obesity. Then, she and her husband chose to go public with it and then she attacks him for being a bully!

I thought that was strange too. Obviously she wants to make an issue of this. May have sent the e-mail to herself. Another PR stunt masquerading as news.
The left has not quite gotten to legislating good health, but they are working on it.

I don't get this. Why have you lurched from someone's criticism of fatties to left/right politics? Not everything can be blamed on Rush's "liberuls," you know.

Perhaps you should seek a life.
I don't think the emailer was trying to point out something she couldn't see, but rather wondering if she could address the weight issue and be an even better role model to everyone.

Isn't this basically the same message as Michelle Obama? Let's Move!
I'm fat. No, I'm more than fat, I'm obese. I had a health problem that pretty much left me unable to move around much an I bloated like a beached whale. The good news is that I'm now losing the excess.

The question is, how much is too much?

Weight/height charts have been altered over the years, lowering weight limits.

Where once a size 5 was desireable, now models can't be any bigger than a size two.

Prince Charles teased Lady Di about being fat - at a time when she was bulemic. Princess Kate is a bonebag. Any woman on tv is expected to be very thin. Yet men can look like Rush Limbaugh or Karl Rove and that's okay.

You want to get grossed out, search "Pro-Ana" on Youtube. Anorexia kills.

Yes, extreme weight does too, but there's nothing wrong with a woman being a size 12-18. Funny thing, plus-size models are often a size 10.

That news anchor was a bit big, but not dangerously so. Does having a few extra pounds make her unable to understand the news? Is the entirety of that station's viewers rail-thin?

The guy that wrote that letteris a size-ist. It's the new hate group.
I don't think the emailer was trying to point out something she couldn't see, but rather wondering if she could address the weight issue and be an even better role model to everyone.

Isn't this basically the same message as Michelle Obama? Let's Move!
She was interviewed with her husband and it was revealed that she runs marathons and is overweight not from a lack of exercise but a thyroid condition. That is why she told the bully that he doesn't know her!

From the OP:

Wisconsin-based Livingston then addressed Krause directly, telling viewers, "The truth is, I am overweight. You could call me fat, even obese, on a doctor's chart. But, to the person who wrote me that letter, do you think I don't know that? That your cruel words are pointing out something I don't see?"

"You don't know me. You are not a friend of mine," Livingston continued. "You are not a part of my family and you have admitted that you don't watch this show, so you know nothing about me but what you see on the outside. And I am much more than a number on a scale."
That news anchor was a bit big, but not dangerously so. Does having a few extra pounds make her unable to understand the news? .

She's just a newsreader meaning she's an entertainer and that means looks matter. You fatties want laws forcing the casting director of "Cinderalla" to hire rosie odonell.
She was interviewed with her husband and it was revealed that she runs marathons and is overweight not from a lack of exercise but a thyroid condition. That is why she told the bully that he doesn't know her!

HAHAHA. Stop with that "thyroid condition" BS. Every fatty says that. Fact remains she could take off the weight but refuses to do so. She chose to go into a field where looks are important and deserves all the criticism she gets.
That news anchor was a bit big, but not dangerously so. Does having a few extra pounds make her unable to understand the news? .

She's just a newsreader meaning she's an entertainer and that means looks matter. You fatties want laws forcing the casting director of "Cinderalla" to hire rosie odonell.

No, I don't. No overweight woman would say anything of the sort. We also wouldn't want that emaciated little Olsen twin to get the part.
ShootSpeeders;6099334 HAHAHA. Stop with that "thyroid condition" BS. Every fatty says that. Fact remains she could take off the weight but refuses to do so. She chose to go into a field where looks are important and deserves all the criticism she gets.[/QUOTE said:
No, not all of us.

Weight should not be a factor in newscasting. It doesn't relate to one's ability to sit down and talk. As far as "looks" go, she's not unattractive. Rush Limbaugh is unattractive. Bill O'Reilley looks like Gollum.
[Weight should not be a factor in newscasting. It doesn't relate to one's ability to sit down and talk. As far as "looks" go, she's not unattractive. Rush Limbaugh is unattractive. Bill O'Reilley looks like Gollum.

So now you libulals want the govt setting weight standards for entertainers?
That news anchor was a bit big, but not dangerously so. Does having a few extra pounds make her unable to understand the news?
"A few extra pounds" is how SFC Ollie described himself... right before he had his quadruple bypass surgery.

Americans are fat AND delusional.
The piece of shit who wrote the letter is so concerned about it maybe he should look in the mirror. Oh and thyroid is a real problem my father and mother are diagnosed with that..I just had gastric bypass surgery 8 days ago to lose weight so far so good...you want to be a douche bag who has such low self esteem you have to pick on fat people. GET A FUCKING LIFE. Oh and grow a set as well.

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