Where was the "insurrection" term used by the MSM during the 10/4/18 take over of the capitol by rioters?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So what is the difference between 300 people arrested on 10/4/18 when they took over the capitol and 1/6/21?
MSM coverage! Remember folks... the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and lost in 2016, spent the next 4 years with TDS reporting, donated 90% in 2020 to Biden and now???

A new study shows President Joe Biden has received less negative coverage from U.S. media than any president in the last 30 years.
The study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden’s first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%),
George W. Bush (28%),
Barack Obama (20%), and
Donald Trump (62%) all saw more negative coverage than Biden

On October 4, 2018, taking over the Capitol was just another form of protest.
On that date, The Hill reported, “More than 300 people were taken into custody by police on Capitol Hill after descending on a pair of Senate office buildings Thursday afternoon to protest the confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.
“The vast majority of the arrests, 293, were a result of protests in the Hart Senate Office Building, where protesters crowded in the atrium. Loud chants could be heard throughout the building, which is structured so the hallways of each floor open up and look out onto the first floor.

“Those arrested in Hart were charged with crowding, obstructing or incommoding, according to Capitol Police. Another nine people were arrested on the fourth floor of Dirksen Senate Office Building and charged with unlawful demonstrations.”
Google search 1,690,000 results... Google search for
Screen Shot 2021-06-26 at 9.58.34 AM.png

But with Trump ...15,400,000 results... were there any hearings, investigations, etc...
Screen Shot 2021-06-26 at 9.58.14 AM.png
So what is the difference between 300 people arrested on 10/4/18 when they took over the capitol and 1/6/21?
MSM coverage! Remember folks... the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and lost in 2016, spent the next 4 years with TDS reporting, donated 90% in 2020 to Biden and now???

A new study shows President Joe Biden has received less negative coverage from U.S. media than any president in the last 30 years.
The study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden’s first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%),
George W. Bush (28%),
Barack Obama (20%), and
Donald Trump (62%) all saw more negative coverage than Biden

On October 4, 2018, taking over the Capitol was just another form of protest.
On that date, The Hill reported, “More than 300 people were taken into custody by police on Capitol Hill after descending on a pair of Senate office buildings Thursday afternoon to protest the confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.
“The vast majority of the arrests, 293, were a result of protests in the Hart Senate Office Building, where protesters crowded in the atrium. Loud chants could be heard throughout the building, which is structured so the hallways of each floor open up and look out onto the first floor.

“Those arrested in Hart were charged with crowding, obstructing or incommoding, according to Capitol Police. Another nine people were arrested on the fourth floor of Dirksen Senate Office Building and charged with unlawful demonstrations.”
Google search 1,690,000 results... Google search for
View attachment 505786

But with Trump ...15,400,000 results... were there any hearings, investigations, etc...
View attachment 505789
How much damage did they do skippy? What was the intent--was it to stop the peaceful transfer of power? No.

But here are some quotes from your source:
Screen Shot 2021-06-26 at 10.12.05 AM.png

Wow...you mean 300+ left wing demonstrators were arrested? But...but....but you guys said that the left wing protesters never get arrested? Were you just lying?

How much damage did they do skippy? What was the intent--was it to stop the peaceful transfer of power? No.

Really Nazi? The intent of the Insurrectionists on 10/4 was not to stop the peaceful transfer of judicial power?

Nazi cvnts like you are incapable of being truthful.

But here are some quotes from your source:
View attachment 505791
Wow...you mean 300+ left wing demonstrators were arrested? But...but....but you guys said that the left wing protesters never get arrested? Were you just lying?

Oddly, when the Reich Insurrectionists occupied the Capitol, they weren't held as political prisoners in solitary for 6 months without charge, much less trials. But Trump was President and never would have stood for such flagrant abuse of civil rights.

Your filthy Reich has crushed the Bill Of Rights now, times have changed.
Problem is leftists are tarded. The reasons are primarily because:

1. They're not rational people, they think in feelings. The left has them convinced they're victims and they cling to victim roles.

2. They're intellectually dishonest.

3. They're mentally lazy.

4. They're dependent.

They don't think but allow Pelosi types and media do their thinking for them, and they're too lost to recognize it's all BS, projection and distraction.
Problem is leftists are tarded. The reasons are primarily because:

1. They're not rational people,
Your side lost the prez election and more than half of you don't believe it. Think about that the next time you accuse the left of being irrational.

I know, you get lost in shit. Rational people know what happened, we can do math, apply common sense, we comprehend your party's propaganda, scare tactics and exploitation of all things. We don't expect some young Demonicrat loving punk to get it.
Problem is leftists are tarded. The reasons are primarily because:

1. They're not rational people,
Your side lost the prez election and more than half of you don't believe it. Think about that the next time you accuse the left of being irrational.

Considering at 10pm Trump was ahead in all 6 key swing states when the polling places closed and counting ceased and when people woke up that next morning he was behind in EVERY SINGLE ONE no nobody believes Trump lost. That has never happened in the history of our nation.

Also on election night there were states where Trump was ahead by the same margin or MORE than candidates in the past who had that state called for them yet NONE of the MSM called those states for Trump.

Again, never happened before in an election. I can't find someone who voted for Biden, but Trump supporters are everywhere. So no I don't believe Biden got 81 million votes when Trump gained 10 million running for his 2nd term. There are just too many "never happened before" moments in this election that can't be explained away other than "shut up Biden won" which makes it look even MORE peculiar.

The fact that democrats were fighting for people's right to vote without an ID or any way to verify their vote was legit made it even MORE peculiar still.
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Problem is leftists are tarded. The reasons are primarily because:

1. They're not rational people,
Your side lost the prez election and more than half of you don't believe it. Think about that the next time you accuse the left of being irrational.

Considering at 10pm Trump was ahead in all 6 key swing states when the polling places closed and counting ceased and when people woke up that next morning he was behind in EVERY SINGLE ONE no nobody believes Trump lost. That has never happened in the history of our nation.

Also on election night there were states where Trump was ahead by the same margin or MORE than candidates in the past who had that state called for them yet NONE of the MSM called those states for Trump.

Again, never happened before in an election. I can't find someone who voted for Biden, but Trump supporters are everywhere. So no I don't believe Biden got 81 million votes when Trump gained 10 million running for his 2nd term. There are just too many "never happened before" moments in this election that can't be explained away other than "shut up Biden won" which makes it look even MORE peculiar.

You're thinking rationally, that has no place in PROG-terms.

Don't forget the mail-in ballots the Demonicrats invented and put USPS in charge of (COUGH!). The States allowed ballot soliciting along with it.

Bet your bottom dollar lazy voting attracts Democrats most, because after all, they're the most physically and mentally lazy of us, otherwise they wouldn't vote Democrat. They're also the most vulnerable due their dependencies.

I'd like to see the statistics for percentage of mail-in votes, you can bet they swung highly Demonicrat.
How much damage did they do skippy? What was the intent--was it to stop the peaceful transfer of power? No.

Really Nazi? The intent of the Insurrectionists on 10/4 was not to stop the peaceful transfer of judicial power?

Nazi cvnts like you are incapable of being truthful.
You're imagining things that didn't happen. For one matter, there are 9 justices; not one. For another thing, had they stormed the capitol during the vote and made the Senators run for their life...you would have a point. Here is the "panic" the senate staffers felt:

Screen Shot 2021-06-26 at 11.18.31 AM.png

That comes from the OP's source. Sorry...your conspiracy theory (or the latest one anyway) doesn't fly. LOL
But here are some quotes from your source:
View attachment 505791
Wow...you mean 300+ left wing demonstrators were arrested? But...but....but you guys said that the left wing protesters never get arrested? Were you just lying?

Oddly, when the Reich Insurrectionists occupied the Capitol, they weren't held as political prisoners in solitary for 6 months without charge, much less trials. But Trump was President and never would have stood for such flagrant abuse of civil rights.

Your filthy Reich has crushed the Bill Of Rights now, times have changed.
Yeah, well they injured 140 cops and killed another one.

Try again fuck face.
So what is the difference between 300 people arrested on 10/4/18 when they took over the capitol and 1/6/21?
MSM coverage! Remember folks... the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and lost in 2016, spent the next 4 years with TDS reporting, donated 90% in 2020 to Biden and now???

A new study shows President Joe Biden has received less negative coverage from U.S. media than any president in the last 30 years.
The study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden’s first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%),
George W. Bush (28%),
Barack Obama (20%), and
Donald Trump (62%) all saw more negative coverage than Biden

On October 4, 2018, taking over the Capitol was just another form of protest.
On that date, The Hill reported, “More than 300 people were taken into custody by police on Capitol Hill after descending on a pair of Senate office buildings Thursday afternoon to protest the confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.
“The vast majority of the arrests, 293, were a result of protests in the Hart Senate Office Building, where protesters crowded in the atrium. Loud chants could be heard throughout the building, which is structured so the hallways of each floor open up and look out onto the first floor.

“Those arrested in Hart were charged with crowding, obstructing or incommoding, according to Capitol Police. Another nine people were arrested on the fourth floor of Dirksen Senate Office Building and charged with unlawful demonstrations.”
Google search 1,690,000 results... Google search for
View attachment 505786

But with Trump ...15,400,000 results... were there any hearings, investigations, etc...
View attachment 505789

They weren’t violent they didn’t attack the police. They didn’t break into the building nor was it locked to them.

They protested within the limits of the law and those who went beyond the law were arrested. But there no injuries, and no one died.
Problem is leftists are tarded. The reasons are primarily because:

1. They're not rational people,
Your side lost the prez election and more than half of you don't believe it. Think about that the next time you accuse the left of being irrational.
It was what was elected that has caused this. Lifetime know it all that are honored to work for us. And they are terrible. Change their views on a whim to stay in power.
Problem is leftists are tarded. The reasons are primarily because:

1. They're not rational people,
Your side lost the prez election and more than half of you don't believe it. Think about that the next time you accuse the left of being irrational.
It was what was elected that has caused this. Lifetime know it all that are honored to work for us. And they are terrible. Change their views on a whim to stay in power.

Yes, Trump’s election and his failure as a President is what caused Democrats to turn out in record numbers to throw this corrupt slimy piece of shit out of office.

On both occasions when Democrats impeached President Trump, for his corrupt and criminal behaviours, Republicans refused to convict him in the Senate saying that the people elected Trump and the people should be allowed to give their verdict on his Administration.

But when the people rendered their verdict on the Trump administration, Republicans refused to except that verdict just as they refused to acknowledge that Trump is a criminal ConMan.

Republican refusal to accept truth and reality has brought you to this point but the reality is that no leader of the republican party has ever claimed that Donald Trump won the election. And it’s time you clowns faced reality
Problem is leftists are tarded. The reasons are primarily because:

1. They're not rational people,
Your side lost the prez election and more than half of you don't believe it. Think about that the next time you accuse the left of being irrational.
It was what was elected that has caused this. Lifetime know it all that are honored to work for us. And they are terrible. Change their views on a whim to stay in power.

Yes, Trump’s election and his failure as a President is what caused Democrats to turn out in record numbers to throw this corrupt slimy piece of shit out of office.

On both occasions when Democrats impeached President Trump, for his corrupt and criminal behaviours, Republicans refused to convict him in the Senate saying that the people elected Trump and the people should be allowed to give their verdict on his Administration.

But when the people rendered their verdict on the Trump administration, Republicans refused to except that verdict just as they refused to acknowledge that Trump is a criminal ConMan.

Republican refusal to accept truth and reality has brought you to this point but the reality is that no leader of the republican party has ever claimed that Donald Trump won the election. And it’s time you clowns faced reality

So they voted for Joe Biden? One of the most corrupt politicians to ever hold political office?
So what is the difference between 300 people arrested on 10/4/18 when they took over the capitol and 1/6/21?
MSM coverage! Remember folks... the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and lost in 2016, spent the next 4 years with TDS reporting, donated 90% in 2020 to Biden and now???

A new study shows President Joe Biden has received less negative coverage from U.S. media than any president in the last 30 years.
The study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden’s first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%),
George W. Bush (28%),
Barack Obama (20%), and
Donald Trump (62%) all saw more negative coverage than Biden

On October 4, 2018, taking over the Capitol was just another form of protest.
On that date, The Hill reported, “More than 300 people were taken into custody by police on Capitol Hill after descending on a pair of Senate office buildings Thursday afternoon to protest the confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.
“The vast majority of the arrests, 293, were a result of protests in the Hart Senate Office Building, where protesters crowded in the atrium. Loud chants could be heard throughout the building, which is structured so the hallways of each floor open up and look out onto the first floor.

“Those arrested in Hart were charged with crowding, obstructing or incommoding, according to Capitol Police. Another nine people were arrested on the fourth floor of Dirksen Senate Office Building and charged with unlawful demonstrations.”
Google search 1,690,000 results... Google search for
View attachment 505786

But with Trump ...15,400,000 results... were there any hearings, investigations, etc...
View attachment 505789
How much damage did they do skippy? What was the intent--was it to stop the peaceful transfer of power? No.

But here are some quotes from your source:
View attachment 505791
Wow...you mean 300+ left wing demonstrators were arrested? But...but....but you guys said that the left wing protesters never get arrested? Were you just lying?

Insurrection of Democrat Mob of March 2018


Problem is leftists are tarded. The reasons are primarily because:

1. They're not rational people,
Your side lost the prez election and more than half of you don't believe it. Think about that the next time you accuse the left of being irrational.
Interesting since you irrational left wing loons cried about Russia for 4 years.
So what is the difference between 300 people arrested on 10/4/18 when they took over the capitol and 1/6/21?
MSM coverage! Remember folks... the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and lost in 2016, spent the next 4 years with TDS reporting, donated 90% in 2020 to Biden and now???

A new study shows President Joe Biden has received less negative coverage from U.S. media than any president in the last 30 years.
The study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden’s first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%),
George W. Bush (28%),
Barack Obama (20%), and
Donald Trump (62%) all saw more negative coverage than Biden

On October 4, 2018, taking over the Capitol was just another form of protest.
On that date, The Hill reported, “More than 300 people were taken into custody by police on Capitol Hill after descending on a pair of Senate office buildings Thursday afternoon to protest the confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.
“The vast majority of the arrests, 293, were a result of protests in the Hart Senate Office Building, where protesters crowded in the atrium. Loud chants could be heard throughout the building, which is structured so the hallways of each floor open up and look out onto the first floor.

“Those arrested in Hart were charged with crowding, obstructing or incommoding, according to Capitol Police. Another nine people were arrested on the fourth floor of Dirksen Senate Office Building and charged with unlawful demonstrations.”
Google search 1,690,000 results... Google search for
View attachment 505786

But with Trump ...15,400,000 results... were there any hearings, investigations, etc...
View attachment 505789
How much damage did they do skippy? What was the intent--was it to stop the peaceful transfer of power? No.

But here are some quotes from your source:
View attachment 505791
Wow...you mean 300+ left wing demonstrators were arrested? But...but....but you guys said that the left wing protesters never get arrested? Were you just lying?

Insurrection of Democrat Mob of March 2018


Anita Hill got a majority of the electoral votes?

What year was that?

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