Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?

^ I'd love to see how many USMB rightwingers will, or have already, condemned this sort of racism, or did they just sit silently because he's a registered conservative and/or Republican like themselves.

Says the lil racist negroid bitch slave who himself uses the avatar of a known hard core racist.

what fucking irony huh?
I love how he calls one death a massacre.
Yes, I took some liberties, exaggerations if you will. But it was for a good cause, a precious American white girl. You should be pleased.

I suspect that I won't be seeing any such liberties taken nor exaggerations from you in the future if and when it presents itself?

Who needs to exaggerate with the left?
There are hours and hours of video proof.
^ I'd love to see how many USMB rightwingers will, or have already, condemned this sort of racism, or did they just sit silently because he's a registered conservative and/or Republican like themselves.

Says the lil racist negroid bitch slave who himself uses the avatar of a known hard core racist.

what a fucking irony huh?
Don't they have a right to protest? are you saying they don't?
How did your brain come to the conclusion that I don't believe that they have the right to protest? Where are you getting that from?
Protesting against nazis is not intolerance towards conservative views. Conservatives are not nazis......

Okay, MOST conservatives are not nazis.
The simple FACT that ALL USMB posters that have taken the DEFENSIVE position on the Nazis are all self-professed conservatives and/or Republicans says you may have to rethink that line of thought.
Show me what a Man will Kill and Die for, and I'll show you what he values. Show me what a Man wkll not Kill and Die for, and I'll show you what he cares not about.

I have no doubt we'll find out this driver was not a Conservative, but until he's found and the investigation carried out, that's all I'm gonna say.
Guy was found. Yup he's one of yours . A proud neonazi.
Michael Moore has the correct moral outrage:

OMG. What did we just watch? He blamed the anti-racism protesters. He likened George Washington to Robert E. Lee. Donald. Trump. Fuck. You.
I just joined this board; is everyone on here for real? This is some scary stuff.

Doesn't seem much point asking folk to condemn the ethics of the marchers because several of them support those ethics.

Either that or they hide behind perceived equivalents from a previous administration which, right or wrong, are hardly a justification.

My view: Trump showed his true beliefs and his personality over the last few days. He read a passionless prepared statement of condemnation followed by a passionate unscripted attack on the Antifa. The words were almost secondary to his level of engagement in each case. This shows that he clearly has a level of sympathy with the KKK marchers and also cannot bear being told, even by his own team, to admit that he was wrong (in his initial handling of the situation). He had to lash out and have, effectively, a tantrum live on air. Astonishing immaturity and lack of self-control from any adult, let alone one in office.

And by spending more time and energy condemning the violence he gave disproportionate attention to the secondary issue, not to the primary. Violence is really not going to win you any friends or sympathy in general, and the Antifa made a big mistake in doing this. It allowed Trump, and others, to deflect the discussion to this issue which, whilst serious, is incomparable with the far bigger issue; a KKK march being held in middle America, headed by a man who effectively said on camera that he drew strength from Trump and his endorsement.

Do i condemn the use of violence from Antifa? Yes of course.

Do I condemn the KKK march, the words of their leader and the subsequent deflection by Trump to focus on the violence rather than the root cause? Yes, far far more.

Free speech is not an absolute right without exception. Not if it transgresses other laws such as those around inciting hatred, even if done in a non-violent manner.

As to the question of Trump's time in office? First and foremost a leader is judged by the effect they have on the mood of the nation. Trump, intentional or otherwise, has presided over a period of division and unrest unparalleled in recent US history. This is unarguable, whatever you think the cause, and it is down to him to fix.
Pretty. Damn. Good.


Welcome to the terror drome, I mean, uhm...the board.
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What happened was one hate filled group of disgusting human beings went looking for a fight with another group of hate filled human beings.

When that happens, best to just let it play out.

Horrible as it sounds. It would end there and then.
Actually no, that's not what happened, but thanks for trying.

Guy was found. Yup he's one of yours . A proud neonazi.

Humorously enough I'm not a Nazi. I'm not even a racist. I have no issues with people of multiple skin tones, religious backgrounds, etc... So long as their allegiance is to the United States before whatever skin tone or religion they happen to be part of.
The only people on this board that loves the KKK, are the same people that root for Putin and Russian Collusion, who root for Kim Jung Un and Nuclear War, who defend Obama Bin Lying's financial support of Al Queda, Al Nusra and The Muslim Brotherhood, who support the Genocide of their own people through a Nazi inspired Organization called Planned Parenthood. And who have no issues selling our Uranium to Russia and taking $145 Milion in bribes as a Thank You Hillary!

These same people applaud, defend and support the sexualization of Children and defend Transgenerational Sex with Babies and pass laws Legalizing Prostitution of 13 Year Olds.

The Left loves the KKK because they do their dirty work for them, same as BLM and ANTIFA & ISIS & Mexican Drug Cartels and their criminal gangs infiltrating The US.
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Obama embraced black lives matter even after one of their sympathizer, and a racist, murdered 5 police officers in Dallas......
I just joined this board; is everyone on here for real? This is some scary stuff.

Doesn't seem much point asking folk to condemn the ethics of the marchers because several of them support those ethics.

Either that or they hide behind perceived equivalents from a previous administration which, right or wrong, are hardly a justification.

My view: Trump showed his true beliefs and his personality over the last few days. He read a passionless prepared statement of condemnation followed by a passionate unscripted attack on the Antifa. The words were almost secondary to his level of engagement in each case. This shows that he clearly has a level of sympathy with the KKK marchers and also cannot bear being told, even by his own team, to admit that he was wrong (in his initial handling of the situation). He had to lash out and have, effectively, a tantrum live on air. Astonishing immaturity and lack of self-control from any adult, let alone one in office.

And by spending more time and energy condemning the violence he gave disproportionate attention to the secondary issue, not to the primary. Violence is really not going to win you any friends or sympathy in general, and the Antifa made a big mistake in doing this. It allowed Trump, and others, to deflect the discussion to this issue which, whilst serious, is incomparable with the far bigger issue; a KKK march being held in middle America, headed by a man who effectively said on camera that he drew strength from Trump and his endorsement.

Do i condemn the use of violence from Antifa? Yes of course.

Do I condemn the KKK march, the words of their leader and the subsequent deflection by Trump to focus on the violence rather than the root cause? Yes, far far more.

Free speech is not an absolute right without exception. Not if it transgresses other laws such as those around inciting hatred, even if done in a non-violent manner.

As to the question of Trump's time in office? First and foremost a leader is judged by the effect they have on the mood of the nation. Trump, intentional or otherwise, has presided over a period of division and unrest unparalleled in recent US history. This is unarguable, whatever you think the cause, and it is down to him to fix.
Pretty. Damn. Good.


Welcome to the terror drome, I mean, uhm...the board.

Thanks buddy. Two other people responded; I literally have no idea what they were talking about!

It's not only recent events but the 'debate' around them which leads me to believe there is a greater level of moral bankruptcy than ever previously.

Or maybe it is just social media which has given everyone a voice, no matter how 'qualified' they are to use it.

As a society where do we go from here I wonder?

If you haven't seen it already watch the Jimmy Kimmel skit; some light relief without being distasteful....

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