Where is Sandra Fluke these days ?

I'm afraid it's on record.

You live in a cave that has internet so you can post here --- and somehow this escaped you?

What the hell do you think this thread is about?
Fluke, in the testimony referred to, never mentioned "slut". Matter of fact she never even mentioned sex. Limblob made all that shit up.

So to correct your last line, Limblob pushed that lie. Even had to come back with a walletfelt apology (meaning sponsors were abandoning ship) on that weekend -- a time when he doesn't even work.

If that's not sad enough, check out all the "slut" comments here, almost two years later, by the pig-ignorant as if it's a valid description -- even after Limblob backed up and went on to attack other unrelated women. Now that's what I call denialist pig-ignorance.

That's the makeup of your team, IA. Take the shame.

Who gives a flying fuck what Rush said about her...

The dumbass bitch went before congress bragging a out fucking so much she couldn't afford rubbers or the pill.
That makes her one of two things.
A liar
A self admitted whore

Horseshit. She said no such things, not even remotely close.

Guess what that makes you.

Not stupid like you because I can read between the lines.

"Since reality won't give me what I want, I'll just make up my own".

Struck out on the quote search, didja?
I saw that coming. Do your fuckin' homework next time.

Two points.
1. I didn't do a quote search idiot.
2. This topic nor you is worth even half that effort.

We all know she's a slut & with that I'll leave you to rant on in your little protected bubble.

We do huh?
Based on what?

-- exactly.

Good call not bothering to quote-search. You've been around long enough to know I never bluff.
Well let's check in once again on the Cliff's notes for this thread and see where we are on this vital topic. Volume 2, the extended play version:
Sitting on a dick.

I believe she died of syphillis......:(

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

And she wants other people to pay that $3,000, she said.
Isn't there a name for people who have sex with multiple partners and demand that others pay for it?

Romney didn't lose votes because of some slut.

She's whoring around somewhere, beggin' for money... it's what Leftists do.

Fucking or sucking her way to the top of the democratic party?

Out begging for free dildos somewhere no doubt... Its a womans human right !

She's a slut, she made it public herself, and she will always be known as a slut the same way Monica Lewinski will always be known for giving blow jobs to Clinton.

Sandy Fluke is the Democrat equivalent of a used condom. The Dems used her...shot their wad....and threw her away. :D
Let that be a lesson to women everywhere.

Sandra sealed her own fate by telling the world she is a slut. Doesn't matter what Rush said, doesn't matter what any of us say. She said it herself when she announced the cost of her birth control. She has been relegated to insignificance by her own words. She'll never be taken seriously and will always be a reference to dirty jokes and she has no one to blame but herself.

Well put. Now they're trying to distance themselves from the slut.

Sucking dick in an ABS.

What's sad is she spends $3,000 a year on rubbers, and still can't get anyone to fuck her.... :eusa_whistle:

(WTG Pothead, you made it!)

Sandra Fluk is demanding people stay out of her bedroom and uterus, then demanding people to pay for her birth control. Typical selfish hypocritical leftist beast.

What da hell's an "ABS"? :dunno:
Absolute slut?
Right? As if there's another kind ... .
There may be, but Fluke is absolute by any standard.

Yet, she defined herself as a slut.

Women like Sandra Fluk are sluts. Ignorant nasty trash leftist sluts.

Sandra Fluk is a lying leftist selfish slut.

Rush never called the slut a slut and certainly not other women. Liberals pushed that lie.
(before he got schooled with video)

The dumbass bitch went before congress bragging a out fucking so much she couldn't afford rubbers or the pill.
That makes her one of two things.
A liar
A self admitted whore
(actually since she said nothing of the kind it makes the poster one of two things -- if not both)

She only wanted to be paid for services rendered......

A woman who says that she literally 'cannot afford enough contraceptives to cover her sexual needs... there's no reality, wherein that is not a down the middle S L U T ... in every possible sense of the word.

You seem awfully pissed off over people calling a slut a slut.

There is no war on women. There is, however, a concerted effort to expose and destroy the false narrative and lies by leftist political operatives like Sandra (slut) Fluk.

We all know she's a slut & with that I'll leave you to rant on in your little protected bubble.
(/runs away)

Illustrative, if predictable. "Slut" this, "whore" that, "sitting on a dick" the other. All personal -- no issues. Don't debate; demonize and destroy. Slander over substance --- says a lot.

But let's all remember (clicks heels together three times) --
"there's no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women..."

Last edited:
Well let's check in once again on the Cliff's notes for this thread and see where we are on this vital topic. Volume 2, the extended play version:
Sitting on a dick.

I believe she died of syphillis......:(

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

And she wants other people to pay that $3,000, she said.
Isn't there a name for people who have sex with multiple partners and demand that others pay for it?

Romney didn't lose votes because of some slut.

She's whoring around somewhere, beggin' for money... it's what Leftists do.

Fucking or sucking her way to the top of the democratic party?

Out begging for free dildos somewhere no doubt... Its a womans human right !

She's a slut, she made it public herself, and she will always be known as a slut the same way Monica Lewinski will always be known for giving blow jobs to Clinton.

Sandy Fluke is the Democrat equivalent of a used condom. The Dems used her...shot their wad....and threw her away. :D
Let that be a lesson to women everywhere.

Sandra sealed her own fate by telling the world she is a slut. Doesn't matter what Rush said, doesn't matter what any of us say. She said it herself when she announced the cost of her birth control. She has been relegated to insignificance by her own words. She'll never be taken seriously and will always be a reference to dirty jokes and she has no one to blame but herself.

Well put. Now they're trying to distance themselves from the slut.

Sucking dick in an ABS.

What's sad is she spends $3,000 a year on rubbers, and still can't get anyone to fuck her.... :eusa_whistle:

(WTG Pothead, you made it!)

Sandra Fluk is demanding people stay out of her bedroom and uterus, then demanding people to pay for her birth control. Typical selfish hypocritical leftist beast.

What da hell's an "ABS"? :dunno:
Absolute slut?
Right? As if there's another kind ... .
There may be, but Fluke is absolute by any standard.

Yet, she defined herself as a slut.

Women like Sandra Fluk are sluts. Ignorant nasty trash leftist sluts.

Sandra Fluk is a lying leftist selfish slut.

Rush never called the slut a slut and certainly not other women. Liberals pushed that lie.
(before he got schooled with video)

The dumbass bitch went before congress bragging a out fucking so much she couldn't afford rubbers or the pill.
That makes her one of two things.
A liar
A self admitted whore
(actually since she said nothing of the kind it makes the poster one of two things -- if not both)

She only wanted to be paid for services rendered......

A woman who says that she literally 'cannot afford enough contraceptives to cover her sexual needs... there's no reality, wherein that is not a down the middle S L U T ... in every possible sense of the word.

We all know she's a slut & with that I'll leave you to rant on in your little protected bubble.
(/runs away)

Illustrative, if predictable. "Slut" this, "whore" that, "sitting on a dick" the other. All personal -- no issues. Don't debate; demonize and destroy. Slander over substance --- says a lot.

But let's all remember (clicks heels together three times) --
"there's no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women..."

Is Sandra the slut your girlfriend or something, Mr. Grassy Knoll? You seem awfully pissed off over people calling a slut a slut. Or maybe you think it's another conspiracy? :lol::lol::lol:
Well let's check in once again on the Cliff's notes for this thread and see where we are on this vital topic. Volume 2, the extended play version:
Sitting on a dick.

I believe she died of syphillis......:(

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

And she wants other people to pay that $3,000, she said.
Isn't there a name for people who have sex with multiple partners and demand that others pay for it?

Romney didn't lose votes because of some slut.

She's whoring around somewhere, beggin' for money... it's what Leftists do.

Fucking or sucking her way to the top of the democratic party?

Out begging for free dildos somewhere no doubt... Its a womans human right !

She's a slut, she made it public herself, and she will always be known as a slut the same way Monica Lewinski will always be known for giving blow jobs to Clinton.

Sandy Fluke is the Democrat equivalent of a used condom. The Dems used her...shot their wad....and threw her away. :D
Let that be a lesson to women everywhere.

Sandra sealed her own fate by telling the world she is a slut. Doesn't matter what Rush said, doesn't matter what any of us say. She said it herself when she announced the cost of her birth control. She has been relegated to insignificance by her own words. She'll never be taken seriously and will always be a reference to dirty jokes and she has no one to blame but herself.

Well put. Now they're trying to distance themselves from the slut.

Sucking dick in an ABS.

What's sad is she spends $3,000 a year on rubbers, and still can't get anyone to fuck her.... :eusa_whistle:

(WTG Pothead, you made it!)

Sandra Fluk is demanding people stay out of her bedroom and uterus, then demanding people to pay for her birth control. Typical selfish hypocritical leftist beast.

What da hell's an "ABS"? :dunno:
Absolute slut?
Right? As if there's another kind ... .
There may be, but Fluke is absolute by any standard.

Yet, she defined herself as a slut.

Women like Sandra Fluk are sluts. Ignorant nasty trash leftist sluts.

Sandra Fluk is a lying leftist selfish slut.

Rush never called the slut a slut and certainly not other women. Liberals pushed that lie.
(before he got schooled with video)

The dumbass bitch went before congress bragging a out fucking so much she couldn't afford rubbers or the pill.
That makes her one of two things.
A liar
A self admitted whore
(actually since she said nothing of the kind it makes the poster one of two things -- if not both)

She only wanted to be paid for services rendered......

A woman who says that she literally 'cannot afford enough contraceptives to cover her sexual needs... there's no reality, wherein that is not a down the middle S L U T ... in every possible sense of the word.

We all know she's a slut & with that I'll leave you to rant on in your little protected bubble.
(/runs away)

Illustrative, if predictable. "Slut" this, "whore" that, "sitting on a dick" the other. All personal -- no issues. Don't debate; demonize and destroy. Slander over substance --- says a lot.

But let's all remember (clicks heels together three times) --
"there's no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women..."

There is no war on women. There is, however, a concerted effort to expose and destroy the false narrative and lies by leftist political operatives like Sandra (slut) Fluk.
Well let's check in once again on the Cliff's notes for this thread and see where we are on this vital topic. Volume 2, the extended play version:
Sitting on a dick.

I believe she died of syphillis......:(

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

And she wants other people to pay that $3,000, she said.
Isn't there a name for people who have sex with multiple partners and demand that others pay for it?

Romney didn't lose votes because of some slut.

She's whoring around somewhere, beggin' for money... it's what Leftists do.

Fucking or sucking her way to the top of the democratic party?

Out begging for free dildos somewhere no doubt... Its a womans human right !

She's a slut, she made it public herself, and she will always be known as a slut the same way Monica Lewinski will always be known for giving blow jobs to Clinton.

Sandy Fluke is the Democrat equivalent of a used condom. The Dems used her...shot their wad....and threw her away. :D
Let that be a lesson to women everywhere.

Sandra sealed her own fate by telling the world she is a slut. Doesn't matter what Rush said, doesn't matter what any of us say. She said it herself when she announced the cost of her birth control. She has been relegated to insignificance by her own words. She'll never be taken seriously and will always be a reference to dirty jokes and she has no one to blame but herself.

Well put. Now they're trying to distance themselves from the slut.

Sucking dick in an ABS.

What's sad is she spends $3,000 a year on rubbers, and still can't get anyone to fuck her.... :eusa_whistle:

(WTG Pothead, you made it!)

Sandra Fluk is demanding people stay out of her bedroom and uterus, then demanding people to pay for her birth control. Typical selfish hypocritical leftist beast.

What da hell's an "ABS"? :dunno:
Absolute slut?
Right? As if there's another kind ... .
There may be, but Fluke is absolute by any standard.

Yet, she defined herself as a slut.

Women like Sandra Fluk are sluts. Ignorant nasty trash leftist sluts.

Sandra Fluk is a lying leftist selfish slut.

Rush never called the slut a slut and certainly not other women. Liberals pushed that lie.
(before he got schooled with video)

The dumbass bitch went before congress bragging a out fucking so much she couldn't afford rubbers or the pill.
That makes her one of two things.
A liar
A self admitted whore
(actually since she said nothing of the kind it makes the poster one of two things -- if not both)

She only wanted to be paid for services rendered......

A woman who says that she literally 'cannot afford enough contraceptives to cover her sexual needs... there's no reality, wherein that is not a down the middle S L U T ... in every possible sense of the word.

We all know she's a slut & with that I'll leave you to rant on in your little protected bubble.
(/runs away)

Illustrative, if predictable. "Slut" this, "whore" that, "sitting on a dick" the other. All personal -- no issues. Don't debate; demonize and destroy. Slander over substance --- says a lot.

But let's all remember (clicks heels together three times) --
"there's no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women..."

Is Sandra the slut your girlfriend or something, Mr. Grassy Knoll? You seem awfully pissed off over people calling a slut a slut. Or maybe you think it's another conspiracy? :lol::lol::lol:

I'm married to Truth. You're hooked up with Slander.
I'm holding. You?
Well let's check in once again on the Cliff's notes for this thread and see where we are on this vital topic. Volume 2, the extended play version:
Sitting on a dick.

I believe she died of syphillis......:(

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

And she wants other people to pay that $3,000, she said.
Isn't there a name for people who have sex with multiple partners and demand that others pay for it?

Romney didn't lose votes because of some slut.

She's whoring around somewhere, beggin' for money... it's what Leftists do.

Fucking or sucking her way to the top of the democratic party?

Out begging for free dildos somewhere no doubt... Its a womans human right !

She's a slut, she made it public herself, and she will always be known as a slut the same way Monica Lewinski will always be known for giving blow jobs to Clinton.

Sandy Fluke is the Democrat equivalent of a used condom. The Dems used her...shot their wad....and threw her away. :D
Let that be a lesson to women everywhere.

Sandra sealed her own fate by telling the world she is a slut. Doesn't matter what Rush said, doesn't matter what any of us say. She said it herself when she announced the cost of her birth control. She has been relegated to insignificance by her own words. She'll never be taken seriously and will always be a reference to dirty jokes and she has no one to blame but herself.

Well put. Now they're trying to distance themselves from the slut.

Sucking dick in an ABS.

What's sad is she spends $3,000 a year on rubbers, and still can't get anyone to fuck her.... :eusa_whistle:

(WTG Pothead, you made it!)

Sandra Fluk is demanding people stay out of her bedroom and uterus, then demanding people to pay for her birth control. Typical selfish hypocritical leftist beast.

What da hell's an "ABS"? :dunno:
Absolute slut?
Right? As if there's another kind ... .
There may be, but Fluke is absolute by any standard.

Yet, she defined herself as a slut.

Women like Sandra Fluk are sluts. Ignorant nasty trash leftist sluts.

Sandra Fluk is a lying leftist selfish slut.

Rush never called the slut a slut and certainly not other women. Liberals pushed that lie.
(before he got schooled with video)

The dumbass bitch went before congress bragging a out fucking so much she couldn't afford rubbers or the pill.
That makes her one of two things.
A liar
A self admitted whore
(actually since she said nothing of the kind it makes the poster one of two things -- if not both)

She only wanted to be paid for services rendered......

A woman who says that she literally 'cannot afford enough contraceptives to cover her sexual needs... there's no reality, wherein that is not a down the middle S L U T ... in every possible sense of the word.

We all know she's a slut & with that I'll leave you to rant on in your little protected bubble.
(/runs away)

Illustrative, if predictable. "Slut" this, "whore" that, "sitting on a dick" the other. All personal -- no issues. Don't debate; demonize and destroy. Slander over substance --- says a lot.

But let's all remember (clicks heels together three times) --
"there's no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women..."

There is no war on women. There is, however, a concerted effort to expose and destroy the false narrative and lies by leftist political operatives like Sandra (slut) Fluk.

The point, if it's not obvious to the sentientially challenged, is that all of these arguments -- every last one -- base themselves on some kind of self-righteous, entirely male, fable of what they expect to dictate should be the sex life of a total stranger they never met, who never even brought up the topic of sex at all.

That this gynophobe group would do so on the basis of a talk radio blowhard making up the whole thing in a desperate play for ratings, as if it was real, and then continue to run with it even after said blowhard has walked it back, speaks volumes about the depth of denialist dumbfuckity. Particulary when they've had two years to go look at a transcript and see that they're obviously in a hole.

So diga me --
What's it feel like to be this degree of stupid? I feel like I'm missing out. :(
Well let's check in once again on the Cliff's notes for this thread and see where we are on this vital topic. Volume 2, the extended play version:
Sitting on a dick.

I believe she died of syphillis......:(

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

And she wants other people to pay that $3,000, she said.
Isn't there a name for people who have sex with multiple partners and demand that others pay for it?

Romney didn't lose votes because of some slut.

She's whoring around somewhere, beggin' for money... it's what Leftists do.

Fucking or sucking her way to the top of the democratic party?

Out begging for free dildos somewhere no doubt... Its a womans human right !

She's a slut, she made it public herself, and she will always be known as a slut the same way Monica Lewinski will always be known for giving blow jobs to Clinton.

Sandy Fluke is the Democrat equivalent of a used condom. The Dems used her...shot their wad....and threw her away. :D
Let that be a lesson to women everywhere.

Sandra sealed her own fate by telling the world she is a slut. Doesn't matter what Rush said, doesn't matter what any of us say. She said it herself when she announced the cost of her birth control. She has been relegated to insignificance by her own words. She'll never be taken seriously and will always be a reference to dirty jokes and she has no one to blame but herself.

Well put. Now they're trying to distance themselves from the slut.

Sucking dick in an ABS.

What's sad is she spends $3,000 a year on rubbers, and still can't get anyone to fuck her.... :eusa_whistle:

(WTG Pothead, you made it!)

Sandra Fluk is demanding people stay out of her bedroom and uterus, then demanding people to pay for her birth control. Typical selfish hypocritical leftist beast.

What da hell's an "ABS"? :dunno:
Absolute slut?
Right? As if there's another kind ... .
There may be, but Fluke is absolute by any standard.

Yet, she defined herself as a slut.

Women like Sandra Fluk are sluts. Ignorant nasty trash leftist sluts.

Sandra Fluk is a lying leftist selfish slut.

Rush never called the slut a slut and certainly not other women. Liberals pushed that lie.
(before he got schooled with video)

The dumbass bitch went before congress bragging a out fucking so much she couldn't afford rubbers or the pill.
That makes her one of two things.
A liar
A self admitted whore
(actually since she said nothing of the kind it makes the poster one of two things -- if not both)

She only wanted to be paid for services rendered......

A woman who says that she literally 'cannot afford enough contraceptives to cover her sexual needs... there's no reality, wherein that is not a down the middle S L U T ... in every possible sense of the word.

We all know she's a slut & with that I'll leave you to rant on in your little protected bubble.
(/runs away)

Illustrative, if predictable. "Slut" this, "whore" that, "sitting on a dick" the other. All personal -- no issues. Don't debate; demonize and destroy. Slander over substance --- says a lot.

But let's all remember (clicks heels together three times) --
"there's no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women..."

Is Sandra the slut your girlfriend or something, Mr. Grassy Knoll? You seem awfully pissed off over people calling a slut a slut. Or maybe you think it's another conspiracy? :lol::lol::lol:

I'm married to Truth. You're hooked up with Slander.
I'm holding. You?
You're married to propaganda, shit stain. And the only thing you're holding is Obama's dick.
Well let's check in once again on the Cliff's notes for this thread and see where we are on this vital topic. Volume 2, the extended play version:
Sitting on a dick.

I believe she died of syphillis......:(

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

And she wants other people to pay that $3,000, she said.
Isn't there a name for people who have sex with multiple partners and demand that others pay for it?

Romney didn't lose votes because of some slut.

She's whoring around somewhere, beggin' for money... it's what Leftists do.

Fucking or sucking her way to the top of the democratic party?

Out begging for free dildos somewhere no doubt... Its a womans human right !

She's a slut, she made it public herself, and she will always be known as a slut the same way Monica Lewinski will always be known for giving blow jobs to Clinton.

Sandy Fluke is the Democrat equivalent of a used condom. The Dems used her...shot their wad....and threw her away. :D
Let that be a lesson to women everywhere.

Sandra sealed her own fate by telling the world she is a slut. Doesn't matter what Rush said, doesn't matter what any of us say. She said it herself when she announced the cost of her birth control. She has been relegated to insignificance by her own words. She'll never be taken seriously and will always be a reference to dirty jokes and she has no one to blame but herself.

Well put. Now they're trying to distance themselves from the slut.

Sucking dick in an ABS.

What's sad is she spends $3,000 a year on rubbers, and still can't get anyone to fuck her.... :eusa_whistle:

(WTG Pothead, you made it!)

Sandra Fluk is demanding people stay out of her bedroom and uterus, then demanding people to pay for her birth control. Typical selfish hypocritical leftist beast.

What da hell's an "ABS"? :dunno:
Absolute slut?
Right? As if there's another kind ... .
There may be, but Fluke is absolute by any standard.

Yet, she defined herself as a slut.

Women like Sandra Fluk are sluts. Ignorant nasty trash leftist sluts.

Sandra Fluk is a lying leftist selfish slut.

Rush never called the slut a slut and certainly not other women. Liberals pushed that lie.
(before he got schooled with video)

The dumbass bitch went before congress bragging a out fucking so much she couldn't afford rubbers or the pill.
That makes her one of two things.
A liar
A self admitted whore
(actually since she said nothing of the kind it makes the poster one of two things -- if not both)

She only wanted to be paid for services rendered......

A woman who says that she literally 'cannot afford enough contraceptives to cover her sexual needs... there's no reality, wherein that is not a down the middle S L U T ... in every possible sense of the word.

We all know she's a slut & with that I'll leave you to rant on in your little protected bubble.
(/runs away)

Illustrative, if predictable. "Slut" this, "whore" that, "sitting on a dick" the other. All personal -- no issues. Don't debate; demonize and destroy. Slander over substance --- says a lot.

But let's all remember (clicks heels together three times) --
"there's no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women..."

Is Sandra the slut your girlfriend or something, Mr. Grassy Knoll? You seem awfully pissed off over people calling a slut a slut. Or maybe you think it's another conspiracy? :lol::lol::lol:

I'm married to Truth. You're hooked up with Slander.
I'm holding. You?
You're married to propaganda, shit stain. And the only thing you're holding is Obama's dick.

Trust me Demographics-boy... the inability of anybody to find anything anywhere about being a slut, or even about sex at all, from Sandra Fluke's testimony isn't "propaganda". It's what the rest of us call "reality".

What that leaves you holding I'm not at all sure.
Seems all the horsecrap about the war on women didn't pan out this last time.

Or did the GOP somehow surpress the women vote too ?

I don't recall Sandra being around towards the end when it became clear to the frontrunners in the democratic party that they were headed for an ass-kicking.

+9 Senate seats later for the GOP and I don't know that I've seen Sandra on any talk shows (of course, haven't seen many).

Is she around doing much visible lately ?

Just wondering. She was such a s^^t stain on the 2012 election.....I can't help but be curious if she decided to brown up the 2014's.

Maybe she'll be Hillary's running mate !!!

I wonder how much you're going to whine when Hillary demolishes the "clown" car in 2016......maybe all Republican/conservatives can move to Russia and help their idol Putin try and put his country together again.........:D
Well let's check in once again on the Cliff's notes for this thread and see where we are on this vital topic. Volume 2, the extended play version:
Sitting on a dick.

I believe she died of syphillis......:(

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

And she wants other people to pay that $3,000, she said.
Isn't there a name for people who have sex with multiple partners and demand that others pay for it?

Romney didn't lose votes because of some slut.

She's whoring around somewhere, beggin' for money... it's what Leftists do.

Fucking or sucking her way to the top of the democratic party?

Out begging for free dildos somewhere no doubt... Its a womans human right !

She's a slut, she made it public herself, and she will always be known as a slut the same way Monica Lewinski will always be known for giving blow jobs to Clinton.

Sandy Fluke is the Democrat equivalent of a used condom. The Dems used her...shot their wad....and threw her away. :D
Let that be a lesson to women everywhere.

Sandra sealed her own fate by telling the world she is a slut. Doesn't matter what Rush said, doesn't matter what any of us say. She said it herself when she announced the cost of her birth control. She has been relegated to insignificance by her own words. She'll never be taken seriously and will always be a reference to dirty jokes and she has no one to blame but herself.

Well put. Now they're trying to distance themselves from the slut.

Sucking dick in an ABS.

What's sad is she spends $3,000 a year on rubbers, and still can't get anyone to fuck her.... :eusa_whistle:

(WTG Pothead, you made it!)

Sandra Fluk is demanding people stay out of her bedroom and uterus, then demanding people to pay for her birth control. Typical selfish hypocritical leftist beast.

What da hell's an "ABS"? :dunno:
Absolute slut?
Right? As if there's another kind ... .
There may be, but Fluke is absolute by any standard.

Yet, she defined herself as a slut.

Women like Sandra Fluk are sluts. Ignorant nasty trash leftist sluts.

Sandra Fluk is a lying leftist selfish slut.

Rush never called the slut a slut and certainly not other women. Liberals pushed that lie.
(before he got schooled with video)

The dumbass bitch went before congress bragging a out fucking so much she couldn't afford rubbers or the pill.
That makes her one of two things.
A liar
A self admitted whore
(actually since she said nothing of the kind it makes the poster one of two things -- if not both)

She only wanted to be paid for services rendered......

A woman who says that she literally 'cannot afford enough contraceptives to cover her sexual needs... there's no reality, wherein that is not a down the middle S L U T ... in every possible sense of the word.

We all know she's a slut & with that I'll leave you to rant on in your little protected bubble.
(/runs away)

Illustrative, if predictable. "Slut" this, "whore" that, "sitting on a dick" the other. All personal -- no issues. Don't debate; demonize and destroy. Slander over substance --- says a lot.

But let's all remember (clicks heels together three times) --
"there's no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women..."

Is Sandra the slut your girlfriend or something, Mr. Grassy Knoll? You seem awfully pissed off over people calling a slut a slut. Or maybe you think it's another conspiracy? :lol::lol::lol:

I'm married to Truth. You're hooked up with Slander.
I'm holding. You?
You're married to propaganda, shit stain. And the only thing you're holding is Obama's dick.

Oooh, conservatives can't hold it together anymore....they go apeshit with their insults pretty quick.....must suck to be part of such a sorry party....Wait till 2016!

Mert is soooooo funny!
Well let's check in once again on the Cliff's notes for this thread and see where we are on this vital topic. Volume 2, the extended play version:
Sitting on a dick.

I believe she died of syphillis......:(

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

And she wants other people to pay that $3,000, she said.
Isn't there a name for people who have sex with multiple partners and demand that others pay for it?

Romney didn't lose votes because of some slut.

She's whoring around somewhere, beggin' for money... it's what Leftists do.

Fucking or sucking her way to the top of the democratic party?

Out begging for free dildos somewhere no doubt... Its a womans human right !

She's a slut, she made it public herself, and she will always be known as a slut the same way Monica Lewinski will always be known for giving blow jobs to Clinton.

Sandy Fluke is the Democrat equivalent of a used condom. The Dems used her...shot their wad....and threw her away. :D
Let that be a lesson to women everywhere.

Sandra sealed her own fate by telling the world she is a slut. Doesn't matter what Rush said, doesn't matter what any of us say. She said it herself when she announced the cost of her birth control. She has been relegated to insignificance by her own words. She'll never be taken seriously and will always be a reference to dirty jokes and she has no one to blame but herself.

Well put. Now they're trying to distance themselves from the slut.

Sucking dick in an ABS.

What's sad is she spends $3,000 a year on rubbers, and still can't get anyone to fuck her.... :eusa_whistle:

(WTG Pothead, you made it!)

Sandra Fluk is demanding people stay out of her bedroom and uterus, then demanding people to pay for her birth control. Typical selfish hypocritical leftist beast.

There may be, but Fluke is absolute by any standard.

Yet, she defined herself as a slut.

Women like Sandra Fluk are sluts. Ignorant nasty trash leftist sluts.

Sandra Fluk is a lying leftist selfish slut.

Rush never called the slut a slut and certainly not other women. Liberals pushed that lie.
(before he got schooled with video)

The dumbass bitch went before congress bragging a out fucking so much she couldn't afford rubbers or the pill.
That makes her one of two things.
A liar
A self admitted whore
(actually since she said nothing of the kind it makes the poster one of two things -- if not both)

She only wanted to be paid for services rendered......

A woman who says that she literally 'cannot afford enough contraceptives to cover her sexual needs... there's no reality, wherein that is not a down the middle S L U T ... in every possible sense of the word.

We all know she's a slut & with that I'll leave you to rant on in your little protected bubble.
(/runs away)

Illustrative, if predictable. "Slut" this, "whore" that, "sitting on a dick" the other. All personal -- no issues. Don't debate; demonize and destroy. Slander over substance --- says a lot.

But let's all remember (clicks heels together three times) --
"there's no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women..."

Is Sandra the slut your girlfriend or something, Mr. Grassy Knoll? You seem awfully pissed off over people calling a slut a slut. Or maybe you think it's another conspiracy? :lol::lol::lol:

I'm married to Truth. You're hooked up with Slander.
I'm holding. You?
You're married to propaganda, shit stain. And the only thing you're holding is Obama's dick.

Oooh, conservatives can't hold it together anymore....they go apeshit with their insults pretty quick.....must suck to be part of such a sorry party....Wait till 2016!

Pure entertainment, innit? Hilarious to watch them melt down when busted on bullshit.
Guess that's kinda why I do it.

Absolutely free, too.
Last edited:
Well let's check in once again on the Cliff's notes for this thread and see where we are on this vital topic. Volume 2, the extended play version:
Sitting on a dick.

I believe she died of syphillis......:(

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

She's busy having sex with multiple partners. That's who she is and that's what she does. Apparently that's ALL she does, if her birth control costs $3,000 a year. Damn, what a slut!

And she wants other people to pay that $3,000, she said.
Isn't there a name for people who have sex with multiple partners and demand that others pay for it?

Romney didn't lose votes because of some slut.

She's whoring around somewhere, beggin' for money... it's what Leftists do.

Fucking or sucking her way to the top of the democratic party?

Out begging for free dildos somewhere no doubt... Its a womans human right !

She's a slut, she made it public herself, and she will always be known as a slut the same way Monica Lewinski will always be known for giving blow jobs to Clinton.

Sandy Fluke is the Democrat equivalent of a used condom. The Dems used her...shot their wad....and threw her away. :D
Let that be a lesson to women everywhere.

Sandra sealed her own fate by telling the world she is a slut. Doesn't matter what Rush said, doesn't matter what any of us say. She said it herself when she announced the cost of her birth control. She has been relegated to insignificance by her own words. She'll never be taken seriously and will always be a reference to dirty jokes and she has no one to blame but herself.

Well put. Now they're trying to distance themselves from the slut.

Sucking dick in an ABS.

What's sad is she spends $3,000 a year on rubbers, and still can't get anyone to fuck her.... :eusa_whistle:

(WTG Pothead, you made it!)

Sandra Fluk is demanding people stay out of her bedroom and uterus, then demanding people to pay for her birth control. Typical selfish hypocritical leftist beast.

There may be, but Fluke is absolute by any standard.

Yet, she defined herself as a slut.

Women like Sandra Fluk are sluts. Ignorant nasty trash leftist sluts.

Sandra Fluk is a lying leftist selfish slut.

Rush never called the slut a slut and certainly not other women. Liberals pushed that lie.
(before he got schooled with video)

The dumbass bitch went before congress bragging a out fucking so much she couldn't afford rubbers or the pill.
That makes her one of two things.
A liar
A self admitted whore
(actually since she said nothing of the kind it makes the poster one of two things -- if not both)

She only wanted to be paid for services rendered......

A woman who says that she literally 'cannot afford enough contraceptives to cover her sexual needs... there's no reality, wherein that is not a down the middle S L U T ... in every possible sense of the word.

We all know she's a slut & with that I'll leave you to rant on in your little protected bubble.
(/runs away)

Illustrative, if predictable. "Slut" this, "whore" that, "sitting on a dick" the other. All personal -- no issues. Don't debate; demonize and destroy. Slander over substance --- says a lot.

But let's all remember (clicks heels together three times) --
"there's no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women..."

Is Sandra the slut your girlfriend or something, Mr. Grassy Knoll? You seem awfully pissed off over people calling a slut a slut. Or maybe you think it's another conspiracy? :lol::lol::lol:

I'm married to Truth. You're hooked up with Slander.
I'm holding. You?
You're married to propaganda, shit stain. And the only thing you're holding is Obama's dick.

Oooh, conservatives can't hold it together anymore....they go apeshit with their insults pretty quick.....must suck to be part of such a sorry party....Wait till 2016!
Do you believe there is life on Uranus?
Well let's check in once again on the Cliff's notes for this thread and see where we are on this vital topic. Volume 2, the extended play version:
(WTG Pothead, you made it!)

(before he got schooled with video)

(actually since she said nothing of the kind it makes the poster one of two things -- if not both)

(/runs away)

Illustrative, if predictable. "Slut" this, "whore" that, "sitting on a dick" the other. All personal -- no issues. Don't debate; demonize and destroy. Slander over substance --- says a lot.

But let's all remember (clicks heels together three times) --
"there's no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women..."

Is Sandra the slut your girlfriend or something, Mr. Grassy Knoll? You seem awfully pissed off over people calling a slut a slut. Or maybe you think it's another conspiracy? :lol::lol::lol:

I'm married to Truth. You're hooked up with Slander.
I'm holding. You?
You're married to propaganda, shit stain. And the only thing you're holding is Obama's dick.

Oooh, conservatives can't hold it together anymore....they go apeshit with their insults pretty quick.....must suck to be part of such a sorry party....Wait till 2016!

Pure entertainment, innit?

Absolutely free, too.

And one for OCDPogo, she needs it after being bitch slapped in the Liz Warren thread!

Well let's check in once again on the Cliff's notes for this thread and see where we are on this vital topic. Volume 2, the extended play version:
(WTG Pothead, you made it!)

(before he got schooled with video)

(actually since she said nothing of the kind it makes the poster one of two things -- if not both)

(/runs away)

Illustrative, if predictable. "Slut" this, "whore" that, "sitting on a dick" the other. All personal -- no issues. Don't debate; demonize and destroy. Slander over substance --- says a lot.

But let's all remember (clicks heels together three times) --
"there's no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women.. no war on women..."

Is Sandra the slut your girlfriend or something, Mr. Grassy Knoll? You seem awfully pissed off over people calling a slut a slut. Or maybe you think it's another conspiracy? :lol::lol::lol:

I'm married to Truth. You're hooked up with Slander.
I'm holding. You?
You're married to propaganda, shit stain. And the only thing you're holding is Obama's dick.

Oooh, conservatives can't hold it together anymore....they go apeshit with their insults pretty quick.....must suck to be part of such a sorry party....Wait till 2016!

Pure entertainment, innit? Hilarious to watch them melt down when busted on bullshit.
Guess that's kinda why I do it.

Absolutely free, too.
It totally is....they must be turning red and about to explode with anger, the way they handle any comment that shows them for the fools they are.

And now, even their idol Putin has fallen from grace......wonder how they're going to handle the disappointment, that the leader they were just fawning over just a short time ago....has led his country into the toilet, like Bush did us.
Is Sandra the slut your girlfriend or something, Mr. Grassy Knoll? You seem awfully pissed off over people calling a slut a slut. Or maybe you think it's another conspiracy? :lol::lol::lol:

I'm married to Truth. You're hooked up with Slander.
I'm holding. You?
You're married to propaganda, shit stain. And the only thing you're holding is Obama's dick.

Oooh, conservatives can't hold it together anymore....they go apeshit with their insults pretty quick.....must suck to be part of such a sorry party....Wait till 2016!

Pure entertainment, innit?

Absolutely free, too.

And one for OCDPogo, she needs it after being bitch slapped in the Liz Warren thread!

The cartoonist.....who can't do anything but draw pictures..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

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