Where is Wild Bill When You Need Him?


Sep 23, 2010

You do not have to be Wild Bill Donovan to figure out what is going on here:

The secretive head of the agency’s National Clandestine Service is retiring amid reports of infighting over a reorganization of the intelligence service.


Archibald’s retirement comes at a transitional moment for the CIA. The agency’s director, John Brennan, is considering major changes to the agency’s structure, including the possible creation of new intelligence centers and doing away with the traditional division of CIA into its analysis group and the clandestine service.

“This would be to their mind the greatest threat to their independence since they were created as the Directorate of Plans back in 1951.”

Shane Harris
Exclusive: CIA’s Top Spy Steps Down

Exclusive CIA s Top Spy Steps Down - The Daily Beast

Clarification: Analysis group is Democrat doublespeak for political decisions determining what the CIA’s clandestine service is permitted, and not permitted, to do in foreign countries. I’d go so far as to say: CIA permission is required from the United Nations.

I knew one thing way back at the height of the Cold War —— ‘Never let Democrats come anywhere near an intelligence agency.’

Creating DHS (Department of Homeland Security) and, more importantly, the creation of a DNI (Director of Nation Intelligence) finally gave Democrats the entire intelligence community. All of that consolidation accomplished one thing. The DNI can weed out every intelligence agency officer who remains loyal to the country rather than working for the Democrat party’s worldwide political agenda. In the past it was too risky for the president to purge loyal intelligence officers doing it agency by agency as he did with the military. The DNI was created to do the dirty work in order to keep the blame away from the president.

Under the intelligence community structure that was created after 9-11-2001, Democrats got everything they lusted after throughout the Cold War. Had Democrat traitors controlled every intelligence agency during the Cold War the Soviet Union would still be threatening this country and the world. Today, Cold War traitors control the entire intelligence community which they are rapidly transforming into a branch of Socialism’s anti-America sovereignty.

NOTE: The piece of garbage in the White House added Islam to the list of known enemies the intelligence community cannot touch. Intelligence agencies are still permitted to go after ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and assorted enemy combatants.

Finally, John Brennan is just the guy to carry out the president’s plans for the CIA without involving the DNI. Do a little research on Brennan’s career in the intelligence field and you will see that his résumé leaves a lot to be desired. He’s been wrapped up in Democrat party politics for decades, including Bill Clinton’s United Nations agenda.

In my interpretation, Brennan’s intelligence activities on behalf of Republican administrations always appeared less than enthusiastic. Disagree with my interpretation if you must and you will see that Brennan has not been a model of competence in service of the country’s sovereignty. Brennan’s incompetence has well-served Bill Clinton, Taqiyya the Liar, and last but not least then-Senator Joe Biden and vice president while the country lost ground in every foreign arena. Check it out. You’ll find a hundred media pieces criticizing foreign dangers to every one media piece that says the opposite. You know the country is in trouble when the media expresses doubts about the federal government.

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